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Dicationic States of Benzene Dimer:

Benzene Dimer Cation and Benzene

Dication Parenthood Patterns
Department of Chemistry, Bat. B6c, University of Liege, Sart-Tilman, B-4000 Liege 1, Belgium and
Bogoliubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kiev-143, 03680 Ukraine

Received 25 January 2007; accepted 24 April 2007

Published online 1 June 2007 in Wiley InterScience (
DOI 10.1002/qua.21432

ABSTRACT: High density functional computational levels, B3LYP/cc-pVDZ and

B3LYP/cc-pVTZ, are invoked to study the structural patterns exhibiting between a variety
of the lower-energy conformers of the benzene dimer cation and benzene dication, on one
hand, and the obtuse and acute ground-state conformers of the benzene cation radical, on
the other. In particular, these “obtuse versus acute” patterns for the lowest-energy stable
sandwich structures of the benzene dimer cation, formed due to a strong charge-transfer
resonance interaction between the benzene cation radical as a hole donor and the
ground-state benzene molecule as a hole acceptor benzene dimer cation, are examined
using the molecular orbital analysis and a two-state model. It is shown the existence of
homodimers of the benzene dimer cation composed of equivalent benzene rings,
mimicking either the obtuse or acute conformers of the benzene radical cation, and
representing saddle points on the potential energy surface. The computed potential energy
surface of ionization of the benzene radical cation demonstrates a slight preference of the
triplet state of the benzene dication originated from the obtuse benzene cation over the
singlet which, in contrast, arises from the acute one. The parenthood features of the
benzene dimer cation and benzene dication that appear in the dicationic states of benzene
dimer are discussed. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem 107: 2741–2755, 2007

Key words: dicationic state; benzene dimer; benzene dimer cation; benzene dication;
two-state model

Correspondence to: E. S. Kryachko; e-mail: eugene.kryachko@
The Proceedings of the XI-th Conference “Quantum Systems
in Chemistry and Physics”
Contract grant sponsor: Limburgs Universitair Centrum
(Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds).
Contract grant sponsor: Region Wallonne.
Contract grant number: RW.115012.
Contract grant sponsor: EC FET-OPEN STREP Project MOL-

International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol 107, 2741–2755 (2007)

© 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

state of a given small cluster lies higher the corre-

1. Introduction sponding monocation species. That is why a doubly-
charged cluster is “Coulombically” exploded.

B enzene is the most fundamental aromatic mol-

ecule. Its clusters are the simplest prototype
systems with π/π interactions that are important in
It is intuitively clear that there might exist some
critical size nc (Z+ ) of a multiply charged cluster of
charge Z+ , composed of n molecules, such that if
many areas of chemistry and biology [1]. The neutral n(Z+ ) < nc (Z+ ), the fission into two charged frag-
benzene clusters and the benzene dimer in particular ments is more favorable and, on the contrary, if
were the focus of numerous experimental and the- n(Z+ ) > nc (Z+ ), a rather high Coulomb repulsion
oretical studies [2] (see also note [3]1 ). The benzene barrier renders a given cluster rather substantial life-
dimer admits the two most stable and nearly isoen- time [7]. Asimple estimation of the critical size nc (Z+ )
ergetic slipped-parallel and T-shape π -structures. In of a given cluster is provided by the liquid drop
contrast, much less studies have been conducted on model (LDM) which resembles the model of the
charged clusters of benzene (C6 H6 )Z+ n (n ≥ 1) [4].2 Coulomb instability of liquid droplets proposed in
The simplest systems in this series are the benzene 1882 by Lord Rayleigh [8] and developed by Meitner
cation radical (n = 1, Z = 1, n + Z = 2) recently and Frisch [9], and Bohr and Wheeler [10]. According
drawn a particular attention as a typical Jahn-Teller to the LDM [11–13], nLDMc (Z+ ) is obtained by equating
system [5], benzene dimer cation (n = 2, Z = 1), and the electrostatic energy Z2 /R of a charged sphere of
benzene dication (n = 1, Z = 2). radius R with Z positive charges to its surface energy
The benzene dimer cation and benzene dica- γ R2 where γ is the surface tension. This yields the
tion are the basic elements in the studies of critical radius RcLDM (Z+ ) equal to (Z2 /γ )1/3 and hence
doubly-charged benzene clusters which are origi- implies that nLDMc (Z+ ), as being proportional to the
nated from multiple ionization processes and often volume of the sphere, scales as Z2 .
undergo the energetic dissociation that is well- Despite the crudeness of the LDM, its estimate
known as Coulomb explosion [6]. It has recently nLDM
c (Z+ ) provides a quite reasonable lower bound to
been demonstrated that in contrast to monomers, the experimental value nc (Z+ ) available for many
doubly-charged clusters behave fundamentally dif- multiply charged van der Waals (vdW) clusters: a
ferent under inner-valence ionization. This behavior, given vdW Z+ -charged cluster of size n that obeys
referred to as the intermolecular Coulomb decay the inequality n  nc is intrinsically unstable and its
[6], is simply explained by that the double ion- fragmentation is exothermic [11–13].
ization threshold in clusters is lowered relative to For benzene, the LDM predicts nLDM c (C6 H6 ; 2+ ) =
the isolated monomer since two holes in the for- 18 (see Table II of Ref. 12a) which is comparable with
mer can be spatially separated via localizing on nc (C6 H6 ; 2+ ) = 23 [14] (see particularly Fig. 2
different monomers, thus reducing their hole–hole of Refs. 13 and 15). nc (C6 H6 ; 2+ ) suggests that
Coulomb repulsion and decreasing the double ion- the benzene dimer dication may exist in the gas
ization threshold. The hole–hole Coulomb repulsion phase as the vdW cluster of 21 benzene molecules
is usually rather strong and therefore, the dicationic mediating two terminal benzene cation radicals.
These 21 benzene molecules “soften” the mutual
1 The neutral benzene dimer is predominantly a van der Waals
Coulomb repelling of two positively charged ben-
complex. As though, the B3LYP/cc-pVDZ and B3LYP/cc-pVTZ zene cations and prevent the entire cluster to be
computational levels used in the present work also predict two
Coulomb exploded.
stable and nearly isoenergetic parallel displaced and T-shaped
structures of the neutral benzene dimer (precisely, the former has a The validity of the LDM, which only accounts for
tiny imaginary frequency of 3 ı cm−1 which is within the computa- electrostatic effects to explain the relative stability of
tional margin), we cannot be confident with their estimates of the multiply charged atomic or molecular clusters and
corresponding interaction energies. This is due to the well-known rather crudely assumes that, first, the excess charge
deficiency of many density functionals to significantly under-
(hole) spreads over the entire cluster surface and sec-
estimate the dispersion interaction, even to predict it as being
repulsive. However, for the charged dimers, electrostatic and ond, that the constituting molecules are arranged in
covalent interactions are the dominant contributions to the inter- a manner to minimize the total surface energy, has
action energy, and therefore, the aforementioned computational been debated for a long time. The recent work [16]
levels are rather accurate. has provided a strong computational evidence for
2 There is no evidence of an existence of negatively charged
the existence of a novel class of the kinetically sta-
benzene clusters in the gas phase. Notice that in the gas-phase
electron affinity of the ground-state benzene molecule is negative, ble, long-lived dicationic states of benzene clusters
EAa (C6 H6 ) = −1.12 eV. (C6 H6 )+2
n (n ≥ 2; see Fig. 1 for n = 2) and small dica-


