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A good night’s sleep is just as important as

regular exercise and a healthy diet.

If you want to optimize your health or lose o regular exercise: việc tập thể dục đều
weight, getting a good night’s sleep is one đặn
of the most important things you can do. o a healthy diet = a diet that helps
Here are a number of evidence-based tips to to maintain or improve overall
sleep better at night. health: một chế độ ăn uống lành
1. Increase bright light exposure o to lose weight: giảm cân
during the day: Daily sunlight or o artificial bright light = refers to any
artificial bright light can improve light source that is produced by
sleep quality and duration, electrical means: ánh sáng nhân tạo
especially if you have severe sleep o have severe sleep issues: có các vấn
issues or insomnia. đề nghiêm trọng về giấc ngủ
2. Reduce blue light exposure in the o insomnia /ɪnˈsɑːmniə/ (n) = a sleep
evening: Blue light tricks your body disorder in which you have trouble
into thinking it’s daytime. falling and/or staying asleep: sự mất
3. Don’t consume caffeine late in the ngủ
day: Caffeine can significantly
o to worsen sleep quality: làm cho
worsen sleep quality, especially if
chất lượng giấc ngủ trở nên tồi tệ
you drink large amounts in the late hơn
afternoon or evening.
o a daytime nap = a short period of
4. Reduce irregular or long daytime
sleep during daytime hours: các giấc
naps: Long daytime naps may
ngủ ngắn vào ban ngày
impair sleep quality. If you have
o to impair something /ɪmˈper/ (v) =
trouble sleeping at night, stop
to damage something or make
napping or shorten your naps.
something worse: làm suy yếu, hư hai
5. Try to sleep and wake at consistent

times: Try to get into a regular
o a regular sleep/wake cycle: chu kỳ
sleep/wake cycle — especially on the
thức-ngủ đều đặn
weekends. If possible, try to wake up
naturally at a similar time every
Source: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/17-tips-to-sleep-better

o to get a good night’s sleep  to sleep better at night  to improve sleep quality
and duration
o to sleep and wake at consistent times  to wake up at a similar time every day

Smoking can lead to a variety of ongoing o complication /ˌkɑːmplɪˈkeɪʃn/ (n) =

complications in the body, as well as a new problem or illness that makes
long-term effects on your body systems. treatment of a previous one more
complicated or difficult: biến chứng
Mood stimulation: Smoking can o to put somebody in a good mood = to
temporarily put you in a good mood, but make somebody happy/cheerful: làm cho
dependence is common and withdrawal ai đó cảm thấy vui vẻ
side effects like anxiety and irritability can o side effect /ˈsaɪd ɪfekt/ (n) = a
be challenging to manage. secondary, typically undesirable effect of
a drug or medical treatment: tác dụng
Lung cancer: Smoking puts you at a
significant risk of developing lung cancer.
o exposed to …/ɪkˈspəʊzd/ = If you are
exposed to a particular risk or hazard, you
Heart disease: Both people who smoke
are in danger from it: tiếp xúc với, phơi
and those who are regularly exposed to
nhiễm …
secondhand smoke are at a higher risk
o secondhand smoke = smoke inhaled
of a heart attack.
involuntarily from tobacco being smoked
by others: khói thuộc thụ động/do người
Problems with pregnancy and
hút thuốc phả ra
newborns: Smoking during pregnancy
can increase the risk of miscarriage, o pregnancy /ˈpreɡnənsi/ (n): the state
of being pregnant: sự mang thai
asthma, ear infections, and death in your
newborn. o miscarriage /ˈmɪskærɪdʒ/ (n): the
process of giving birth to a baby before it
Wrinkly skin: Substances in cigarettes is fully developed and able to survive: sự
can cause dry skin and premature aging. sẩy thai
Reduced blood flow also causes your skin o asthma /ˈæzmə/ (n): a medical
to get less nutrition. condition of the chest that makes
breathing difficult: hen suyễn
Diabetes complications: Type 2 diabetes o newborn /ˈnuːbɔːrn/ (n) = a baby
tends to progress more rapidly in people that was born recently: trẻ sơ sinh
who smoke, because smoking increases o diabetes /ˌdaɪəˈbiːtiːz/ (n) = a medical
the amount of insulin resistance in the condition in which the body cannot
body. produce enough insulin to control the
amount of sugar in the blood: tiểu đường
Source: https://www.healthline.com/health/smoking/effects-on-body

to put somebody at a significant risk of …  to be at a higher risk of …  to increase the risk of

Stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It can be
healthy when it helps you avoid an accident,
meet a tight deadline, or keep your wits
about you amid chaos. o to meet a deadline = to finish work
on time, by the agreed date: hoàn
Severe, frequent, or prolonged stress can be thành một công việc nào đó đúng hạn
mentally and physically harmful. Here are o to be mentally and physically
some simple ways to relieve stress and harmful: có hại cho thể chất và tinh
anxiety. thần
o to relieve stress and anxiety: giải tỏa
1. Exercise: Regular exercise can help căng thẳng và lo lắng
lower stress and anxiety by o to keep a journal: viết nhật ký
releasing endorphins and improving o social ties = connections among
your sleep and self-image. people that are used for sharing
2. Write it down: Keeping a journal information, knowledge, feelings, and
can help relieve stress and anxiety, experiences: các mối quan hệ xã hội
especially if you focus on the positive. o to lower your risk of …: làm giảm
3. Spend time with friends and family: rủi ro/nguy cơ bị gì
Having strong social ties may help o stressor (n) = something that causes
you get through stressful times and stress: tác nhân gây căng thẳng
lower your risk of anxiety. o procrastination /prəˌkræstɪˈneɪʃn/
4. Learn to say no: Try not to take on (n) = the act of delaying something
more than you can handle. Saying no that you should do: sự trì hoãn, chần
is one way to control your stressors. chừ
5. Learn to avoid procrastination: o to make time for something = to
Prioritize what needs to get done and make certain you have some time
make time for it. Staying on top of when you are not busy in order to do
your to-do list can help ward off something you think you should do:
procrastination-related stress. dành thời gian cho …
6. Listen to soothing music: Slow- o blood pressure = the pressure of blood
paced instrumental music can pushing against the walls of your
induce the relaxation response by arteries: huyết áp
helping lower blood pressure and
heart rate as well as stress hormones.

Source: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/16-ways-relieve-stress-anxiety

o to lower stress and anxiety  to relieve stress and anxiety  to get through
stressful times
o soothing music  slow-paced instrumental music

Plastic pollution has become one of the most o pressing environmental issues:
pressing environmental issues, as rapidly những vấn đề môi trường cấp bách
increasing production of disposable plastic o disposable /dɪˈspəʊzəbl/ (adj) =
products overwhelms the world’s ability to made to be thrown away after use:
deal with them. dùng 1 lần, được sản xuất ra để bỏ đi
sau khi dùng
Plastics revolutionized medicine with life- o revolutionize /ˌrevəˈluːʃənaɪz/ (v)
saving devices, made space travel possible, = to completely change the way that
lightened cars and jets - saving fuel and something is done: cách mạng hóa,
pollution - and saved lives with helmets, làm thay đổi hoàn toàn
incubators, and equipment for clean drinking
o a throw-away culture = a society full
of excessive consumption and waste of
food, products, etc: xã hội mà trong
The conveniences plastics offer, however,
đó người ta sử dụng đồ đạc trong
led to a throw-away culture that reveals the
một thời gian ngắn sau đó vứt chúng
material’s dark side: today, single-use
đi, mua đồ mới
plastics account for 40 percent of the plastic
o single-use /ˌsɪŋɡl ˈjuːs/ (adj) = made
produced every year.
to be used once only and then thrown
away: dùng 1 lần
Millions of animals are killed by plastics every
year, from birds to fish to other marine o marine /məˈriːn/ (adj): connected
with the sea and the creatures and
plants that live there: thuộc về biển
Most of the deaths to animals are caused by o organism /ˈɔːrɡənɪzəm/ (n): a living
entanglement or starvation. Seals, whales, thing, especially one that is extremely
turtles, and other animals are strangled by small: sinh vật
abandoned fishing gear or discarded six-pack o starvation /stɑːrˈveɪʃn/ (n)
rings. o = the state in which somebody suffers
or dies because they have no food: sự
Plastics have also been found to have chết đói
blocked digestive tracts or pierced organs, o to be packed with … = to be full of …/
causing death. Stomachs so packed with to be filled with …: chứa đầy …
plastics reduce the urge to eat, causing o urge /ɜːrdʒ/ (n) = a strong desire to do
starvation. something: sự thèm/muốn …
Source: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/plastic-pollution

o pressing environmental issues  urgent/serious environmental problems (Từ Huyền
cho thêm, không có trong bài)
o disposable  single-use

