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honey i will never deviate (亲爱的我永远不会偏离)

Immediately i arrive china, we must visit your parents to receive their blessings
for our marriage (我到达中国,我们必须立即访问你的父母接受他们的祝福我们的婚姻)

Unlike a lot of men who start taking their wives for granted after getting married,
I will always value you. I promise to be the same person you fell in love with.

Just because you are the woman of the house, it does not mean you would solely be
responsible for carrying out all household chores. I will certainly divide all
responsibilities with you after marriage, and will always be there to lend a
helping hand whenever needed. (仅仅因为你是女人,这并不意味着你会只负责执行所有的家务。我肯定

Be it in front of my relatives, a friend or anyone else, I will never let anyone

ill-treat you, and will always stand up for you against all odds. (前面的是我的亲戚,

I can never match up to your selfless attitude when it comes to taking care of me
and my family. But, I promise to do my best to make you as comfortable on days when
you feel under the weather. (我永远无法匹配你的无私态度时照顾我和我的家人。但是,我承诺尽力

Today, tomorrow and for the days to follow; you, your happiness and your well-being
will always come first for me. (今天,明天,接下来的日子;你,你的幸福,你的幸福将永远是第一

You will always be the prettiest girl in the world for me. And, I promise to love
you not just for that, but for your inner beauty as well. (你永远是世界上最漂亮的女孩

No decision related to my life will ever be taken without your suggestion or

consent. After all, life after marriage will be all about 'us', and not 'me' alone!

I will respect your parents After all, they will be my parents too once we get
married. And, I promise to love and respect them as much as I would have done to my
parents if they were alive (我将尊重你的父母,毕竟他们也将我的父母一旦我们结婚。我承诺,爱我

Not only in your moments of happiness, but also in those moments of pain when you
would need me the most, I will never abandon you. You will always have my shoulder
to rest on. (不仅在你幸福的时候,也在那些时刻的痛苦当你最需要我时,我永远不会放弃你。你将永远有

Love means long patience and kindness. Love is not jealous. Love is not boastful,
not arrogant or rude. Ask no one for yourself. Not easily angered. The evil of man
is not counted. Dislike injustice. Only likes the truth. Forgive everything.
Believe in everything. Look forward to everything. Endure all things. Love never
Whether you are reading this before you meet me, or stumble upon it after, I want
you to know a few things. (无论你是读这在你见我之前,或偶然发现它之后,我想要你知道几件

The reason I am writing this today is because I can't stop thinking about you, and
I can't stop myself from imagining how happy we will be. Let this letter be a
promise to you that I will do my best to be the man I want to be for you. (我今天

They say love hurts, but I’m ready to take that risk, if I’m going to be with you.

I wished on a star one night, wished to have a friend I will love for life, days
passed and I started to cry, I didn’t know that my wish came true coz the person I
wished for was you. (我希望在一个恒星的一个晚上,想有一个朋友我会热爱生活,日子一天天过去,我开

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with
you was beyond my control. (遇见你是命运,成为你的朋友是一个选择,但爱上你是我无法控制的。)

Explaining to you how much and why I love you, would be like me describing how
water tastes. It’s impossible. (向你解释为什么我有多爱你,就像我描述水的口味。这是不可能

When you need someone to be there for you, I’ll be right there by your side always!
okay. (当你需要有人在你的身边,我将在这里永远在你身边!好吧。)

Life has never been better, thanks to you, sweetheart! (生活从来都不是更好,谢谢你亲爱


To the love of my life, I wish you have the best out of today. Perfection in all
you set your heart to do. Stay great and lovely for me dear. Love you. (的爱我的生活,

As long as there is me, your heart will be the best it can ever be. To keep your
heart unbroken is a promise I am willing to keep. I love you. (只要有我,你的心会是最

I wish you more than you wish me for the day. I wish you smiles and laughter
birthed by sweet memories. Have the best of your day dear. (我希望你超过你想我。我希

I am willing to fight and protect my family with the very last drops of my blood. I
am a soldier, i have fought for the peace and happiness of other countries how can
i not protect my own family.

