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Application for a subvention of Irene Prestwich Trust

Irene Prestwich Trust, based in the United Kingdom, exists to support the work of Initiatives of
Change (IofC) with particular emphasis in new and surfacing projects, and those which relate to
the training of people younger through Initiatives of Change and his conferences and outreach

The Trustees will be pleased to consider applications, which know his criteria.

1. It completed the applications would have to be sent to one of the following directions (the
email is preferred):
Email or to
Post IPT (Subventions),
24 Greencoat Place,
London, SW1P 1RD,
United Kingdom

2. The date of running of the bulls for applications is midnight, 10th January, 10th April and
10.º September in every year.
The applications will be considered in a Trustees' the meeting held during the following
month. The applications are not considered in another time.

3. Instructions of application: Please read the brochure, IPT instructions of Application, before
completing the form of application. Please note especially what the Confidence does and
nort gives subventions for, and what measured to concedes usually gives (page 3).
4. Independent referee: At the end of the project the Independent Referee is required to give a
critical assessment of how the project worked in practice, including what has worked well
and what has no, and the results of the project. The Independent Referee would have to be
somebody who is out of the main organising team for the project and who is both in a
position to observe the project when it takes place and who is able to retain a sense of
objectivity. (Please see Instructions of Application, page 4 and 5.)
The applicant has to propose a suitable referee, to be agreed by the Confidence. The
Independent Referee has to fill up and sign the Statement at the end of this form or like
separate document. TheS tatement has to be received by the Confidence before any
bottoms of subvention is awarded.

5. Informing: At the end of the project, a successful applicant is required to inform how the
bottoms of subvention have been used and how the project has worked in practice. The
Independent Referee also undertakes to do an independent assessment at the end of the
project. Any decisions of future subvention can be affected in case of any or submission very
late of reports.

6. Please notice any unsolicited attempt to contact an individual Trustee in the relation to your
application will disqualify your application. Also previous success in an application is not a
guarantee of future success. The Trustees' the decision is final.

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Charity No. 241469
To: The Secretary, Irene Prestwich Trust, email:
(Emailed The applications are preferred. If have any access of email and need to post your
application, the current direction to use is: IPT (Grants), 24 Greencoat Place, London, SW1P 1RD,
United Kingdom.)

Summary of the application:

a) Date of application: 06/02/2017

b) Name of project or program: BUILDING FUTURE OF PAZ

c) Name of main contact and direction: Kadinson Luis street 56 no 24-84 B Galan

Telephone: 3007987813 3104846196


d) What is the total budget of the Project in local coin and in pound sterling?
COP: 287.360.000 - pounds sterling 87.077

e) How much are asking of the IPT in local coin and in pound sterling?
COP: 197.560.000 –libtas esterlinas 59.866

f) If you are successful in receiving a subvention: if emos recivido different

subventions of different entities.

(i) When it does your start of project?

15 March 2017

(ii) When it is the date of conclusion estimated for your project?


(iii) When you need to receive the money? 20/ 02/2017

g) It does your fall of project in one or more than the following categories? Tick Like

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Charity No. 241469
Training programs Facilitation of dialogue X
Work with young people X Work in emergent democracies
Projects that could have been hosted Conferences or similar X
in Tirley Garth

Value of the project:

1. Please give a brief outline of the project/program, is objective , aims and proposed resulted
(no more than 250 words)

In the line of approach of jovenes enprendedores of peace. In finding new perspectives ands
alidas to our area ands the qualification on the human rights, the enprendimiento and the peace,
attracted by the profile of learning, strengthening of the emprendimiento, around the organisation
of spaces and materials for the creation of environments of learning, think to use a methodological
orientation inl to that our youngsters participate of a more active and free form in the classes of
strengthening to the emprendimiento rural. The project contributes otor garles to the young
qualification on the agro emprendimiento, and seeds it of 15 hectares crops of Higuerilla
developing the capacidagive of the new emprendedores, the creation of a plant procesadora of
seed of Higuerilla and the creation of a legal entity for the production and commercialisation of
the product.


Strengthening of youngsters in emprendimiento

Work conla emergent democracy

Strengthen the peace

2. Please tick the box(is) that applies to your project (for the details please to see page 6 of
Instructions of Application):

Missionary and outreach work

Work for reconciliation
The truth that says and peace X
Developing understanding considering peace and human rights X

Resolution of conflict

3. What does the project fit to the global aims and spirit of IofC? Please give examples of how
the project reflects and promotes the ideals, spirit and work of IofC. For more information in
IofC please go to
The project promotes the strengthening alos jovenes brindandoles the spaces for the
emprendimiento, the teoria and practises it in the diverse appearances to promote the
peace, and utilisando the project like platform to qualify each 6 months to 20 jovenes with
the sponsorship of the Alcaldia municipal and a percentage of the utilities of the company.

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Charity No. 241469
Effectiveness of the use of subvention

4. How this benefits the public, i.e. who profits and what wide extended these profits will be ?
The project benefited to 30 jovenes emprendedores displaced with capacitacion tecnica,
emprendimiento and the construccion of his own productive unit this leaves them utilities
and of these allocated 25% for qualifiesr new jovenes each 6 months.

5. The quantity requested of the IPT, when showed in Q1and) on:

(Please note that the Trustees can find it necessary to ask extra explanation regarding the
financial information supplied)

a) In points of bullet explain how pretend to use any subvention of the IPT?
The resources delivered by the IPT used in qualifications on the human rights,
qualifications on emprendimiento agro, and sienbra delas 15 hectareas of Higuerilla.

b) Please give the figures that show how arrived in the a mountainrequested, i.e. how
the money will be used. Alternatively, please attach a budget both for the whole
project, and the IPT splits of him in pound sterling. This information can be showed
in a separate page(s).