Animals are disappearing at hundreds of

times the normal rate, primarily because of
shrinking habitats. o followed by = you use followed by to
say what comes after something else
Habitat loss - driven primarily by human in a list or ordered set of things: theo
expansion as we develop land for housing, sau là …
agriculture, and commerce - is the biggest o to adapt /əˈdæpt/ (v) = to change
threat facing most animal species, followed your behaviour in order to deal more
by hunting and fishing. successfully with a new situation:
thích nghi
o logging /ˈlɔːɡɪŋ/ (n) = the work or
Even when habitat is not lost entirely, it may business of cutting down trees for their
be changed so much that animals cannot wood: việc khai thác gỗ
adapt. Fences fragment a grassland or
o to break up = to separate into
logging cuts through a forest, breaking up smaller pieces: phá vỡ
migration corridors; pollution renders a river
o pesticide /ˈpestɪsaɪd/ (n): a
toxic; pesticides kill widely and chemical used for killing pests,
indiscriminately. especially insects: thuốc trừ sâu
o to spread disease: làm lây lan dịch
To those local threats one must increasingly bệnh
add global ones: Trade, which spreads o an invasive species = an organism
disease and invasive species from place to that is not indigenous, or native, to a
place, and climate change, which eventually particular area: loài du nhập, loài xâm
will affect every species on Earth - starting lấn (loài mà không phải bản xứ của
with the animals that live on cool vùng đó)
mountaintops or depend on polar ice. o to depend on something = to rely on
something: phụ thuộc vào …
All of these threats lead, directly or o to face multiple threats: đối mặt với
indirectly, back to humans and our nhiều mối đe dọa
expanding footprint. Most species face o to vanish /ˈvænɪʃ/ (v) = to
multiple threats. Some can adapt to us; stop existing: biến mất
others will vanish.

Source: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/vanishing-what-we-lose-when-an-animal-goes-

o shrinking habitats  habitat loss
o … primarily because of …  … is driven primarily by …

Since 1990, more than 1.2 billion people have

risen out of extreme poverty. But the o in the fight against something:
COVID-19 pandemic threatens to reverse trong cuộc chiến chống lại thứ gì
years of progress in the fight against global o to jeopardize /ˈdʒepərdaɪz/ (v) = to
poverty and income inequalities, and it risk harming or destroying
jeopardizes the future of a generation of something/somebody: gây nguy hiểm
children. cho …
o to afford /əˈfɔːrd/ (v) = to have
Children living in poverty often lack access enough money to be able to buy or do
to quality education. Sometimes it’s because something: đủ khả năng chi trả …
there aren’t enough quality schools, their o impoverished = /ɪmˈpɑːvərɪʃt/ (adj)
parents cannot afford school fees, or = very poor: rất nghèo
because impoverished families need their o medical treatment = the
children to work. management and care of a patient:
điều trị y tế
Living in poverty also means not being able o shelter /ˈʃeltər/ (n): the fact of
to afford a doctor or medical treatment. It having a place to live or stay,
means no electricity, limited shelter, and considered as a basic human need:
often little to no food on the table. chỗ ở
o the root causes of something = the
What causes poverty? fundamental reason for the occurrence
of a problem: nguyên nhân gốc
The root causes of poverty aren’t only a lack
rễ/chính yếu gây ra vấn đề gì
of access to basic necessities of life like
o necessity /nəˈsesəti/ (n) = a thing
water, food, shelter, education, or
that you must have and cannot
healthcare. Inequities including gender or
manage without: thứ thiết yếu
ethnic discrimination, poor governance,
o discrimination /dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn/ (n)
conflict, exploitation, and domestic violence
= the practice of treating somebody or
also cause poverty. These inequities not only
a particular group in society less fairly
lead a person or a society into poverty but
than others: sự đối xử phân biệt
can also restrict access to social services that
o lead somebody into poverty: đưa ai
could help people overcome poverty.
đó vào cảnh nghèo khó
Source: https://www.worldvision.org/sponsorship-news-stories/global-poverty-facts

o lacking access to something  a lack of access to something (việc không được tiếp
cận với …)
o out of poverty  overcome poverty

