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At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
a. identify the other members of the solar system.
b. describe asteroids, meteoroids and comets.
c. perform the activities with care and accuracy.
Values Infusion: Helping One Another:
Show concern to the other members of the group

II. Subject Matter:

Unit: The Solar System
Topic: The Other Members of the Solar System
A. Science Concepts:
A.1. Asteroids, Meteoroids and Comets are the other members of the solar system.
A.2. Asteroids are big rocky objects moving around the sun.
A.3. Meteoroids are big lumps of rock and metal that had been circling the sun.
- The flash of light from the burning meteoroid is called a meteor. Meteors are
thousands of dust particles and rock fragments moving through space; they
are known as shooting stars.
- Meteorites are chunk of metal mixed with a rock that does not completely burn
up before reaching the ground.
A.4. Comet is a mass of frozen materials such as water, methane and ammonia.
B. Science Processes:
Observing, Comparing, Inferring and Analyzing
C. References:
S6ES-IV-hg, p. 103
Cyber Science by Myrna Q. Adauru & Nicetas Valencia, pp. 326-327
Science and Health V by Carmelita C. Coronel, pp. 266-267
Into the Future: Science and Health by Jose F. Lianiras, pp. 273-275
D. Materials:
Images of asteroids, asteroid belt, meteoroids, meteors, meteorites and comets;
model/replica of asteroids, meteoroids, and comets; USB Device; flashlight; laser pointer;
charts, visual aids; activity sheets; puzzle; evaluation sheets; chalk and chalkboard.

III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning, Sir!
You may take your seat. Thank you, Sir.

2. Checking of Attendance
Ms. Secretary who is absent today? I’m glad to say that nobody is absent today
3. Checking of Assignment
Class bring out your assignment. (The pupils will bring out their assignment.)

4. Recall
Before we go on to our next topic, let us (The pupils will arrange the pictures of
recall the last topic that we discussed through planets according to their distances from the
a simple game. Try to look for a picture sun.)
behind your desks and arrange the pictures
according to its distance from the sun.
The members of the solar system starting
Again, what are the members of the
from the center are: The sun as its center;
solar system starting from its center?
surrounded by the planets beginning with
Mercury, then Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Very good!

B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
Now, I want you to group yourselves
and arrange the puzzle on your table. The left
side will be the first group, the center will be
the second group and the right side will be the
third group. The group who will finish the
puzzle with the shortest time will be given a
prize. An astronaut Sir!

What picture/image was formed from the Astronauts work in the outer space.
Where do astronauts go? Or where do An astronaut usually makes findings and
they perform their work or job? investigations about heavenly bodies.

What do they usually do in the outer

Yes, Sir!
Very well said…
Class do you want to be an astronaut
and travel the space even for a minute?

Now, just relax on your seats, do not

blink your eyes and listen attentively. (The pupils will watch the video played in a
We’re about to take off… laptop.)
2. Presentation
(The teacher will play the video in the
laptop and narrate it.)
“Many of the little things in the sky that
we see using a telescope that looks like stars
turned out not to be stars if we were in the
outer space; but galaxies with strange shapes.
We use to think that our own galaxy, the
Milky Way, was the whole universe. After all,
our galaxy is a vast explosion of 200 billion
of stars. A man named Hubble, using a
powerful telescope discovered something we
could not fully understand. Many of the little
things we thought were stars turned out to be
other galaxy like our own.
This shows that the Universe was much
bigger than we thought. A billion times
It also shows that there are still other
members of the galaxy and even other
members of the solar system aside from the
nine planets…” Yes, we did!

3. Discussion
That is the outer space; the solar system
is the part of it. Did you enjoy your minute

I’m glad you did!

So, aside from the 8 planets of the solar
system, we also have other members of the
solar system. Asteroids are believed to be a sign of chaos.
We have the asteroids, meteoroids and
As we have learned in our recent topic
about superstitious beliefs with regards to
heavenly bodies; what belief does asteroids
bring if it was seen by mankind?

But, asteroids really are the thousands of
big rocky objects moving around the sun.

Most asteroids lie between the orbit of

Mars and Jupiter which is known as Asteroid
Asteroids vary from sizes and shapes,
the most familiar shape we usually think of an
asteroid is irregular but some are in sphere

These asteroids are often referred to as

Planetoids or minor planets, but unlike
planets, they do not have permanent orbits Meteors are believed to be bad omens since
which may cause them to collide with each they usually bombarded the surface of the
other. earth.
Planetoids often bump into each other
and being broken into smaller bits, they are
thrown out of its orbits and then… become

Back to our topic last week, what is the

belief that meteors bring to mankind? Shooting stars are believed to be a wishing
sign. They say that when you make a wish,
Very good! and a shooting star appears; your wish will
eventually come true.
When a meteoroid enters the earth’s
atmosphere; it almost at once begins to glow
due to friction with air. It burns up leaving a
trail of glowing gas, that we call “shooting
Who can recall the belief about shooting

That’s good!
But shooting stars are more correctly as
Meteoroid is formed when the
rocks/heavenly bodies are still in the outer
space. It is formed meteors when it reaches
the atmosphere of the earth, that’s why we
have the so called meteor shower.

