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R: round
sc: single crochet
sl st: slip stitch
inc: increase
dec: decrease
mr: magic ring
**: repeat to the end of round
(...) x...: repeat the inside of parentheses according to the
indicated number, example: (...) x2
[...] total stitches at the end of round


With red

R1: 6 sc in mr
R2: *sc inc* [12]
R3: *1 sc, sc inc* [18]
R4: *2 sc, sc inc* [24]
R5: *3 sc, sc inc* [30]
R6: *4 sc, sc inc* [36]
R7: *5 sc, sc inc* [42]
R8: *6 sc, sc inc* [48]
R9: *15 sc, sc inc* [51]
R10: *16 sc, sc inc* [54]
R11: *17 sc, sc inc* [57]
R12: *18 sc, sc inc* [60]
R13-14: 60 sc

Change color to beige.

R15-17: 60 sc
R18: *8 sc, sc dec* [54]
R19: *7 sc, sc dec* [48]
R20: *6 sc, sc dec* [42]
R21: *5 sc, sc dec* [36]
R22: *4 sc, sc dec* [30]
R23: *3 sc, sc dec* [24]
R24: *2 sc, sc dec* [18]
R25: *1 sc, sc dec* [12]
R26: *sc dec* [6]


Part A:

Make two, with same color as the legs.

R1: 7 sc in mr
R2-4: 7 sc

Cut leving long tail to sew to the body.

Part B:
Make two, with white.

R1: 6 sc in mr
R2: *sc inc* [12]
R3: *1 sc, sc inc* [18]
R4-6: 18 sc
R7: *1 sc, sc dec* [12]
R8: *sc dec* [6]
Cut leving long tail to sew.
With black yarn sew on a V shape bewteen R3-6.
Join sewing together "Part A" with "Part B".


Part C:

Make two.

R1: 4 sc in mr
R2: *sc inc* [8]
R3: *3 sc, sc inc* [10]
R4: *4 sc, sc inc* [12]
R5: *5 sc, sc inc* [14]
R6: *6 sc, sc inc* [16]
R7: (2 sc, sc inc, 2 sc, sc inc, 1 sc, sc inc) x2 [22]
R8: 22 sc
R9: (1 sc, sc dec, 1 sc, sc dec, 1 sc, sc dec, sc dec) x2 [14]
R10: 2 sc, 6 sc dec [8]
R11-19: 8 sc
Cut leving long tail to sew to the body.

Part D:

Make two.

R1: 4 sc in mr
R2: (1 sc, sc inc) x2 [6]
R3: (2 sc, sc inc) x2 [8]
R4: (3s c, sc inc) x2 [10]

Joing sewing to "Part C" between R7-10.


Make 6 legs.

R1: 8 sc in mr
R2-10: 8 sc
R11: 8 sl st

Cut leving long tail to sew to the body.


Sew eyes on the upper front part of the body (R6-8). The pincers in
the middle sides of the body one round before the last red round (R11-
14). The legs leaving a round after the color change (R15-18). Legs
position: sew the first leg to match the pincer, then we put the
second and third legs to the right and left of the first leg, leaving
approximately 1.5 cm / 0,6 inch of space, do the same thing on the
other side.

After I made several octopuses after Maria Hvolbek ‘s pattern, I wanted to give them
some jellyfish friends. This is how Hortense was born.
Idea : Hortense is very social : make her a few friends and turn them into a mobile for a
child !
Download pattern
Yarn : 2 colors of Phildar’s Coton 3 (sport weight)
2.5mm hook
6mm safety eyes
yarn or tapestry needle


R1 : MR 6
R2 : inc around (12)
R3 : *1sc, inc*x6 (18)
R4 : *2sc, inc*x6 (24)
R5 : *3sc, inc*x6 (30)
R6 : *4sc, inc*x6 (36)
R7-8 : sc around (36)
R9 : *5sc, inc*x6 (42)
R10-11 : sc around (42)
R12 : *6sc,inc* x6 (48)
R13 : sc around (48)
R14 : FLO *skip 1st, [5hdc], sk 1st, 1slst* x12 (72)

FO, insert safety eyes between R10&11, spaced by 8sts.


R1 : MR 6
R2 : inc around (12)
R3 : BLO *1sc, inc*x6 (18)
On left unworked sts of R2, make 3 tentacles :
ch49, turn, 26sc, 10hdc,12dc, ch1, turn, 12dc, 10 hdc, 26sc.

FO, and change color to yellow.

Fold the tentacle and single crochet accross the side up to the base.
Slst in next front loop, cut yarn and hide ends.
Skip 2 sts, make a 2nd tentacle, skip 2sts, and make the 3rd tentacle.

R4 : *2sc, inc* x6 (24)

R5 : *3sc, inc* x6 (30)
R6 : *4sc, inc* x6 (36)
R7 : *5sc, inc* x6 (42)
R8 : *6sc, inc* x6 (48)
FO, leave long tail for sewing.

Embroider little cheeks with pink yarn.
Start sewing the base to the back loops left unworked on R14 of the head, stuff as you

Rare Photo d’une méduse en plein bain de soleil.

Sombrero is part of my Mexican Cactus pattern.

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