Although governments may never be able to

eliminate road congestion, there are several
ways cities and states can move to curb it. o to eliminate /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/ (v) = to
remove or get rid of something: loại bỏ
o to curb /kɜːrb/ (v) = to control or
Charging peak-hour tolls: Governments can limit something: hạn chế
charge people money to enter all the lanes o toll /təʊl/ (n) = money that you pay to
on major commuting roads during peak use a particular road or bridge: phí
hours. Most Americans reject this solution o peak hours /piːk aʊəz/ = the
politically for two reasons. Tolls would favor busiest hours: giờ cao điểm
wealthier or subsidized drivers and harm o to reject /rɪˈdʒekt/ (v) = to refuse to
poor ones, so most Americans would resent accept or consider something: từ chối,
them, partly because they believe they chối bỏ
would be at a disadvantage. The second o to favor /ˈfeɪvər/ (v) = to give an
drawback is that people think these tolls advantage to someone or something,
would be just another tax, forcing them to in an unfair way: thiên vị, ưu tiên
pay for something they have already paid for o to be at a disadvantage = to be in
through gasoline taxes. an unfavorable position relative to
someone or something else: ở thế bất
Greatly expanding public transit capacity:
The second approach would be to expand
o to force somebody to do something
public transit capacity enough to shift so
/fɔːrs/ (v) = to make somebody do
many people from cars to transit that there
something that they do not want to
would be no more excess demand for roads
do: bắt buộc, ép buộc ai làm gì
during peak hours.
o to expand /ɪkˈspænd/ (v) = to
become greater in size/number: mở
Raise gasoline taxes: Raising gas taxes rộng
would notably slow the rate of increase of all o public transit /ˌpʌblɪk ˈtrænzɪt/ (n) =
automotive travel, not just peak-hour the system of public transport in cities,
commuting. But Congress has refused to including the subway, buses, etc.: hệ
consider it because it is politically unpopular thống vận tải công cộng
and fought by industry lobbyists.

Source: https://www.brookings.edu/research/traffic-why-its-getting-worse-what-government-can-do/

o way  solution  approach (n): cách thức/giải pháp

The nature argument: Some criminologists

believe one of the main reasons people
commit crime is because it is in their o criminologist /ˌkrɪmɪˈnɑːlədʒɪst/
'nature', i.e. some people are more (n): a scientist who studies crime and
psychologically predisposed to committing criminals: nhà tội phạm học
criminal acts. o to predispose to /ˌpriːdɪˈspəʊz/
(adj): to influence somebody so that
The nurture argument: suggests that they are likely to think or behave in a
factors in society and the environment particular way: làm ảnh hưởng tới ai
people grow up in, such as poverty, family, đó khiến họ có khuynh hướng …
use of alcohol/drugs etc., will make some o to bring somebody up = to look
people more likely to commit crime. after a child until he or she becomes
an adult: nuôi dạy, lớn lên
o Family relationships: If a child is o to be unsupervised
brought up in a family where there /ˌʌnˈsuːpərvaɪzd/ (adj) = without
is 'poor parenting' – children being watched: không được giám sát
unsupervised, parents not spending o divorce /dɪˈvɔːrs/ (n) = the
time with children – or where the legal ending of a marriage: ly dị
parents have problems in their own o psychologist /saɪˈkɑːlədʒɪst/ (n) =
lives – alcohol dependency or family a scientist who studies and is trained
break-up/divorce – then that child is in psychology: nhà tâm lý học
far more likely to be involved in o to be guilty of /ˈɡɪlti/ (adj) =
crime as they become older. having done something illegal: có
o Violent media: Some child tội …
psychologists argue that if young o assault /əˈsɔːlt/ (n) = the crime of
people see violence in films and attacking somebody physically: tội tấn
television or play violent computer công người khác
games they are more likely to o murder /ˈmɜːrdər/ (n) = the crime of
become violent themselves. killing somebody deliberately: tội giết
o Alcohol and drugs: Many of those người
found guilty of serious assaults or o illegal /ɪˈliːɡl/ (adj) = not allowed by
murder have been under the the law: bất hợp pháp
influence of alcohol (and/or illegal
drugs) when committing an offence.
Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zdwwt39/revision/1

o to commit crime  to commit criminal acts  to be involved in crime  to commit
an offence

