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Student Response and Assessment Tools

This is the template for the SRATs lesson idea.

Use the italicized text to guide your responses.
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Lesson Title Asymptote and Roots in graphs
Content Area Analyzing rational equation’s graphs.

Content Standards MGSE9-12.F.IF.7d Graph rational functions, identifying zeros and

asymptotes when suitable factorizations are available, and showing
end behavior..
Technology Standards 1.5c- Students break problems into component parts, extract key information,
and develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate

Integrated Tool

Pacing Teacher paced
Hardware Used Phones or computers

Bloom’s Taxonomy Remembering, Understanding,

Integration Level Level 1: Awareness or Level 2: Exploration,

Universal Design Students will be in groups and there will be graphs and equations for looking
Rationale a roots and asymptotes students can use calculators
Lesson Idea - Prior Build the Kahoot based on notes/ practice for the unit and post that link for
SRAT Purpose Describe the purpose of the SRAT activity (list all that apply):
Assess prior knowledge, to illuminate common misconceptions, Formative
assessment of content knowledge (for purpose of differentiation and mastery
for ALL students), Test preparation, Survey/Poll,
Question Types Multiple Choice; Multiple Select; True/False;

Lesson Idea - During Students will get out their devices and wait for the questions to show up an
answer with their notes, paper, and calculator (if needed). Teachers will
monitor students work and pace the question and describing why the answers
were correct or not and give feedback based on results on each question.
Lesson Idea - After Summary of what we know, and the common errors showed and prep for
summative upcoming
Data Plan I plan on using this data to give feedback for students to prep for a test
upcoming so I can know what we are missing and if I need to go over a main
Idea in the unit
Personal Learning I hope to use this to know where my students are at in the unit, and I hope
Goals students will see individually what they need to work on.

Design Reflection I think this is a good reflection assignment for the students but I definitely
want to have the students have more prep time and maybe use this after they
find answer to this and then use the Kahoot as a recording of the answers so
maybe the task be a deeper Blooms level

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