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CLAT MOCK — 3 Answer and explanation .1) Option (8). This is a main idea question, The main idea of this, passage is to show the origin and development of comic books to certain extent. This is definitely not the complete article. However, the main point is to narrate the history. So, option B is the correct choice. Option A ~The author criticises ‘The Yellow Kid... book. We also get to know about some political misinformation being spread through comic books. But these are narrow points and don’t capture the main theme of the passage. Option C ~ Firstly, there is no myth-heres Theyauthor, never says that we are under some misconception regarding the origin of the comic book, It is also part of the passage (indirectly). However, it can’t be the main. idea. Secondly, the author clearly states that comic. books or graphic novels need not be fiction. They can be memoirs too. So, we can eliminate this option. Option D - Comic book is a subset of literature, So, this option is too broad and goes beyond the scope of the passage. Q.2) Option (c). This is an inference question. And all the options come from the second paragraph. Option A ~The author clearly states that graphic novels can be memoirs. So, this is eliminated. Option B ~ ‘Always’ makes this an extreme inference which can’t be supported by the information provided in the passage. Option C = ‘Normally’ makes it correct. Refer to the paragraph. The author states that graphic novels can have one or more authors. But comic books or paperbacks are written by @ team of contributors. So, this is the correct option. Option D - This might be true for comic books (pre~ conceived storyline and universe), not for graphic novels. Q.3) Option (A). This is a specific idea question. So, we need to eliminate options which are not true. Option A ~ Refer to the last sentence of the passage, These stories appeal to adults too. So, this option is factually true. Option 8 — This is an extreme accusation. The author mentions graffities in a different context. So, this is a distorted option. Option C- This again is misleading. The Yellow Kid book had some element of journalistic sensationalism. But this option has a completely cifferent meaning. Option D - Not mentioned in the passage. We have no information about ‘aesthetically pleasing’ (glossy means eye-catching and it need not be pleasant). It also hasn’t been mentioned as the main reason for the popularity of these books. Q.4) Option (0). Refer to the lines: “What are graphic novels the same persof instead of a team.” So, a graphic novel would be a never before told story, Hence, option A is crucial. Number of volume (generally fone volume) is essential to some extent. Illustrations are part of the nature of these texts (refer to the first paragraph). So, option C is crucial too. Option D is vague. Is it about the number of writers or the origin of the story? Hence, this is the least essential element. So, option Dis the correct answer. Q.5) Option (0). ‘As used in the context, ‘disseminate’ means to propagate or spread {in this case misinformation or politically motivated ideologies). Hence, ‘circulate’ is the correct answer. Options:A and C are antonyms of, the word. Option B, which means to fasten with a support (battening doors during storms), is irrelevant. Option D is the correct answer. Q.6) Option (A). At the beginning of the passage, Bakha is clearly angry. Hence, we can eliminate options B and C. There is no speculation and no. introspection. indignation is righteous anger. Towards the end, Bakha is anxious about his father’s reaction. So, option A is the correct answer. In the last sentence, Bakha gets absorbed in an eagle and a speck of cloud. However, it’s not an overall attitude Q.7) Option (C). This is an inference questions. Factually, Bakha thinks of all the given scenario, However, option C best captures his biggest fear. Option Ais incomplete (find out what!) Option B is wrong. Option D is misleading. Bakha feels that his father always takes the side of the others {Sohini is not mentioned as an outsider here). So, ‘option Cis the correct answer. @ served, Unauthorized copying, sale, distribution or ‘sof this work isa punishable offence under laws of India © Possible edueation Pvt. Ltd: All rights