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Assume that you are an education advocacy leader who has been invited as a resource speaker in

a congressional hearing that will discuss the amount of funding to be given to primary education.


Good morning guys, I'm Sean Harvey Hallares, from CGHC senior high school student grade 12
section lithium.

Abakada, these are the Filipino alphabets that we learn in the span of the first six years
of studying, but how come some children did not have any idea about the alphabet?
how will you react? will judge or help them? According to the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights of the United Nations, Article 26 section 1. "Everyone has the right to
education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages.
Elementary education shall be compulsory". Only half of the children 3 to 4 years old
are enrolled in daycare and only 78 percent complete basic education. The number of
children that are out of school has reached 2.8 million. The huge population of children
who are out of school and being off the streets, growing without feeding their minds of
knowledge and words of wisdom will just bring chaos to the future of the generation.
Primary education is a stepping stone for children to make their dreams do come
through. At this stage, we learn how to read and write which is essential for our daily
lives. This stage is an important part of the education life of a student because it is the
basic and the first step in molding a child's character. The role of primary education is to
have the basic learning of a child in different aspects such as the development of having
a communication with others or the socialization, and also, cultural, emotional, and even
physical skills. Since it is the basic step in a child's education, it is necessary to undergo
this process because education should have a foundation for them to grow in both
pieces of knowledge and in different skills. So, as we grow older on the road of
education, what we have learned in primary education will help us to write our name to
have an identity, to read our rights, be able to understand what is written and able to
correct them, and be able to fight for the human's right. Also in Article 26 section 2 of
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nation, "Education shall be
directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of
respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding,
tolerance, and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further
the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace". It is stated that
Education will bring a full development of humanity as a whole being that will, later on,
result in a change for the community to be better. Education is for everyone that has
should be given without any reason. Education must be free and accessible to all
gender, ages, and socio-economic statuses of an individual.

Thank you…



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