Diagnostic Test Arts 9

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S.Y. 2022-2023
NAME:_____________________________________ SECTION:_____________ SCORE: ____________
I. Multiple Choice. Read each item comprehensively. Choose and write the letter of your
answer in the space before the number.
______1. What art process uses assemblage of small pieces of glasses, stones and other
materials to create an image?
a. encaustic b. fresco c. kerch style d. mosaic
______2. What method of painting uses water-based pigment on freshly applied plaster
usually on a wall surfaces?
a. encaustic b. fresco c. kerch style d. mosaic
______3. Which of the following statements is correct about prehistoric art?
a. It has a taste of realism. c. It is easy to understand.
b. It has a touch of naturalism. d. It is not easy to understand.
______4. One of the famous works of _________ is the “Conversion of St Paul”.
a. Bernini b. Caravaggio c. Da Vinci d. Rubens
______5. Who popularized the novel and movie, “Da Vinci Code”?
a. Bernini b. Donatello c. Da Vinci d. Rubens
______6. “Ecstacy of St Theresa”, is the artwork of _____.
a. Bernini b. Donatello c. Rembrandt d. Rubens
______7. What sculpture depicts a gladiator that has fallen in battle?
a. Dying Gladiator c. The Nightmare
b. The Kiss d. The Three Graces
______8. Which sculpture was originally designed to be part of, “The Gates of Hell”.
a. Dying Gladiator c. The Nightmare
b. The Kiss d. The Three Graces
______9. Who was known as the Palladian, who designed two well-known American-Civic
a. Albert Adam b. Charles Garner c. Henri Labruste d. Robert Adam
_____10. Which is a formalized form of dance which originated from the Italian
Renaissance courts.
a. Ballet b. Foxtrot c. Waltz d. Zumba
_____11. Who is a National poet, actor, and dramatist in England who made 38 plays
such “Romeo and Juliet” “Hamlet” and “Cleopatra”?
a. Charles Nodier b. Georges Bizet c.Victor Marie Hugo d.William Shakespeare
_____12. A French composer known for his opera “Carmen”.
a. Charles Nodier b. Georges Bizet c.Victor Marie Hugo d.William Shakespeare
_____13. Which of the following statements is a fact about Egyptian sculptures?
a. A result of natural erosion and not of human artistry.
b. Empty spaces were filled with figures or hieroglyphics.
c. It was made using a true fresco technique with a limestone mortar.
d. None of the above.
_____14. The following are ancient artwork paintings EXCEPT one.
a. The Pieta b. Cave of Lascaux c. Venus of Hohle Fels d. none of the above
_____15. In the Byzantine, “Hagia Sophia” means ______.
a. coliseum b. Holy Trinity c. Holy Wisdom d. Temple
_____16. Which of the following statements is not correct about Renaissance Period?
a. Depicted real-life figures.
b. Artistic experimentation.
c. Focuses on realistic and humanistic arts.
d. A period of artistic styles in exaggerated motion.

_____17. Baroque is derived from the word barroco, which means ____________.
a. Rebirth b. Revival c. Pearl of regular shape d. Pearl of irregular shape
_____18. What is the common subject of the Renaissance Period?
a. Catholic dogma c. Human Philosophy
b. Dynamic wealth d. Mannerism
_____19. What does “The Gates of Hell” sculpture of Rodin depict?
a. Adulterous lover b. French kiss
c. Friendly kiss d. Normal act of expressing one’s affection.
_____20. What is the spiritual meaning of transfiguration?
a. Pity or compassion
b. Jesus tells of His coming trials over death
c. Displays happiness while the other half is neutral reflecting in non-genuine
d. All of the above.
_____21. What does the sculpture Pieta symbolize?
a. Pity or compassion
b. Love can cause problems
c. Works to humanize the royals, like any other family
d. All of the above
_____22. These are the characteristics of “Insane Woman” by Theodore Gericault
a. Her mouth is tense
b. It shows power or strength
c. Her eyes are red rimmed with suffering
d. Mental aberration and a rational state of mind
_____23. Which is NOT an innovation of Classical plays or operas?
a. Interest in morality.
b. Proscenium was developed.
c. Commedia del arte or “comedy of the profession” was developed.
d. Backdrops for scenery were popularized by the art of painting clothes.
_____24. In the Greek theatre, “Skene” literally means _____.
a. Dancing space c. Tent
b. Passage ways d. All of the above
_____25. How does Michelangelo Pieta affect our life today?
a. Inspired us deeply and abiding faith.
b. People tend to commit sin is normal.
c. People became aware of death as a part of cycle.
d. None of the above.
_____26. What is/are the contribution/s of Paoay Church in terms of structural design?
a. Paoay Church earned the moniker earthquake Baroque.
b. Paoay Church has a distinct architecture highlighted by the enormous
c. It was conceived to a solution to possible destructions from earthquakes and
other calamities.
d. All of the above.
_____27. What is/are the artistic concept/s of some Baroque Churches in the Philippines
which are applied today?
a. Churches are depicted in murals.
b. Strong buttresses to withstand the power of earthquakes
c. Break churches follow the standard of Philippine layout
d. All of the above.

