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Artificial Intelligence


Lecture #1
Tip: Take your own notes during lectures

C. Anantaram

Note: This session is being recorded.

Disclaimer: I do not claim that all material in these slides are self-produced.
Some Material for the slides are taken from internet and other sources.
Course Overview
• Objectives
Pre-req: CSE102 Data Structures and Algorithms
CSE121 Discrete Mathematics(desirable)
Goals of this course are:
(a) able to apply search techniques for problem solving
(b) explain how to represent Knowledge required for problem solving
(c) apply reasoning to sift through data
(d) utilize AI for application in real world
• Broad Topics
1. Introduction to AI: What is Intelligence, What are Intelligent Systems, Characteristics of Intelligent Systems
2. Knowledge Representation using Predicate Logic, Prolog programming
3. Blind search and Search based on heuristics
4. Search using constraint satisfaction
5. Adversarial Search (Game playing)
6. Knowledge representation using Frames and Conceptual Dependency
7. Learning: Linear Regression, Logistic regression, Perceptron, Artificial Neural Networks
8. Knowledge representation: Natural Language Processing, Applications
9. Probabilistic Reasoning: Bayesian Network, Dempster Shafer, Fuzzy Logic
10. Planning and Reinforcement Learning, Some new topics: Meta-learning, Inductive Logic programming
11. Nature inspired search algorithms 2
Class time, Evaluation and Books
• Class time: Monday – 9 AM to 10:30 AM
Wednesday – 10:30 AM to 12 noon

• Quizzes: 15 marks - 3 quizzes of 5 marks each (08/9, 13/10, 03/11)

• Assignment: 35 marks - 5 assignments of 7 marks each

• Mid-sem exam: 25 marks - one day during 25th Sep to 4th Oct
• End-sem exam: 25 marks - one day during 1st Dec to 11th Dec
• Bonus marks: 05 marks - positive class participation

Reference Books
1. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern approach: Third Edition – Stuart Russell and Peter
Norvig, Pearson Education Limited, 2016
2. A First course on Artificial Intelligence – Deepak Khemani, McGraw Hill India, 2013 3
Classroom page and office hours
• Course website
• Google Classroom: AI-Monsoon2021
• Class code: dke4bgy
• Link:

• My office
• B-308A Old Academic Building
• Tel # 351

• Office Hours for any doubts and clarifications

• Wednesdays - 5 pm to 6 pm (any changes will be announced)
• BUT, you should email me first and get my ok

• Post your doubts on Classroom page and hopefully other students will answer it !

• Email: 4
Policies for Academic Dishonesty

• Plagiarism

• Cheating

Know your Instructor
• Teaching at IIITD since 2019 as Visiting Faculty member

• M.Sc.(Tech.) Comp Sci, BITS Pilani and Ph.D. Comp Sci, IIT Bombay

• Software Professional with 39 years of R&D experience: Tata Consultancy Services,

DCM data products

• Working in AI since 1986 and designed and implemented many real-world AI systems

• Vice-President of the India chapter of Association for the Advancement of Artificial

Intelligence (AAAI) (2017 onwards).

• Member of ISO/IEC-JTC1 SC42 “Standards in Artificial Intelligence” committee and also

Bureau of Indian Standards LITD30 subcommittee (2018 onwards), setting Standards in
AI for India and the world.
Some real-world AI systems


• Play Google Video on Diabetic Retinopathy (in downloads folder)

AI in Computer Science

Example 1: AI toothbrush !

Example 2: Humanlike Robots – Sophia

Example 3: Some highly visible recent AI
successes in games

Watson defeats DeepMind AlphaGo defeats Go CMU’s Libratus defeats

Jeopardy champions achieves human- champion (2016) top human poker
(2011) level players (2017)
performance on
many Atari games

From Vincent Conitzer’s slides on Artificial Intelligence, Duke University 11

Example 4: Dynamic charge for risky driving

Example 4: Dynamic charge for risky driving

• AI solution to dynamically charge for driving vehicles in a risky fashion

on roads by evaluating driving behavior and estimate driver’s road-
driving skill level and risk in a situation

• Assume cameras are there on roads and are getting images of

vehicles on road

• Assume each driver’s driving and vehicle data is stored and available

• Assume a driver and only that driver will drive a particular vehicle
Main Tasks for Example 4
• ??

Main Tasks for Example 4
• Recognize Vehicles
• Focus on one vehicle
• Retrieve Vehicle number
• Retrieve Driver ID
• Retrieve Driver data
• Classify how the driver is driving the vehicle on a particular day
• Predict how driver will driver further
• Evaluate driver’s skill level
• Predict risk
• Calculate charge
Main Tasks for Example 4
• Recognize Vehicles -- Cars, Truck, Buses
• Focus on one vehicle -- Mark out boundary
• Retrieve Vehicle number -- Vehicle RFID tag or Recognition
• Retrieve Driver ID -- Database access
• Retrieve Driver data -- Data retrieval
• Classify how the driver is driving the vehicle on a particular day – Pattern
• Predict how driver will driver further -- Prediction of next action
• Evaluate driver’s skill level -- Novice, Medium, Expert
• Predict risk -- Risky, Rash, Careful, Careless, Lawful
• Calculate charge -- Apply charge policies
Example 4: Broad AI architecture
Driver’s knowledge- Explicit
Image Recognition Image Processing
level evaluation models of
Machine Learning
Vehicle knowledge
and Deep Learning
Identification for prediction

Driver identification From vehicle driver

and data retrieval Risk prediction in a Statistical
situation methods

Driving behavior
Dynamic charge rules for
Driver’s next action calculation in a charges in
prediction situation various
situations 17
In this course you are going to…
• Build an advisory system for selecting electives for a BTech or MTech student of IIITD
• You will build the system using Prolog
• Build prediction of possible career using ML (sci-kit learn)
• Build a Natural language interface to your system using Python

• Asgn #1 (7): Build an electives advisory system – St: 25/8, Sub: 15/9
• Asgn #2 (7): Search Road route using Prolog – St: 15/9, Sub: 25/9
• Asgn #3 (7): Forward chaining rules in durable-rules for travel advisory – St: 6/10, Sub: 19/10
• Asgn #4 (7): Use ML to predict career of a graduating student – St: 19/10, Sub: 15/11
• Asgn #5 (7): Use Python to build an NL interface for above – St: 15/11, Sub: 29/11

Watch later if you want to:

Google video
General 2019
Amazon GO
Boston Dynamics
Even More


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