Lycee Trust - Vision, Mission and About

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Vision Statement:
“To strengthen each child with the requisite education and health to break the boundaries.”

We look forward to a world where no child has to be on a working site unless it's a field project.
The power of education can never be compared with anything because that empowers a human
soul to achieve whatever the mind holds on to. And how else to better the world if not by letting
the educated youth take the sustainable steps?

We believe that a combination of a hungry mind and a served tummy can achieve even the
impossible with better guidance and healthcare.

2. Mission Statement:
“We make every possible effort to support today's children and tomorrow's future through
necessary education, essential food, and indispensable health.”

We hope to reach up to every child who needs a helping hand to achieve basic food, a
healthcare facility to survive, and education to break through the situation and achieve the

We are making efforts to fill the unfortunate void of health, food, and education by creating
medical facilities and institutions where nutritional food for the malnourished and essential
medical services to everyone will be available. We aim to build schools that don't exist, supply
elementary educational materials and tutoring services to the children there, and sponsor the
selected children from other facilities with similar services.

To make up an equation:
We find the viod_nurture and fill it with the best_and help them grow to sustainability.

3. About the trust:

By joining hands, we wish to reach out to those whom we can bring into the light and lead on to
a better pathway in life. We want to enlighten the lives where food, medicine, and education are
still a scarcity.

We take the initial steps with care and love to tend delicate souls with the required nourishment
and medicinal help. Later to end the possibility of returning to the dark again, we seek to help
them with education by admitting them to nearby schools or building one for the optimum
population. We also sponsor some children's education from other facilities with services of
regularly providing primary educational material or making tutoring services available for them.

We think that with each child we educate, we contribute toward a better and more endurable

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