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I - Background:

Mr. Ople heads the division of a certain agency; he manages 7 areas. The division has

been in charge of the vital functions of the agency. Due to limited experience of area heads the

output of the division was very low. Thus, performance bonus is affected. 

Mr. Ople feels that poor performance is due to the limited experience of some area

heads. He believes further that this can be associated to lack of corporate goals and

commitment to work. They seldom enforce specific corporate policies. They interact with one

another infrequently, thus, coordination is poor. Paul is concerned that this lack of

commitment will ultimately affect agency’s productivity.

II – Problems:

1. How to improve the productivity output of Mr. Ople’s division?

2. How to improve the interpersonal relationship between the employees under Mr.

Ople’s division?

3. How to improve the human resource management of Mr. Ople’s division?

III – Objectives:

To be able to find answer on how to improve the productivity output of Mr. Ople’s

division, to improve the interpersonal relationship between the employee and to improve its

human resources management.

IV- Areas of Consideration:

The following are factors that need to be considered that can affect the resolution of

the problem or case study under Mr. Ople’s division, namely Limited experience of area heads,

lack of corporate goals and commitment to work of employees, they seldom enforce specific

corporate policies and poor coordination.

V – Alternative Course of Actions:

ACA 1 – Formulate new and effective plans and strategies and provide trainings to area heads

to improve their productivity output under Mr. Ople’s division.

Advantages: It will improve the productivity of Mr. Ople’s division, and they will have a

higher performance bonus for their division that can boost their morals.

Disadvantages: Additional fund needed for the conduct of formulation of new and

effective plans and strategies and providing trainings to area heads under Mr. Ople’s


ACA 2 – To propose replacements of area heads to those with unsatisfactory performance

under Mr. Ople’s division.

Advantages: It will give a chance to other employees that are more competent,

qualified, and dedicated to improving the overall goals and objectives of the division.

Disadvantages: It may trigger the replaced area heads to act of uprising against the

management or the company. And there still a tendency that low productivity will

continue or worsen under the new area heads.

ACA 3 – Conduct a Teambuilding and Reflection Activities to improve the camaraderie and

relationship between the employees.

Advantages: It will give a chance to Mr. Ople to interact with his employee and to know

them more about their behaviors and characteristics. And there will be a chance that

the employees will interact with each other to improve their relationship and

coordination that can help to do their jobs or functions well.

Disadvantages: Additional funds needed to conduct the said teambuilding and

reflection activities. And there still a tendency that the teambuilding and reflection

activities will not be effective in improving the relationship between employees and it

may worsen.

ACA 4 – The Management should impose more stricter rules and regulation especially in the

commitment of the employees towards organization’s goals and objectives.

Advantages: Exact obedience by the employees due to the imposed stricter rules and

regulations towards employee’s commitment to the organization bestowed by the


Disadvantages: It may trigger the employees to take action of uprising against the

management instead of getting exact obedience.

ACA 5 – Provide proper trainings and seminars to human resources to improve their skills and

talent and to be able to work competitively and confidently.

Advantages: The employees will gain additional knowledges, skills, and experiences in

attending those provided trainings and seminar that may help in obtaining the goals
and objectives of the organization. Also, with such given trainings and seminars, the

employee may be promoted to a higher rank that can boost their morals.

Disadvantages: Additional funds needed to provide trainings and seminars to

employees. And the employee having or acquiring enough skills and experience may

have the tendency to apply or transfer from other organization or company.

V – Recommendations:

I recommend ACA 1 to solve the problem regarding the low productivity of Mr. Ople’s

division of formulating new and effective plans and strategies and provide trainings to area

heads, because it will provide them new learning and knowledge on how to improve the

productivity output of his division. It will also give an opportunity to his current area heads to

improve their skills and performance and give them a chance to show that there are capable to

their designated task.

I also recommend ACA 3, to conduct a teambuilding and reflection activities that can

improve the relationship between his employees. Through this the employees can interact

with each other to have a better communication and coordination. And through this reflection

activities the employees can share what his thoughts and perception about the company and

management, that can help to know what the reasons are why those employees behaving like

that and performing poor. Also In these activities, the management may be able to know what

the strength and weaknesses of his employees are.

Lastly, I recommend ACA 5, to provide a trainings and seminar to his human resources.

Through this seminars and training, his employees will gain additional skills, knowledge and
experiences that will make them a better person and employees. Also, with these, the

employees will be updated to the trends in the community and environment that can help

them to contribute more to the organization. And having trainings and seminar will give an

opportunity to the employees to become a competitive against other employees from within

and outside the organization.

VI – Conclusions:

The list of alternative courses of action stated in the recommendations can help Mr.

Ople, employees and area heads under his division to improve their productivity output &

performance, relationship with each other in the office and the human resource management

system. That is why I believe; they just need to develop or formulates new and effective plans

and strategies in producing a better quality of output and increase their performance.

However, they should first improve the relationship between employees under his division and

improve the human resources management system. Through conducting a teambuilding and

reflection activities. They must also practice open communication and improve their

interaction with each other under his division, so that they can share ideas and experiences

that can help in improving the performance of their division. Also, the company should provide

trainings and seminars to his employees to improve their skills and knowledge to be able to

contribute more to the companies and to be able to help in obtaining the goals and objectives

of the organization.

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