Electronic Banking

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Thesis Report


“Electronic Banking and Customer Satisfaction. A Study on First

Security Islami Bank Limited Chuadanga Branch, Chuadanga. ”

Submitted to the Department of Business Administration, First Capital

University of Bangladesh Chuadanga for the Fulfillment of the Degree of
Master of Business Administration.

Submitted to Submitted by
Md. Mostafijur Rahman Md. Arman
Assistant Professor Program: MBA
Department of Business Administration Major in Management
First Capital University of Bangladesh, Batch: 24th
Chuadanga. ID: 0572120004083001
Department of Business Administration
First Capital University of Bangladesh,





Letter of Transmittal

05 December 2022

The Honorable Supervisor
Md. Mostafijur Rahman
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
First Capital University of Bangladesh, Chuadanga.

Subject: Submission of the thesis Report

Dear Sir,
Most respectfully to state that, here is my thesis Report on “Electronic Banking and Customer
Satisfaction. A Study on First Security Islami Bank Limited Chuadanga Branch, Chuadanga . ” that you
have assigned me to submit as a partial requirement of MBA program. It is very important factor in
banking sector to survive by successful management. While preparing this report, I tried my best to
follow the guidelines you have given me and gathered knowledge from practical experience. Your
heartiest effort has encouraged me to make this assignment as perfect as possible. Without your drive,
it might not be possible to prepare this assignment in time. It has enhanced my capability to prepare. It
is a great pleasure for me to work on this report. I will be highly grateful if you kindly accept my
Thesis Report.

Sincerely yours,

Md. Arman
Program: MBA
Major in Management
Batch: 24th
ID: 0572120004083001
Department of Business Administration
First Capital University of Bangladesh, Chuadanga


I do hereby declare that the Thesis report entitled “Electronic Banking and Customer Satisfaction. A
Study on First Security Islami Bank Limited Chuadanga Branch, Chuadanga.” embodies the results
of my own thesis work, pursued under the supervision of Md. Mostafijur Rahman, Assistant Professor
of the Department of Business Administration at First Capital University of Bangladesh, Chuadanga.

I further affirm that the report is original and as a whole or any part of this report has not been
submitted by any other students for the completion of MBA degree.

Md. Arman
Program: MBA
Major in Management
Batch: 24th
ID: 0572120004083001
Department of Business Administration
First Capital University of Bangladesh, Chuadanga

Certificate of Supervisor

I have the pleasure to certify that Md. Arman, Program: MBA, Major in Management, Batch: 24th, ID:
0572120004083001, Department of Business Administration at First Capital University of Bangladesh,
Chuadanga, successfully completed his Thesis program from 2022 July to December 05, 2022 entitled
“Electronic Banking and Customer Satisfaction. A Study on First Security Islami Bank Limited
Chuadanga Branch, Chuadanga. ” Under my supervision as the partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the award of MBA degree (Major in Management).

He has done his job according to my supervision and guidance. He has tried his best to do his duties
successfully. He has pursued the report his own achievement and is not a conjoint work which seems
to me original. I think his thesis program will help him in the future to build up his career.

I wish him success and prosperity of his life.

Md. Mostafijur Rahman

Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
First Capital University of Bangladesh, Chuadanga.


All praise to be Allah to whom all Dignity, Honor and Glory are due, the lord of the world, the
Almighty Omnipotent for his favor to me in completing this thesis report.

For most, it gives me immense pleasure to express my sincerest gratitude and sense of my most
Honorable Mentor Md. Mostafijur Rahman, Assistant Professor of Business Administration at First
Capital University of Bangladesh. For his kind approval of my work on the project along with his
important direction.

Sincere thanks and appreciation are acknowledged to my organizational project supervisor Md.
Mahidul Hasan, FAVP of First Security Islami Bank Limited. Who have provide me Annual report
of this bank and whose professionalism made me strive to be the best under the most trying
circumstances and who has provided his encouragement and guidance throughout.

I express my personal grateful to all of my friends and colleagues of First Security Islami Bank
Limited, who help me to prepare this report.

Also, I would like to express my best regards to my beloved friends, teachers, and brothers for
their unlimited love and encouragement.


Actually, knowledge is not fruitful one unless it is a combination of both theoretical and practical
knowledge. In other words, practical and theoretical knowledge are equally important.
Considering the above view point Department of Business Administration of First Capital
University of Bangladesh, arranged thesis program in various organization under the supervision of
various course teachers after completing final examination of Business Administration course to
increase the practical knowledge of each student. As a practical fulfillment of Business
Administration course research prepare a thesis report, the topics of which was “Electronic
Banking and Customer Satisfaction. A Study on First Security Islami Bank Limited Chuadanga
Branch, Chuadanga.”

I tried my level best to conduct effective study by collecting current data. Even though if mistake
appears, it is undesirable. So, I would request to look at the matter with merciful eyes.

Executive Summary
Thesis program is the prerequisite for the graduation in MBA. Classroom discussion alone
cannot make a student perfect in handling the real business situation; therefore, it is an
opportunity for the students to know about the real life situation through this program. A report
has to be built for the university and organization requirement. The topic of the report is
“Electronic Banking and Customer Satisfaction. A Study on First Security Islami Bank
Limited Chuadanga Branch, Chuadanga” The main purpose of the report becomes very clear
from the topic the report.

Generally, being an individual firm, company or corporation generally dealing in the

business of money and credit is called a bank. In our country any institution that accept for the
purpose of lending or investment deposits of money from public, repays on demand or transfers
by checks, draft orders & other means is called a bank. Banking is the backbone of national
economy. All sorts of economic and financial activities revolve round the axis of the bank. As
industries produce goods and commodities, the bank creates and controls money market and
promotes formation of capital. From this point of view, banking-a technical profession- can be
termed as industry. Services to its customer are the products of banking industry besides being a
pivotal factor in promoting capital formation in the country. As all economic and fiscal activities
revolve round the important Industry, the role of banking can hardly be over emphasized.

The First Security Islami Bank Limited emerges as a fast growing, leading and prominent
bank in the public sector to operate on the commercial arena of Bangladesh. The First Security
Islami Bank Limited has already occupied a challenging position among its competitors after
achieving success in all areas business operation. First Security Islami Bank Limited is serving
the market with almost full range of services. As the number of branches implies, still bank has
limited operation in our country, but it should also be noted that within the next few years from
its establishment, no bank could make as good standing as First Security Islami Bank Limited.

