Plate 1drafting Lines Curves

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It is usually only the very simple type of engineering detail that has an outline composed
entirely of straight lines. The inclusion of curves within the outline of a component may be for
several reasons: to eliminate sharp edges, thereby making it safer to handle; to eliminate a stress
center, thereby making it stronger; to avoid extra machining, thereby making it cheaper; and last,
but by no means least, to improve its appearance This last reason applies particularly to those
industries which manufacture articles to sell to the general public. It is not enough these days to
make vacuum cleaners, food mixers or ball point pens functional and reliable. It is equally important
that they be attractive so that they, and not the competitors' products are the ones that catch the
shopper's eye. The designer uses circles end curves to smooth out and soften an outline Modern
machine shop processes like cold metal forming, and the increasing use of plastics and laminates,
allow complex outlines to be manufactured as cheaply as simple ones, and the blending of
lines and curves plays an increasingly important role in the draughtsman’s world.

Blending is a topic that students often have difficulty in understanding and yet there are only
a few ways in which lines and curves can be blended. When constructing an outline which contains
curves blending, do not worry about the point of contact of the curves; rather be concerned with
the positions of the centers of the curves. A curve will not blend properly with another curve or line
unless the center of the curve is correctly found If the center is found exactly, the curve is bound to
blend exactly
sample output.

This illustration shows the application of lines and curves. Using lines and curves you can
create an illustration.

Usually the very simple type of engineering details has an outline-composed entirely of lines.
The inclusion of curves within the outline of a component may be for several reasons: to eliminate
sharp edges, thereby making it safer to handle; to eliminate a stress center, thereby making it
stronger; to avoid extra machining, thereby making it cheaper.

Using lines and curves in designing in engineering field is very important.

Activity No. 1


Course Code: CPE 30141 Program:

Course Title: Comp. Eng’g Drafting Date Performed:

Section: Date Submitted:
Name: Instructor:

1. Objective(s):

The activity aims to examine the different drafting and design software. The students will
be able draw lines and curves. This exercise also provides students with knowledge and
skills on command manipulation using CAD software or Multisim circuit simulation.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:
Classify the procedure in developing the idea on how to illustrate some lines and curves
principles in computer engineering design.
3. Discussion:

Electronics Workbench’s MultiSim is a circuit simulation platform, similar to other SPICE

programs, that can model the behavior of a particular analog or digital circuit. In this capacity
you have a software program in which you can model any conceivable circuit design, examine
the corresponding circuit for values at particular components or probe the behavior of the entire
circuit by performing DC, AC or transient analyses, and much more. With this tool you have
access to thousands of parts and components, available at your disposal. This means that in
addition to the convenience of not actually having to physically have components available, you
have limitless combinations of circuit designs.

Electronics Workbench’s DesingSuite software includes other programs such as Multicap,

Multisim, Ultiboard and Ultiroute. In this tutorial we focus on MultiSim9, the circuit simulation
platform. This is included in the DESIGNSUITE Freeware edition 9 which can be downloaded
from the following website at the time of this writing:

Click on the “Download Now” link and simply download the program to a temp folder. Once
finished, double click on the file dsfree9.exe to execute it. This is a self-extracting file and the
setup routines will start-up automatically. Once finished you will have successfully installed the
DesignSuite software including MultiSim.

This tutorial is available at our website at:
Click on the Electronic Workbench tutorial.
Begin by first opening up MultiSim 9.

For Windows users the default location can be found by clicking:

Start->All Programs->Electronics Workbench->DesignSuite Freeware Edition 9->MultiSim 9.
The following program window opens up
Editing the component:

Once placed in the MultiSim window.

Moving a component:

Click on the component once to select it. Hold and Drag the component to a new location.

Rotating a component:

Right click on the component. Select 90°Clockwise [Ctrl+R] to rotate the component 90
degrees clock wise or 90° CounterCW[Ctrl+Shift+R] for counter clockwise rotation.

Flipping a component:

Right click on the component. Select Flip Horizontal [Alt+x] to flip the component horizontally.
Select Flip Vertical[Alt+y] to flip the component vertically.

Deleting a component:

Right click on the component. Select Delete[Delete].

From the toolbar select Place/Wire drag and place the wire. Alternatively, simply click on the
mouse over a terminal edge of a component and hold, then just drag the wire to wherever you
4. Materials and Equipment:

1. Computer/laptop
2. Multisim system downloadable vision in microsoft
3. Any drafting software platform
4. Bond paper short
5. Printer
5. Procedure:
1. Download the Visio Microsoft/multi sim software.
2. Formulate the idea on doing the curves a line
3. No prescribe format
4. All measurements and scale should be depending on the system.
5. Any idea should be accepted.


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