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SMM 10260 No.

of Pages 3

14 May 2014
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Scripta Materialia xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

Effect of annealing on point defect population

in cold-drawn pearlitic steel wires
Q1 C. Borchers,a,⇑ A. Lehmberg,a M. Deutges,a J. Cižekb and R. Kirchheima,c,d
Institute for Material Physics, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
Department of Low-Temperature Physics, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic
Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Düsseldorf, Germany
International Institute for Carbon–Neutral Energy Research (WPI-I2CNER), Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Received 15 January 2014; revised 25 February 2014; accepted 19 April 2014

Cold-drawn pearlitic steel wires were subjected to differential scanning calorimetry and resistivity measurements during heat-
ing. Both techniques yield two peaks, one at 500–600 K, the other at 400–450 K. Whereas the peak at 500–600 K can be ascribed to
voids consisting of about 10 vacancies as confirmed by positron annihilation spectroscopy, the low-temperature peak is ascribed to
V1C2 and/or V2C4 complexes.
Ó 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Pearlitic steel; Point defect recovery; Vacancy cluster; Positron annihilation spectroscopy

Cold-drawn pearlitic steel wires possess an trapped at a dislocation [15,16,24,25], and V1C2
20 excellent combination of ductility and strength. There- agglomerates will not be detected by PAS [27].
fore, they have great practical importance as, for exam- The material used is a commercial steel wire with
ple, cable wire for suspension bridges, steel cord for the chemical composition 0.82C–0.20Si–0.50Mn–
automotive tires, engineering springs, or piano strings. 0.005P–0.004S (wt.%). The initial material is a wire
This is why the microstructural evolution of cold- which was austenitized at 1223 K and subsequently pat- Q2
deformed pearlitic steels has been, for many years, a ented in a lead bath at 833 K for 20 s. This wire was
topic of considerable scientific research (e.g. [1–14]). heavily strained by wet wire drawing at room tempera-
The presence of vacancy clusters or nanovoids in the ture conducted at a drawing speed v of 3.3  102 m s1
as-drawn wires has been shown unequivocally by posi- with a reduction in area of 20% per pass, corresponding 50
tron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) [15,16]. The pres- to a strain rate of 3  101 to 102 s1. The tempera-
30 ence of monovacancies at or above room temperature in ture rise during wire drawing did not exceed 100 K.
cold-drawn pearlitic steel wires has been discussed, but Wires 138.7 lm in diameter were produced by this draw-
it was not possible to show their existence experimen- ing process, corresponding to a true strain of 5.0. As-
tally [17–19], although in numerous calculations, the drawn wires were examined by differential scanning cal-
existence of carbon–vacancy clusters, generally in the orimetry (DSC) performed with a Perkin Elmer DSC 7
form of V1C2 agglomerates, was found to be quite prob- at a heating rate of 5 K min1. Resistivity measurements
able [20–23]. Experimentally, V1C1 complexes were performed with a self-made four-point device at a heat-
found by PAS in irradiated Fe–C [24–27], but corre- ing rate of 1 K min1. Other samples were annealed at
sponding analysis of cold-drawn pearlitic steel wires is temperatures between 373 and 723 K for 30 min in a 60
difficult since the lifetime of a positron trapped at a high-vacuum furnace to perform subsequent positron
40 V1C1 complex is about as short as that of a positron lifetime measurements at room temperature using a dig-
ital PAS spectrometer with a time resolution of 145 ps
(full width at half maximum, 22Na) [28]. Positron life-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 551 39 5584; fax: +49 551 39 time spectra, containing at least 107 positron annihila-
5012; e-mail: chris@ump.gwdg.de tion events, were decomposed into exponential

1359-6462/Ó 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: C. Borchers et al., Scripta Mater. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2014.04.016
SMM 10260 No. of Pages 3