Table of Contents
Chapter Name of Contents Page
Number Numbers
Chapter One: Introduction 1

1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Origin of the Study 2

1.3 Objectives of the Study 2

1.3.1 General Objective 2

1.3.2 Specific Objectives 2

1.4 Scope Of The Study 2

1.5 Methodology 3

1.5.1 Primary data Sources 4

1.5.2 Secondary data Sources 4

1.6 Limitations of the Study 5

Chapter Two Organization Profile 12

2.1 History & Origin of the First Security Islami Bank Ltd: 12

2.2 Vision of the First Security Islami Bank 12

2.3 Mission of the First Security Islami Bank: 12

2.4 Strategies of the First Security Islami Bank 13

2.5 Goal of First Security Islami Bank 13

2.6 FSIBL Corporate Profile 14

2.7 Details of Shareholding Position 17

2.8 Shariah Council of FSIBL 19

2.9 Board of Directors: 20

2.10 Organ Gram of FSIBL 21

2.11 SWOT Analysis of FSIBL 22

Chapter-Three Electronic Banking and Customer Satisfaction 28

3.0 Electronic Banking at FSIB Limited 29

3.1 SMS Banking 29

3.2 Online and Internet 30

3.3 ATM Cards 32

3.4 Agent Banking 36

3.5 Utility Bill Collection 37

3.6 Locker Service 38

3.7 Remittance Partners 39

3.8 Green Banking 40

3.9 Customer Satisfaction at FSIB Limited. Chuadanga 41

Branch, Chuadanga

Chapter-Four Analysis And Findings 42-65

Chapter- Five Conclusion And Recommendations

Conclusion 68

Recommendations 69

References 70

Chapter Six Appendix 71



1.1. Introduction
Bank assumes a critical job in the improvement procedure of a nation as it quickens the pace of
advancement by anchoring an endless supply of monetary assets to individuals occupied with
various financial exercises. The job of keeping money is practically identical to what a course
framework does in the human body. Presently multi day's saving money part is modernizing
and extending its deliver distinctive monetary occasions each day. In the meantime, the
managing an accounting procedure is winding up quicker, less demanding and is getting to be
more extensive. Keeping in mind the end goal to get by in the dynamic field of managing an
account segment all associations are searching for better administration chances to give their
kindred customers. So it has turned out to be essential for each to have some thought on the
bank and to save money strategy. Temporary job program which can likewise be called work
connection program is fundamental for finishing the MBA program since it causes one
understudy to familiarize with the particular circumstance. As the bank is a standout
amongst the most vital budgetary mediators; so I have selected “First Security Islami Bank
Limited Chuadanga Branch, Chuadanga” which is one of the most newly made driving banks in
the keeping money region of Bangladesh.

Throughout the years the managing an account industry in Bangladesh has prospered. Presently
the time is mainly focused on each sector and besides in managing an accounting industry. To
keep the stable position in this competitive industry banks are often searching for approaches to
offer unique client benefit which will encourage them to win and retain clients. FSIB
Limited is not out of this. To keep up its stable position in this dynamic world they are
additionally giving diverse kinds of administrations to its clients and attempting a considerable
measure to keep their clients fulfilled.

1.2. Origin of the Study

After completion of all the required courses of MBA program under FCUB, it is an
obligatory part to get involved in a practical and professional environment.

So I had joined in the FSIB Limited, Chuadanga Branch, Chuadanga, to complete my thesis.
This branch plays out the whole managing an account exercises including General Banking,
Foreign Exchange and Credit and Loan division. Accordingly, one can go without much of a
stretch gain learning of both straightforward and confused managing account tasks from the
exercises of this branch. So I choose FSIB Limited, Chuadanga Branch, Chuadanga as a
sampling area to prepare this internship report. This report is the yield of my user experience
which I accumulated during my internship.

1.3. Objectives

Behind this report, there have some objectives, which must have to fulfill. There both have some
general objective and specific objectives.

1.3.1. General Objective -

To fulfill the partial requirement of MBA program and to gain practical knowledge on the
range of activities, policies associated with electronic banking and customer services provided by
the bank. This report will also give the opportunity to relate our theoretical understanding with
the actual scenario in the light of banking services and state our findings & recommendation.

1.4. Specific Objectives -

• To know a brief overview of FSIB Limited.

• To know the performance of electronic banking (E-banking) in FSIB Limited
• To know about different customer services provided at different sections FSIB Ltd.
• To find out and give some recommendations for the internal & external lacking that would
help FSIB Limited progress further.

1.5. Methodology of the Study

The methodology includes the methods procedures & techniques used to collect and analyze
information. For conducting the study I have used both primary sources and secondary sources.
The sources are given below-

Primary Data Raw Data- Gathered from my

own observation

Information from indirect

Secondary Data sources

1.5.1. P r i m a r y Data Sources-
Many of the data and information were collected from my practical experience and queries from
the executives while doing my internship at FSIB Bank Ltd. Besides that most of the necessary
data has been gathered by up close and personal meeting with the significant customers of the
bank and individuals working in various office, individual examination with brokers, roundabout
sent by Head office and keeping up every day journal which contains every one of the exercises
that has been watch and done in the bank. Some sources are-
i. Face to face conversation with branch manager, officers and executive of the bank.
ii. Face to face conversation with existing & new clients of FSIB.
iii. Practical desk work.
iv. Relevant document’s studies as provided by the officers concerned.

1.5.2. Secondary Data Sources-

Many of the information in this report additionally has gathered from some secondary sources
some of them are-
i. Documents of FSIB
ii. Annual report of FSIB
iii. Audit reports
iv. Official website of FSIB
v. Research journals

1.6. Limitations
Limitations that are found during my study are given below:
 As I need to depend on limited number of sources for data collection, there might be
some inaccuracy in findings.
 Many of the analysis on the obtained data are based on my sole interpretation.
Because of lack of knowledge and depth of understanding, I might not able to
produce an authentic and meaningful report.
 Time constraint was another limitation restricting this report from being mare detailed
or analytical.
 Three months is not enough to gather knowledge about all activities of a bank and
prepare a report.

 Last but not the least; the report would have more better and practical, as I too have
shortcoming with time, knowledge and capability.



2: Organization Profile

2. Organization Profile

2.1 History & Origin of the First Security Islami Bank Ltd:

The First Security is a National Banking sector which was incorporated on the 29th August, 1999
as a Banking Company under the companies Act 1994 to carry on the banking Business. It
obtained permission from Bangladesh Bank on 22nd September, 1999 to commence its Business.
It has started its operation as a commercial bank on the 25th October, 1999 with a branch at
Dilkusha. At present the Bank have 62 branches and 1 branch is in under construction which will
be fully operational by 2010 hopefully. It renders all types of commercial banking service to the
customers of the society with in the stipulations laid down the banking company act 1991 and
rules and regulation are being compromised by Bangladesh Bank time to time. Diversification of
products and services and innovation of products suited to the needs of the customers in keeping
with relevant rules and laws have made it different from other commercial banks of the country.
Corporate Banking and Personal Banking are the special strength of First Security Islami Bank
Ltd (FSIBL). It maintains a strong relationship with all the banks of the country and all the
customers of the bank. The First Security Islami Bank Ltd (FSIBL) is a solid, forward
looking and modern local bank with a view to ensure sound performance. The effort that First
Security Islami Bank Ltd trying to portray the bank as a brand image as very strong and
successful. The general image is that it is the ―Symbol of Security‖. In 1999 the authorized
capital of the bank was BDT 1500 billion and paid up capital was BDT 200 million. By the
end of 2009 the paid up capital was BDT 2300 million.

2.2 Vision of the First Security Islami Bank:

To be a unique modern islami Bank in Bangladesh and to make significant contribution to the
national economy and enhance customer‘s trust and wealth, quality investment,
employee‘s value and rapid growth in shareholder‘s equity.