FIGURE 1. The B3LYP/T lower-energy portion of the potential energy surface (PES) of (C6 H6 )2+
2 (right) and the
structure (left) of the long-lived dicationic state of the benzene dimer with a fused interring C C bond. The low-energy
asymptote is 2 C6 H+ 6 ( B2g ) and the upper one is C6 H6 + C6 H6 ( B1g ).
2 2+ 3

tionic assemblies of benzene, hexafluorobenzene, B3LYP potential using the GAUSSIAN 98 pack-
and naphthalene. Their existence that lies beyond age of programs [17]. The Dunning’s correlation
the LDM’s grasp unequivocally demonstrates that consistent polarized valence bases of double- and
a newly formed C(sp3 ) C(sp3 ) interring bond at the triple-zeta quality cc-pVDZ (≡ D) and cc-pVTZ (≡ T)
expense of cyclic π-conjugation surpasses the strong [18] were employed to perform all geometry opti-
Coulomb repulsion, normally prevailing between mizations with the default integration grid. The
charged monomers, and produces a rather high symmetry constraints were not imposed. The com-
Coulomb barrier (Fig. 1) to confer a substan- putational levels B3LYP/cc-pVDZ (B3LYP/D) and
tial kinetic stability to covalently fused dicationic B3LYP/cc-pVTZ (B3LYP/T) are known to be ade-
clusters. quate for the geometry optimization and vibrational
The parent species of the dicationic states of ben- frequencies of such species as benzene cation and
zene dimer, the benzene dimer cation (C6 H6 )+ 2 , and benzene dimer cation (vide Refs. 3, 5e and refer-
benzene dication C6 H2+ 6 are the main theme of the ences therein). The analytical harmonic vibrational
present study. It is demonstrated that their struc- frequencies and corresponding zero-point vibra-
tural patterns originate from the obtuse and acute tional energies (ZPVE) were calculated at the both
ground-state conformers of the benzene cation rad- computational levels in order to topologically dis-
ical. The computational methodology invoked for tinguish the stationary structures. Enthalpies and
this purpose is outlined in the next section. entropies were also estimated from the partition
functions calculated at room temperature under a
pressure of 1 atm, using Boltzmann thermostatistics
2. Computational Framework and the rigid-rotor-harmonic-oscillator approxima-
tion. The expectation value of the S2 operator for
All computations reported in the present work radicals was obtained equal to 0.750. The natural
were performed with the hybrid density functional bond orbital (NBO) analysis was performed for some


FIGURE 2. The S- and D-sandwiches of (C6 H6 )+2 in its ground electronic state. Their selected B3LYP/T distances are
given in Å. Their optimized geometrical parameters are collected in Table I. Notice that the benzene rings of the S- and
D-sandwiches are skewed relative to each other, viz., in the S-sandwich by ≈8◦ (∠C3 C6 C9 C12 = 172.2◦ and in the D-one
by ≈11◦ (∠C5 C2 C8 C11 = 11.2◦ ).

selected lower-energy conformers of the benzene spectra revealing four peaks at 2.82, 2.14, 1.35, and
dimer cation. 1.07 eV [21]. On the other hand, pump-probe hole-
burning experiments have demonstrated that if the
T-shape structure of (C6 H6 )+2 would exist, its rela-
3. Benzene Dimer Cation - Ionization tive population is smaller compared to that of the
of Benzene Dimer sandwich [21f]. The full geometry optimization of
relaxed benzene rings, recently carried out by means
reveals the existence of two different sandwichlike
The benzene dimer cation (C6 H6 )+ 2 has been exten-
structures, one corresponds to the slipped (S-) C2h -
sively studied during the last four decades, mainly
sandwich and the other to the distorted (D-) C2v one
on the experimental side [19–24]. The enthalpy Hf
(Fig. 2).
of its formation from the ground-state benzene mol-
The S- and D-sandwiches are characterized by
ecule and benzene cation radical estimated by means
anticlockwise ordering of the C C bond lengths
of several experimental techniques ranges from −8
within their two rings (vide Table I and Fig. 2). Struc-
to −21 kcal mol−1 [19a–e].
turally, each ring of the S-sandwich has four longer
The structure of (C6 H6 )+
2 has been for a long time a
rather controversial issue [19–21]. Initially, i has been (≥1.40 Å) and two shorter (1.377 Å) C C bonds com-
suggested that its ground state represents a symmet- pared to the neutral benzene molecule3 . In contrast,
ric sandwich of a D6h symmetry with two parallel each ring of the D-sandwich has four C C bonds
and perfectly superimposed benzene ring [11a, 12c]. whose lengths are smaller than 1.40 Å and the two
This structure has been later ruled out as the global longer ones (≥1.41 Å). These structural patterns of
energy minimum in favor of the displaced sand- the S- and D-sandwiches resemble those pertaining
wich [21d] and T-shape [19f] ones. The displaced- to the two nearly energetically equivalent isomers
sandwich model of (C6 H6 )+ 2 relies on the existence
of at least two sandwich-type structures [21c] max-
imizing the charge-transfer resonance interaction 3 The ground-state neutral benzene molecule is characterized
C6 H+ +
6 · C6 H6 ⇔ C6 H6 · C6 H6 [19(a, d), 20(c, e)]. It has by the following B3LYP/T geometry [5e]: r(C C) = 1.391 Å,
also been invoked to interpret its photodissociation r(C H) = 1.082 Å, and ∠C6 C1 C2 = ∠C1 C2 H2 = 120◦ .


