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a pair of horse hairs as oars.
across a plate of water using
could row the walnut shell happily
rose-petal coverlet. She lived
bed was a walnut shell with a and
Thumbelina. Thumbelina's married
dearly and called her got
thumb. The woman loved her fell in love and
tiny girl, no bigger than a and Thumbelina
Inside the bud there was a Soon the Prince
plant grew and flowered. to our land".
planted it in a flowerpot. The of them. — Welcome
what happened when she Spirits, — said one
a seed and told her to watch Prince of the Flower
old witch. The witch gave her size came from the palace. "I am the
greenery. Little people of her own
she asked for help from an
magnificent marble palace covered in
So desperate she was that
blue sea to the south. Thumbelina saw
woman who longed for a child.
back and he carried her over deep
Once upon a time there was a
Thumbelina climbed on the swallow's


One night Thumbelina was asleep in her walnut shell. One day when a field-mouse found Thumbelina and invited her into her warm, little
Suddenly a hideous old toad came through the house. Thumbelina was grateful to the little mouse and spent many hours telling her
open window. "What a pretty young girl. She would stories. The old blind mole used to listen
make a lovely bride for my on", — the toad thought. He too and, before long, he fell in love with
picked the walnut shell and hopped away. Thumbelina. He dug her a tunnel
Thumbelina awoke and found herself lying so that she could walk safely
on a leaf of a water lily in the middle of underground. One day Thumbelina
a pond. The toad told her she was to marry found a swallow just inside the
his son. The girl was horrified and burst entrance. The mole thought he
into tears. A butterfly heard her sobs and was dead but Thumbelina
helped her to tow the leaf to the bank. nursed him until he could fly

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Thumbelina thanked her but suddenly away to the south. Soon the
a large beetle flew down. He picked the mole asked her to marry him.

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girl up and carried her high into a tree. But Thumbelina did not want to
He thought she was beautiful and gave live underground. Just before
her a sweet flower to eat. However the wedding Thumbelina went into
other beetles thought that Thumbelina sunshine for the last time.
was ugly. "How strange, — one of t Suddenly she saw her swallow
hem said, — she has only two legs!" swooping above her. "Come with
The beetle decided to let Thumbelina go me to the south!", — he said.
and carried her to the ground.

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