Chemically processed foods tend to be high o to be high in something = to

in sugar, artificial ingredients, refined contain a large amount of …: chứa
carbohydrates, and trans fats. Because of nhiều thứ gì
this, they are a major contributor to obesity o a major contributor to something: 1
and illness around the world. nguyên nhân chính gây ra vấn đề gì
o to consume /kənˈsuːm/ (v) = to eat
Below, we look at seven reasons why or drink something: tiêu thụ
processed foods can increase the risk to o excess /ɪkˈses/ (n) = more than is
a person’s health. necessary: dư thừa
o compulsive overeating: ăn uống vô
Added sugar: Processed foods tend to độ (đây là 1 rối loạn ăn uống nghiêm
contain added sugar. Regularly consuming trọng)
an excess of added sugar can lead to o an artificial ingredient = an
compulsive overeating. ingredient which is artificial or man-
made: thành phần nhân tạo
Artificial ingredients: Highly processed o to keep … from … = to prevent …
foods often contain the following types of
from doing something: giữ cho … khỏi
chemicals: preservatives, which keep the
bị …
food from going bad quickly; artificial
o refined carbohydrate = also known
coloring; chemical flavoring.
as simple carbs or processed carbs:
carb tinh chế
Refined carbohydrates: Because refined
o trans fat /ˈtrænz fæt/ (n) = a form
carbs cause frequent increases and
of unsaturated fat associated with a
decreases in blood sugar, consuming them is
number of negative health effects:
linked with an increased risk of type 2
chất béo dạng trans
o stroke /strəʊk/ (n): a sudden serious
illness when a blood vessel (= tube) in
Trans fats: Ultra-processed foods are often
the brain bursts (= breaks open) or is
high in unhealthful, cheap fats. Eating trans
blocked, which can cause death or the
fats is associated with an increased risk of
loss of the ability to move or to speak
heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.
clearly: đột quỵ

Source: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318630

o chemically processed foods  highly processed foods  ultra-processed foods
o is linked with …  is associated with …


As we’ve long known, remote work has a
host of advantages for workers.

Better Work-Life Balance: Many remote jobs o a flexible schedule = a work schedule
also come with flexible schedules, which that allows employees to work during
means that workers can start and end their a period convenient to them: lịch trình
day as they choose, as long as their work is linh hoạt
complete. Whether it’s dropping kids off at o to run errands = to go out to buy or do
school, running some errands, attending an something: chạy việc vặt
online fitness class in the morning, or being o to balance /ˈbæləns/ (v) = to give
home for a contractor, these tasks (and equal importance to two things or
more!) are all easier to balance when you parts of something which are very
work from home. different: cân bằng
o to waste time commuting: tốn
Less Commute Stress: Wasting time thời gian đi lại (to waste + time +
commuting is just one of the downsides of doing something)
getting to and from work. More than 30 o to commute /kəˈmjuːt/ (v) = to
minutes of daily one-way commuting is travel regularly by bus, train, car, etc.
associated with increased levels of stress and between your place of work and your
anxiety. Ditching the commute helps you home: đi lại
support your mental and physical health. The o downside /ˈdaʊnsaɪd/ (n) =
time savings can allow you to focus on disadvantage: mặt bất lợi
priorities outside of work, like getting extra o to ditch something /dɪtʃ/ (v) = to get
sleep in the morning, spending more time rid of something: bỏ …
with family, getting in a workout, or eating a o priority /praɪˈɔːrəti/ (n) = something
healthy breakfast. that you think is more important than
other things and should be dealt with
Location Independence: One of the first: sự ưu tiên
considerable benefits of working from home o to have access to: được tiếp cận với
is having access to a broader range of job …
opportunities that aren’t limited by o job seeker (n) = someone who is trying
geographic location. This can be especially to find a job: người tìm việc
helpful for job seekers living in rural
communities and small towns where there
may not be many available local positions.
Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zdwwt39/revision/1

