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Elizabeth Boyer

Christianity and Culture Dialogue

Robert Fritzky
28 March 2021

Charles Darwin believed that we would work toward and create a greater political economy and
social unity. Being so involved in the current events of society and knowing about everything that is
going on around me, I would have to strongly disagree. I believe that although we have come far in the
terms of official rights that each individual has, we have not advanced far enough as a society in the
beliefs of how everyone should be treated. The inequality that some people still show to individuals who
are of a different race than white is unacceptable. I will never be able to understand how someone can
discriminate against someone due to the color of their skin and their ethnicity. White supremacy is
something that allows for the continuation of the discrimination of certain people. Although generally in
society, white supremacy is looked down upon and disregarded, our last president was not able to
condemn white supremacy on multiple occasions, and instead supported some of the white supremacy
organizations. This action showed the true character of Donald Trump and how he took our country
backwards while in office. Being unable to condemn white supremacy as the leader of our country
allows for continuation of discrimination. This basically states Trump think racism is fine and does not
feel the need to say it is wrong. While he had continuously already showed this throughout his
presidency, this action was unacceptable, and it is a very good thing that he did not get reelected.
Because of this action, the people then that supported Trump found a way to continue their racist
actions because our president agreed with them. Therefore, although our country has come so far in the
past, progress has been halted and even taken back after this presidency. The Black Lives Matter
movement has brought lots of light to the issue and continues to try to get justice for many issues daily.
Most of these issues deal with police brutality which is one of the largest issues the Black Lives Matter
movement is trying to fix. Many of these tragedies involve a black person or person of any minority that
was murdered or assaulted by a police officer in a violent matter. The police officer is often let off with
no charges, which is something that needs to change. This is an area where justice needs to be served,
especially in cases where the victim is brutally murdered by an excessive amount of gun shot wounds or
violence. Recently, there has been an increase in violence against Asian Americans mainly by citizens of
our country. The increase has been due to the idea that Corona Virus was brought by the Chinese and
also influence by Donald Trump originally calling it the “Chinese Virus”. This nickname was absolutely
unprofessional and incorrect and caused for more problems than it helped. The whole Asian community
is now being affected by this and being hurt for no reason other than discrimination. Justice needs to be
properly served in these situations because there is no reason for innocent people to be injured and
suffer. Also, the whole community is in fear of something happening to them which and fear is not
something people should have to live with. The awful events have brought light to the Stop Asian Hate
movement which is now trending as well. While the events are terrible, they did help bring light to a
movement that deserves the attention it is getting. Although violence against the Asian community has
increased more recently, it has always existed. Things like small racist jokes to physical violence have
been happening to targeted people that are members of the Asian community. The small insensitive
joes are still quite offensive and something that also need to stop. In the end both the Black Lives Matter
movement and the Stop Asian Hate movement are helping to bring justice for the people who need it
and also are allowing us to movement forward to create social unity like Charles Darwin had suggested.

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