The bond lengths (in Å) and bond angles (in ◦ ) of the lower-energy structures on the PES of the ground
electronic state of the benzene dimer cation radical.
S-sandwich D-sandwich TS1 TS2 Acute homodimer Obtuse homodimer

r(C1 C2 ) 1.386 1.377 1.427 1.419 1.389 1.397 1.395 1.387 1.416 1.408
r(C1 H1 ) 1.091 1.081 1.092 1.081 1.092 1.092 1.091 1.080 1.092 1.082
r(C2 C3 ) 1.413 1.404 1.405 1.397 1.417 1.422 1.426 1.419 1.385 1.377
r(C2 H2 ) 1.091 1.081 1.092 1.081 1.092 1.092 1.092 1.081 1.091 1.081
r(C3 C4 ) 1.411 1.404 1.388 1.379 1.409 1.397 1.395 1.387 1.416 1.408
r(C3 H3 ) 1.092 1.082 1.091 1.080 1.092 1.092 1.092 1.081 1.091 1.081
r(C4 C5 ) 1.386 1.377 1.422 1.415 1.389 1.397 1.395 1.387 1.416 1.408
r(C4 H4 ) 1.091 1.081 1.092 1.081 1.092 1.091 1.091 1.080 1.092 1.082
r(C5 C6 ) 1.421 1.412 1.402 1.393 1.417 1.422 1.426 1.419 1.385 1.377
r(C5 H5 ) 1.091 1.081 1.092 1.082 1.092 1.092 1.092 1.081 1.091 1.081
r(C1 C6 ) 1.420 1.412 1.390 1.382 1.409 1.397 1.395 1.387 1.416 1.408
r(C6 H6 ) 1.091 1.080 1.091 1.081 1.092 1.092 1.092 1.081 1.091 1.081
r(C7 C8 ) 1.386 1.377 1.427 1.419 1.385 1.385 1.395 1.387 1.416 1.408
r(C7 H7 ) 1.091 1.081 1.092 1.081 1.091 1.091 1.091 1.080 1.092 1.082
r(C8 C9 ) 1.420 1.412 1.390 1.382 1.410 1.410 1.426 1.419 1.385 1.377
r(C8 H8 ) 1.091 1.080 1.091 1.081 1.091 1.091 1.092 1.081 1.091 1.081
r(C9 C10 ) 1.421 1.412 1.402 1.393 1.423 1.422 1.395 1.387 1.416 1.408
r(C9 H9 ) 1.091 1.081 1.092 1.082 1.091 1.092 1.092 1.081 1.091 1.081
r(C10 C11 ) 1.386 1.377 1.420 1.415 1.384 1.384 1.395 1.387 1.416 1.408
r(C10 H10 ) 1.091 1.081 1.092 1.081 1.091 1.091 1.091 1.080 1.092 1.082
r(C11 C12 ) 1.411 1.404 1.388 1.379 1.412 1.413 1.426 1.419 1.385 1.377
r(C11 H11 ) 1.091 1.081 1.091 1.080 1.091 1.091 1.092 1.081 1.091 1.081
r(C7 C12 ) 1.413 1.404 1.405 1.397 1.424 1.424 1.395 1.387 1.416 1.408
r(C12 H12 ) 1.092 1.082 1.092 1.081 1.090 1.090 1.092 1.081 1.091 1.081

The atomic labels are shown in Figure 2.

of the benzene cation radical C6 H+ 4 2

6 : its obtuse B2g The S- and D-sandwiches are almost isoener-
conformer structurally mimics each benzene ring of getic. The S-sandwich is slightly more stable, viz.,
the former sandwich, whereas the acute 2 B1g one is by 169 cm−1 (100 cm−1 after ZPVE) at the B3LYP/D
similar to each ring of the latter one. This suggests computational level. The B3LYP/T reduces this
the existence of two symmetry-constrained routes energy offset to 133 cm−1 (66 cm−1 after ZPVE;
of the formation of the S- and D-sandwiches of cf. 0.1 kcal mol−1 in Ref. 20j). The ZPVE-corrected
(C6 H6 )+
2: binding energies Eb (S) and Eb (D) of the S- and D-
sandwiches defined by means of Eq. (1) amount
correspondingly to 16.57 and 16.38 kcal mol−1
C6 H+ +
6 ( B2g ) + C6 H6 ( A1g ) → S-sandwich (C6 H6 )2
2 1
(B3LYP/T) and are within the experimental range
C6 H+ 2 1 +
6 ( B1g ) + C6 H6 ( A1g ) → D-sandwich (C6 H6 )2 . of 17.07 ± 1.50 kcal mol−1 [24a] and 17.99 kcal mol−1
(1) [21g]. The enthalpies of formation of the S- and
D-sandwiches at 298 K equal to −15.56 (S) and
−15.36 (D) kcal mol−1 are also concurred with the
4 Recall that the D
experimental estimates.
2h obtuse (compressed) and acute (elon-
gated) conformers of C6 H+
Additionally, some noteworthy computational
6 have four equal and two equal
shorter or longer C C bonds, respectively [5]. The B3LYP/T bond data regarding the S- and D-sandwiches are gath-
lengths of the obtuse and acute structures of C6 H+ 6 are the fol- ered in Tables II and III. For example, their
lowing [5e]: (i) obtuse: r(C1 C2 ) = r(C3 C4 ) = r(C4 C5 ) = B3LYP/T isotropic hyperfine Fermi constant cou-
r(C1 C6 ) = 1.426 Å, r(C2 C3 ) = r(C5 C6 ) = 1.365 Å; (ii) acute: plings (HFCC) are presented in Table II. As partic-
r(C1 C2 ) = r(C3 C4 ) = r(C4 C5 ) = r(C1 C6 ) = 1.384 Å,
r(C2 C3 ) = r(C5 C6 ) = 1.448 Å. There exists a tiny difference
ularly shown therein, the average hydrogen HFCCs
in energy of 8 cm−1 [5c] between the obtuse and acute structures of both sandwiches fall within the experimental
of the benzene radical cation. range reported by Itagaki et al. [20i]. Table III


