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Once upon a time, in a part of the jungle, there lived four animals. They were a rabbit named
Rabby, a polecat named Poly, a deer named Dory, and a fox named Foxy. They were best friends
and lived together in peace.
One day in the shiny morning…
Rabby : “Good morning everyone! Hmm, how beautiful this morning is! It’s a nice day to work
out. So, let’s begin…”
Dory : “Yeah, you’re right Rabby. Let’s make everything up!”
Then, the polecat and the fox came out from their house in trees…
Poly : “Good morning Foxy! Oh look, Rabby and Dory are planting in the Rabby’s farm. Let’s
help them!”
Foxy : “Ok! Hey, Rabby, Dory, don’t start without me guys!”
Every day the four best friends work together planting in Rabby’s farm, looking for some foods,
and keep their place safe from threatening and bothering.
In other place, there lived three lion cubs. Although they’re still young but they liked to disturb
others to take control the entire jungle, except Leo. Leo was different from his two friends,
Diego and Leon. He’s kind and didn’t like to hurt others.
Diego : “We have to find some meals today. I’m so hungry now!”
Leon : “Me too. There’s nothing to eat in this place anymore, we’ve already eaten them last
Diego : “Yeah, except Leo. I can’t understand why he didn’t want to eat the rabbit that we caught
last night.”
Then Leo come
Leo : “Hi, guys! Hmm, it’s so silent here now since both of you have eaten the animals. How
poor they are!”
Diego : “Leo, remember, we’re the lion, the king of this jungle. We’re carnivores and that’s our
Leon : “Yes, you know what? You’re so a weak lion, Leo!”
Leo : “No, I just can’t do that. Hurt each other without thinking of their feeling…”
Diego : “ARGH…STOP IT! I can’t hear that more. Come on, let’s get out of here!”
When they’re walking, they arrived at the four tiny animals place. Then the three lions were
coming approach to the fourth animals. The tiny animals didn’t realize that they’re in danger.
And when they know there’re three lion cubs came to them, they felt scary and there’s no chance
for them to escape.
Poly : “Hey, look! There are three lion cubs come to here!”
Foxy : “Oh no! What should we do now? They can eat us!”
Then come the three lions
Diego : “Hello, tiny animals! Don’t be scared like that, right Leo?”
Leo : “Hmm, yeah…”
Rabby : “What are you doing here? It’s not you’re place!”
Leon : “Hey, keep your mouth in silence. We can eat all of you if we want to.”
Diego : “No, Leon. We’ll not eat them.”
Leon : “What???”
Poly : “Oh yeah, I doubt it. I can’t trust you don’t want to kill us.”
Foxy : “Yeah, tell us the truth, what do you want from us exactly?”
Diego : “What do we want? Ha…ha…ha… It’s a simple thing. Leave this place or we’ll kill
Dory : “You can’t take this place from us! It’s ours… Go away and never go back here again.”
Poly & Foxy : “Yes, get out of here!”
Diego : “Are you sure, you don’t want to make a deal with us?”
Dory : “Wait, you promise not to kill us if we all go from here?”
Diego : “Yup and I’ll give you times until tonight. If you still here tonight, you’ll die!”
Rabby : “Ok, deal.”

The four best friends were being forced to agree with the deal to leave their house and looking
for some new places to live. The lions were so happy. Of course it was not the end because in
fact they have another plan to kill the fourth animals.
Leo : “Diego, are you sure let those animals free? You don’t want to kill them, right?”
Leon : “Yeah, what did you do, brother? It’s our chance to have some meals. Why did you only
take their place?”
Diego : “Calm down Leon, of course I also want those animals. But we have to make them trust
with us first before killing them.”
Leon : “What do you mean?”
Diego : “I’ll go back to that place before night. I’m sure that they still in there, then I’ll catch and
kill all of them.”
Leo : “What? I think you’ve changed your mind not to kill those animals.”
Leon : “Wow, it’s a great idea! I like it, Diego. I’m in your plan.”
Diego : “Thanks Leon. And for you Leo, if you don’t want to join us, you may go!”

After knowing the truth, Leo felt so disappointed with his two friends. He actually disagrees with
their wicked plan, but he couldn’t do anything to stop them. He’s so scared to fight them alone.
When the lions separated to find something to eat, suddenly Leo hit something…

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