2.3 Mission of the First Security Islami Bank:

The bank has chalked out the following corporate objectives in order to ensure smooth
achievement of its goals:
To be the most caring and customer friendly and service oriented bank.
To create a technology based most efficient banking environment for its customers.
To ensure ethics and transparency in all levels.
To ensure sustainable growth and establish full value of the honorable shareholders and

Above all, to add effective contribution to the national economy. Eventually the bank also
emphasize on:

Provide high quality financial services in export and import trade

Providing efficient customer services
Managing corporate and business ethics
Bring trusted depository of customers money
Making its products superior and rewarding to the customers
Display team spirit and professionalism
Sound capital base & Enhancement of shareholders wealth

2.4 Strategies of the First Security Islami Bank:

To achieve our customer‘s best satisfaction & win their confidence.

To manage & operate the bank in the most effective manner.
To identify customer‘s need & monitor their perception towards meeting those
To review & update policies, procedures & practices to enhance the ability to extend
better customer services.
To train & develop all employees & provide them adequate resources so that customers
can reasonably addressed.
To promote organizational efficiency by disclosing company plans policies & procedures
openly to the employees in a timely fashion.
To ensure a congenial working environment.

Corporate Slogans of the First Security Islami Bank:

―Green In Living‖

2.5 Goal of First Security Islami Bank:

Goal of FSIBL to establish & maintain the modern banking techniques to ensure the soundness
& development if the financial system based on Islami principles &to become the strong
To be most caring & Customer friendly & service oriented bank.
To create a technology based most efficient banking environment.
To ensure sustainable growth.
To add effective contribution of the national economy

Core values:
FSIBL‘s core values consist of 6 key elements. These values
bind our people together with an emphasis that our people are essential to everything being done
in the bank.

 Integrity
FSIBL protects & safeguards all customer information.
FSIBL treats everyone in an equitable & consistent manner
FSIBL creates an environment which earns & maintains customer
 Open communication
FSIBL builds customer relationships on integrity &respect.
FSIBL offers a full line of products &excellent service.
FSIBL is committed to the prosperityof the customers & shareholders.

 Performance driven
In FSIBL customers & employees are judged in terms of their performance.

 Continuous self Improvement
Continuous learning self –challenge &strive make ways for self improvement of work force at

 Quality
FSIBL offers hassle free better service timely.
FSIBL builds-up quality assets in the portfolio

 Teamwork
Interaction, open communication, and maintaining a positive attitude reflect FSIBL is
commitment to supportive environment based on teamwork

2.6 FSIBL Corporate Profile

FSIBL Corporate Profile

Name of the Company First Security Islami Bank Limited

Chairman Mr. Mohammed Saiful Alam

Vice Chairman Mr. Mohammed Abdul Maleque

Managing Director Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali

Company Secretary Mr. Oli Kamal FCS

Legal Status Public Limited Company

Date of Incorporation August 29, 1999

Date of Commencement of Business August 29, 1999

Date of getting license from Bangladesh

September 22, 1999

Date of Opening of 1st Branch October 25, 1999

Rangs RD Center, Block: SE (F), Plot:03, Gulshan

Head Office Avenue,
Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212

FSIBL Corporate Profile

Registered Office 23, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh

Line of Business Banking

Authorized Capital Tk.30,000 Million

Paid up Capital Tk.10,460.08 Million

Date of consent for IPO June 04, 2008

+88 02 55045700 (Hunting),

8432614-8432625 (ICT Division).

Fax 880-02-55045699

E-mail info@fsiblbd.com


Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co.

Chartered Accountants
Principal Office: Paramount Heights (7th Floor, D2 &
Auditors 65/2/1 Box Culvert Road, Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000
Shafiq Basak & Co.
Chartered Accountants
Shatabdi Centre (6th & 8th Floor),
292, Inner Circular Road,Fakirapool, Motijheel, Dhaka

The Law Counsel, Barrister & Advocates,

City Heart (7th Floor), Suit No. 8/8, 67,
Naya Paltan, Dhaka-1000.
Legal Advisor
Phone: 9349647-8,
Fax: 9349866, 9567029,
E-mail: l.counsel@bdonline.com.

K.M. Hasan FCA, K.M. Hasan & Co.

Chartered Accountants, Dhaka Office
Tax Consultant Home Tower Apartment (8 th & 9 th Floor),
87, New Eskaton Road , Dhaka – 1000,
Phone: 9351457,9351564, Fax: 9345792-112

2.7 Details of Shareholding Position

Share Holding Position July -2022

Sl. Category No. of Shares % of Shares

1 345,406,079 33.0214
Sponsors / Directors

2 15,950,886 1.5249
Foreign Investor

3 193,787,135 18.5264

4 490,864,021 46.9274

Total 1,046,008,121 100.0000

No. of securities held as

Sl. Name Status/Position
on 31 July, 2022


1. 45,100,061
ALAM Chairman

MOHAMMED ABDUL Director & Vice

2. 20,920,159
MALEQUE Chairman

3. FARZANA PARVEEN Director 47,522,619

4 ATIKUR NESSA Director 47,832,869

5. RAHIMA BEGUM Director 20,920,159

Padma Export, Import &

6. Trading Co. Nominated Director 31,534,403
Ms. Badrun Nessa

Nowshin Steels Limited

7. Nominated Director 23,811,924
Mohammad Abdullah Hassan

Pusti Vegetable Ghee Ltd.

8. Nominated Director 22,702,431
Mr. Khandkar Iftekhar Ahmad

Honeywell Securities Corp.

9. Nominated Director 20,920,180

Share Holding Position July -2022

Sl. Category No. of Shares % of Shares

Jamal Mostafa Chowdhury

10. Ms. Sharmin Fatema Sponsor 46,859,089

11. Dr. Momtaj Uddin Ahmed –

12. Md. Ruhul Amin –

Mohammad Masum Kamal Independent

13. –
Bhuiyan Director

14. Mortuza Siddique Chowdhury Sponsor 10,786,387

15. Abu Hena Mostafa Kamal Sponsor 2,425,500

16. Md. Didarul Alam Sponsor 3,109,626

17. Sarwar Jahan Malek Sponsor 960,672

Total 345,406,079

2.8 Shariah Council of FSIBL

Shariah Members

Name Position Address

Professor Dr. Mohammad Gias

Uddin Talukder Department of Arabic
Chairman University of Chittagong
প্রফেসর ডঃ ম োহোম্মদ গিয়োস
উদ্দীন তোলুকদোর

Markaz-e- Eshaete Islam

Mufti Sayeed Ahmad Vice Chairman 2/2, Darus Salam
Mirpur, Dhaka

10/F/A/1, Mirbag, Bara

Moulana M. Shamaun Ali Member Secretary Moghbazar

2/C Green Valley Apartment

493, Wireless Railgate
Moulana Abdus Shaheed Naseem Member
Bara Moghbazar

Mohammad Azharul Islam Member Central Law College
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Assistant Professor
Department of Islamic Studies
Dr. Md. Ruhul Amin Rabbani Member Asian University of

Khatib (current in charge)

Baitul Mukarram National
Mohammad Muhibbullahil Baqee Member

AL-Jamiah Al- Islamiah
Obaid Ullah Hamzah Member
Patiya Madrasah
Patiya, Chattogram

Observers Members

Name Position Address

Shariah Members

Name Position Address

Vice Chairman,
8/A, OR Nizam Road
Board of Directors, FSIBL
Mohammed Abdul Maleque Panchlaish R/A
& Observer Member of
Shari’ah Council

House No # 139, Lane # 01

Independent Director, FSIBL
Cantonment, DOHS,
Ahmed Muktadir Arif & Observer Member of
Shari’ah Council
Dhaka # 1206

Flat # B/12, Bosoti Green

Independent Director, FSIBL
Dr. Momtaz Uddin Ahmed & Observer Member of
23 Green Road
Shari’ah Council
Dhanmondi, Dhaka # 1205

Managing Director

Name Position Address

Rangs RD Center, Block # SE

Managing Director, FSIBL
Syed Waseque Md. (F)
& Observer Member of Shari’ah
Ali Plot # 03, Gulshan avenue
Gulshan # 01, Dhaka # 1212

2.9 Board of Directors:

Chairman- Mohammad SaifulAlam.