circulation of ay ofthe conte eo lat possible ‘CLATMOCK-3 Q.8) Option (6). This is a specific idea question. Refer to the lines: shouldn't have picked up that bread from the pavement, he said, and he sighed. That seemed to relax him.” So, option B is the answer. Option A It’s mentioned at the end as something that he did instead of worrying Option C is irrelevant, Option D is wrong. He didn’t wake up feeling better. He became angry after waking up. Q.9) Option (c). Refer to: “there was an ache in the back of his head. A subtle heat was mounting from his spine, drying the blood in his body and shrinking his face.” So, options A, 8, and D are eliminated as they indicate his anger, Option C is misleading. ‘Drying the blood’ doesn’t mean the body becoming literally bloodless. it’s an idiomatic expression. Q.10) Option (€). The second blank is our clue. Clearly, Bakha is very hungry. So, option D is eliminated, His hunger is not subtle at all. Hunger can’t be described as nuanced (detailed). There is no personification (rats can run), There is a degree of exaggeration in this figurative usage. For the first blank, simile can fit, Circumlocution means a round about way of speaking. It’s) not appropriate in this context. So, option C is the correct. answer. Q.11) Option (A). This is a main ideaiquestion.-The passage describes the history of the smallpox vaccine and how eventually this disease got eradicated, So, option A is the best answer. Option B - Too broad. The passage is about one vaccine, not about the process of vaccination in general, Option C~ This is not the main idea. Option D- Goes beyond the scope of the passage. Q.12) Option (8). Refer to the first paragraph. It’s clearly option B. Option A occurs after variolation. Option C is not mentioned, Option D is about Jenner's work and not about variolation, Q.13) Option (0) Refer to the line: “In this work, he summarized his discoveries and expressed hope that “the annihilation of the smallpox, the most dreadful scourge of the human species, must be the final result of this practice.” So, option D is the clear answer. .14) Option (8). Refer to the lines: “In 1959, the World Health Organization (WHO) started a plan to rid the world of ‘Answer and explanation smallpox. Unfortunately, this global eradication campaign suffered from a lack of funds, personnel, and commitment from countries, and a shortage of vaccine donations.” So, option B is factually correct. Options A and D can’t be determined. Option C is wrong. It was renewed in 1967. Q.15) Option (8). The clue here is that we need to find a sentence that says that cowpox is no longer used for smallpox vaccine, ‘Smallpox is eradicated but not the vaccination process, That can’t be determined. So, option B is the correct answer. Q.16) Option (8). In the passage, the author narrates the various sides examining the failure of early democracy in Germany in the form of the Weimar Republic. So, the tone is examining or analytical. Hence, option B is the correct answer. The author, doesn’t regret or lament. There is no condemnation throughout the passage. The author is assessing and stating historical facts. So, there is no Pondering or contemplation. Q.17) Option (0). ‘The best choice is option D as used in the context. The other options can be easily eliminated. {Q:48) Option (0): ‘The passage mentions options A, B, and C as reasons Why democracy of the Weimer Republic failed, However, option D is not mentioned as a failure. in fact, there was a failure to teach ‘German learning’. So, option D is the correct answer. Q.19) Option (A). Clearly, the passage indicates that the Weimer Republic crumbled. It was followed by the rise of a more authoritarian rule. So, option A is the most probable choice. Q.20) Option (0). Options A, B, and C are factually correct as per the passage. Refer to the first paragraph. Option D is the correct answer. Q.21) Option (C). Refer to the last paragraph. It mentions ‘the UNESCO chief’. Logically it should refer to Audrey Azoulay. So, option C is the correct answer. Options A and B can’t be determined Option D is ridiculous. She is supporting the art community. She doesn’t support the Covid crisis. (2) © Possible education Pvt, Ltd.: All sights reserved. Unauthorized copying, sale, distribution or circulation of any ofthe cont ofthis work