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F1: second flight phase 1.

(this comment of the author) The day after the exam was over, she came
out of the exam school. Looking back at the time, it was still early, so I went to the staff cafeteria to
have lunch. Carrying the tray to find an empty place, just had two dinners, feeling someone walking
towards her. Nguyen Tu Nhan took the lead, seeing that he was a basic acquaintance, so he took his
seat at the dining table. Unexpectedly, the other institution saw that the person sitting was Nguyen Tu
Nhan, immediately smiled and said: "Tieu Nguyen, good lesson! Hey, there are bones here, why
didn't I find out? I back to view window. " Maybe he went to the window of the Siberian cafeteria
and folded his spines, and didn't come back. Nguyen Tu Nhan, after a post-mortem, regained his
spirit. During this time, her status in the company was —— Heaven's Mountain Duke is absolutely
stunning, omnipotent and eloquently annihilated. (first)

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