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Is the reverse of multiplication

a. GCF b. Common Factor c. Factoring d. Multiple

2. When a number or a polynomial is rewritten as a product of two or more factors.

a. Factored Form b. Factoring c. GCF d. Multiple

3. Is the largest number that a set of numbers or polynomials have in common.

a. Factored Form c. Factoring
b. Greatest Common Factor d. Common Monomial Factor

4. If each term of a polynomial is divisible by the same monomial, this monomial is referred to as a _____.
a. Common Monomial Factor c. Greatest Common Multiple
b. Factored Form d. Least Common Denominator

5. What is the greatest common monomial factor of 6x 5y4 - 18x3y4 + 24x6y2

a. 6x2y2 b. 6x2y c. 6x2y3 d. 6x3y2

4. The polynomial 9x4 + 27x2y - 63x5y2 can be written in factored form as _____________.
a. 9x2(x2 + 3y - 7x3y2) b. 6x2(x2 + 3y - 7x3y2) c. 9x(x3 + 3xy - 7x4y2) d. 9x2y(x2 + 3 - 7x3y)

5. Which of the following gives a product of 8ax + a + 8bx + b.

a. (8x + a)(b + 1) b. (8x + a)(a + b) c. (8x + 1)(a + b) d. (8a + b)(x + b)

6. Find the product of 2(a + b) - x (a + b)

a. 2a + 2b -ax - bx b. 2a + 2b -ax - bx c. d.

7. The area of a blackboard is (6x2 - 15xy - 4xz + 10yz)m2. Find the posible expressions for its dimensions.
a. (2x - 5y)m by (3x - 2z)m c.
b. d.

8. If two numbers have a sum of 9, then what polynomial represents their product?
a. 9x + x2 b. 9x - x2 c. (x - 3(x - 6) d. (x - 3(x - 6)

9. The area of a principal's office is x 2 + 3x sq.ft. Write a polynomial that represent its dimension.
a. b. c. x(x + 3) d.

10. The length of a classroom is 3 less than twice its width. Find the area.
a. b. c. d. 2x2 - 3x

Competency: 1.2 Factors completely polynomials which is a difference of two

squares, using special formulas, grouping and other techniques. Code: M8AL-Ia-b-1
2. Solves problems involving factors of polynomials.
1. The product of the sum and difference of two numbers is called ________.
a. c.
b. d. Difference of two squares.

2. The factors of the difference of two squares are _______

a. c. Sum and difference of two numbers
b. d.
3. Find the factors of 4x6y2 - 36
a. (2x3y + 6)(2x3y - 6) b. (2x3y - 6)(2x3y - 6) c. (2x3y + 6)(2x3y + 6) d.

4. Factor 18x3 - 72xy2 completely

a. 2x(3x + 6y)(3x - 6y) b. 18x(x + 2y)(x - 2y) c. d.

5. The polynomial y2 - x2 - 4x + 4y can be written in factored form as ___________.

a. b. c. d. (y - x)(y + x + 4)

6. Find the area of the shaded region. Express it in factored form.

b. 8(x - 1)(x - 3) sq.units

3x - 5
c. x


d. 1

3x - 5

Competency: 1.3 Factors completely polynomials which is sum and difference of

two cubes, using special formulas, grouping and other techniques. Code: M8AL-Ia-b-1
2. Solves problems involving factors of polynomials.
1. The binomial x3 + y3 and x3 - y3 are called ________.
a. Sum and difference of two cubes c.
b. d.

2. The expression m6 - n6 is equal to (m2)3 - ____.

a. (n2)3 b. c. d.

3. What is the product of (x - 5)(x2 + 5x + 25)

a. b. x3 - 125 c. d.

4. Write a3 + 64 in factored form.

a. (a + 4)(a2 - 4a + 16) b. c. d.

5. The complete factored form of the expression x9 - 1 is _____

a. b. c. d. (x3 - 1)(x6 + x3 + 1)

Competency: 1.4 Factors completely polynomials which is perfect square trinomial,

using special formulas, grouping and other techniques. Code: M8AL-Ia-b-1
2. Solves problems involving factors of polynomials.
1. The result of a square of a binomial is _______.
a. c. Perfect Square Trinomial
b. d.

2. Factoring perfect square trinomial, the result is __________.

a. Square of a binomial c.
b. d.

3. Which of the following is a perfect square trinomial.

a. 4x2 - 6x + 9 b. 4x2 - 6x - 9 c. 4x2 + 12xy + 9y2 d. 4x2 - 12xy - 9y2

4. Factor x2 + 14x + 49
a. (x - 7)2 b. (x + 7)2 c. (x - 14)2 d. (x + 14)2

5. Which of the following is the factored form of 64 - 48xy + 9x 2y2

a. (8 - 3xy)2 b. (8 + 3xy)3 c. 8x - 3y)2 d. 8x + 3y)3

6. The polynomial 48x3 - 24x2y + 3xy2 can be written in factored form as _______.
a. b. c. d. 3x(4x - y)2

7. Find the value of k to make 9x2 + kxy + 25y2 a perfect square trinomial.
a. 30 b. 15 c. 3 d. 25

8. The value of k in the perfect square trinomial 25 + 10ax + k is ______.

a. b. c. a2x2 d.

