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"I'm afraid it's time for me to depart or at least I'm getting the premonition it's going to

happen. O! But do cry, before the tide ebbs. I'm well aware that your longing for me will be
encrypted in your heart forever and I too am reluctant to leave you behind. But I've got no
choice, no choice (echos) no…". Splash! A blob of warm toned colours, small detailed scales
and delicate translucent fins, appears from beneath the water lily and lands on the grass with
a thud. A small fish, almost the size of a pinky finger lay there struggling as the unfamiliar
environment and lack of water made it worse.
Sandra picked it up gently with one hand, while wiping the tears trailing down her cheek with
another. She moved her hand closer to the lake to let the little fella go. It stayed motionless
for a while, with Sandra hopelessly staring at it, when it giggled to submerge into water and
swam off. Sandra smiled faintly, although it soon withered away to match the tears that
sparked as diamonds in the Ray of sunlight striking through the canopy of trees which
surrounded the lake.
Although the countryside of Avalor was mainly tranquil, Sandra showed no avidity to be
around people anymore. She always sat by the lake crestfallen, her past nudging and
bothering her every second knowing it wasn't a triviality at all.
Her father died before her birth, followed by her mom who passed away two months ago.
She had a close bond with her friend and neighbour Easton, but he too disappeared not so
long ago. She was still young, a maiden of 19, who always tended to help those in need and
showed kindness to every being, which didn't quite explain why she had come to such a
miserable and melancholy state in her life.
She sat under the huge willow tree in her usual attire, a terracotta tunic with a satin bow,
thinking about what destiny had in store for her. When she spotted a peculiar trinket, half
sunken, at the edge of the lake. She thought it was of no significance at first, but its
glimmering surface and delicately carved lettering intrigued her. She picked it up as her eyes
widened, the gold lay flimsily on her palm, reflecting the light to complement her blue eyes.
"I…I.. it's the ticket to Floravia". She spoke to herself lightly in disbelief. Her brain sparked a
flashback to the time when she was having a conversation with Easton. "O really? Where do
you dream to go?"He asked. "I wish to go to floravia, my only escape from all these
miseries" she replied. "Well that's great, if you get a chance, don't leave me behind ok?"
(They laugh)*. The vision fades bringing into view a sad Sandra, but this time the expression
on her face is different. Through a cover of sorrow, gleamed determination. A passion to
pursue her dreams. It was the moment she realised that longing for someone is alright, but
we can't really disappear with them. People come and go but life doesn't stop. It's up to us to
choose between moving on or staying in the past reminiscing their memories.
All her life she waited for her dreams to come true but it wasn't the time to just sit there. She
immediately packed and set off to the outskirts of Avalor to find a coach to Floravia. Waiting
to reach her destiny seemed like a century but it was surprising for her to have found that
she gained courage and confidence.
After much patience, she finally reached a land with flabbergasted yet ravishing blossom
forests and stary water bodies. She walked in on the emerald path looking up into the sky
and took a deep breath. She floated along with the blossom petals enjoying the essence
when she came to a bench under a blossom tree, laden in pink petals. Among the petals, sat
a person with blond hair reading a book, and nothing seemed to be interrupting him. But
when he caught a glimpse of Sandra's shoes, he looked up. Their blue eyes met as the
words escaped his lips "S…Sandra?" "Easton is that you?". They stood motionless for a
while, with Sandra reconciling and Eastin trying to make sense of if this was a hallucination
or not. Upon realising the terms of reality, they smile and hug on the happy reunion. She
gets to know how Easton was found unconscious after his house burnt down due to a forest
fire in Avalor. He was brought to Floravia for treatment but since he got better, he's been
finding a way to contact her. "It's great to see you again, I've missed you, but I'm sorry I left
you in the dark, it was just-" "it's alright, as long as we are together, nothing else matters".

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