The isotropic hyperfine Fermi constant coupling (HFCC, in MHz) of the two lowest-energy structures of the
benzene dimer cation radical calculated at the B3LYP/T computational level.

Geometry S-sandwich D-sandwich Acute homodimer Obtuse homodimer

C1 −3.65 −0.10 −8.52 4.45

C2 −6.62 +4.33 1.05 −5.44
C3 +5.02 −6.65 1.05 −5.44
C4 −6.95 −2.84 −8.52 4.45
C5 −3.28 +3.67 1.05 −5.44
C6 +6.72 −9.12 1.05 −5.44
C7 −3.64 +4.33 −8.52 4.45
C8 −6.64 −0.10 1.05 −5.44
C9 +5.03 −9.12 1.05 −5.44
C10 −6.94 +3.67 −8.52 4.45
C11 −3.29 −2.84 1.05 −5.44
C12 +6.72 −6.65 1.05 −5.44
H1 −4.11 −9.01 1.88 −13.79
H2 −0.18 −10.29 −9.80 −1.95
H3 −13.20 +0.16 −9.80 −1.95
H4 +0.20 −4.64 1.88 −13.79
H5 −4.56 −12.48 −9.80 −1.95
H6 −10.40 +2.14 −9.80 −1.95
H7 −0.17 −10.29 1.88 −13.79
H8 −4.13 −9.01 −9.80 −1.95
H9 −10.39 +2.14 −9.80 −1.95
H10 −4.54 −12.48 1.88 −13.79
H11 +0.18 −4.64 −9.80 −1.95
H12 −13.21 +0.16 −9.80 −1.95
Hav −5.38 (−6.39a ) −7.40 (−6.39a ) −2.01 −5.90
Expt. [20i] −6.03–−6.27

The atomic labeling follows Figure 2. Notice that the HFCCs of the obtuse structure of the benzene cation radical are equal to 9.56
MHz (C1 and C4 ), −9.88 MHz (C2,3 and C5,6 ), −3.87 MHz (H2,3 and H5,6 ), and −27.93 MHz (H1 and H4 ).
a Indicates the average over two given sandwiches. The experimental data [20i] refer to different temperatures and to different matrices

CFCl3 and CF3 CCl3 .

collects the vibrational spectra of both sandwiches C 6 H+

6 . Its dominant contribution originates from
and compares them with those of the ground-state the coupled C C stretches of the shortest C C
neutral benzene molecule, and the obtuse and acute bonds.
structures of the benzene cation radical. Inspecting
this Table, it is worth to draw attention to a highly
IR active C C stretching mode originated from the 3.2. THE ORIGIN OF SANDWICH STATES OF
mode 8 of benzene. It is centered at 1607 cm−1 for the
S-sandwich and characterized by IR activity of 1314 It has been demonstrated in the previous Sub-
km mol−1 . This mode is assigned to the symmetric section that the benzene dimer cation (C6 H6 )+ 2
coupled C C stretch of the shortest bonds, C1 C2 , admits two most energetically stable conformers,
C4 C5 , C7 C8 , and C10 C11 (Fig. 2) and red-shifted the slipped and distorted sandwiches. Their bind-
by 65 cm−1 relative to the same mode of the obtuse ing energies are 7–8 times larger the binding energy
structure of C6 H+6 due to the delocalization of charge of the neutral benzene dimer, that naturally arises
over two rings in (C6 H6 )+ 2 . In the D-sandwich, this due to a strong charge-transfer (CT) resonance inter-
mode is less IR active (819 km mol−1 ) and peaked action between C6 H+ +
6 as a hole donor in (C6 H6 )2
at 1583 cm−1 , thus slightly blue-shifted relative to and C6 H6 as a hole acceptor. The CT resonance
the corresponding mode of the acute structure of interaction holds the excess charge (hole) equally


The vibrational modes of the neutral benzene (within Wilson’s nomenclature [25]), benzene radical cation in the
lowest-energy states of the 2 B2g (obtuse) and 2 B1g (acute) symmetries and benzene dimer cation radical in its
lowest-energy sandwich-type states.

Benzene Bz+ (2 B2g ) Bz+ (2 B1g ) Bz2+ (S-sandwich) Bz2+ (D-sandwich)

Mode sym Expt. [25c] Theor. [5e] Theor. [5e] Theor. [5e] Theor. Theor.

