I. Định nghĩa: 1. Câu chủ động (active sentences) 2. Câu bị động (passive sentences)

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Tomorrow (ngày mai), students _____ (assemble: giống nhau) in the school

playground (sân chơi) at 08:00 am, to go to Heritage (di sản) Village.  They ___
(have) their school picnic.  The bus _____ (arrive) at 08:30 am, sharp( sắc, nhọn,
sát giờ). We ____ (reach: đi đến, với tới) the Heritage Village at around (khoảng,
xung quanh) 10:30 am.  On reaching, students _____ (go) around to see various
(nhiều) displays ( sự trưng bày).  The staff (nhân viên) at the spot ( nơi, chốn;
mụn; vết đen) _____ (welcome) the students with flowers (hoa) and sented (mùi
hương) perfumes (Nước hoa).  They _____ (offer: yêu cầu) the students snacks. 
After they eat their snacks, children _____ (play) in the park.  Around 01:00 pm,
all students ____ (assemble) for lunch (bữa trưa) .  They ____ (sit: ngồi) in
a circle (hình tròn, vòng tròn) and _____ (sing) songs (bài hát). At around 04:00
pm, students ____ (gather: tụ tập, tập hợp) near (gần) the bus.  They ____ 
(board) the bus in a queue (xếp hàng).  At around 06:00 pm, they ____ (reach)
school.  Their parents ____ (pick) them up from the school.

Pick up: đón


I. Định nghĩa
1. Câu chủ động ( active sentences)
Là câu trong đó chủ ngữ là người hay vật thực hiện hành động.
Ex: I asked (hỏi) a question
2. Câu bị động ( passive sentences)
Là câu trong đó chủ ngữ là người hay vật nhận hoặc chịu tác động của
hành động.
Ex: A question was asked by me.
II. Cấu trúc của câu bị động.
S + tobe + PII + (by + O)
Trong đó, O (Object) là tân ngữ
Ex: A picture is painted by me. ( 1 bức tranh được vẽ bởi tôi)
III. Use
- Khi không biết người gây ra hành động hoặc không cần thiết
phải nói ra, lúc này thường dùng thể bị động ( trường hợp này
không cần “BY”)
They built the house in 2003
 The house was built (by them) in 2003
- Để nhấn mạnh người bị tác động bởi hành động ( phải có by)
- I am reading book.
- Book is being read by me.
IV. Cách chuyển từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động

Câu chủ động: S+ V + O

Câu bị động: S + tobe + PII +( by + O)

Ex: Active: Susan wrote ( write) a letter.

Passive:A letter was written by Susan.

Active: He (S) has bought (V) some books (O).

Passive: Some books (S) have been bought (by him (O)).


chủ động) (thể bị động)

Simple present – HTĐ S + V_ /V_s,es S+ tobe + PII/ V_ed

I learn English English is learned (by me).

Present continuous – S+ tobe + V-ing S+ tobe+ being + PII/ V_ed

HTTD I am learning English English is being learned (by me)

Present perfect – HTHT S+ Has / have + PII/ V_ed S+ Has / have + been + PII/ V_ed
I have cooked the food The food has been cooked (by me)
Simple past – QKĐ S+ V2 / V-ed S+ Was / were + PII/ V_ed

Past continuous - QKTD S+ Was / were + V-ing S+ Was / were + being + PII/ V_ed

Past perfect – QKHT S+ Had + PII S+ Had + been + PII/ V_ed

Simple future – TLĐ S+ Will / shall + V_ S+ Will / shall + be + PII/ V_ed

Future perfect – TLHT S+ Will/ shall + have + PII S+ Will / shall + have + been + PII

Be going to – TLG S + tobe + going to + V_ S + tobe + going to be + PII/ V_ed

We are going to have a A picnic is going to be had.

Modal Verb – ĐT khuyết S + Modal V + V_ S+ Modal V + be + PII/ V_ed

thiếu They can rely on ( phụ thuộc He can be relied on to keep secret.
vào) him to keep secret
-We should help the poor
The poor should be helped (by us)

   We have watched this film several times. ( HTHT)
→   This film has been watched several times.
    She will give us another chance.

→   We will be given another chance.

They had made an announcement before I came.
→   An announcement had been made before I came.
– Nếu tân ngữ trong câu bị động chỉ sự vật, sự việc thì ta dùng giới
từ with thay by
Ex: Smoke filled the room. →    The room was filled with smoke.
– Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn (địa điểm) đứng trước by + O; trạng từ chỉ thời
gian ( yesterday, tomorrow,today, now,…) đứng sau by + O
- I (S) am playing (V) toy (đồ chơi)(O) in the park (nơi chốn)
 Toy is being played in the park by me.
- I (S) read (V) a book (O) yesterday (adv). (QKĐ)
 A book was read by me yesterday.
Bài 1. Chuyển các câu sau sang câu bị động
1. Emma ordered this air ticket for her mother.
2. She lends her friend his new dress.
3. He left his relatives seven million dollars.
4. The shop manager handed these gifts to the customer.
5. The board of directors awarded the first prize to the outstanding
6. Has she sent the christmas cards to her family?
7. We gave Anna some apples and some rose flowers.
8. My father moved the fridge to the second floor.
9. My mother bought some cups of coffee to the visitors in the kitchen.
10.The manager didn’t take the note to the assistant.
Bài 2. Chia dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc
1. Brian had his car (repair) ………….. by a mechanic.
2. John got David (type) ……………… his paper.
3. We got our house (paint) ……………… last month.
4. Dr James is having the students (write ) ………………. a composition
5. Laura got her transcripts (send) ………………. to the university.
6. Daniel is having his hair (cut) ………………… tomorrow.
7. Will Mrs. Ellen have the porter (carry) ………………. her luggage to
her car?
Bài 3. Chuyển những câu chủ động sang câu bị động
1. When will you do the work?
2. How are you going to deal with this problem?
3. How do you spend this amount of money?
4. I wonder whether the board of directors will choose Susan or Jane for
the position.
5. How did the police find the lost man?

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