Vice Chairman- Alhaj Mohammed Abdul Maleque.
Directors: Ms. FarzanaParveen
Ms. RahimaKhatun
Ms. ShamsadJahan
Ms. AtiqunNesa.
Mr.Md. Sharif Hussain.
Mr. A. K. M. Ali Johar.
Mr.Md. WahidulAlam Seth.
Mr. Shahidul Islam.
Mr. Mohammed OheidulAlam.
Mohammad QutubUddowlah
Md. Abdul Hamid Miah
Managing Dircetor- Mr. A. A. M. Zakaria.

2.10 Organ Gram of FSIBL:

2.11 SWOT Analysis of FSIBL:

SWOT analysis means strength, weakness, opportunity and threat analysis of company. It
is very important for a bank to know the strength and opportunities they have. On the
other hand, weakness and threats is the area bank need to improve. Here SWOT analysis
of FSIBL bank are given below-


 First strength is that it is a Shariah based bank.

 By this time it has established an integral, customer friendly relationship with its clients
 It has prominent saving scheme named DPS for a fixed or lower income group of people
of this society.
 It provides services even after the banking hour to special clients.
 Sound profitability growth and high assets.Experienced management team.
 Honest, sincere and dedicated employee competency.
 Wide market share and stable source of fund.
 High attention on recovery of overdue amount and or pre-overdue situation.
 High attention on individual performance.
 High attention on making quality investment and disposal of proposals.
 All the officials are dedicated and honest to serve their own duty.
 As a whole the human resource is the main capital of the division.
 Business ethics of the division is similar to the ethics and values of mass people of our


 Traditional network system and lack of full scale automation.

 Poor marketing of investment products.
 Lack of required information specifically on SME.
 No growth on carrier advancement. So the employee wants to switch elsewhere.
 FSIBL Bank Ltd. does not have an individual marketing department.
 They have limited advertising strategy on behalf on their bank and accompanied by
conservatism rule in this sector.
 FSIBL Bank Ltd. does not use the share mode of investment.


 Scope of market penetration through diversified investment products.

 Increasing awareness of Islamic banking among the clients.
 Scope develops new committed entrepreneurs.

 Country wide branches having wide opportunities to access in different kinds of
 Service charges in other banks are comparatively higher than FSIBL Bank Ltd.
 No other banks could provide as much integral working atmosphere as FSIBL
Bank Ltd.
 Bank introduce Islamic card, which is a first time in Bangladesh.

Threats/ Challenges:

 Because of the intense competition, most of the competitor banks of FSIBL Bank
Ltd. are coming up with new service line ATM.
 The competitor banks of FSIBL Bank Ltd. have more geographical coverage than
FSIBL Bank Ltd.
 State law defers with the Islamic Shariah.
 In the money market of Bangladesh there is no call money system of Islamic
 Some other conventional banks have opened their Islamic banking branch

Functional Department of the First Security Islami Bank:

There are three functional departments in First Security Islami Bank. These are:

General Banking
Foreign Exchange
Loan & Investment

General Banking:

Bank is nothing but an intermediary between lender (surplus unit) and borrowers (deficit unit).
Savings and deposits are the main strength of the banks to provide loan. And the interest earned
from the difference borrowing and lending is the major portion of banks income. Banks also
earns from variety of operation.

General banking is the side where banks offer different alternatives to the clients to deposit and
remit their money. Accounts division is also included in general banking. To encourage the
clients, bank offers different options in front of their clients. Most of these options are very much
similar between the banks, but the customer services and facilities may not be the same. First
Security Islami Bank Limited has variety of services provided to the retail as well as for
corporate clients..

General banking activities of the First Security Islami Bank Ltd. Are included:

Account Opening

Cheque Book House

Account Closing

Clearing Department

Local Remittance

Cash Section

Online Banking

SMS Banking

ATM Banking

Locker Services

Foreign Exchange:

Foreign exchange is the means and methods by which rights to wealth in a country‘s currency
are converted into rights to wealth in another country‘s currency. In banks when we talk of
foreign exchange, we refer to the general mechanism by which a bank converts currency of one
country into that of another. Foreign Exchange Department (FED) is the international
department. Bangladesh Bank issue license to scheduled banks to deal with

foreign exchange. These banks are known as Authorized Dealers. If the branch is authorized
dealer in foreign exchange market, it can remit foreign exchange from local country to foreign

Foreign Exchange department of FSIBL, Ring Road branch has been divided into two sections:

Import section.
Export section.

Loan & Investment:

This is the survival unit of the bank because until and unless the success of this department is
attained, the survival is a question to every bank. If this section does not properly work the bank
it self may become bankrupt. This is important because this is the earning unit of the bank. Bank
are accepting deposits from the depositors in condition of providing profit to them as well as safe

keeping their profit. Now the question may gradually arise how the bank will provide profit to
the clients and the simple answer is Investment and Advance.

FSIBL provides different types of investments. Those are as follows:

Bai-Murabaha (Deferred Lump Sum/ Installment Sale)

Bai-Muajjal (Deferred Installment / Lump Sum Sale)
Ijara (Leasing)
Musharaka (Joint-Venture Profit-Sharing)
Mudaraba (Trustee Profit-Sharing)
Bai-Salam (Advance Sale and Purchase)
Direct Investments
Post Import Investment
Purchase and Negotiation of Export Bills
Inland Bills Purchased
Murabaha Import Bills
Bai-Muajjal Import Bills
Quard-ul-Hasan (Benevolent Investment)

Specialized Schemes

Consumer Investment Scheme,

SME Investment Scheme,
Lease Investment Scheme,
Earnest Money Investment Scheme,
Mortgage Investment,
EmployeesHouseBuilding Scheme

From the above schemes below three are generally in action

Bai-Murabaha ( Mark up sale)

Bai-Murajjal (Sales on credit)
Hire-Purchase (Participatory ownership)

Bai-Murabaha (Mark Up Sale):


The terms ―Bai-Murabaha‖ have been derived from Arabic words ‗Baiun‘ and ‗Ribhun‘. The
word Baiun means purchase and sale and the Ribhun means an agreed upon profit. ―Bai-
Murabaha‖ means sale on agreed upon profit.


―Bai-Murabaha‖ may be defined as a contract between a buyer and seller under which the seller
sells certain specific goods permissible under Islamic shariah and the law of the land to the
Buyer at the cost plus agreed profit payable in cash or on any foxed future date in lump sum or
by installments. The profit marked-up may be fixed in lump sum or in percentage of the cost
price of the goods.