1 δ(CCC) a1g 993.071 1031 1018 1017 1038 (2) 1039 1104 (6) 1170
2 ν(C H) a1g 3073.942 3193 3217 3218 3214 (22) 3215 3212.0 (24) 3213.0
3 δ(C H) a2g 1350 1390 1374 1360 1365 (19) 1370 1364 (7) 1370 (9)
4 γ (CCC) b2g 707 727 421 395 639 (4) 640 631 (4) 632
5 γ (C H) b2g 990 1015 979 977 1065.1 1065.5 (6) 1036 1037 (2)
6 δ(CCC) e2g 608.13 624 234 290i 377 (1) 383 561 (2) 574
517 (3) 581
604 606 604 (120) 615 602 (105) 616
7 ν(C H) e2g 3056.7 3168 3193 3195 3194.4 3194.9 3191.1 3191.5
3203 3200 3195.3 3195.6 3202.0 (1) 3202.8
8 ν(C C) e2g 1600.976 1637 1398 1398 1536 (31) 1537 1534 (26) 1539
1672 1579 1607 (1314) 1650 1583 (819) 1626 (1)
9 δ(C H) e2g 1177.776 1200 952 917 1192.5 1193.4 1192 (47) 1194 (2)
1222 1207 1204 (184) 1211 1198 (131) 1209
10 γ (C H) e1g 847.1 868 800 857 844 845 (1) 852 856 (1)
913 879 890 902 (4) 891 (2) 894 (1)
11 γ (C H) a2u 673.9746 692 (104) 687 (86) 687 (86) 708.6 (1) 708.8 (135) 704 (98) 708 (6)
12 δ(CCC) b1u 1010 1022 1047 1038 985 (303) 996 986 (221) 999
13 ν(C H) b1u 3057 3158 3190 (2) 3191 (1) 3186.7 3187.0 3184.6 3184.8
14 ν(C C) b2u 1309.4 1335 1548 (48) 1475 (187) 1394.4 1394.6 1395.7 1395.9
15 δ(C H) b2u 1149.7 1177 1206 1206 (3) 1139 (9) 1156 1069 (3) 1073
16 γ (CCC) e2u 398 414 292 (3) 305 377 (1) 383 372 374
346 334 (4) 385 391 386 389
17 γ (C H) e2u 967 989 1014 (5) 1020 1003 1011 1006.9 1007.5 (1)
1033 1026 (4) 1038 (2) 1039 1018.6 1018.9
18 δ(C H) e1u 1038.267 1062 (5) 964 (29) 954 (19) 1022.0 1022.5 1017.6 (2) 1018.2 (1)
1071 (11) 1095 (5) 1027.7 1028.1 (4) 1025.0 1025.5
19 ν(C C) e1u 1483.985 1519 (8;3) 1402 (35) 1398 (8) 1461 (4) 1488 1439 (1) 1487 (100)
1461 (116) 1536 (19) 1489 (2) 1491 (52) 1495 (3) 1515 (6)
20 ν(C H) e1u 3064.367 3183 (39;39) 3207 (9) 3203 (9) 3206.8 3207.0 3202.0 3202.8
3215 (16) 3216 (19) 3214 (22) 3215 3207.2 3207.5

All computed frequencies are referred to the B3LYP/T level. Frequencies are given in cm−1 and nonzero IR activities (in parentheses)
in km mol−1 .

delocalized over their two benzene rings [5, 19(a, f), for the S-sandwich and πx for the D. A closeness of
20c, 23d, 24(a, b)]. These sandwiches may be there- the MO energies of these LUMO↑s, εLUMO↑obtuse
= −7.25
fore classified as Mulliken charge-transfer com- eV and εLUMO↑ = −7.27 eV, to the εHOMO
acute benzene
= −7.03
plexes [26]. While they are formed, the hole, initially eV, guaranties a rather efficient intradimer HOMO–
localized on the π spin-up lowest unoccupied molec- LUMO charge transfer. A theoretical ansatz based
ular orbitals (LUMO↑s) of the obtuse or acute con- on the two-state model of C6 H6 and C6 H+ 6 [26, 27] is
formers of C6 H+ 6 , partially migrates to the highest proposed below.
occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) of the neutral Let us assume a validity of a two-state ansatz for
benzene molecule. This is schematically displayed in C6 H6 and C6 H+ 6 [26,27]. The ground-state wavefunc-
Figure 3. tions of the CT S- and D-sandwiches can be then
It is assumed that the hole through-space trans- represented as symmetrized Hartree products of the
fer is favorable if the HOMO of benzene is the πy two group wave functions (see particularly Ref. 27a,


depending on a partition of the studied (2N − 1)-

electron dimer into the cationic and neutral parts
governed by the sub-Hamiltonians H1+ (H2+ ) and H2o
(H1o ), respectively. V and V are the total intradimer
Coulomb interaction operators whose difference (in
atomic units), V ≡ V −V = [ i=1 N−1
− i=N+1
]1/riN −
[ α=1
− α=M+1
]Zα /rNα , describes the electron-hole
and hole-nuclear Coulomb interactions (the sub-
script α = 1, . . . , M = 12 refers to the α-th nucleus
characterized by the radius vector Rα and the nuclear
charge Zα ; rij = | ri − rj |, and riα = |ri − Rα|).
Within the ansatz (2), the corresponding binding
energies of the S- and D-sandwiches are explicitly
FIGURE 3. The MO picture of the formation of the S-
given as
and D-sandwiches of (C6 H6 )+
2 . The upper MO is the
HOMO of C6 H6 , whereas the lower is the LUMO↑ of the
obtuse and acute structures of C6 H+
6 , correspondingly, −Eb (S) ≡ +S |H|+S − φ1+obtuse H1+ φ1+obtuse 1,2,...,N−1
for the S- and D-sandwiches.
+ φ1o H2o φ1o N,N+1,...,2N−1
Section 2–16 and also Refs. 21c, 21h for a single
sandwich), = [Iobtuse + IIobtuse + IIIobtuse
2(1 + SS )
  1 1
+S {ri }2N−1
i=1 =√ + IVobtuse ] + εobtuse (4)
2(1 + SS ) 2
 +obtuse  N−1  o  2N−1 
× φ1 {ri }i=1 φ2 {ri }i=N and
+ φ1 {ri }N
i=1 φ2 {ri }2N−1      
− Eb (D) ≡ +D |H|+D − φ1+acute H1+ φ1+acute 1,2,...,N−1

