Chapter 7

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Living in a Troubled Life


Chapter 7

‘Are you having your exams now?’

Sent 8:47 a.m. 10/03/2016

‘Good luck! I miss you!’

Sent 10:38 a.m. 10/03/2016

‘Just finished having exams. How about you?’

Sent 4:28 p.m. 10/10/2016

‘Tell me if when’s a good time for us to talk. I love you.’

Sent 11:11 p.m. 11/15/2016

Sent 5:15 a.m. 11/28/2016

‘Are you still busy?’

Sent 6:59 a.m. 12/03/2016
‘You’re not ignoring me on purpose, right? Please respond’
Sent 8:20 p.m. 12/10/2016

‘I’m not. I’m sorry, I was just too busy at home and school, I
don’t have much time to hold my phone.’
Received 9:15 p.m. 12/10/2016

‘I see. Well, at least you’re not ignoring me. I love you,

Sent 9:17 p.m. 12/10/2016

‘I love you too, Pree.’

Received 9:30 p.m. 12/10/2016

‘Merry Christmas! I love you!’

Sent 12:01 a.m. 12/25/2016

I couldn’t tell but I’m starting to feel that Yvan’s being too
busy this past few months. He’s not usually this unresponsive to
me even when he’s busy before, but since he said so himself that
he’s just too busy, then I will believe him.

I just miss him so much that I am thinking of some negative

thoughts of why he’s being unresponsive to me.

So now I just need to brush off this thought.

I was walking in the hallway of our building when I feel like my
arm is going to separate from my body because it feels so heavy.

This is the consequence of what I did when I made coffee for Aunt
Lyn and for accidentally hitting Aria when Aunt Lyn was hitting

I was too absorbed in my own thoughts when I was making her

coffee that I didn’t realize that I was putting more sugar into
it than usual so I got pretty scolded and was hit by her baton.

However, what shocked all three of us was when my arm that was
being hit by Aunt Lyn involuntarily moved itself brought by the
force of the baton which landed on Aria’s cheek, looking at it as
if I hit Aria. She was the nearest to me since she’s recording
every time I was being scolded by Aunt Lyn so she could make fun
of me and blackmail me whenever she wants to, that’s why she was
hit spot on by my hand when it followed the force of the baton.

Of course, Aunt Lyn hit me more than ever, saying that I’m an
ungrateful child and that I don’t have the right to hit anyone in
the family.

Reaching for my usual seat in the room, Dan and his friends
intentionally hit me on my shoulders whenever they passed me
before laughing with each other. The last guy hit my shoulders
too much that I almost stumble on myself, thankfully I was able
to balance myself. I was in pain the whole time they are hitting
my shoulders but I don’t show any pained expression so they would
leave me alone.

As soon as I reached my seat, Flaira pinched my arm so hard that

I almost lost control of my beaten arm.
I slapped her hand so hard that I almost shouted at her just so
she could release my pinched skin.

“Why did you do that for?!” she asked me.

“You were pinching my arm so hard, my muscles are sore,” I

reasoned out. I was almost crying as I spoke to her.

I thought that she’d be able to understand me but she became mad

at me for slapping her hand.

“You could have just told me to stop! Why did you have to slap

I gasped. She’s being unreasonable!

“Why were you pinching me in the first place? You could have just
called me if you want my attention,” I answered, teary-eyed.

Flaira rolled her eyes. “Grow up, Pree. You’re being so dramatic
over there just because I pinched you,” she said.

“How would I be so dramatic when you pinched my arm so hard when

my muscles are sore?”

“You’re too emotional,” she said before clicking her tongue. She
grabbed her things and left her seat before transferring to
another seat in the lower area of the room.

I sighed.

I should be the one getting mad at her, not the other way around.
This is the first time that we’re having this kind of
misunderstanding and I don’t even know how long she will stay mad
because she has never been mad at me nor at anybody else.

I wanted to approach her but my arms were too hurt that I

couldn’t make a single move without grunting.

I just hope we’d be able to clear this misunderstanding sooner.

Arriving home, I started folding all the pillow covers that Aunt
Lyn had sewn. This is another punishment that she’d given me
aside from hitting my arm.

Truth be told, I can just skip this work and rest until I can
move my arms freely since Aunt Lyn allows me to rest for 1-2 days
whenever she beats me, or at times extending the length depending
on how heavy the physical punishment to me is. But then, I don’t
want to wait for a few more days to fold these pillow covers
since they look like a mess at the top of the couch.

I was busy folding and silently cursing all the pain when someone
covered my eyes.

Basing on the amount of body spray I could smell, this is no

doubt Oxus.

“Spring rolls and bacon,” he said, lowering his voice to match

Toper. Spring rolls and bacon are what Toper and I used to call
each other when we were kids and he usually will cover my eyes
before saying our nicknames.

I didn’t know that Oxus still remembered those nicknames. He was

our bread, and Aria was our egg, although she hated that

“I know you, bread. You’re Oxus,” I answered.

He curled his fists and accidentally hit my left arm, causing me

to flinch. I tried my best not to make a sound when I flinched
and luckily, Oxus was too busy to have his childish tantrums to
notice me flinching.

“How were you able to still recognize me when I basically lowered

my voice?! I sounded like Toper, aren’t I?”

I laughed. He really did sound like Toper there, but thanks to

his body spray, I already recognized him from the start.

“Consider matching your body spray to Toper’s perfume then I

won’t be able to recognize you,” I said.

He grunted then sat beside me. He helped me in folding all the

pillow covers so we were able to finish folding them after few

“You still suck at folding, Oxus,” I told him. He just looked at

me side-eyed as he finished folding the last piece. Then he
stretched his body.

“I’m bored. Want to play?” he asked.

“We’re too old to play,” I groaned. I stretched my body and
released the pain by making a loud noise.

“Your body needs some exercise. Come on, let’s play hide and
seek. You’re it!”

As soon as he said that, he started running even though I didn’t

say yes yet.

“I didn’t say I accept being it!” I yelled. But then I started

counting one to ten since I know he won’t allow me to refuse.

I started looking for him in the kitchen before I went to the

dining area.

Oxus loves playing hide and seek so much that he was able to
blend himself to wherever he’s hiding so whenever we play, he’s
always the last one to be found.

I moved slower than usual to prevent my arm from hurting so much.

The door in my room was open so I initially thought that Oxus was
hiding there.

I didn’t know that our simple game would lead to a disaster.

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