Bai-Murajjal (Sales on Credit) :


The terms ―Bai-Muajjal‖ have been derived from Arabic words ‗Baiun‘ and ‗Ajalun‘. The word
Baiun means purchase and sale and the word Ajalun means a fixed time or a fixed period. ―Bai-
Muajjal‖ means sale for which payment is made at a future fixed date or within a fixed period. In
short, it is a sale on credit.


―Bai-Muajjal‖ may be defined as a contract between a buyer and a seller under which the seller
sales certain specific goods(permissible under Islamic shariah and the law of the country) to the
Buyer at an agreed fixed price payable at a certain fixed future date in lump sum or within a
fixed period by fixed installments. The seller may also sell the goods purchased by him as per
order and specification of the buyer.

Hire- Purchase (Participatory Ownership):

Meaning and definition:

Hire-Purchase (Participatory ownership) is a special type of contract which has been developed
through practice. Actually, it is a synthesis of three contracts:


Shirkat means partnership. Shirkatul means participation in ownership. When two or more
persons supply equity, purchase and asset; own the same jointly, and share the benefit as per
agreement and bear the loss in-proportion to their respective equity, the contract is called
ShirkatulMelk contract.


The term ijarah has been derived from the Arabic words Ajr and Ujrat which means
consideration, return, wages or rent. This is really the exchange value or consideration, return,
wages, rent of service of and assets. Ijarah has been define as a contract between two parties,
the Hiree and Hirer where the Hirer enjoys or reaps a specific service or benefit against a
specified consideration or rent from the asset owned by the Hiree. It is a Hire agreement under
which a certain asset is hired out by the hiree to a hirer against fixed rent on rentals for a
specified period.

This is a sale contract between a buyer and seller under which the ownership of certain goods or
assets in transferred by seller to the buyer against agreed upon price paid/to be paid by the
buyer. Therefore, there are generally five departments always remain active in any branch of
this bank. These are-
Account Opening Department,
Cash Department,
Accounts Department,
Clearing Department,
Investment Department.

A) Account Opening Department: The main task of this department are given below- General

Activities of this department are given below:

Account opening, Account closing, Account transfer, giving bank statement, bank certificate,
dispatch, issuing check book and savings book.

B) Cash Department: The main tasks of the cash department are Receiving Cash from Clients
and Paying against instrument. Instead it also maintains the locker service.

C) Account Department: All kinds of preservation of documents/voucher, paying bills, paying

salary is the main task of this department.

D) Clearing Department: Receiving all kinds of inward & outward checks for
payment, issue pay order/ pay slip is the main task of this department.

E) Investment Department: In this department, consumer credit scheme criteria are

served with their different facilities. The facilities categorized as Consumer Credit Scheme are
given as bellow:
Bai-Murabaha (Deferred Lump Sum/ Installment Sale)
Bai-Muajjal (Deferred Installment / Lump Sum Sale)
Ijara (Leasing)


Electronic Banking and Customer Satisfaction

3.0. Electronic Banking at FSIB Limited.
Different types of Electronic banking (E-banking) are provided by FSIB Chuadanga Branch,
Branch to its customers. The following are the details of E-banking that is provided by FSIB-

SMS Banking
Online & Internet Banking
ATM card
Agent Banking
Utilities Bill Collection
Locker service
Remittance Partners
Green Banking

3. 1. SMS Banking
FSIB Bank Ltd. Chuadanga Branch, Chuadanga offers SMS Banking services to ensure instant
access to one’s account information at any time. Any mobile phone user having account with
FSIB Bank can get the services through the mobile phone. By using SMS banking our
customers can avail the services like:

3.2. Online and Internet Banking
Online banking system is an awesome method to decrease paper utilization. All the 61 branches
of FSIB Limited are providing online banking facilities through its core banking system
namely “Bank Ultimus”. Fund Transfer to Other bank’s Accounts through BEFTN has been
made available through Online Banking for the Customers. FSIB Bank has offered 24/7
accessible Internet Banking service. By using real-time internet banking our customers can avail
the services like:

3. 3. ATM Cards
Now customer can access to their money 24/7 more easily and conveniently through the bank’s
widespread network of ATMs in Bangladesh. The ATMs have use friendly screens and easy to
follow instructions in both Bangla & English languages.
FSIB connected to National Payment Switch which enables our debit/credit card customers to
withdraw money from any other bank’s ATMs within Bangladesh. FSIB Bank has used the
BACH and BEFTN mechanism for convenient payment.

 DEBIT Cards: FSIB Bank Debit Cards provide their customers 24 hour access to
their savings and current accounts. FSIB offer Visa Card service to our valued customers.
Their Visa cards with chip are more secured to conduct any type of transaction
possible through cards. FSIB Bank Ltd. has just presented card benefits through FSIB
VISA card under Q-Cash and NPSB consortium which contains the majority of the part
banks ATMs and POS arrange the nation over. With 61 Branches, 550 operator
focuses and in excess of 46 ATMs, FSIB Bank offers you an extensive variety of
money related answers for meet your regul

 Free Cash Withdrawal from any FSIB Bank ATM and 1500+ Q-Cash ATM Network.
 VISA EMV Chip card Address.
 POS Transaction by directly debiting your Bank account within Bangladesh.
 Purchase online by directly debiting your Bank account within Bangladesh.
 Free SMS Alert for any ATM, POS and Online transaction.
 Cash withdrawal, balance enquiry, Mini Statement & PIN Change option in FSIB Bank

Must have FSIB Bank Savings/Current/SND/SOD account.

Transaction Limits:
 Per Transaction Limit: BDT 20000
 Per Day Limit: BDT 50,000
 Per Day No of Transaction: 5


 Cash Withdrawal from FSIB Bank Ltd. : FREE

 SMS Alert Fee : FREE
 Annual Fee: BDT. 500 + 15% VAT
 Card/PIN Replacement Fee: BDT. 300 + 15% VAT

 CREDIT Cards: FSIB Bank Credit Cards give their clients 24 hour access to
their investment funds and current records. FSIB offer Visa Card administration to
their esteemed clients. Their Visa cards with chip are more anchored to lead any sort of
exchange conceivable through cards. FSIB Bank Ltd. has just presented card benefits
through FSIB VISA card under Q-Cash and NPSB consortium which contains the
majority of the part banks ATMs and POS arrange the nation over. With 61 Branches,
550 specialist focuses and in excess of 46 ATMs, FSIB Bank offers you an extensive
variety of money related answers for meet your regular need. FSIB offer-
 Platinum Credit Card
 Gold Credit Card (Dual Currency)
 Classic Credit Card ( Dual Currency) and
 Prepaid Credit Cards (Dual Currency) are designed to meet their customers’ need.

PLATINUM Credit Card (Dual Currency):


 FSIB Dual Currency Platinum Card is a prestigious card with a higher credit Limit.
 A single Platinum card can be used both domestically & internationally.
 You can use it while shopping, Cash withdrawal & make E-commerce transactions from
any Visa ATM at home & abroad.

Transaction Limit:

Credit facility from 2.00 Lac to 5.00 Lac and up to USD 7000.00(Credit limit will be sanctioned
through proper way as per Bank's credit committee decision).


 FSIB Gold Credit Card is a Dual Currency Credit card & also can be used both
Domestically & Internationally.
 Through this Gold card one can withdraw cash from any Visa ATM at home & abroad.