9. Complete the expression 36m2 + 60mn + ___ to form a perfect square trinomial.
a. b. 25 c. d.

10. The side of the square is (3x - 4y)cm. What is its area
a. 9x2 -24xy + 16y2 b. c. d.

11. The area of a square is x2 + 6x + 9 square units. Which expression represents the length of the side
a. b. c. d. (x + 3)units

Competency: 1.5 Factors completely polynomials which is quadratic trinomials, using

Code: M8AL-Ia-b-1
special formulas, grouping and other techniques.
2. Solves problems involving factors of polynomials.
1. Which of the following gives a product of x2 + 5x + 6
a. b. c. (x + 3)(x + 2) d.

2. The product of (x - 5)(x + 3) is ______.

a. x2 -2x -15 b. c. d.

3. Find two numbers whose sum is -4 and the product is -32.

a. b. -8 and 4 c. d.

4. Find the value of k which x2 + kx + 32 can be factored.

a. 12 b. c. d.

5. Which of the following is the correct factorization of 8 - 6x + x 2

a. (4 - x)(2 - x) b. (x - 4)(x - 2) c. d.

6. Find the positive integral values of k for which the trinomial q 2 - kq - 27 can be factored.
a. b. c. 6, and 28 d. -6
7. Find two negative values of k that will make x 2 - 5x + k factorable.
a. b. c. d. -6 and -14

8. Factor completely 5b8 + 3b4 - 14.

a. (5b4 - 7)(b4 + 2) b. c. d.

9. Find the factor of 3d2 - 7d + 4

a. b. (3d - 4)(d - 1) c. d.

10. The length of a rectangle is (3x - 7)cm and its width is (4x + 5)cm find its area.
a. 12x2 + 13x - 2 b. 12x2 - 43x - 35 c. 12x2 - 13x - 35 d. 12x2 + 43x - 2

11. Which of the following give a product of 8x3 + 20x2 + 8x.

a. 4x(2x + 1)(x + 2) b. c. d.

Competency: 3. Illustrate Rational Algebraic Expression Code: M8AL-Ic-1

1. Is an expression that ca be written in the form where P and Q are polynomials, and Q ≠ 0.
a. Rational Algebraic Expression c.
b. d.

2. Which of the following expression is rational.

a. b. c. d.

3. Find the value of x that makes the expression undefined.

a. b. c. d.

Competency: 4. Simplifies Rational Algebraic Expression. Code: M8AL-Ic-2

1. Evaluate (2𝑑+3 when c = 6 and d = 2
a. b. c. d. /

2. What value of x that makes the given expression (𝑦+ undefined.
a. 6 b. c. d.

3. Which of the following is the equivalent of
a. b. c. -1 d.

4. Simplify 25)/

a. b. y + 5 c. d.

5. Reduce (18𝑥^2−12to its lowest term


a. 2)/2 b. c. d. m - n

6. The length of a rectangle is (4 - m 2)cm. What is the width if its area is 4m - 4n - m 3 + m2n

a. b. c. m - n d.

Competency: 5. Performs Operations on Rational Algebraic Expression.

Code: M8AL-Ic-d-1
(Multiplication and Division) (9𝑎^2
1. Determine which of the following is the equivalent of 𝑛^3 )∗(2 〖𝑚𝑛〗
^2)/(3𝑎^2 𝑏^4
) 3/
a. b. c. (2𝑏^3 d.

2. Find the product of (𝑥^2−𝑦^2 ) 𝑎𝑛𝑑
a. b. (𝑥−2𝑦 c. d.

3. Multiply (𝑥^2−3𝑥)
a. b. c. d. /

5)/ (𝑛+
4. Divide (𝑛^2+5 by 5)/𝑛
a. (𝑛+5 b. c. d.
5. Perform (3𝑣^2+12)÷(𝑣+3)/

a. b. (𝑣− c. d.

Competency: 5. Performs Operations on Rational Algebraic Expression.

Code: M8AL-Ic-d-1
(Addition and Subtraction)
1. Which of the following is the equivalent expressions of 10𝑏𝑐 with their LCD as denominator.
a. b. c. 20𝑎𝑏𝑐,6𝑎/ d.

5/(2𝑒^2 )
2. Simplify −15/4𝑒

a. )/ b. c. d.
(4𝑒^2 )

3. Find the sum of 𝑎𝑛𝑑 7/(𝑥+3)
a. b. c. d. (𝑥+3
4. Add 𝑥,𝑎𝑛𝑑
7/(6𝑥^2 )
a. b. (12𝑥^2 c. d.


a. b. c. d.

Competency: 6. Solve problems involving rational algebraic expression. Code: M8AL-Id-2


a. b. c. d.


a. b. c. d.


a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.


a. b. c. d.

Competency: 6. Solve problems involving rational algebraic expression. Code: M8AL-Id-2

a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.

