Air Transportation

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Department of retail and logistics management





Andrew Chikamhi R154418A

Level 4.1

Module Transport

Module Code RLM 403

Lecturer Mrs Mazwi

PRESENTATION TOPIC; Air as a mode of transport.

Air as a mode transport

Definition and a brief history of air transport

Air transportation is the movement of passengers and freight by any conveyance that can sustain
controlled flight. It is a facility containing the means and equipment necessary for the movement of
passengers or goods.

The first air transport was a glider designed by two brothers, Orville and Wilber Wright, in 1903. In its
earliest years, the airline industry had a symbiotic relationship with military aviation. World War 1
provided a powerful spirit to the development of commercial aviation as air power began to be used and
better aircraft were quickly designed. Airmail was one of the earliest avenues via which air
transportation became commercially relevant because it helped to accelerate the velocity of the money
supply and helped ti tie together far-flung enterprises, facilitating the emergence of the first major US
airlines in 1921-1926.

Air transport continued to improve, became faster, bigger and better in terms of their holding capacity.
They also evolved and there are now different types of air transport.


 Commercial
 Personal air transport
 Hot air balloons
 Blimps
 Zeppelin
 Helicopters
 Airplanes
 Rockets

Commercial air transport

Commercial aviation is the part of civil aviation that involves operating aircraft for hire or to transport
passengers or multiple loads of cargo.

Personal air transport

The mid 1900s saw the birth of this type of air transportation. Individuals invented autogyro, gliders and
jet packs for the purpose of transporting a single person from one place to another.

Hot air balloons

It is the very first type of air transportation to carry humans. The idea was developed by the Montgolfier
brothers in the 1700s. Today hot air balloons use almost the exact same technology, however, they are
able to design the balloons into nearly any shape imaginable.

An offshoot of hot air balloons is the blimp. They have been around since the 1900s and were first used
as scouting tools by various militaries. The technology has developed into a convenient and cost-
effective way to travel and advertise products.


Were built in the 20th century based on designs by Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin. Visually they appear
very much like blimps but distinguished by the metal skeleton and that they are filled with hydrogen.
They are larger and capable of sustaining long distance flights than blimps.


It’s a flying vehicle that can take off from a sitting position. Designs date as far back as the 1480s with
Leonard da Vinci. However, it was until the 1900s that individuals created working models. Most models
carry 4-6 people, limiting its commercial use.


It is the most popular form of air transportation available. According to FlightAware, a flight tracking
organisation, there are 49, 315 commercial flights around the world each day that use fixed-wing
aircraft. They are distinguishable from other types in that they achieve lift through forward motion. The
first sustained flight was performed by the Wright brothers on December 27, 1993.


 Minimize storage costs for just in time companies

Air cargo tracking let’s you determine the landing time so that arrangements would be made
that package get collected on delivery. This means that the package is not stored in the Ware
houses at the airport adding cost to the distribution supply chain. Air transport is the fastest
mode of transport and having it’s location in real time. There is more efficiency in knowing the
time of delivery, one can ensure that freight meet demand.

 Minimum Cost
Unlike railways and road transport, there is no need to spend money on the construction of any
track or road, only airports have to be constructed.

 Strategic Importance
An airway has great strategic importance. It can be used for internal and external security.

 Easy transport of costly and light goods:

It is quite convenient to send costly, light and perishable goods through air transport.

 Free from physical barriers

Air transport is free from physical barriers like river, mountains and valleys etc.It follows the
shortest and direct route as seas, mountains or forests do not come in the way of air transport.
Air transport can be used to carry goods and people to the areas which are not accessible by
other means of transport. It can operate even when all other means of transport cannot be
operated due to the floods or other natural calamities. Thus, at that time, it is the only mode of
transport which can be employed to do the relief work and provide the essential commodities
of life.

 Quick clearance
In air transport, custom formalities can be very quickly complied with and thus it avoids delay in
obtaining clearance.


 Uncertain and unreliable

Any small mistakes by the pilot can possibly mean that everything the air shipment is carrying
can be lost. Plain hijackes are possible and once it a plain has been taken it might not be easy to
track down. Air transport is uncertain and unreliable as it is controlled to a great extent by
weather conditions. Unfavourable weather such as fog, snow or heavy rain etc. may cause
cancellation of scheduled flights and suspension of air service.

 High Costs:
Air transport is a costly service. Its operational costs are too high. Middle class and poor people
cannot affect its cash.

 Huge Investments
For creating aviation facilities, huge investments are required. The cost of aero planes,
construction and maintenance of aerodromes and control mechanism needs a capital

 Small carrying capacity

They are not suitable for carrying bulky goods unlike other modes of transport because they
have a small carrying capacity.

 Affected by weather
When it comes to weather, air transport is unreliable. Normally if the weather is not certain, the
flight will be delayed.

 Further transportation may be needed from the airport to the final destination.

 Air transport requires specialized skills and high degree of training.

 There are many legal restrictions imposed by various countries in the interest of their own
national unity and peace.

1. Jean-Paul Rodridge (2020), “The Geography of Transport Systems”. New York, USA; Routledge.
2. X. Sun, S. Wandelt, and F. Linke (2015), “Temporal evolution analysis of the European air
transportation system; air navigation route network and airport network”
3. M. Delaplace and F. Dobruzkes (2015) “From low-cost airlines to low-cost high-speed rail/ the
French case”

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