Transaction Limit:
Credit facility from 1.00 Lac to 5.00 Lac and up to USD 5000.00(Credit limit will be sanctioned
through proper way as per Bank's credit committee decision).

Classic Credit Card (Dual Currency)


 FSIB Dual Classic Card can be used both Domestically & Internationally.
 It is hassle free& easier to carry a single card for both Domestic & abroad.
 One can use it shopping & Cash withdrawal from any Visa ATM at home & abroad.

Transaction Limit:
Credit facility from BDT 0.30 Lac to 2.00 Lac and up to USD 4000.00(Credit limit will be
sanctioned through proper way as per Bank's credit committee decision).

PREPAID Credit Card:


 FSIB Prepaid Card is a Dual Currency Travel card.

 Can use it both Domestically & Internationally while do shopping or cash withdrawal
from any Visa ATM.
 No branch account required.


Deposit first then allowed to make transaction.


A student can utilize the card while remaining abroad, can pay educational cost expenses of
Universities and Colleges there. Can convey more remote cash in the wake of getting entitled
with authorization from Bangladesh bank.

Prepaid hajj Card is intended for both Personal utilize and Institutional/Agency utilize. Anybody
can convey the card with a stacked outside cash settled by Bangladesh Bank.

Prepaid virtual card is a more agreeable card for Int. students & those who frequently use
foreign E-commerce transactions for paying bills & charges abroad. No physical card will be
issued; will get a virtual card number where foreign currency can be loaded for later use.

Transaction Limit:

Can Load up to 10 Lac Local currency & foreign currency up to Travel Quota limit.

3.0.4. Agent Banking

FSIB Bank is one of the 4th generation private sector scheduled banks which started its
commercial operation on 18th April 2013. FSIB Bank constantly focuses the changing need
and desire of its customers, to develop new and re-engineered process of service delivery. It has a
concentration to go about as powerful conveyance channel to circulate FSIB settlement
everywhere throughout the nation. At the request of the Bank, Bangladesh Bank has given scope
to the banks to develop another alternate delivery channel in the name and style “Agent
Banking”. This channel will convey open door for the banks to serve the mass individuals at
bleeding edge cost agreeing to administrative prerequisites. Among the new Banks, FSIB Bank

Bank’s Agents will provide the following services to the public:

 Collection of small value cash deposit and cash withdrawal, facilitating utility bill
 Inward foreign Remittance distribution, Inland Remittance, facilitating fund transfer
 Facilitating small value loan disbursement and recovery of loan & installments.
 Cash payment under different programs of the Government
 Balance enquiry, generation and issuance of Mini Bank Statement
 Collection and processing of documents in relation to account opening, loan application,
credit and debit card application from public
 Other functions like payment of insurance premium, sale of corporation etc.
 Receive clearing cheque for collection.

Agents are not allowed to provide the following services:

 Conducting Money Changing Activities
 Dealing Loans/ Financial Appraisal
 Encashment of Cheques.
 Guarantee Issue

In the client end, the exchange ought to work through ICT gadgets that are persistently and
uninterruptedly coordinated to the Core Banking Solution (CBS) of the bank. The exchanges
ought to be executed on constant premise. Toward the end point, the client will get moment
affirmation of their exchange through visual premise (screen based) or paper based (charge or credit slip).

3.5. Utility Bill Collection

FSIB Limited is collecting following utilities Bill. All the branches of FSIB Limited
and Agent Banking points are now capable to collect following bills-
DESCO BILL Collection
WASA BILL Collection
BRTA BILL Collection
TITAS BILL Collection

3. 6. Locker Service
FSIB give locker facilities to their valued customers. Customers can use the locker facility of
FSIB Limited Limited Chuadanga Branch and thus have the option of covering their
valuables against any unfortunate incident. FSIB offer security to their locker service as afforded
to the Bank’s own property at a very competitive price.

Facilities of locker-

 Wide availability.
 Secure & confidential service.
 Lockers available in various Sizes- Small, Medium and Large with varying rents.
 Lockers are rented out for a Minimum Period of One Year. Rent is Payable in Advance.
 The rent may be conveniently paid from customers’ deposit account with FSIB.
 Direct Debits for Locker Rentals from customers’ Account rid of the hassles in Writing
out cheques.

3.0.7. Remittance Partners

All the branches of FSIB Limited and Agent Banking points are now capable to receive
Foreign Remittance instantly through online from any countries of the world through-

 Western Union
 Xpress money
 Placid Express
 MoneyGram

3.8. Green Banking

"Green Banking" is a widely accepted concept for today's world. Global warming is a great issue
in protection of sterile environment. Green banking considers all the social and ecological
variables is likewise called Ethical Banking. Green keeping money, as an idea is proactive and
brilliant state of mind with a dream for future maintainability of our solitary Spaceship earth.

As a capable private area money related organization of the nation FSIB Bank will assume a
critical job in tending to the issue and in all exercises like financing and social duties and CSR
exercises. Bangladesh Bank in accordance with worldwide standards has just presented Green
Banking and reasonable Practices at All the booked banks in Bangladesh. In incompliance with
the Bangladesh Bank's mandate, a "Green Banking Unit (GBU)"has been framed at Head Office.
FSIB Bank's center target is to add to the national/worldwide enthusiasm through setting up a
situation neighborly keeping money business framework which might be accomplished through
legitimate use of human and physical assets and urging directing of store to Projects/Business
those exposenoor next to no hazard to nature.

3.9. Customer Satisfaction at FSIB Limited. Chuadanga
Branch, Chuadanga
Customer service intends to furnish clients with great administrations keeping in mind the end
goal to acquire benefit alongside consumer loyalty. As service providing organization, providing
best services is one of the mottos of the Limiteds. With the customer perception as well as
satisfaction, the mirror image of service quality in private Limiteds can be obtained. The
achievement of the customer satisfaction is the key feedback to improve service quality for any
organization. FSIB Limited Chuadanga Branch, Chuadanga is one of the swiftly rising private
banks in terms of quality service and value addition to the customers.

From the beginning they are dealing with customer’s satisfaction and time to time they are
improving themselves and upgrading their service quality to satisfy their customers. As customer
satisfaction is a very much important issue to them so I have advised to cover this topic for my

After working three months in First Security Islami Bank Limited Chuadanga Branch,
Chuadanga I have found something really very impressive about FSIBL. ON the other hand
from my observation of last three months I would like to recommend them something that can
give them another thought.

Some aspects that need to rethink of FSIB Limited Limited, Chuadanga Branch,

Customers might have a lot of problems also they might make mistakes. But no matter
how wrong they are employees have to be cool and tactful. As I have mentioned earlier
FSIB is very helpful and friendly with their customers but sometimes I have seen there
were certain misunderstandings between customers and employees. So for avoiding this
situation employees have to be patient.
In general banking department huge number of customers come every day. They make
impression by seeing the environment of the bank which is not that much smart to attract
the customers. Little improvements can change the brand value of the organization.



4.1. Analysis
It is the most important part of my report. My objective was to analyze and find the E-banking
system and customer satisfaction of this bank. I try to do the job of my best. In the following I
have provided the survey analysis of my report.