i pa ishable offence under laws of India lat possible ‘CLATMOCK-3 Q.22) Option (C). Authors typically give examples to strengthen their points. So, option C is the correct choice. The example of the Mona Lisa further highlights the importance of artists in the fight against the global pandemic (which is the main point of this address) Option A~ Incorrect. There is no critic mentioned. Option B ~ The passage is not about Da Vinci. Option D- This s irrelevant. Q.23) Option (8). ‘The pandemic has been mentioned to have created a lot of challenges for the field of art. Option A — Can't be determined that this field has been the worst affected. Option B = It’s true as per information provided in the passage. Option C ~ Irrelevant. Art has brought people closer. Option D — It has surely strengthened the faith in art But ‘revived’ makes this option illogieal. This passage doesn’t mention that there was a dwindling of faith in artists before the pandemic. Q.24) Option (8). The passage doesn't mention that artists have participated in the healthcare sector...They, have supported the healthcare sector and the cause of fighting against the pandemic. So, option B is the correct answer, Options A, C, and Dican be foundlin the passages Q.25) Option (A). In this context (and in general too}, the enigmatic smile of Mona Lisa has been mentioned as a mysterious or fascinating phenomenon. So, options B, C, and D match the intended meaning. However, ‘supernatural’ can’t be used for one’s smile (normally). So, option A is the best choice. 2.26) Option (8). The author describes Hesiod as intermediate between oral Homeric Greece and fully developed Greek literacy, and immediately before says that —the more sophisticated orally patterned thought is, the more likely iti likely to be marked by set expressions skillfully used, Paraphrase all this: Hesiod is an example of an oral culture that produced sophisticated thought in sophisticated patterns. (B) Paraphrases this. Q.27) Option (A). Review the differences between oral and written cultures, which are mentioned throughout the passage, (a) Represents a major difference that author discusses in a few places. The author notes in Para 5 that oral ‘Answer and explanation culture depends on mnemonic patterns to remember, and in para 2 the author quotes an ancient objection to writing: writing destroys memory. Oral cultures, therefore, rely extensively on memory while written cultures much less so. Q.28) Option (6). What role does Plato serve in Para 1 and 2? The author says that essentially the same objections..were urged by Plato...against writing. The prediction is easy: Plato is used to introduce ancient objections to writing. (B) Paraphrases this closely. Q.29) Option (0) ‘A main idea question, D sums up the passage really well asis evident from our passage map. Q.30) Option (8). Eee une cl kod Q.31) Option (A). Q.32) Option (0). Q.33) Option (A) Q.34) Option (A) Q.35) Option (0). Q.36) Option (C). Q.37) Option (A). 2.38) Option (8). 2:39) Option (8). Q.40) Option (0). Q.41) Option (8). Q.42) Option (A) Q.43) Option (C). Q.44) Option (8). Q.45) Option (A). Q.46) Option (A). Q.47) Option (A). 2.48) Option (8). 2.49) Option (A). Q.50) Option (8). Q.51) Option (8). Q.52) Option (8). Q.53) Option (A). Q.54) Option (0). Q.55) Option (A). Q.56) Option (C). Q.57) Option (A). Q.58) Option (C). 2.59) Option (¢). Q.60) Option (0). Q.61) Option (0). 2.62) Option (8). Q.63) Option (A). Q.64) Option (A) (3) © Possible education Pvt, Lid.: All sights reserved. Unauthorized copying, sale, distribution or circulation of any ofthe contents ofthis work isa punishable offence under laws of India lat possible ‘CLAT MOCK-3 Q.65) Option (A). Q.66) Option (0). Q.67) Option (C). Q.68) Option (A). Eee cern .68) Option (8), He ordered a 30 mi drink, which would have kept his blood alcohol level under check, but it was the mistake of the bartender who provided him with 2 60 mi drink, which makes it involuntary intoxication. Q.70) Option (C). It was a mistake, and is a direct case of involuntary intoxication. Q.71) Option (8). The person intoxicated has no control as he is not capable of forming the requisite intention to commit the crime, thus the mens rea part the commission of the crime. Q.72) Option (0). Anshum was not aware that the drink he is consuming