o remote work  remote jobs
o advantages  benefits

Glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising,

cloud forests are dying, and wildlife is
scrambling to keep pace. It has become clear o glacier ˈɡleɪʃər/ (n) = a slow-moving
that humans have caused most of the past mass or river of ice, formed from snow
century's warming by releasing heat- on mountains or near the North Pole or
trapping gases as we power our modern South Pole: song băng
lives. Called greenhouse gases, their levels o to keep pace = to move, increase,
are higher now than at any time in the last change, etc. at the same speed as
800,000 years. somebody/something: theo kịp
o to release something /rɪˈliːs/ (v) =
We often call the result global warming, but to allow a substance to flow out from
it is causing a set of changes to the Earth's somewhere: thải, xả …
climate, or long-term weather patterns, that o synonym /ˈsɪnənɪm/ (n) = a word or
varies from place to place. While many expression that has the same or nearly
people think of global warming and climate the same meaning as another in the
change as synonyms, scientists use “climate same language: từ đồng nghĩa
change” when describing the complex shifts o complex /ˈkɑːmpleks/ (adj) = made
now affecting our planet’s weather and of many different things or parts that
climate systems - in part because some areas are connected: phức tạp
actually get cooler in the short term. o shift /ʃɪft/ (n) = change: sự thay đổi
o encompass /ɪnˈkʌmpəs/ (v) =
Climate change encompasses not only rising include: bao gồm
average temperatures but also extreme o extreme weather events =
weather events, shifting wildlife populations unexpected, unusual, severe, or
and habitats, rising seas, and a range of unseasonal weather: các hiện tượng
other impacts. All of those changes are thời tiết khắc nghiệt
emerging as humans continue to add heat- o to emerge /ɪˈmɜːrdʒ/ (v) =
trapping greenhouse gases to the appear: xuất hiện
atmosphere, changing the rhythms of o to rely on … = to need or depend
climate that all living things have come to on: phụ thuộc vào …
rely on.

Source: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/global-warming-overview

o heat-trapping gases  greenhouse gases  heat-trapping greenhouse gases
o causing a set of changes to the Earth's climate  changing the rhythms of climate
o sea levels are rising  rising seas

o to take something into account =

Body mass index (BMI) is a calculation that
consider something along with other
takes a person’s weight and height into
factors before reaching a decision: cân
account to measure body size. In adults,
nhắc, tính đến một yếu tố nào đấy
obesity is defined as having a BMI of 30.0 or trước khi quyết định
o to measure /ˈmeʒər/ (v): to find
the size, quantity, etc. of something
Eating more calories than you burn in daily
in standard units: đo lường
activity and exercise - on a long-term basis -
o calorie /ˈkæləri/ (n) = a unit for
can lead to obesity. Over time, these extra
measuring how much energy food will
calories add up and cause weight gain.
produce: calo - 1 đơn vị đo năng lượng
Obesity can lead to more than simple weight o extra /ˈekstrə/ (adj) = more than
is usual: dư thừa
o to add up = to increase by small
o Having a high ratio of body fat to amounts until there is a large total:
muscle puts strain on your bones as tích tụ dần
well as your internal organs. o ratio of A to B /ˈreɪʃiəʊ/ (n): the
o It also increases inflammation in the relationship between two groups or
body, which is thought to be a risk amounts that expresses how much
factor for cancer. Obesity is also a bigger one is than the other: tỷ lệ A
major risk factor for type 2 diabetes. trên B
o to put strain on … = to place an
On a personal level, you can help prevent undue or overwhelming burden on …:
weight gain and obesity by making healthier đặt áp lực lên …
lifestyle choices: o inflammation /ˌɪnfləˈmeɪʃn/ (n) = a
condition in which a part of the body
o Aim for moderate exercise like becomes red, painful and swollen (=
walking, swimming, or biking for 20 larger than normal) because of
to 30 minutes every day. infection or injury: chứng viêm
o Eat well by choosing nutritious o prevent something /prɪˈvent/ (v)
foods, like fruits, vegetables, whole = to stop something from
grains, and lean protein. happening: ngăn cản …
o Eat high-fat, high-calorie foods in o moderate exercise: bài tập thể dục
moderation. cường độ trung bình

Source: https://www.healthline.com/health/obesity

o to make healthier lifestyle choices  to choose nutritious foods/ to eat high-fat, high-
calorie foods in moderation

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