14 May 2014
2 C. Borchers et al. / Scripta Materialia xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

components using a maximum likelihood based fitting

procedure [29]. Details of the PAS procedure are given
elsewhere [15,16].
70 Figure 1a shows a DSC scan of a wire cold-drawn to
e = 5. It can be seen that the cold-drawn wire shows two
distinct exothermic peaks at T1  416 K and at
T2  577 K with peak areas DH1  130 J mol1, and
DH2  250 J mol1. Figure 1b shows the resistivity dif-
ference DR = R(T)  R0(T) with R0(T) = 0.001T of a
wire cold drawn to e = 5. The curve clearly exhibits
deviations from linear behaviour, indicated by a dashed
horizontal line in the figure, with peak positions at
T1  430 K and at T2  580 K, nearly the same posi-
80 tions as in the DSC scan (see Fig. 1a). Figure 2 presents
the PAS results: three distinct positron lifetimes can be
observed, s1 (Fig. 2a and b) reflecting the presence of
free positrons annihilating in a delocalized state, i.e.
not trapped at defects. This component appears only Figure 2. Lifetimes s1 (a), s2 (c) and s3 (e) and corresponding
after annealing at 523 K with an intensity of 15% at intensities I1 (b), I2 (d) and I3 (f) as measured by PAS.
most. The component s2 (Fig. 2c and d) with an inten-
sity of up to 95% stems from positrons annihilated at
dislocations [15,16]. The component s3 shows the pres- (DSC), and a heating rate of 1 K min1 (resistivity),
ence of positrons annihilated at vacancy clusters con- whereas PAS measurements were performed at room 100

90 taining 9–10 vacancies [15,16]. This component, temperature after annealing for 30 min at the respective
initially exhibiting an intensity of up to 10%, disappears temperatures. Therefore, it can be concluded that this
completely after annealing at 523 K for 30 min, when high-temperature DSC (resistivity) peak reflects the
the free positron component arises. When comparing decomposition of vacancy clusters decorated with
Figures 1 and 2, it is striking that the disappearance of carbon. The decoration with carbon was shown by
the component with lifetime s3 coincides with the DSC coincidence Doppler broadening measurements, which
and resistivity peak at 500–600 K. The peak temperature assessed that most positrons annihilated in the presence
at 577 K merely reflects the fact that the latter measure- of carbon [15,16].
ments were performed at a heating rate of 5 K min1 The low-temperature DSC and resistivity peaks are
interesting: in cold-drawn pearlitic steel wires, DSC 110
peaks can be caused by phase transitions, recrystalliza-
tion or recovery of defects. The formation of an appre-
ciable quantity of iron carbides upon annealing of these
wires was shown to happen only after annealing at
temperatures as high as 723 K by high-resolution elec-
tron microscopy [17], and recrystallization happens
simultaneously [17]. The recovery of dislocations sets
in at temperatures >473 K, as can be seen in Figure
2d, and is suggested by post-annealing measurements
of the tensile strength of pearlitic steel wires cold-drawn 120
to e = 5, where the tensile strength is found to decrease
only after annealing at temperatures P523 K [17]. Since
PAS shows that vacancy clusters are stable up to
T = 523 K, this low-temperature peak must be due
to the annihilation of single or perhaps di-vacancies,
present in a species not detectable by PAS, if the
concentration is higher than the detection limit of
vacancies by PAS, 106 [25]. From ab initio calcula-
tions, Först and co-workers predicted that excess carbon
in a-Fe causes greatly enhanced vacancy concentration, 130
present mainly as V1C2 and V2C4 agglomerates when the
vacancy concentration is >106 [21]. It should be noted
that according to these calculations, the populations of
V1C1 and free vacancies do not exceed 1010 irrespective
of the total vacancy concentration.
The low-temperature DSC peak has an enthalpy of
transition of DH  125 J mol1  1.3  103
eV atom1
. Assuming, as a first approximation and in
Figure 1. (a) DSC scan of wires cold-drawn to e = 5. (b) Resistivity
difference DR = R(T)  R0(T) with R0(T) = 0.001T of wires cold-
accordance with the findings of Först et al., that the
drawn to e = 5. binding energy of V1C2 is EB = 1.53 eV and that of 140

Please cite this article in press as: C. Borchers et al., Scripta Mater. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2014.04.016
SMM 10260 No. of Pages 3

14 May 2014
C. Borchers et al. / Scripta Materialia xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 3

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Please cite this article in press as: C. Borchers et al., Scripta Mater. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2014.04.016

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