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This study aims to discuss the Globalization structures of Global Economy
and study also aims to know the international trading system and the
market integration.
On this changing world Globalization have a several big impact to our
economy. Economics ‘globalization’ is a historical process the result of
human innovation and technological progress. It refers to the increasing
integration of economies around the world particularly through the
movements of goods services, and capital across boundaries. The term
sometimes also refers to the movements of people LABOR and knowledge
TECHNOLOGY across international boundaries

These are two types of Global Economy these are protectionism and Trade
liberalization. protectionism is defined as protecting one’s economy from
foreign competition by creating trade barriers while the trade liberalization
is reducing trade barriers to make international trade easier between
countries these two types are usually what we called TARIFF trade barriers
these are the required fees on imports/exports of goods.

Everyday network ships, truck and planes move’s massive quantities of
goods around the world .example car might come from America and your t-
shirt from Korea all countries export sell product and services abroad and
import by goods and services from foreign trading partners these goods are
manufactured items of agriculture commodities services dynamic and
growing part of trade refer to all intangible goods such as advertising, and
telecommunication. But the trade network is more complex than seller
and buyers the system of worldwide trade is an intricate web in which
lengthy soppy chain allow products to be sourced assembled packaged and
sold in different parts of the world.

Before the 19th century most European countries tried to do just the
prioritizing self-sufficiency in a system called mercantilism it aims to
maximize exports minimize imports and increase a country’s supply of gold
this system led to strict TARIFF or TAXES or imports as way to not only
discourage bringing in a goods from abroad but profit off it. Mercantilism
created barklouse to international trade countries aim to produce as much
as possible on their own including things they wert able to make efficiency.

In the late 18th century so called classical economists refuted these lang-
held beliefs champing the idea that society should trade with one another to
be more successful because of comparative advantage the idea that when
countries focus on making things they’re comparatively good at and import
the rest everyone benefits this is known as specialization and global
economic help every nations to access the goods, services, financial,
capital markets, technology, production, communication and etc. From
different markets around the world the transaction makes people own
country are often connected to different market.

According to Benczes (2014) he defines economic

increasing integration of economies around the world and according to him
the phenomenon can does have several interconnection dimensions are:
1. The globalization of trade of goods and services.
2. The globalization of financial and capital markets.
3. The globalization of technology and communication.
4. The globalization of production.


The globalization structures of Global Economy have both positive and
negative effects for those countries. they are 3 big impact positive effects
that’s are;
Increase standard of living
Economic globalization gives governments of developing nations access to
foreign lending. When these funds are used in infrastructure including
roads, healthcare, education and social services, the standard of living in
the country increase. If the money is used only selectively, however, not all.
Citizens will participate in the benefits.
Access to new markets
Globalization leads to freer trade between countries. This is one of its
largest benefits to developing nations. Home grown industries see trades
barriers fall and have access to a much wider international marketing. The
growth this generates allows companies to develop new technologies and
produce new products and services.

Example: Access to Global market

Founded in Seattle in 1971 and started becoming profitable in 1980s
Starbucks is now mase 20,000 stores located in almost major countries in
the world.

Decreased employment
the influx of foreign companies into developing countries increasing
employment in many sectors especially for skilled workers. However,
improvements in technology care with new businesses and that technology
spreads to domestic company’s auto motion in the manufacturing and
agricultural sectors lessens the lesson for unskilled labor and
unemployment rise in this sector. If there is no infrastructure to help
unemployed train for the globalized economy social services in the country
any become strained trying to keep for the underclass.
Negative effects
1. Unequal economic growth
While globalization tends to increase economic growth for many countries
the growth isn’t equal-riches countries often benefit more that developing
2. . Malnutrition
malnutrition is a term used to refer to any condition in which the body does
not receive enough nutrients for proper function. The CAUSE of
malnutrition includes SF economic system and dietary choice, low of
income, difficulty obtaining food and various physical and mental health
3. Lack of local businesses
-the policies permitting globalization tend to advantage companies that
have resources and infrastructure to operate their supply chains or
distribution in many different countries which can hedge out small local
businesses for instance a local.
4. Education
-Global economy effect also the education because these have so many
people or parents didn’t have enough income because global economy and
cause of lack of education for the children’s that’s why many under age
chosen to works than to attend at school cause of big problem in our
economy or what we called global poverty.
5. Filipino most love buying imported product than local
-this is also a big problem in our economy because many Filipino workers
remain poor because of this. We love imported than our own local product.

1. Unequal economic growth
 increase economic inclusion and create decent works and higher
incomes. Enhance social services and ensure access to social
protection. Facilitate safe migration and mobility and tackle
irregular migration. Foster pro poor fiscal policies and develop fair
and tax system.
2. Malnutrition
 as a student we can help it by participate or volunteer and
contribute to the program because there’s so many know a day
have a program like are team her in Leyte revealed we also we
have in our country the program of united for healthier kids and the
local partner organization.
3.Lack of local business
 government action this by conducting assembly as symposium to
the community to have local businesses encourage them and help
them to have a small local business to growth for the success of
our country.
4. Education
 as a student we can contribute to increase the nations literacy
rate by educating more and more people, you may teach your
maid her kids and others who which we learn. If all the youngsters
take part in educating illiterate people around us, we can make a
huge difference in the society and this world help the economic
growth of our country.
5. Buying locally produced goods
 As a student we can help our Filipino works to buy their products
at that small way you can help them. Because by local products is
not only sustainable but also tastier and affordable and in addition,
supporting our local food and products produces ensures more
money stays in local economy.

