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Subjective Assignment : A13 25 Marks

Read the Questions and Answer - Any Five and all questions carry equal Marks.

1. a. Define operational excellence. How can information systems help achieve it?
b. You work for an auto manufacturer and distributor. How could you use information systems to
achieve greater customer

2. a. What is the difference between information technology and information systems? Describe some
of the functions of information systems.
b. You are a marketing manager for a national movie theater chain. Give an example of data that your
department could use for
creating meaningful information. What type of information could that data produce?

3. Identify and discuss the major types of information systems that serve the main management
groups within a business. What are the relationships among these systems?

4. a. Describe at least three benefits of using enterprise systems.

b. You have been hired to work with 10 salespeople from different branches of a national business in
creating an online training
site for new Sales employees. Identify six collaboration tools that are available to help the team work
together. Which single
tool would be the most helpful for the project, in your opinion, and why?

5. a. Describe in detail the major factors to determine when performing a strategic systems analysis.

One major factor is the structure of the industry the firm is in. For example,
what competitive forces are at work in the industry, and how does the industry
use IT.

A second major factor is determining the firm and industry value chains. For
example, how is the company creating value for the customer?

The third major factor to consider is has the firm aligned IT with its business
strategy and goals.

Managers need to ask the questions in order to help them identify the kinds of
systems that may help them achieve a strategic advantage.

•Managers need to know what kind of structure is within the industry they are
dealing with.

What are the competitive forces at work in the industry?

Are new entrants allowed?

Who has the power in the industry; suppliers, customers, other products?

What is the basis of competition: brand, quality or pricing?

How does change come about within the industry?

How does the industry currently use information technology? Is the firm
behind or ahead of the current technology?

What kind of value chains are utilized for this particular firm?

How will the firm create value for its customers? Are there areas of the
business where it can create more value for its customers?

What are the best practices that the business uses to manage its business
processes? Can it improve these best practices through information

How does the firm leverage its core competencies?

How are industry supply chains and customer bases changing and is it in a
way that will help or harm the firm?

Will the firm be able to benefit of strategic partnerships and value webs?

Clarify where information systems will provide the greatest value in the firm’s
value chain.

•Is the information system in line with our business strategy and our goals?

What specifically is our business strategy and what are our goals?

What business processes and activities need to be improved, and will the IT
we chose promote them?

How are we going to measure the success of integrating the IT system? How
will we know that the system is doing exactly what we need it to do?

b. How is Internet technology useful from a network economics perspective? Give examples.
How is Internet technology useful
from a network economics
perspective? Give examples.
Answer: In network economics, the
cost of adding a participant in the
network is negligible, while the gain
in value is relatively
much larger. The Internet itself is an
example of a successful
implementation of network
economics—the more people
participate, the more valuable and
essential a commodity it is. If a
company were to provide a service
through the Internet such
as a project management application,
the costs to the company of adding
another user are small (as the
software infrastructure
or application is already built), and
the more users are signed up, the
more profit is made
How is Internet technology useful
from a network economics
perspective? Give examples.
Answer: In network economics, the
cost of adding a participant in the
network is negligible, while the gain
in value is relatively
much larger. The Internet itself is an
example of a successful
implementation of network
economics—the more people
participate, the more valuable and
essential a commodity it is. If a
company were to provide a service
through the Internet such
as a project management application,
the costs to the company of adding
another user are small (as the
software infrastructure
or application is already built), and
the more users are signed up, the
more profit is made
How is Internet technology useful
from a network economics
perspective? Give examples.
Answer: In network economics, the
cost of adding a participant in the
network is negligible, while the gain
in value is relatively
much larger. The Internet itself is an
example of a successful
implementation of network
economics—the more people
participate, the more valuable and
essential a commodity it is. If a
company were to provide a service
through the Internet such
as a project management application,
the costs to the company of adding
another user are small (as the
software infrastructure
or application is already built), and
the more users are signed up, the
more profit is made
6. a. Define and describe a business ecosystem?
b. Value chain analysis is useful at the business level to highlight specific activities in the business
where information systems
are most likely to have a strategic impact. Discuss this model, identify the activities, and describe how
the model can be applied
to the concept of information technology.

7. a. What do you consider to be the primary ethical, social, and political issues regarding information
system quality?
b. How does the use of electronic voting machines act as a "double-edged sword?" What
moral dimensions are raised by this
use of information technology?

8. a. Distinguish between Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Web Services Description Language
(WSDL), and Universal
Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI).
b. What is scalability? Why is it essential to the success of the modern business firm?

9. a. List and describe three main capabilities or tools of a DBMS.

A database management system (DBMS) is system software for creating and
managing databases. The DBMS provides users and programmers with a
systematic way to create, retrieve, update and manage data.

Three main capabilities of DBMS are:

1. Query Ability: Querying is the process of requesting attribute

Information from various perspectives and combinations of factors. A
database query language and report allow users to interactively
interrogate the database, analyze its data and update it according to
users privilege on data.
2. Backup and replication: DBMS usually provides utilities to facilitate
the process of extracting and disseminating attribute sets. When data
is replicated between database servers, so that the information remain
consistent throughout the database system and user cannot tell or
know which server in DBMS they are using.
3. Automated Optimization: DBMS provide tools to monitor
performance, allowing a human expert to make the necessary
adjustments after reviewing the statistics collected

b. List at least three conditions that contribute to data redundancy and inconsistency.

Data redundancy occurs when different divisions, functional areas, and

groups in an organization independently collect the same piece of information.
Because it is collected and maintained in so many different places, the same
data item may have
1.Different meanings in different parts of the organization

2.Different names may be used for the same item

3.Different descriptions for the same condition. In addition, the fields into
which the data is gathered may have different field names, different attributes,
or different constraints.

10. a. Describe and explain the idea of "network neutrality." Are you in favor of network
neutrality? Why or why not?
b. How are RFID systems used in inventory control and supply chain management?

11. Discuss the issue of security challenges on the Internet as that issue applies to a global enterprise.
List at least 5 Internet
security challenges.

12. What is the most profound way in which e-commerce and the Internet have changed the
relationship between companies and their customers? Support your answer.
List and describe at least five different Internet business models. Which of these models do you think
would be the most risky
for a startup business today? Support your answer.

13. a.What is Information security and control and state its objectives.
b. Explain how one can provide Information security systems to Information Management?

14. a, There is an information explosion in today’s society. There are lot of advantages of DBMS
like proper maintenance of the data and maintaining security. Explain the process of data
transition using diagram and an example of your own.
b. Artificial intelligent system functions like a human being and helps a manager in taking quick
decisions. Explain the different applications AI using diagram.

15. a.What is block chain and what are its implication in design of new generation of
Information system.
b.What is crypto currency. Explain how it can evolve as an alternate system in comparison
to current system?

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