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Main Task

A. Choose the letter of correct option form a given set of choices. Write only the letter of correct
answer on the space provided before

_______ 1. Ms. Sy administered the Chemistry test to a group of students. The result of the test is
correlated with an acceptable Chemistry test which has been previously proven as valid.
Ms. Sy is establishing _______________
a. Concurrent validity c. Content validity
b. Predictive validity d. Construct validity

_______ 2. What type of validity does the Pre-Board Exam possesses if its results can explain how the
students will likely perform in their actual Board Exam?
a. Concurrent c. Construct
b. Predictive d. Content

_______ 3. Teacher Bea Bunana makes her tests easy for students to understand, easy to administer
and score and suitable to test conditions, e.g. time. What is she achieving for her tests?
a. Efficiency c. Reliability
b. Usability d. Validity

_______ 4. Mrs. Park wants to establish the reliability of her achievement test in English. Which of the
following activities will help achieve her purpose?

a. Administer two parallel tests to different groups of students

b. Administer two equivalent tests to the same group of students
c. Administer a single test but two different groups of students
d. Administer two different tests but to the same group of students.

_______ 5. Mrs. Dumond uses familiar assessments that are not too time-consuming. Which
assessment criteria is she observing?
a. Fairness c. Reliability
b. Practicality and efficiency d. Validity

_______ 6. Face validity is being established by examining the __________.
a. Result of the test c. Physical appearance of the test
b. Objective of the test d. None of the above

_______ 7. Which of the following is applicable if the test constructor wanted to establish the validity of
an aptitude test?
a. Content validity c. Concurrent validity
b. Construct validity d. Face validity

_______ 8. Mr. Park asked other Social Studies teachers in his high school to review his periodical
test to ensure that the test items represent his learning targets. Which type of evidence on
validity did he use?
a. Construct related c. Criterion related
b. Content related d. Instructional related
_______ 9. Mrs. Ryu would like to give an inquiry – based research activity that would allow students
to undertake a historical inquiry of personalities, events, or issues in history. She looked
into the strengths and limitations of this assessment strategy and how she will grade and
judge the process and final product. Which factor of practicality is she considering?
a. Cost c. Familiarity with the method
b. Ease of scoring and interpretation d. Time required

_______ 10. Selected response types like multiple choice test can be a good choice of assessment for
what reason?
a. Efficient to administer and score c. Easy to prepare
b. Can assess the learner’s ability to construct d. Not biased

B. Answer the following. Consider the criteria below:

1. Discuss the different principles of high-quality assessment.

a) Clarity of Learning Targets - Basically, this indicator means that the teacher effectively
focuses students' attention toward the learning objectives and/or the purpose of the
b) Appropriateness of Assessment Methods – An appropriate assessment method when the
objectives are: to the students' stock knowledge; and. to determine the student's
ability to communicate ideas in a coherent verbal sentence.
c) Validity – The validity of an assessment tool is the extent to which it measures what it
was designed to measure, without contamination from other characteristics. For
example, a test of reading comprehension should not require mathematical ability.
d) Reliability - refers to whether an assessment instrument gives the same results each
time it is used in the same setting with the same type of subjects. Reliability
essentially means consistent or dependable results. Reliability is a part of the
assessment of validity.
e) Fairness - Refers to the consideration of learner's needs and characteristics, and any
reasonable adjustments that need to be applied to take account of them.
f) Positive consequences - A means by which teachers increase the probability that a
desired behavior will occur in the future; often referred to as reinforcer.
g) Practicality and efficiency - Teachers need to be familiar with the assessment. Know the
strengths and limitation therefore they can properly interpret students' responses. 
h) Ethics - the processes of assessment should be fair and transparent, and must not
discriminate according to gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion or belief,
age, class or disability.
2. Among the principles of high-quality assessment, which do you need to put a lot of
consideration to? Elaborate your answer
I am going to put emphasis in fairness. I encounter it myself when I was in Junior High
School. There are some teachers who makes favorable score and grades to those students
who is close to them or a family of a student whom they have debt on.

So as a future educator, I am going to evaluate fair in my student regardless of the status of

their life.

Criteria Description Point

The single controlling point made with an awareness of task about
Focus 4
specific topic
The presence of ideas developed through facts, examples,
Content anecdotes, details, opinions, statistics, reasons and / or 4
The order developed and sustained with and across paragraphs
Organization using transitional devices and including introduction and 4
The choice, use and arrangement of words and sentence
Style 4
structures that create tone and voice
Conventions Grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage and sentence formation 4
Total Points 20

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