I have prepared twenty one questions to measure the customer satisfaction in E-banking and also
the bank itself. For this purpose I take fifty one customers or respondents to do my survey.
Among this fifty one some are private job holders, Govt. job holders, Businessman, House-wife,
Student and others. All of them provide their opinions to me like yard survey questions. There
are so many savings and current account holders so it was not possible for me to make a survey
of all of them. Moreover, I did not have enough time to take opinion from all of them.

Following are the detail analysis of my survey questionnaire:

1. Question: Does the account opening process of FSIB Bank Limited is efficient?

Types of Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total

Response Disagree

Total _ 3 10 15 23 51
number of



Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree


Figure 01: Percentage of efficiency of account opening process

Here we can see that about forty five percent customers are strongly agree on that the account
opening process are efficient for them, twenty nine percent are agree, twenty percent are neutral
that means they are not agree or disagree position and only six percent are disagree about the
efficiency of account opening process. So we can say, overall the account opening process of
FSIB is efficient.
2. Question: You do not have to wait for a long time at FSIB Bank to open an account

Types of Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Total

Response Disagree Agree

Total 4 9 19 10 9 51
number of



Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree


Figure 02: Percentage of waiting time while open an account

Here, eighteen percent customers are strongly agree among the fifty one respondents, nineteen
percent are only agree, thirty seven percent are neutral means they are neither agree nor disagree
with the question and eighteen and only eight percent are disagree and strongly disagree
respectively in thinking that they have to wait for long time while opening an account.

3. Question: Does the employees of FSIB Bank are sincere about your service
Types of Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Total
Response Disagree Agree

Total 1 3 16 17 14 51
number of

Respondents 2% 6%


Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree


Figure 03: Percentage of employees’ sincerity

Here, twenty eight percent of customers are strongly agree, that means they think the employees
of FSIB are concern about their service. Thirty three percent are agree, thirty one percent are
neutral that means they are not agree or disagree in position and six and only two percent of
respondents are disagree and strongly disagree that the employees of FSIB are sincere about
their service concern.

4. Question: Are you given enough information about your accounts regularly?

Types of Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Total

Response Disagree Agree

Total 2 9 20 15 5 51
number of




Strongly Disagee



Strongly Agree

Figure 04: Percentage of getting regular information about account

Here we can see that only four percent and eighteen percent of respondents are strongly disagree
and disagree respectively on that they are not regularly informed by FSIB about their
accounts. Thirty nine percent are neutral on this topic and twenty nine and ten percent of them
are agree and strongly agree respectively. So, overall we can say the process is pretty much

5. Question: Does the Bank provide services within the time promised?

Types of Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Total

Response Disagree Agree

Total 3 3 15 20 8 51


16% 6%



Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 05: Percentage of services provided by FSIB within promised time

About forty one percent of respondents are agree with that FSIB provide services within the time
that they actually promised. Thirty one percent are neutral and sixteen percent of them are
strongly agree and six percent of customers disagree that they do not get service within the
promised time and six percent of customers are strongly disagree on this. So, FSIB should
monitor on this to improve their position in customer mind.
6. Question: Does the employees at FSIB Bank correctly answered your required

Types of Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total

Response Disagree
Total 4 27 15 5 51
number of -


30 27




Stronngly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 06: Correctly answered to customers’ inquiries

Here we can see that, twenty seven respondents are neutral among fifty one respondents saying
that the employees of FSIB correctly answered their inquiries. Fifteen of them are agree and five
of them are strongly agreed and only four of them disagreed.

7. Question: Are the staff and employees of the bank are helpful and cordial?

Types of Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Total

Response Disagree Agree
Total 2 4 10 20 15 51
number of


Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 7: Helpfulness & cordiality of staff & employees

Here, twenty and fifteen respondents are agree and strongly agree respectively saying that the
staff and employees of the bank are helpful and cordial. Ten of them are neutral. Four of them
are disagree with the question and two of them are strongly disagree.

8. Question: The officers are friendly and competent at FSIB Bank Limited

Types of Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Total

Response Disagree Agree
Total 1 4 26 15 5 51
number of






5 4


Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 8: Friendliness of the officers

Here we can see that, twenty six customers are neutral saying that the officers are friendly and
competent at FSIB. Fifteen of them are agree that the officers are friendly and competent to
them. Five of them are strongly agree on that. Four of them are disagree and only one customer
is strongly disagree among the fifty one.

9. Question: Are the amount of time taken at cash counter to deliver service to you is

Types of Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Total

Response Disagree Agree
Total 7 10 22 9 3 51
number of




10 9


Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 9: Timing at cash counter

Here, seven and ten of the respondents are strongly disagree and disagree respectively feeling
that the time taken at cash counter to deliver service are not enough for them. Twenty two of
them are neutral and nine and three of the respondents are agree and strongly agree respectively.

10. Question: Does the employee of FSIB Bank give you prompt services?

Types of Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total

Response Disagree

Total 4 6 16 20 5 51
number of


Strongly Agree




Strongly Disgree

0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 10: Promptness of the service to customers

Here we can see that, twenty of the respondents are agree that the employee of FSIB Bank give
them a prompt service when they go there. Five of them are strongly agree, sixteen of them are
neutral that means they are actually neither agree nor disagree and six and four of them are
disagree and strongly disagree respectively.

11. Question: The officers are helpful, competent and knowledgeable

Types of Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total

Response Disagree
Total _ 3 14 28 6 51
number of





Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree

Figure 11: Percentage of helpfulness, competency & knowledge ability of officers

About fifty five percent of respondents are agree on that the officers are helpful, competent and
knowledgeable. They correctly know the information that the customers’ required. Twenty seven
percent of them are neutral. That means they are not in agree and disagree position. Twelve
percent are agree about the question. That means they believe that the employees of FSIB are
very helpful, competent and knowledgeable about different policies and procedures. Only six
percent customers are disagree.

12. Question: Does your cheque book and ATM card delivered carefully and efficiently?

Types of Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Total

Response Disagree Agree
Total _ _ 3 20 28 51
number of




Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 12: Percentage of delivering cheque book & ATM Cards

From above figure we can see that fifty five percent of respondents are strongly agree on that
their cheque book and ATM card delivered carefully and efficiently which means they are
satisfied with the delivery process of cheque book and ATM cards. Thirty nine percent of
respondents are neutral that means they are neither agree nor disagree with the process and only
six percent of the customers are neutral which means they are neither agree nor disagree with the
13. Question: Overall, you are satisfied with the service you received from FSIB Bank

Types of Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total

Response Disagree
Total _ 2 23 15 11 51
number of



Strongly Disagree
45% Disagree
29% Agree
Strongly Agree

Figure 13: Percentage of customers overall satisfaction

In this figure we see that twenty two percent of the respondents are strongly agree claiming that
they are satisfied with the overall service they received from FSIB Bank. Twenty nine percent
of them are agree with it. Forty five percent of them are neutral that means they are neither agree
nor disagree with the question. And only four percent of the respondents are disagree with their

14. Question: The bank environment is peaceful and comfortable

Types of Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Total

Response Disagree Agree
Total _ _ 12 30 9 51

9%, 18%

12%, 23%

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree
30%, 59%

Figure 14: Percentage of bank environment

From above figure we can see that, fifty nine percent of the respondents are strongly agree
with that the bank environment is peaceful and comfortable. Twenty three percent are neutral
that means they are in position of not agree or disagree and eighteen percent of them are only
agree that the environment of the bank is peaceful and comfortable.

