Time: 1 HR PM: 10: Up When I Behold'

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SCHOOL +2 Science Programme CLASS: XI Weekly Test (2066 / 05 / 5) SUB: ENGLISH Set A
TIME: 1 Hr

******** ARNIKO H. S. SCHOOL +2 Science Programme CLASS: XI Weekly Test (2066 / 05 / 5) SUB: ENGLISH Set B TIME: 1 Hr 1. Add a decision to these remarks. [5] a) Im fed up with my job b) Im a bit tired tonight c) Hes a terrible driver . d) I mustnt be late .. e) Were a bit short of food .. 2. Rewrite the following sentences supplying appropriate prepositions in the gaps. [5] a) The prisoner jumped _____ the window, ran ___ the street, and jumped _____ a car that was waiting for him on the other side. b) His bullet whistled _____ my ear, so I shot him right ____ the eyes. c) When the bull began to run _____ me, I jumped ____ the fence ___ the next field. d) They couldnt get ____ the high wall, so they dug a tunnel _____ it.
3. Describe 4. Describe

FM: 25
PM: 10

Write a sentence about the intentions of the people below. [5] a) Roger has decided that he doesnt earn enough money. b) Wendy has decided that its not safe to keep her money under her mattress. c) Alex has taken all of his money out of his bank account. d) James and Caroline have decided that their marriage isnt going too well. e) Robert has bought an old house which is in a terrible condition. Rewrite the following sentences supplying appropriate prepositions in the gaps. [5] a) She ran _____ the corridor, and _____ the stairs ____ the basement. b) Looking _____ the microscope, she saw the two cells separate and move slowly _____ each other. c) He took two books ____ the shelf. He put one of them ___ the table, and the other one ____ his briefcase. d) He came ____ her, and put his arm ____ her waist.

FM: 25 PM: 10


your classroom in a paragraph.


3. Describe your classroom in a paragraph. [5]


What are Barbara Hollands opinions about single and multiple children? [Speaking of Children] [10]

the central idea of the poem My Heart Leaps up When I Behold [10]


4. What are Barbara Hollands opinions about single and

multiple children? [Speaking of children]



ARNIKO H. S. SCHOOL +2 Science Programme CLASS: XI Weekly Test (2066 / 05 / 5) SUB: ENGLISH Set A (Pascal)
TIME: 1 Hr

FM: 25

ARNIKO H. S. SCHOOL +2 Science Programme CLASS: XI Weekly Test (2066 / 05 / 5) Set B (Pascal)

FM: 25 PM: 10

1. Write a sentence about the intentions of the people

below. [5] a) Roger has decided that he doesnt earn enough money. b) Wendy has decided that its not safe to keep her money under her mattress. c) Alex has taken all of his money out of his bank account. d) James and Caroline have decided that their marriage isnt going too well. e) Robert has bought an old house which is in a terrible condition.
2. Answer them in one sentence


Add a decision to these remarks. [5] a. Im fed up with my job b. Im a bit tired tonight c. Hes a terrible driver . d. I mustnt be late .. e. Were a bit short of food .. Answer them in one sentence. [5]




i. What can you have done at a garage? ii. What can you have done at a dry cleaners? ii. What can you have done at an opticians? i. Write two places where you can stay for a few nights? ii. Write two places where you can take your children for a day out.

a) i. What can you have done at a hairdressers? ii. What can you have done at a photographers? iii What can you have done at a dentists? b) i. Write two places where you can follow your cultural interests. ii. Write two places where you can have fresh air and exercise. 3. Describe your classroom in a paragraph. [5]



Describe your classroom in a paragraph.



Describe the central idea of the poem My Heart Leaps up When I Behold [10]


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