  1 + φ1o H2o φ1o N,N+1,...,2N−1
+D {ri }2N−1
i=1 =√
2(1 + SD ) 1
 +acute  N−1  o  2N−1  = [Iacute + IIacute + IIIacute
× φ1 {ri }i=1 φ2 {ri }i=N 2(1 + SD )
  +acute  2N−1  1
+ φ1o {ri }N + IVacute ] + εacute (5)
i=1 φ2 {ri }i=N+1 . (2) 2
In Eq. (2), φ1o ({ri }N i=1 ) and φ2 ({ri }i=1 ) are the ground-
o N

. . . L,L+1,...,L+K indicates the integration over

and first-excited state normalized wave functions the L, L + 1, . . . , L + K electrons and εx ≡ (ε2o − ε1o ) −
of C6 H6 with the corresponding eigenenergies ε1o (ε2+x − ε1+x ). In Eqs. (4) and (5), the matrix elements
and ε2o . φ1+x ({ri }N−1 +x
i=1 ) and φ2 ({ri }i=1 ) are those of the
of the Coulomb interaction operators V and V are
x-structure of C6 H6 (x = obtuse, acute) character- designated as:
ized by the eigenenergies ε1+x and ε2+x . SS and SD
are the overlap integrals defined correspondingly Ix ≡ φ1+x φ2o | V | φ1+x φ2o
φ1+obtuse φ2o | φ1o φ2+obtuse and
φ1+acute φ2o | φ1o φ2+acute ;  
N = 42, and the spins are henceforth omitted. The IIx ≡ φ1o φ2+x | V | φ1o φ2+x
contributions of the wave functions of the obtuse IIIx ≡ φ1+x φ2o | V | φ1o φ2+x
conformer of C6 H+ 6 to + and that of the acute one
to + are worth noticed.
D IVx ≡ φ1+x φ2o | V | φ1o φ2+x = IIIx + εx . (6)
The total electronic Hamiltonian H of (C6 H6 )+ 2
casts as The charge-resonance energy of the X-sandwich
(X = S or D) is defined as the energy difference,
H = H1+ (1, . . . , N − 1) + H2o (N, . . . , 2N) + V ECTX , between the first excited and ground states
of the X-sandwich. Within the ansatz (2), the first-
= H1o (1, . . . , N) + H2+ (N + 1, . . . , 2N − 1) + V (3) excited state wave function is written as (see in


particular Ref. 27a, Section 2–16 and also Refs. 20c, arises due to the difference of the last three terms
20h for a single sandwich) for the S- and D-sandwiches, particularly, to that of
the Coulomb integrals Ix and IIx given by Eq. (6).
  1  +x  N−1  o  2N−1  Concluding, this ansatz provides the explicit for-
−X {ri }2N−1
i=1 =√ φ1 {ri }i=1 φ2 {ri }i=N mulas for Eb (S) and Eb (D), and also some estimates
2(1 − SX )
of the energy differences, ECT X , between the first
  +x  2N−1 
− φ1o {ri }N excited and ground states of each sandwich, thus
i=1 φ2 {ri }i=N+1
determining their charge-resonance energies.
(x = obtuse (X = S), acute (X = D)). (7)

Obviously, −X is orthogonal to +X . One then explic- 3.3. LOW-ENERGY PORTION OF PES
In Figure 4 we picture the lower-energy portion
ECT = [(Ix + IIx )SX − (IIIx + IVx )]. (8) of the PES of (C6 H6 )+
2 which include the obtuse and
1 − S2X acute cationic homodimers having an approximate
D2h symmetry. By a direct analogy with the corre-
ECTX is the energy separation between the peaks sponding parent structures of the benzene cation
of the +X → −X CT absorption transition [26, 27]. radical [5], the former is a first-order saddle struc-
Two CT resonance bands at 920 nm (1.35 eV) and ture with the imaginary transition frequency of 29 ı
at 1,160 nm (1.07 eV) were experimentally observed cm−1 , whereas the latter is a second-order one with
for the benzene dimer cation [20(b–d), 22(a)] (cf. two imaginary transition frequencies of 186 ı and
Eq. (5) in Ref. 20c). Interestingly, if the overlap inte- 26 ı cm−1 . Only 244 cm−1 (B3LYP/T; 301 cm−1 at
grals SX  1, ECTX is strongly determined by the CT B3LYP/D) separate the acute homodimer from the
integrals, S-sandwich. The obtuse homodimer lies only 3 cm−1
(4 cm−1 ; precisely speaking these energy differ-
X = −(IIIx + IVx ) = −(2IIIx + εx ). (9)
ences are within the error margins of the employed
computational methods) below the acute one at the
Nevertheless, the above assumption of smallness of
B3LYP/D (B3LYP/T) level, although the inclusion of
the overlap integrals SS and SD is not fully valid
ZPVE correction reverses this order and places the
in the present case of the S- and D-sandwiches as
acute one below by 39 cm−1 (103 cm−1 ).
rather strong CT dimers whose interring distances
Structurally, the four shorter C C bonds of each
are shorter (especially in the contact regions) than
benzene ring in the acute homodimer are slightly
the sum of van der Waals radii for C6 H6 and C6 H+ 6.
elongated (by 0.003 Å), whereas the two longer ones
Finally, neglecting εx , one obtains from Eq. (9) that
are contracted quite substantially (by 0.029 Å), as
ECT compared to the acute C6 H+ 6 benzene cation radical
X −2IIIx . (10)
(see footnote 4) (vide Table 1). A similar geometri-
Within the assumption SX  1, one readily derives cal pattern holds for the obtuse homodimer, viz., its
from Eqs. (4) and (5) that four longer C C bonds are contracted by 0.010 Å
whereas the two shorter are elongated by 0.010 Å.
1 Both benzene rings in the obtuse and acute cationic
Eb (X) = −IIIx − εx − (Ix + IIx )
2 homodimers are nearly parallel to each other. In the
1  CT  1 acute one, for example, the B3LYP/cc-pVTZ inter-
= EX − εx − (Ix + IIx ). (11) ring distances between the carbon atoms bonded via
2 2
two short C C bonds are slightly larger (3.572 Å)
CT,expt CT,expt
Comparing ES = 1.35 eV and ED = 1.07 compared to that between the carbon atoms sharing
eV with Eb (S) = 0.72 eV and Eb (D) = 0.71 eV, the short and long C C bonds (3.546 Å). Moreover,
one concludes that the first term, ECT X /2 on the
the hydrogen atoms in this homodimer are slightly
rhs of the last equation in (11) provides the domi- pulled out (by 0.022–0.023 Å) of the benzene interior
nant contribution to the binding energies of the S- region. It is worth mentioning that the NBO charges
and D-sandwiches. Therefore, within the ansatz (2), of both homodimers indicate that the hole is equally
the difference between their CT resonance bands, delocalized over two rings. Their transition modes
estimated experimentally as being equal to 0.28 eV, distort such interring disposition.