15. Question: Do you feel safe in your transaction with FSIB bank?

Types of Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total

Response Disagree
Total _ _ 3 11 37 51
number of




Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Disagree

Figure 15: Percentage of transaction safety

Here, we can see that seventy two percent of the respondents are strongly agree with the question
where they are asked they feel safe in their transaction with FSIB bank or not. Twenty two
percent of them are agree means that they are also satisfied with the transaction process of
FSIB bank. And only six percent of the respondents say neutral that means they are not even
agree or disagree with the question.

16. Question: Are you satisfied with SME banking, debit card, credit card facilities?

Types of Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Total

Response Disagree Agree
Total _ 4 18 14 15 51
number of


16 15




Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 16: Customer satisfaction with SME banking, debit card, credit card facilities

Among fifty one respondents, fifteen of them are strongly agree that they are satisfied with SME
banking, debit card, credit card facilities, and fourteen of them are only agreed. Eighteen of them
are neutral and only four of them are disagree with the question. So overall the service of SME
banking, Debit/Credit card is good enough for the customers.

17. Question: Does FSIB Bank have visually appealing facilities?

Types of Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total

Response Disagree
Total _ 1 15 27 8 51
number of





10 8

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 17: Visually appealing facilities of FSIB

Here in the figure, eight of the respondents are strongly agree that FSIB Bank have visually
appealing facilities, twenty seven of them are only agreed and fifteen of them are neutral that
means they are neither agree nor disagree. And only one customer is disagree with the stated
question. So, FSIB bank have to put some more visually appealing things which can attract the
customers easily.

18. Question: Does FSIB Bank has modern equipment & technology that satisfy your

Types of Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total

Response Disagree

Total _ _ 7 17 27 51
number of






0 0
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 18: Customer satisfaction with banks’ equipment & technology

Here among fifty one respondents, twenty seven of them are strongly agree on that FSIB Bank
has modern equipment & technology that satisfy their need. Seventeen of them are only agreed
and only seven of them are neutral those who are neither agree nor disagree of the question.

19. Question: Other machines such as lift, AC and lightning of the bank are of high

Types of Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total

Response Disagree
Total _ 2 7 34 8 51
number of






10 7 8

5 2
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 19: Other machineries of FSIB

In above figure, eight of the respondents are strongly agree on that other machines such as lift,
AC and lightning of the bank are of high quality. Thirty four of them are only agreed. Seven of
them are neutral and only two of them are disagree with the question.

20. Question: The interior decoration is comfortable

Types of Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total

Response Disagree
Total _ _ 9 11 31 51
number of




10 9

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 20: Comfortable interior decoration

Here we can see that thirty one customers among the fifty one are strongly agreed that the
interior decoration is comfortable. Eleven of them are agreed and only nine of them are neutral
that means they are neither agree nor disagree with it.

4.2. Findings

After conducting the survey and analysis, the collected data I have found the following
significant results are summarized below:

Most of the customers are satisfied with the recent service of the bank. They said that the
bank provides a satisfactory service to them. So I can say that the bank understands
customers’ requirements.

The maximum number of customers thinks that the customer service representatives are
very courteous. They are polite. They respect customers and make a friendly environment
so that the customer can ask any information they want to know.

About seventy-two percent of customers feel safe while they do a transaction with FSIB
Limited. So the bank must continue it so that customers can feel free and safe during a
deal with them.

Most of the customers are satisfied with the SMS Banking service of FSIB Limited.
Though some customers are dissatisfied about the ATM Booth service, hopefully, the
organization will meet a solution of this quickly.

A large number of customers are mainly house-wife and private job holders. So, It is an
excellent opportunity for the organization to hold up them and make a good relationship
so that they can recommend the bank to their near and dears.



5.1. Conclusion
Without a doubt, banks assume an essential job in the financial improvement of a nation.
Likewise, the ubiquity of banks is expanding step by step which prompts increment rivalry also.
The working knowledge is very energizing at FSIB Limited, Chuadanga Branch,
Chuadanga. I accumulated the experience of the real expert condition. Retail is keeping the
money, venture and furthermore the remote trade tasks are constructively managing an
account instrument for the business world as the estimation of this administration this
administration is tremendous. Every one of these administrations has accumulated such a
situation in the keeping money division that individuals in created and furthermore creating
districts are primarily reliant on managing an account benefit.

Every one of the workers of this bank is exceptionally qualified and committed, who are
continually endeavoring to give the best support of the clients. In this bank, the representatives
are extraordinarily energetic because of their compensations and different advantages. Here,
every one of the representatives is especially agreeable with their clients, partners, and guests. To
sum up, I want to say that I am fortunate to join here as an intern because I always get support
and motivation to assemble knowledge from FSIB Limited.

FSIB Limited offers useful products according to the customers need. It has a variety of
services as I discussed earlier. Customers are highly satisfied with their service. The E-
banking sectors are technologically better, or I can say best. For the better services & products
FSIB Bank, customers are highly satisfied and want to be a proud customer at FSIB
Limited. So, FSIB Limited. is the bank which will survive in the banking sector of the
world on the slogan “ Probashir Shopno.”

5.2. Recommendations
It is complicated to recommend FSIB although this is new in the banking industry. I tried to give
a few proposals as indicated by my discoveries from the study. Following are my
recommendations from my survey. The bank should take the necessary steps from the below

not categorize its customers as upper-level customers, middle-level customers or lower level
customers. It will decrease the bank's popularity as well as profits.

think the employees should maintain it.

must take some necessary action so that the customers may not wait for long to get their desired

Card has better service. So the bank should maintain


but some customers are confused to suggest others. So the bank should make belief to those
customers about better service of the bank so that they can quickly come to the bank and get
quality service.

1) Official Website of FSIB Limited: https://www.FSIBommercialbank.com/home
2) Annual report of FSIB 2016 & 2017
3) https://www.scribd.com/document/340431634/Internship-Report-on-FSIB-Commercial-
4) http://www.assignmentpoint.com/business/organizational-behavior/customer-satisfaction-
5) http://dspace.uiu.ac.bd/handle/52243/2
6) Company broacher and other documents.
7) Different types of website help.
8) Asibur Rahman (2013), Internship report on Electronic banking & Customer satisfaction-
A case study on PRIME BANK LIMITED, United International University. (SOBE)




Customers’ Satisfaction of First Security Islami Bank Limited, Chuadanga Branch, Chuadanga
We appreciate you taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Please tick mark your answers.

Please enter the following information:

Gender: Male Female
Age: 18-25 26-33 34-50 50- above
Profession: Business Service holder (Private/Govt.) Student House-wife Others

Please tick ( ) mark the following questions:

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Does the account opening process of
FSIB Bank Limited is efficient?
You do not have to wait for a long
time at FSIB Bank to open an account
Does the employees of FSIB Bank are
sincere about your service concern?
You are given enough information about your
accounts regularly
Does the Bank provide services within
the time promised?

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Does the employees at FSIBC Bank

correctly answered your required inquiries?
Are the staff and employees of the bank are helpful and cordial?
The officers are friendly and competent at FSIBC Bank Limited
Are the amount of time taken at cash
counter to deliver service to you is enough?
Does the employee of FSIBC Bank give
you prompt services?


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