is alcoholic. This is a case of involuntary intoxication and therefore, he can plead the defence. Both option B and C provides the correct explanation, Q.73) Option (A). The principle to be noted is, “to be held guilty of an offence, the persomsmust.commit.the offence which produced the intended result” It has to be noted that the intent was to murder, as'there were repeated blows on the face. if the intent was grievous hurt, the blows would not have been severe and repeated. But the act did not cause the intended result and hence, he is liable for an attempt only. Q.74) Option (0). It cannot be determined from the facts that any offence of theft, robbery and dacoity has been committed by the persons involved. It is not dacoity as robbery was neither attempted nor committed by five or more persons which is essential for dacoity. Q.75) Option (0) Simar is not liable for anything 2s he attempted to commit NO offence. He was not 2 part of execution. He only did planning which is not an offence. Q.76) Option (0) This is not a case of theft, but rather of criminal misappropriation, but the passage does not state the requirements of criminal misappropriation. Both options A and C are ture. Option A mentions consent and Option C mentions intention. ‘Answer and explanation Q.77) Option (6). In Fateh Chand v. Balkishan Das, the Supreme Court held that in all cases where there is a stipulation in the nature of penalty, the court has jurisdiction to award such sum only as it considers reasonable, but not exceeding the amount specified in the contract. The damage, hence can be reduced by the court. Q.78) Option (6). Neha could have been indemnified when there was an indemnifier from the other side as well. Katju was Neha’s husband. and would have indemnified Cut Cloth when Neha would have faulted in her payment. She can claim damages for the breach of a contract as the damages was direct and was due to the acts of Cut Cloth. Q.73) Option (8). The safest option for Cut Cloth is indemnity, because the Scope of indemnity in Section 124 is wider than that of damagesin Section 73. Indemnity can also be paid when the loss caused or remote or indirect, while under damages, the loss has to in the natural course of things and must be known to the parties. Q.80) Option (C). The principle concerned says, “In estimating the loss or damage arising from a breach of contract, the means which existed of remedijing the inconvenience caused by the non=performance of the'contract must be taken into ‘atcount”, The courts as a judicial authority should take ‘nto account the mitigating factors. The seller having known of the accident did not make alternative arrangements to deliver the goods. He did not mitigate or take any steps to remedify the damage cause. Q.81) Option (A). Through the passage it is understood that the scope of, indemnity under section 124 is wider than damages under section 73 as even remote and indirect damages can also be awarded under indemnity. Under damages, only direct and known losses can be recovered by the parties, Q.82) Option (A). The word ‘blueberry’ is gives the bakery a distict character and it does not describe the nature of business of the bakery. Q.83) Option (8). The cannot be registered as a trademark as it would Violate the Emblems and Names Act of 1950. Any mark in India which uses the national emblems or a depiction of the same cannot be granted a trademark @) © Possible education Pvt. Ltd.: All sights reserved. Unauthorized eopying, sal, distribution or circulation of ay ofthe conte ‘sof this work isa punishable offence under laws of India lat possible ‘CLATMOCK-3 Q.84) Option (C). The company's name has acquired its source distinguishing capacity and distinctiveness through usage. The company was incorporated in 1950, thus it hhas been in operation for more than 70 years and has also tied hands with the government for various schemes and is thus known to the publi Q.85) Option (C). Universal presence in 2 country in not a bar on the recognition of a trademark as a well-known mark. It is known to a relevant section of public, but still misses out on 2 major chunk of the relevant football fans. Moreover, the duration has been only three years, which is not a sufficient time for the courts to recognise it as a well-known mark. The bar for a well-known