This study the globalization of global economy recommends to the students
who studying the economics to the future researcher and especially on the
community to aware the situation of our economy.

-to the community the researcher recommends that this time for that
change to many people live in poverty and isolation let develop our
economic together so that we have meaningful jobs and strengthen local
economies so every lives happy and healthy life’s.
-to the government the researcher recommends that they should have
make action of the economic problems and offers community-based
solutions that put the emphasis problems on people and their quality of life
and breathing inclusive workplace and engaging our youth and
marginalized population and building knowledge and the capacity of local
people and improving access the capital for community development.
3. Future Researcher
-to the future researcher the researcher of this study would like to
recommend that they should study more about the globalization structures
of Global Economy and can make some improvements on this study, also
they can use this as their guide and reference that be state.

What is international trading system?

- International trading system is the exchange of goods and services
between countries. Trading globally consumers and countries the
opportunity to be exposed to goods and services not available in their
own countries, or more expensive domestically.
International trading system also, globalization refers to the independence
between countries arising from the integration of different aspects of the
economy, such as trade.

International based on
International trade is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across
international borders or territories because there is need or want of want
goods or services. In most countries, such as trade represent a significant
share of gross domestics’ product (GDP)

These are three types of international trade: Export Trade, Import Trade
and Entrepot trade.
Export Trade
Furniture, fruits(bananas), delicacy(kakanin)
Import Trade
Gadgets(iPhone), vehicles(cars), sweet(chocolates)
Tea imported from China to the Philippines then exported to India.
Who was the founder of international trade?
Adam smith
As developed by Adam smith and the classical economist, the theory of
international trade is an enormously powerful one due to its generality.

When was the international trade import?

Trade is a central to ending global poverty. Countries that are open to
international trend tend to grow faster, innovate, improve, productivity and
provide higher income and more opportunities to their people. Open trade
also benefits lower income households by offering consumers more
affordable goods and services.

Benefits of trading system international trade foster peace, goodwill, and

mutual understanding among nations. Economic independence of countries
often leads to close cultural relationship and thus avoid war between them.

How does international trade work?

-international trade allows all countries to expand their markets and access
goods and services that otherwise may not have been available
domestically. As a result of international trade, the market is more
competitive. This ultimately results in mire competitive pricing and brings a
cheaper product home to the customer.

What is marketing integration?

- Market integration is a term that is used to identify a phenomenon in
which markets of goods and services that are somehow related to one
another being to experience similar patterns of increase or decrease in
terms of the prices of those products.

The term can also refer to a situation in which the prices of related goods
and services sold in a defined geographical location also begin to move in
some sort of similar pattern to one another. At times, the integration may be
intentional, with a government implementing certain strategies as a way to
control the direction of the economy. At other times, the integrating of the
markets may be due to factor such as shifts in supply and demand that
have a spillover effect on several markets.

Three types of Marketing integration

1. Horizontal integration

 This occurs when a firm or agency gains control of other firms

or agencies performing similar marketing functions at the same
level in the marketing sequence. In this type of integration,
some marketing agencies combine to form a union with a view
to reducing their effective number and the extent of actual
competition in the market. It is advantageous for the members
who join the group.
2. Vertical integration

 This occurs when a firm performs more than one activity in the
sequence of the marketing process. It is a linking together of
two or more functions in the marketing process within a single
firm or under a single ownership. This type of integration makes
it possible to exercise control over both quality and quantity of
the product from the beginning of the production process until
the product is ready for the consumer. It reduces the number of
middle men in the marketing channel.
a) Forward integration

 If a firm assumes another function of marketing which is closer

to the consumption function, it is a case of forward integration.
Example: wholesaler assuming the function of retailing
b) Backward integration

 This involves ownership or a combination of sources of suppl.

Example: when a processing firm assumes the function of
assembling/purchasing the produce from the villages.

3. Conglomeration

 A combination of agencies or activities not directly related to

each other may, when it operates under a unified management,
be termed a conglomeration.

When was the marketing integration started?

The nineteenth century saw substantial advances in international market
integration, and the creation of a truly world economy. Technological
advance was critical in this. The railroad locomotive and the marine steam
engine revolutionized world transport from the 1830s onwards.
Why marketing integration important?
Integrated marketing allows you to spread your marketing message across
multiple channels and increases the chances of it being heard. Best of all,
customers engaged through multiple channels tend to spend more than
other customers. Therefore, spreading your marketing message can
increase your return on investment.

How does marketing integration work?

5 reason why integrated marketing works
1. It unifies your strategy and message across channels. Integrated
marketing campaigns are driven by a single strategy that guides creative
development and unifies your brand message across all channels. By
having a solid strategy, integrated marketing efforts ensure that your goals
are defined, your brand voice is clear, and your message is consistent.
2. It streamlines timing and workflow. Integrated marketing allows you to
strategically time and deliver all individual components of a campaign. You
can release campaign components in a strategic order, delivering a clear
message and reaching your audience during key moments in their
decision-making journey.
3. It connects with multiple audiences. Well-rounded integrated
marketing strategies not only expand a campaign’s reach by targeting
multiple platforms; they’re also effective in reaching multiple audiences.
4. It creates meaningful insights. Integrated campaigns offer your brand
the opportunity to monitor the impact of multiple outreach efforts all at once.
If you’re working with an agency that has a dedicated research and
analytics team, you’ll be able to use performance results to inform strategy
for all.
5. It maximizes the impact of your current and future marketing
efforts. Though integrated marketing strategies require more resources
than one-off marketing projects, they also produce far more results. By
integrating multiple components of a campaign, you’re ultimately amplifying
the success of each one and getting the most out of your marketing

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