Most of the meteors are burned up

before they fall, but if a meteor is large The heavenly body which is believed to have
enough; it may not completely burn up before caused poverty on earth is a comet.
reaching the ground. This chunk of metal
mixed with the rocks then is formed as
meteorite; which leaves a crater once it hits
the ground.

Another member of the solar system is a

rocky thing with a luminous body which is
believed to have caused poverty on earth.

What heavenly body is related or

associated with this belief?

So, it is associated with poverty because

of its tail which reflects a virtual image of a
broomstick; which is as well believed by
people as a sign of poverty.
…but then, comets are masses of frozen
materials such as water, methane and
ammonia that move around the sun in a large

When the comet is still very far from the

sun, it remains frozen but when it approaches
the sun; it begins to vaporize. The gas and
dust particle that was vaporized then absorbs
light from the sun and reflect this light. This
reflected light makes the head and the tail of
the comet glow.

C. Enrichment Activity
Now let us find out more about
asteroids, meteoroids and comets.

The class will be divided again into

three groups and that will serve as home
teams; we can have the Red, Yellow and the
Blue team.
Each home teams will choose their
leader, secretary, reporter and 2 members who
will be called as expert members; thus, we (The pupils will simply follow the
will also be having an expert team. instructions given by the teacher through the
activity sheets.)
Each of the teams’ expert members will
collaborate or will be joining the other 2
home teams (not their own home teams).
They will be task to learn the activity of the
two home teams so that they can relay it and None Sir!
share their learning when they go back to
their own home teams.
(The pupils will do the activity.)
After the sharing of the ideas and
learning. The reporter of each home teams Reporter 1:
will report their findings. (The pupil will report in front of the class.)
You will be given an activity sheet for Reporter 2:
you to analyze and study within five minutes. (The pupil will report in front of the class.)
Answer the questions being asked. Another
two minutes to relay the learning of the expert Reporter 3:
team and to minutes for every reporter to (The pupil will report in front of the class.)
relay their data being analyzed.

Is there any question?

What things shall we remember while

performing an activity? Cooperation Sir!
(Recall of standards.)

Group I.

Group II. The lesson today is all about the other

members of the solar system. Aside from the
eight planets which we called the major
Group III. planets, we also have asteroids, meteoroids
and comets.
(Let the pupils repeat the statement.)
You all did a great teamwork!

What made our work easier? Did all the

members of the group take active part? Did it
help a lot? What do we call it? Asteroids are big rocky objects moving
around the sun.

D. Concept Formation
Moving on, let us sum up or make a
generalization about our topic today. Meteoroids are big lumps of rock and metal
Who can give a brief description or that had been circling the sun. They are the
information about the topic? fragments of asteroids.

Comet is a mass of frozen materials such as

water, methane and ammonia.

None Sir!
E. Application
Again, who can describe and give
information about the asteroid using this

Very good!
How about meteoroids?

Very good!
Lastly, who can describe a comet?

Very good!
Class do you have any questions and

Alright then… since you already knew

the other members of the solar system. Let’s
now find out and assess your learning through
a test.

IV. Evaluation
Read the instructions carefully and write your answer legibly.
A. From the box below, identify and choose the other member members of the solar system.
Write the words in the space provided.

Comets, Asteroids, Rings, Asteroid belt, Dust and clouds,

Galaxy, Meteorites, Meteors, Colors of the stars, Orbits,

1. ________________
2. ________________
3. ________________
4. ________________
5. ________________

B. Tell whether the description tells a correct or wrong information.

Write T if the statement is True and F if it is False. Write the answer on the space
provided before the number.
_____6. Meteors are sometimes called shooting stars.
_____7. Meteoroids are masses of frozen materials such as water, methane and ammonia.
_____8. Meteors are also called planetoids.
_____9. Asteroids are big rocky objects moving around the sun.
_____10. Meteorites are chunk of metal mixed with rocks that burn up due to the friction
with the wind before hitting the ground.

C. Draw a happy face if you did the following and a sad face if you did not.
1. Participated in the group activity.
2. Performed the activities with care and accuracy
3. Answered the questions correctly.
4. Followed directions correctly.
5. Observed cleanliness and orderliness.

V. Assignment
Direction: In a short bond paper, draw asteroid, meteoroid and comet.

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