It will be for just a moment and the night will be gone again. Waiting to hear your
voice and to see your beautiful face again. Goodnight my desire. (它将只是一会儿,晚

I plan on being with you until forever ends. (我打算和你在一起直到永远结束。)

My love for you keeps increasing every second. (我对你的爱越来越多的每一秒。)

I am tired of a life, a day, a night without you. So sad to know that you are this
far away from me. I miss you dear. (我厌倦了生活,没有你的一天,一个晚上。所以伤心知道你这

In my hands is this heart. I want you to have it, because I’m so clumsy, so I’m
afraid I’ll lose it or easily give it to someone else. (这是在我的手心里。我想要你,

you are always welcome to my life darling (亲爱的欢迎你随时到我的生活)

i am so happy to have found love with you, it glades my heart so much . (我很高兴找

nothing in this world can ever be compared to what we share together (在这个世界上,

i promise to always treasure and fulfil our love , forever till the end . (我承诺永

You are the one person in this world that I would never trade with anyone else.

do not worry about the age difference dear, what matter most is the love we share .
okay? (亲爱的,你不用担心年龄差距最重要的是爱我们分享。好吧?)

i have told you i don't care about the age ,all i know and care about now i that i
love you so much , understand? (我已经告诉你,我不在乎年龄,我只知道和关心我,我如此爱你,明

so let me love and show how much you mean to me . (所以让我爱,让你对我而言意味着多少。)

I love you dear, and all i wish to make you happy because i have found love in you
after so many years (我爱你亲爱的,我想让你快乐,因为我发现爱你经过这么多年)

I will never ever give up, you have proven that you truly love my son and you care
about me. Am never giving up, okay? (我将永不放弃,你证明,你真的爱我的儿子,你关心我。

I just want you to always believe in every word i say because i will never fail you

just have confidence on yourself and your heart honey , nothing is impossible ,
you will be okay . (只有对自己有信心和你的心亲爱的,没有什么是不可能的,你会好的。)

Honey i was thinking about the word love and i got to understand that the word
called love does not really care who you are, what you are, what you do, how you
look, where you come from, how you look. What really matters is how you love.

Honey you're the perfect woman i want (亲爱的你是我想要的完美女人)

honey i am not after beauty of the face, i'm an influencial man and i have seen so
many beautiful women in the life. If i needed beauty i would have gotten so many

I am not a greedy man, i have what it takes to care for my family, all i need is a
woman With a good heart to wipe away my pain after so many years (我不是一个贪婪

If i need a beautiful woman, i know where to find one. But i don't need beauty

All i need a woman with a golden heart to help me wipe the tears of pain and
loneliness in my life and my son's (我需要一个女人,一个金色的心帮我擦泪的痛苦和孤独在我

Honey, Please Become that very woman and make me a happy man again (亲爱的,请成

Honey age is just a number, it doesn't matter to me (亲爱的年龄只是一个数字,这对我并不


All i seek is you (我寻找的就是你)

You have a very good heart, you're a good woman, i want you to forget the age. I
will love and respect you all the days of my life (你有一个很好的心,你是一个好女人,我

I believe we met by fate, so i accept my fate and i will love you no matter how old
or how young you are i want you and no one else (我相信我们见面的命运,所以我接受我

let me embrace you with love and keep you warm with happiness till death do us part

Shakespeare would have been right if he ever said, “A life without true love will
be miserable!” Without you, I am nothing but empty nothing. Thanks for being mine.
I love you. (莎士比亚是正确的如果他说过,“人生没有真正的爱情将是痛苦的!“没有你,我只是空荡荡

In my hands is this heart. I want you to have it, because I’m so clumsy, so I’m
afraid I’ll lose it or easily give it to someone else (这是在我的手心里。我想要你,因

If i don't have you it's like faith without believe, like water that does not flow,
like heart without a beat, like sun without light, like moon without night.

Can i ask you a question? (我可以问你一个问题吗?)

What's a heart without a beat? (什么是心脏不跳动?)

Same way there's no me without you Honey. (没有我没有你一样亲爱的。)


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