FIGURE 4. The lower-energy section of the potential energy surface of the electronic ground state of (C6 H6 )+2 . The
ZPVE-corrected energies are indicated in parentheses. The superscripts D and T correspond to the B3LYP/D and
B3LYP/T computational levels, respectively. The equilibrium geometries of the displayed structures are given in Table IV.

FIGURE 5. The B3LYP/cc-pVTZ picture of ionization of the benzene cation radical. The superscript ∗ indicates the
ZPVE-uncorrected vertical ionization energies.


The B3LYP/T electronic energy E (in hartree), ZPVE (in kcal mol−1 ), enthalpy H (in hartree), and entropy S
(in kcal mol−1 K−1 ) of the benzene cation and dicationic structures.

Bz+ (2 B1g ) 1 Bz2+ 3 Bz2+ 3 Bz2+

ts Bz+ (2 B2g ) 1 Bz2+
1 Bz2+
1 Bz2+
1 Bz2+

E + 231 −0.998846 −0.434007 −0.437225 −0.436961 −0.998995 −0.413117 −0.413311 −0.418875 −0.424546
ZPVE 60.72 60.20 60.43 60.28 61.30 58.83 58.86 60.23 59.15
H + 231 −0.897373 −0.333041 −0.334661 −0.336022 −0.896119 −0.315163 −0.314607 −0.317812 −0.325438
S 68.91 71.41 73.57 70.76 70.68 66.09 70.60 71.19 69.59

It is worth finally mentioning the existence of two the eighties [31,37,39], contrary to the early view, the
T-skewed first-order saddle structures, TS1 and TS2 , benzene dication was regarded as being structurally
and the perfect T-shape second-order saddle struc- “the same as neutral benzene” [37]. This is one side
ture S2 (T) of C2 symmetry on the PES of (C6 H6 )+ 2. of this story.
The transition-state linker TS1 to the S-sandwich is The other one is that the benzene molecule is char-
placed 3.40 kcal mol−1 higher (B3LYP/D). The other acterized by at least 226 doubly ionized states which
saddle structure TS2 related to the D-one lies 2.91 span within an electron binding energy range of 23–
kcal mol−1 above it. The B3LYP/D optimized geome- 40 eV [41]. In contrast to its first ionization that yields
tries of these saddle structures are collected in Table I. the benzene cation radical C6 H+ 6 which exists either
Notice that by analogy with the S-sandwich, both as the 2 B2g (obtuse) state or the 2 B1g (acute) one (see,
rings of TS1 have two shorter and four longer C C e.g., Ref. 5 and references therein), its double one
bonds compared to those of benzene. While a similar exhibits a rather complex pattern first reported in
C C bond pattern holds for the upper ring of TS2 , the present work and displayed in Figure 5 (see also
its lower one resembles the D-sandwich. Table IV). As shown in particular in Figure 5, the
vertical ionization of each ground-state conformer
of C6 H+ 6 leads to two structures, singlet or triplet
4. Benzene Dication - Double (B3LYP/T):
Ionization of Benzene Molecule singlet
IEv (Bz+ : 2 B2g (obtuse) ⇒ 1 B2g )
The benzene dication C6 H2+ 6 is the simplest dica- = 16.13 eV, IEv
(Bz+ : 2 B2g (obtuse) ⇒ 3 B2g )
tion in the series of doubly charged benzene clusters.
True, it has the important and longstanding practical = 15.47 eV;
value as itself (see, e.g., Refs. 28–31 and references singlet
IEv (Bz+ : 2 B1g (acute) ⇒ 1 B1g )
therein). Experimentally, C6 H2+ 6 has been detected
under ionization of benzene in intense laser fields triplet
= 16.12 eV, IEv (Bz+ : 2 B1g (acute) ⇒ 3 B1g )
[32–34]. In the charge-separation processes [29], the
benzene dication fragments into the cations C5 H+ = 15.47 eV.
and CH+ 3 [35] (see also Refs. 36, 37). The correspond-
The above values of the vertical ionization ener-
ing kinetic energy release amounts to 2.6–2.8 eV expt
gies fairly agree with the experimental IEv (Bz+ ) =
[35] implying that the intercharge distance reaches
16.2 eV [42], that was determined from the charge
≈5.1–5.5 Å [38], that is almost twice as large as the
stripping data, and the early computational ones,
C C diameter (≈2.9 Å) of the ground-state neutral IEtheor (Bz+ ) = 16.10 (singlet) and 15.47 (triplet) eV5
benzene molecule. (B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) calculations [28]; cf. with the
Almost four decades ago [38], the benzene dica- upper boundary of 17.16 eV [43]).
tion was treated as an open structure. Regrettably, the A simple comparison of the reported vertical ion-
experiments on charge stripping and charge strip- ization energies of C6 H+ 6 indicates that the triplet
ping/charge exchange were unable to provide any states of C6 H2+ are energetically favorable by about
structural information on this molecular species [37]
(see also Ref. 39)—this was actually the reason why 5 Similarly to Ref. [30], it is worthwhile mentioning that a small
it has been for a long time considered as a “diffi- discrepancy between the experimental and theoretical ionization
cult system” whose structure and properties have energies might arise due to Franck-Condon effects in vertical
remained “considerably less known” [37]. Later, in ionization.