trademark is high and not easily granted. Q.86) Option (C). There are three contracts. One between thé prifcipal debtor and creditor, another between the creditor and ‘the surety and the last is an implied contract between the surety and the principal debtor, where the debtor. has to pay back the surety if the surety pays in case of default of the debtor. Q.87) Option (8). Section 127 says “anything done, or any promise made, for the benefit of the) principal.debtor, may be a sufficient consideration tovthe ‘surety forvgivingsthe, guarantee.” Hence. thes promise is a_ sufficient consideration, Q.88) Option (8). The contract was revocated through the conduct of the parties, as mandated under Section 130 of the Act. As the main contract between the principle debtor (Aditya) and creditor (Abhay), the subsequent contract of guarantee between the surety (Shivangi) and creditor (Abhay) has no basis, i.e. their contract was based on ‘the main contract. Q.89) Option (8). Tanya after making her payment to Vidushi, she would step into the shoes of the creditor as the right of subrogation under Section 130. She has the right to recover all the costs of the court along with the debt paid off. 80) Option (C) ‘The contract was amended as the rate of interest was reduced, and Zlatan was not informed, nor his consent was taken for the same. He is thus discharged from his obligations as a surety. ‘Answer and explanation Q.91) Option (8). The offer cannot be revoked as it has been accepted by Meena. 92) Option (A). The offer could be successfully revoked by Garg as the hammer was not dropped by the auctioneer, hence it was not accepted by him. He also communicated his revocation to the auctioneer. Q.93) Option (6). Kshitz had to join by March 20th but he boarded the flight on May 20th, which is very unusually late. Also, merely boarding the flight cannot be acceptance. Kshitz must start working in order to create implied acceptance. Q.94) Option (A). According to the ptinciple, an offer is accepted and becomes a contract as soon as the letter of acceptance is posted by the other party. Q.95) Option (6). Aseper the passage, the place of completion of the contract is that city where acceptance is posted. This means “from where” and not “to where”. In this case, The acceptor lives in Mizoram. Q.96) Option (8). RoshniLLP) made hastyy"investments, despite the Warnings)of the Chinese officials. In a bid to make more profits, it neglected the advice of the officers. Chinese government did not contribute to the crisis in any ‘manner, the policies and restrictions put in were to save the deteriorating economy. Q.97) Option (6). The closure of manufacturing and development facility was temporary, as the matter was sub-judice. It was not a complete takeover by the government, which did not diminish the legal title of the investor. A matter is sub-judice when itis being currently heard by the court, Q.98) Option (8). The allegations against AMT were serious, though they were based on circumstantial evidence. It is normal for government agency to halt the operations of an enterprise under investigation. The legal title always remained with AMT, which does not make it indirect expropriation. 2.98) Option (A). The main purpose of the provision is to provide fair and just compensation to the victims. The compensation lies (5) © Possible education Pvt, Lid.: All sights reserved. Unauthorized copying, sale, distribution or circulation of any ofthe cont ofthis work i pa ishable offence under laws of India lat possible ‘CLATMOCK-3 at the heart of the provision because it mainly talks about the reduction of compensation given on account of negligent act or omission of the alleged victim. 2.100) Option (A). The investment agreement mandated that the government will not introduce any laws which hampers the investment of Altcait, unless it was very necessary to do so. The law was not necessary otherwise it would have applied to all employers irrespective of their nationality, Further, the tenure of the law was also increased which further hampered the investment. Q.101) Option (0). Volunti non fit injuria will not apply as he did not consent to be hit by a car or vehicle which had faulty headlights, as he could not clearly anticipate the vehicle and thus the harm. As he could not anticipate the harm, he could not consent to the same. Q.102) Option (C). This is a direct application of the principle of volunti non. Jit injuria as the bridge was only strong enough for vehicles of a particular weight. The driver knew this, but still willingly drove through it. 103) Option (8). The actions of the workers were negligent, as they left the grass and hedges on the track itself. t was not an act of god as therewas humaniintervention involved. 