_____28. What behavioural facts influenced the theatrical play, “Romeo and Juliet”?
a. They made poor decisions about love.
b. Making wrong decisions were normal because of the immaturity.
c. Teenagers have suicidal thoughts and eventually commit suicide.
d. All of the above.
_____29. What does “Lysistrata” play teach us about war?
a. Women are anti-war motives.
b. Demonstration of a bold leader.
c. Women have better strategies in war.
d. All of the above.
_____30. What are the life lessons from Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice”?
a. Debt can be dangerous.
b. Manage your money more efficiently.
c. You need to be prepared for emergencies.
d. All of the above.
_____31. Which statement is relevant to a Romanesque architecture?
a. A group of stones arranged in concentric circles
b. Buildings were designed in one of three architectural designs
c. It consists of two huge standing stones supporting a horizontal giant stone
d. Characterized by towering round arches, massive stone and brick woods,
small windows and thick walls.
_____32. What is the difference between Parthenon and a Coliseum?
a. Coliseum is arranged in concentric circles while Parthenon has a rectangular
b. Coliseum and Parthenon passageways extended the visitor’s route which
gladiators and wild beasts made their entrance.
c. Coliseum was used for entertainment while the Parthenon was used as
treasury for Greek culture and belief.
d. All of the above.
_____33. What is the idea of Donatello’s “David” artwork?
a. Based on Antinous, emperor’s Hadrians gay lover.
b. A bond beyond violence between victorious and conquered
c. A small mercantile city state defending itself against more powerful enemies
d. All of the above.
_____34. Which of the following statements is relevant to the sculpture of Gian Bernini’s
“Ecstasy of St. Theresa”?
a. It imitates celestial creations.
b. A young lady being promising but wicked.
c. Overpowering the sense of spiritual pleasure in serving Christ.
d. None of the above.
_____35. What does the “Equestrian” statue of Gattamelata symbolize?
a. A composed, alert and watchful leader.
b. Tribute to both the military leader and the individualism.
c. Made in bronze for the baptistery of Siena Cathedral in Italy.
d. All of the above
_____36. What is the message of the painting, “The Death of General Wolfe”?
a. Death is inevitable.
b. Pity or compassion.
c. Portrayed as Christ liked figure, and the composition resembles Christians’
d. None of the above.

_____37. Which of the following artworks of Neoclassic has the correct characteristics?
a. Relief compositions were arranged in horizontal lines.
b. Symbolism was heavily used to represent the gods.
c. Symmetry, an emotional telling of events, simplicity of line, then form and
d. All of the above.
_____38. In the Western Classical Theatre Play, which of the following elements is not
a. crayons b. jocasta c. oedipus d. facial expression
_____39. If you are to make a Rafaelo Sanzio da Urbino inspired artwork, what should be
the main theme of your output?
a. Christian doctrines c. Judaism doctrine
b. Islam doctrines d. Hinduism doctrine
_____40. In an art process, what are the following materials for mosaic?
a. ceramics c. small pieces of colored glass, stones and seashells
b. pebbles d. All of the above

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