Lesson 3 - Power Fact Sheet

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Fact Sheet

Objectives of the lesson:

● Characterize power;

● Recognize the nature, dimensions/types, and consequences of power; ●

Break down the nature, dimensions/types, and consequences of power; ●

Assess how power is exercised in different situations; and

● Recognize how power can be utilizes as form of service to others


• POWER is generally defined as the ability of a person to carry out his or her
• It is one’s ability to achieve a desired outcome, and the ability to influence
• Power is based on the perception and understanding of the various
participants in society. Each member of a group of society recognizes that
certain individuals in their group possess a degree of power based on the
nature of their relationships with other members of the group.

The kind of power being showcased in this situation is Coercive Power. It is based on
a person’s ability to compel other people through threats, punishments, and force.

In the given situation, Nena is able to have Natoy do what she wants him to do by
use of threat which activates fear/worry within Natoy.

The kind of power showcased in this situation is Reward Power. It is based on the
ability to give rewards and benefits.

The kind of power being showcased in this situation is Expert Power. Expert power
relies on the knowledge and skills of the individual
The kind of power being showcased in this situation is Legitimate Power. Legitimate
power is based on a person’s position, role, and duties in a group.

The power being showcased in this situation is Referent Power. It is based on an

individual’s personality and ability to attract followers.
Political Power
Legitimacy refers of the people’s perception that the rules are rightfully
implemented by a rightful person in power and must therefore be

Sovereignty speaks of the ability of the national government to be the sole leader to
govern itself. It is the power of the government to perform its functions and conducts
its affairs without interference.

Authority is seen as the political leader’s ability to command respect and exercise

Charismatic authority is based on the personal qualities of the individual that are
considered exceptional. Traditional authority is rooted on traditional values and
existing social ties and institutions. Legal-rational is based of laws and regulations. A
person is able to exercise power because he or she has been empowered by law.

• Political power is understood to refer to sovereignty, which is the power of the

government to perform its functions and conducts its affairs without
• In a democratic government, sovereignty resides in the people. Elected
government officials borrow power from the sovereign people.
• Sovereignty is expressed by the government as the “national power” that is
composed of various resources and instrumentalities.
• It is evident in the actions of government agencies, officials, members of the
military and police, and other public servants.
Fundamental Powers of the State According to the 1987 Constitution

1. Police power refers to the ability of the state to use the police force to ensure
law ang order in the society.
2. Eminent-domain is the power of the government to acquire private property
for public use.
3. Power of taxation allows the government to impose and collect taxes from its


Villanueva, Prince Aian G.(2017).Philippine Politics and Governance. Diwa Learning

Systems, Inc.

Joven, Arnel E. (2017). Philippine Politics and Governance. C & E Publishing, Inc.

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