The B3LYP/T structures of the benzene dication.

Bz+ (2 B1g ) 1
Bz2+ 3
Bz2+ 3
ts Bz+ (2 B2g ) 1

r(C1 C2 ) 1.384 1.388 1.424 1.426 1.426 1.470 1.468 1.381 1.432
r(C2 C3 ) 1.448 1.457 1.424 1.426 1.365 1.351 1.351 1.535 1.373
r(C1 H1 ) 1.080 1.084 1.087 1.087 1.083 1.091 1.092 1.084 1.099
r(C2 H2 ) 1.082 1.097 1.087 1.087 1.081 1.085 1.085 1.088 1.089
∠C6 C1 C2 118.4 107.2 119.7 120.0 121.6 123.3 123.1 117.0 125.2
∠C1 C2 H2 120.6 119.1 120.1 120.0 119.4 118.8 119.1 121.6 122.3

The atomic labels are indicated in Figure 6. Bond lengths are given in Å and bond angles in ◦ (Ref. 23 for the geometry of the ground
electronic state of the neutral benzene molecule).

0.5 eV over the singlets (see also Refs. 28, 44). Tak- structure 1 Bz2+ 2
saddle =3 ( B2g ), characterized by the tran-
ing into account the first vertical ionization energy sition frequencies of 1159 ı, 509 ı, and 79 ı cm−1
of benzene of 9.24 eV [5] evaluated at the B3LYP/T (see Table V), the other, arised from the acute
level, the double vertical ionization energy thus benzene cation radical, directly relaxes to the sin-
amounts to 24.72 eV (triplet) and 25.27–25.36 eV glet energy minimum structure 1 Bz2+ characterized
(singlet). Note that the B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) yields by the ZPVE-corrected adiabatic ionization energy
correspondingly 25.55 and 24.50 eV [28] and the IEa (Bz+ : 2 B1g (acute) ⇒ 1 B1g ) = 15.35 eV (the
photoionizationation threshold value is 25.3 eV [44] B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) method yields 15.36 eV [30]).
and 26.0 eV [30] (the B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) estimate is Bz2+ has a planar carbon ring with four short C C
25.4 eV [45]). bonds (1.388 Å) and the two longer ones (1.457
However, as we observe in Figure 5, four verti- Å; vide Figure 6 and Table V) implying that this
cally ionized states of C6 H2+6 are relaxed in a dras- singlet state of C6 H2+ 6 is structurally close to the
tically different way. While the singlet state, that acute benzene cation radical rather than to the neu-
is originated from C6 H+ 2
6 ( B2g ; obtuse), transforms tral benzene. The longer C C bonds have longer
adiabatically into the planar third-order saddle C H bonds (1.097 Å) lying out of the ring plane

FIGURE 6. The B3LYP/cc-pVTZ singlet- and triplet-state structures, 1 Bz2+ and 3 Bz2+ of the benzene dication C6 H2+
6 .
Their bond lengths are given in Å and bond angles in ◦ (some geometrical parameters of the parent obtuse C6 H+ 2
6 ( B2g )
and acute C6 H+6 ( 2
B 1g ) structures of the benzene cation radical, calculated at the same computational level [5e], are
presented in Table V).


(the dihedral angle ∠H2 C2 C3 H3 = 48.0o ) in order all its structural motifs. It has been demonstrated
to reduce the mutual Coulomb repulsions. Interest- that the ionization route of the obtuse benzene cation
ingly, the obtuse-type branch of the relaxation route radical directly yields the lowest triplet state of the
also ends at the acute-like structure 1 Bz2+ of the benzene dication, whereas the singlet state originates
singlet-state benzene dication (vide Fig. 6). from that of the acute conformer. A small preference
The triplet structure 3 Bz2+ resulted from ioniza- of 0.06 eV (see also Ref. 31d, p. 1050 and Ref. 31g, p.
tion of Bz+ (2 B2g ; obtuse) is the energy minimum 1194) predicted at the B3LYP/T computational level
of C6 H2+ 6 . The relevant ZPVE-corrected adiabatic for the benzene dication to finally occupy the most
ionization energy IEa (Bz+ : 2 B2g (obtuse) ⇒ stable triplet state rather than the singlet one has
B2g ) amounts to 15.25 eV (cf. with the B3LYP/6- been reported. In contrast to the longstanding belief,
311G(d,p) value of 15.28 eV [28]). Figure 6 and neither the singlet state nor the triplet one of the
Table IV demonstrate that 3 Bz2+ is characterized benzene dication structurally resemble the neutral
by almost equal C C bonds (1.424 Å). Its nonpla- ground-state benzene molecule.
narity arises due to a small out-of-ring disposition In conclusion, we have unveiled the importance
of the four hydrogen atoms bonded to C2 , C3 , C5 , of the “obtuse versus acute” structural motif of the
and C6 (the dihedral angle ∠H2 C2 C3 H3 = 9.8◦ ). benzene cation radical underlying the structural pat-
The triplet ionization route started from the acute terns that are exhibited on the low-energy portions
benzene cation radical involves the transition-state of the PESs of the benzene dimer cation and benzene
linker 3 Bz2+ ts ( B1g ) with the transition frequency of
1941ı cm and ends at the same triplet state 3 Bz2+
(IEa (Bz+ : 2 B1g (acute) ⇒ 3 B2g ) = 15.29 eV) as the
ionization route originated from the obtuse struc-
ture of C6 H+ 6 . 0.06 eV determines a difference The author gratefully thanks Lenz Cederbaum for
between the adiabatic ionization energies corre- lively and fruitful discussions, Francoise Remacle,
sponding to the singlet and triplet ionization routes Jean-Pierre Francois, and Michael Deleuze for warm
of the benzene cation radical and thus indicates a hospitality.
slight preference of the triplet-state benzene dication
over its singlet state. However, this small difference
falls within the range of chemical computational References
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