TRAINING 20.160.000
GROWING SOWING 70.000.000 5.000.000
PLANT CONSTRUCTION 107.400.000 64.800.000


TRANSPORT 20.000.000
TOTAL COP$ 197.560.000 20.000.000 69.800.000 287.360.000


GROWING SOWING 21.212 1.515
TOTAL POUNDS STERLING 59.866 6.060 21.151 87.077

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Charity No. 241469
6. Which steps take to ensure sustainability orf the project, both in terms of
Finance and people to run the project? (No more than 125 words)
With a percentage of the 25% of the utilities of the crop, an agreement with theTo lcaldia and
other entities qualified each 6 months to 20 jovenes new by a periodor of 5 years.
Ofreciendoles To the jovenes enprendedores a New space to qualify and poner in pracica his
avilidades in the industry of the agro sustainable in an ambito of the bios contribute with a
healthy environment prosper.

7. How you expect that your project will develop after the project or program for what are
asking a subvention of the IPT is completed? (No more than 125 words)
The project is based in the creacion of a company Agricola sustainable car that is to say the
project generates hutilidades that of which allows us increase 20% of growth annual
asiendonos sustainable car and duaradero.

Importance of IPT finance

The Confidence expects that the projects will be able to raise his own bottoms after three years,
although it takes a flexible approximation. After five years review if it have to do subventions

8. How many prizes has your project or a related one received of Irene Prestwich Trusts in the
last five years?
The project does not have prizes because it is a project pilot that is to say is the first
application for dezarrollar the project.

9. You are applying, or have you already applied, to any others organisations to fund? Yes or
Núm: If the project is approved aplicarenos to other organisations to achieve the
financiacion necessary for the ejecucion of the same .

a) If YES please give details of to the one who and for how much:
daran Workshops to 30 jovenes between the 18 and 31 year of age.

Confidence in administration

10. Which experience have to deliver projects and programs of this class, and what his results
have been? (No more than 125 words)
We are 14 years old of experience and hemos received during nustra path of the
constitucion organisational a quantity subsidise of 150 productive projects successful.

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Charity No. 241469
11. Please nominate somebody who can act like an Independent Referee and ask them to fill up
and sign the Statement down. The needs of Confidence to agree this election of the referee
based in the Statement delivered. For the furthest information in Independent Referee
pleases to see the Instructions of Application, page 4 & 5.

Name of Independent Referee proposed:

Details of contact:

12. What is the reasoning behind your election of Independent Referee?

I, the applicant, has read and understood the terms of the Confidence put was on


Date: 10 / 02 /2017

Additional documentation
Please note that, excluding any budget, supplementary documentation totalling on 1,000 words
will not be circulated to the Trustees.

The following documents are atthurt to this form of application:





1 TRAINING Month 8
1.1 Human Rights Capacitors 2 2 4.200.000 8400000
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Charity No. 241469
1.2 Capacitors of agricultural enterprise 2 2 4.200.000 8400000
1.3 Pendones 2 2 120.000 240000
1.4 Refreshments 30 240 3.500 840000
1.5 Reading Material (magazines or booklets) 60 60 22.000 1320000
1.6 Logistics 4 32 30.000 960000

1.7 TOTAL TRAINING 20160000

2.1 Sowing of the crop per hectare 15 15 5.000.000 75000000


3.1 Construction materials 48 m² 48 1.200.000 57600000
3.2 It gilds peeling machine UND 1 15.000.000 15000000
3.3 Extractor machine UND 1 18.000.000 18000000
3.4 Cilo UND 1 8.000.000 8000000
3.5 Technical manpower UND 6 900.000 5400000
3.6 Civilian engineer UND 1 2.200.000 2200000
3.7 Civilian technologist UND 1 1.200.000 1200000
3.8 PLANT 107400000

4.1 Administrator 1 MONTH 8 2.200.000 17600000
4.2 Coordinator 1 MONTH 8 1.900.000 15200000
4.3 Counter 1 MONTH 8 2.200.000 17600000
4.4 Field Coordinator 1 MONTH 8 1.800.000 14400000
4.5 MONTH 8 64800000
5 MONTH 8 2.500.000 20000000

TOTAL COP$ COP$ 287360000

2. ……………………………………….

3. ……………………………………….

4. .......................................................

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Charity No. 241469
Statement of support by an Independent Refereand
(Notes on what is required is found in Instructions of Application, page 4 and 5.)


2. Name of referee and direction:

3. Efrain estupiñan

Telephone: 3104792590

Email: waters-of

4. What very qualified are to comment in this project? Explain how will ensure that you are
in a position to observe this project when it develops?
Being a representative of the comunits afro estare reviewing way of veeduria the ejecucion of
the project BUILDING FUTURE OF PAZ that the FUDACION FUNDEHUCOGUA in the municipality
of yondo Antioquia . They made visits of auditoria revicion of qualifications and establishment
of the crop and plant procesadora reviewed accurate mind the fulfillment alos jovenes

5. A ) personally are to obtain financially if the money is given for this project?

b) You are involved with agent the project, and if so in which way?
No estare involved in the gestion of the project.

6. How you ensure your objectivity when giving your assessment of this project?
We will raise record of assistance and revicion with date and ora of revicion of each vicita of
auditoria signed by the two parts, taking of photos and videos of the prosesos.

I am familiar with this project and support this application.

I will provide an objective assessment and criticism on conclusion of the project. This will
include an assessment of how the project has worked in practice, what has worked well and
what has no, and the results of the project. Also I will answer any one other questions on
the project that require of me.

Signed: ________________________

Date: 06/02/2017

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Charity No. 241469

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