Competency: 7. Illustrate the rectangular coordinate system and its uses. Code: M8AL-Ie-1

1. The point of intersection of the two axis in the coordinate system is called ______.
a. Origin b. c. d.

2. The horizontal line in the coordinate system is called _____.

a. b. c. d. x - axes

3. The vertical line in the coordinate system is called _____.

a. b. y - axes c. d.

4. Every point in the plane can be describe in terms of an _____.

a. b. c. Ordered pairs d.

5. The values of x and y are also known as ______.

a. b. Coordinates c. d.

6. The two axes divide the plane into __________.

a. Four Quadrants b. c. d.

7. The x axis are often called _____.

a. b. c. Axis of Abscissa d.
8. The y axis are often called _____.
a. b. c. d. Axis of Ordinate

9. In which quadrants that point (7, -3) is located?

a. Second Quadrants b. c. d.

10. In which quadrants that point (5, 5) is located?

a. b. First Quadrants c. d.

11. In which quadrants that point (-6, 3) is located?

a. b. c. d. Third Quadrants

Competency: 8. Illustrates linear Equation in two variables. Code: M8AL-Ie-3

1. Which of the following is not a linear equation intwo variables.

a. y = 4x + 9 b. 5x = 10 + 3y c. 3x2 - y = 9 d. 2x = 5 + y

2. Is an equation that can be written in the standard form Ax + By = C

a. Linear equation in two variables c.
b. d.

3. Are ordered pairs that make the equation true.

a. b. Solution c. d.

4. Is a set of two well-ordered real numbers called coordinates.

a. b. c. d. Ordered pairs

5. Which of the following linear equations in two variables is written in standard form.
a. 5x = 30 - 3y b. 2x + y = 13 c. 3x - 4y = 8 - 4x d. y = 3x + 2

Competency: 9. Illustrates the slope of a line. Code: M8AL-Ie-4

1. Describe the graph in the equation

a. Rises to the right b. Falls to the right c. The graph is horizontal d. The graph is vertical

2. Describe the graph in the equation

a. Rises to the right b. Falls to the right c. The graph is horizontal d. The graph is vertical

Competency: 10. Finds the slope of the line given two points, equation and graph. Code: M8AL-Ie-5

1. In the equation , the slope is ______.

a. b. c. d.

2. Find the slope of

a. b. c. d.

3. Given the equation , what is the slope?

a. b. c. d.
4. The slope of the line 6x - 5y + 30 = 0 is
a. b. c. d.

5. Determine the slope given the equation y = -3x + 7

a. b. c. d.

6. Find the slope that passes through ( -8, -1) and (-2, 2)
a. b. c. d.

7. Solve for the slope given the points (3, 4) and (8, -1)
a. b. c. d.

8. Find the slope given the graph

a. b. c. d.

Competency: 11.Write the linear equation ax + by + c in the form y = mx + b and

Code: M8AL-If-1
vice versa.
1. Transform the equation into the form y = mx + b.
a. b. c. d.

2. Write the equation in standard form.

a. b. c. d.

3. Which of the following is equivalent to the equation

a. b. c. d.

4. Transform into standard form.

a. b. c. d.

5. Write the equation into the form y = mx + b.

a. b. c. d.

Competency: 12. Graph a linear equation given a) any two points;

Code: M8AL-If-2
b) The x and y-intercepts; c) the slope and a point on the line.
a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.
Republic of the Philippines
Regional Office no. VII

Subject: Mathematics GradeLevel: 8 Section: Ipil Ipil and Acacia Quarter: 1st
Number of Behavioral Skills
Competency Percentage Total
Hours Remembering Understanding Analysing Evaluating Creating
1 Understand completely the important terms of factoring 1 5% 1, 2, 3, 4 29 5
2 Factors completely different types of polynomials with

a. Common Monomial Factor 1 5% 5, 8 6, 16, 17, 25 33 7

b. Difference of Two Squares 1 5% 13 10, 32 18 4
c. Sum and Difference of Two Cubes 1 5% 14, 19 21 15, 20 5
d. Perfect Square Trinomial 1 5% 22, 23 24, 27 26 5
e. General Trinomial 1 5% 28 7, 31 30 4
3 Solves problems involving factors of polynomials. 2 10% 11 12, 19 3
4 Illustrate rational algebraic expression 1 5% 34 35 2
5 Simplifies rational algebraic expression. 2 10% 36, 37 38, 42 4
6 Performs operations on rational algebraic expression. 5 25% 40, 41 39 3
7 Solve problems involving rational algebraic expression. 2 10% 43, 44 2
8 Illustrate the rectangular coordinate system and its uses. 1 5% 45, 46, 47, 48 4
9 Illustrates linear Equation in two variables. 1 5% 50 49 2

Total 20 100% 50
Prepared by: Checked by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:
Leofren W. Galias, SST-1 Thelma G. Salazar, MT-1 Clarinda C. Baluyot, HT-II Cristina M. Giray, SSP-1
Subject Teacher Subject Coordinator Department Head Principal

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