Essay 1 Literacy Narrative

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Jaquez 1

Pablo Jaquez

Ms. Ramirez

College Writing

18 October 2022

A Fresh Start

Teachers at the elementary level motivate students to read by sharing the importance

of it. As a result, individuals read through many books by the time they reach college. Before

I became a college student, I read numerous books to complete my A.R points, in order to get

a satisfactory grade in language arts. At that time my goal was to read a 500 page book in one

week. In the beginning, reading was forced upon me, I read not because I wanted to. I didn’t

realize how much of an impact a book could have until I read, “Living a Life You Love” by

Joyce Meyer. This inspirational book focused on the areas of my life that I love, like actually

really love. Although reading was originally forced upon me, reading not only opened my

eyes to other author’s ideas but affected my thoughts, behavior and perspective.

When we think of what we love, most of us usually just say we love our family,

friends, our church, or God. I have asked people what they love and they have said they love

their house, going shopping, vacations, etc. Joyce explains in her book how she discovered

very few people answer, “I absolutely love my life.” I had never said that to someone, being

proud of my life. During the week, people would ask me how I was doing. I responded to

them, “Starting to love every single detail of my life.” They were impacted by my answer, I

started going around giving smiles, and a word of wisdom to anyone in need. I started to find

a good way out of anything that seemed bad to me. I started to just look to the good side of it.

This book made me realize that if I don’t love my life, then I need to start changing

behaviors in order to be truly happy. From reading the book my perspective changed,

allowing me to think about adjusting my attitude towards life. Maybe this means getting new
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friends, taking more time for me, or developing a personal space with God. These are little

changes in my life that would bring joy to it, and ensure a life full of happiness, because after

all we just get one life to fully live with passion.

In addition, this book made take a different perspective, placing love as the central

theme in my life, in order for me to love living. During the time I was reading this book, I

was having trouble getting along with my family. I was at that point where I didn’t even care

about them. Reading this book gave me realization concerning how my attitudes affect my

life more than my circumstances. Instead of waking up thinking what a horrible day it will be,

I started waking up listening to one of my favorite songs that puts me in a good mood. This

started bringing contentment to my life.

Joyce states that, “Each new day is more than just another day of the week; it’s a new

opportunity, a new beginning, and you can live with an attitude of expectation.” Reading this

impacted my life in that particular moment because I then was motivated to start doing things

I have always wanted to do. I woke up the next morning, and as I packed my backpack and

had breakfast, I decided I would be a better brother. I wasn’t the best brother, but I knew it

was a new start. That morning I told my sister that we should go out to the movies, and have

some time together. Later that day, we ate sushi together and went to the movies. We had

never had the opportunity to go out together, and it all started for that quote I read. This book

impacted the way I view life, now each day is a fresh start making me love living. Also, I am

now conscious of milestones that can be celebrated with my progress.

I personally always want to have control over every decision in my life. I want to be

in the lead of my life and not influenced away from my own goals by others. Making these

changes brings me to the point where it gets hard and that’s summiting my plan to God. Joyce

helped me understand that trusting in God’s plan rather than relying on my own would bring

peace as the natural result. We have always heard from our parents and friends that we should
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never compare our life with anyone else’s. It is true that the daily grind will often wear us

down, our problems, and situations sometimes do not seem to be going well. My life is

challenging in some ways, just as your life is, that is why there is no point in living someone

else's life. It will not be any easier.

Finally, while reading “Living a Life you Love,” I found myself stopping after each

section to reflect upon what was just read as well as how the writing would guide my life.

The reading of this book was very important, affecting my thoughts, behaviors and

perspective on life. The elementary teachers were correct; reading would prove to be very

important in life. Reading can teach, provide new approaches, and guide enough to assist in

making changes.

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