02 Certificates

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CERTIFICATE, ‘This is to certify that all the corrections and suggestions pointed out by the Indian and Foreign Examiners are incorporated in the thesis titled “INFLUENCE OF WATERPROOFING COMPOUNDS ON THE STRENGTH AND DURABILITY OF CONCRETE - AN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION” submitted by Ms.A.Geetha, Ph.D. Scholar (Reg. No. 2003179705) Dr.P.PERUMAL, Professor and Head (Retd) Department of Civil Engineering Government College of Engineering Salem ~ 636 011 ANNA UNIVERSITY: CHENNAI - 600 025. t PROCEEDINGS OF THE Ph.D. VIVA VOCE EXAMINATION OF MS. A.GEETHA HELD AT 11.00 AM) ON 23.08.2012 IN GOVERNMENT COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY, COIMBATOE — 641013. The Ph.D. Viva-Voce Examination of Ms. A. GEETHA (Reg. No. 2003179705) on her Ph.D. thesis entitled “INFLUENCE OF WATERPROOFING COMPOUNDS ON THE STRENGTH. AND DURABILITY OF CONCRETE-AN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION” was conducted on 23.08.2012 at 11.00 A.M in the Seminar Hall, Civil Engineering Department, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore-13. ‘The Following members of the Oral Examination Board were present: 1, Dr.N.Ganesan, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering National Insitute 6f Technology, Calicut Calicut-673601 - Member 2. Dr. K.Nagamani , Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Anna University, Chennai-600025 - Member 3. Dr, P.Rerumal, Professor and Head, (Retd) Department of Civil Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Salem — 636 011. ' = Supervisor and Convener ‘The research scholar Ms. A.GEETHA presented the salient features of her Ph.D. work, This was followed by questions from the board members. The queries and clarifications raised by the Foreign and Indian Examiners were also put to the scholar. The scholar answered the questions to the full satisfaction of the board members. ‘The corrections suggested by the Indian/Foreign examiner have been carried out ‘and incorporated in the Thesis before the Oral examination. Based on the scholar’s research work, her presentation and also the clarifications and answers by the “candidate to the questions, the board recommends that Ms. A.GEETHA be awarded the Ph.D. degree in the Faculty of CTVIL ENGINEERING. Indian Examiner Expert Member Supervigor and Convener for eaef aaa 2. Dr. K.NAGAMANI 3. Ur. P.PERUMAL ANNA UNIVERSITY CHENNAI 600 025 BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE Certified that this thesis titled “INFLUENCE OF WATERPROOFING COMPOUNDS ON THE STRENGTH AND DURABILITY OF CONCRETE - AN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION? is the bonafide work of Ms. GEETHA, A. who carried ut the research under my supervision. Certified further that to the best of my knowledge the work reported herein docs not form part of any thesis or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate. @ b Place : Salem Dr. P. PERUMAL Date SUPERVISOR Professor of Civil Engineering Government College of Engineering Salem — 636 O11

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