104) Option (A). ‘Andrew had no other recourse, he was under imminent threat of being shot. He protected his body and bis property using reasonable force. Q.105) Option (0). The driver is liable as he was driving the bus in rain at high speed, in a crowded area. He could have prevented the accident if he had driven slowly and carefully. In an act of god, human intervention is not at all possible, while in the present case, it was possible to prevent the harm, fe PEMA 2.106) Option (8). Number of senior citizens in 2004 = 15% of 80,000 = 12,000 .107) Option (0). Since we do not have the population distribution of the year 2003, hence we can’t determine the asked ratio. ‘Answer and explanation Q.108) Option (C). Population in 2005 = Increase by 25% .25, x 80,000 = 1,00,000 Middle aged population in 2004 30% of 80,000 = 24,000 Middle aged population in 2005 4,000 - 500 = 23,500 Percentage of middle-aged population in the year 2005 '3500/100000 x 100 = 23.5% Q.109) Option (C). ‘Average number of adults, teenagers and seniors += (35 + 20+ 15)/3 = 70/3 Ratios ex. ee 3 30°95 Q.110) Option (Abs (80-60)/60} 100 =(20/60) x 100 $.111-115) Solution for questions: First, lets complete the given table using the given information. Student's Name | Physics [ Chemistry | Math ‘Akshara 80 75 60. Joan 48 Vihaan 64 ‘Soham 5 60. 100) Vedant 5 50. 100) Q.111) Option (8). Total score of Vedant in all the three subjects =75450+100=225 Percentage of Vedant = 225/300 x 100 = 75% Joan's score in Chemistr Soham's score in Mat! Ratio = 48/100 = 12:25 .113) Option (0). Since we do not know the scores of Joan in Physics, we can’t tell the highest scorer in Physics Q.114) Option (8). [48 - 75)/75] x 100 (6) © Possible education Pvt, Lid.: All ights reserved. Unauthorized copying, sale, distribution or circulation of any ofthe contents ofthis work isa punishable offence under laws of India lat possible CLAT MOCK-3 .115) Option (A). 60+x-+y+100+100 5 Sety=140 © Average = 140/2=70 $.116-120) Solution for questions: First, use the given information to find the number of shares bought and sold by an individual. Since the number of shares bought and sold of each company were same for each individual, we can create a common table for them. Shares | Reliance | Infosys TCs) Pankaj 2700 2y 2x Narendra x 500 2000) Rakesh 1500 5y 1000) Total__[ x+4200 | 7y+500) | 23000 Since the total is same for all of them: x +4200 = 2x + 3000 = x= 1200 9y +500 = 1200 + 4200 = y=700 Shares | Reliance | Infosys Tes) Pankaj 2700 1400 2400 Narendra | 4200 500) 2000 Rakesh 1500 3500. 1000) Total 5400 5400 5400 116) Option (8). 0.117) Option (A). Profit made by: Pankaj = 500 x 2700 ~ 500 x 1400 + 1000 x 2400 = 3050000 Narendra = 500 x 1200 - 500 x 500 + 1000 x 2000 = 2350000 Rakesh = 500 x 1500 - $00 x 3500 + 1000 x 1000=0 Q.118) Option (C), Ratio = x/Sy = 1200/3500 = 12/35 Q.119) Option (8). ‘Though option ‘a’ is tempting but that’s not the correct, answer. 3500 = 6 x 500+ 500 Q.120) Option (C). Rakesh = S00 x 1500 - 500 x 3500 + 1000 x 1000= Rs. 0 ‘Answer and explanation Prenat cere Q.121) Option (8). Q.122) Option (0). 2.123) Option (A). Q.124) Option (C). Q.125) Option (8). Q.126) Option (C). Q.127) Option (0). Q.128) Option (C). Q.128) Option (0). Q.130) Option (A). Q.131) Option (8). Q.132) Option (A). Q.133) Option (C). Q.134) Option (C), Q.135) Option (C).. Q.136) Option (8). Q.137) Option (0). Q.138) Option (A). Q.139) Option (c). 2.140) Option (8). Q.141) Option (c). Q.142) Option (A). 0.143) Op ©) 144) Option (A). Q.145) Option (0). Q.146) Option (C). 2.147) Option (8). 2.148) Option (8). 0149) Option (C), 2.150) Option (C). © Possible education Pvt, Lid. Al rights reserved. Unauthorize circulation of ay ofthe contents ofthis work isa punishable offence a sd copying slo, distribution or under laws of India lat possible

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