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Region 1

Division of Pangasinan II

Name: ________________________________Year and Section: __________

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank
before the number.
___1. It is known as one of the most popular forms of an art in Vietnam.
a. Sky lantern b. Silk painting c. Wau kite d. Wayang kulit
___2. What particular term is used for “sky lantern”
a.Chiang mai b. Khom Fai c. Loy krathong d. Yi peng
___3. It is made out of rice paper with a bamboo frame each contain a fuel cell or small
a.Batik b. Songkuk c. Sky lantern d. Wayang kulit
___4. Determine the art of paper folding in Japan.
A.Origami b. Ukiyo-e c. Jingju d. Calligraphy
___5. The art of beautiful handwriting.
a. Calligraphy b. Ukiyo-e c. Kabuki d. Origami
___6. Who first invented “paper” of the Eastern Han Dynasty in China?
a. Lee Hun b. Cai Hun c. CaiLun d. Shai Hun
___7. These are folded paper that like gold nuggests or ingots.
a. Sycee b. Masao c. Tal d. Yunabao
___8. The legendary inventor of Chinese writing.
a. Cangjie b. Jiajuwen c. Kabuki d. Ukiyo-e
___9. The Peking opera costume is called______.
a. Balinese costumes c. Saya and barong tagalong
b. Kimono and obi d. Xingtou
___10. It is the shadow puppet of Indonesia.
a. Kabuki b. Nang c. Peking Opera d. Wayang kulit
___11. The puppeteer of Java, Indonesia is called____.
a. Blencong b. Dalang c. Gawang d. kothak
___12. The teacher and presenter of Nang Talung is called_____.
a. Nang Yai b. Nai Nang c. Ramayana d. Sida
___13. In Modern-Indonesia language, this means show and perform.
a.Kulit b. Loy krathong c. Wayang d. Yi peng
___14. It is a type of cap made from velvet.
a.Dastar b. Gamelan c. Kopiah d. Serban
___15. The art that is considered as one of the oldest and highly refined among the arts
of Japan.
a. Calligraphy b. Kabuki c. Origami d. Painting
___16. It is regarded as the highest form of Chinese painting.
a. Calligraphy b. Kabuki c. Landscape Painting d. Portrait painting
___17. These are important features in Korea landscape painting because it is a site for
building temples and buildings.
a. Landscapes b. Mountain and water c. Temples d. Ying-yang
___18. In Chinese Philosophy, this is often referred to as “Shadow and Light”.
a. Art Form b. Chinese Theme c. Designs d. Ying-yang
___19. The goal of this art is to transform a flat sheet of paper into a finished sculpture
a. Calligraphy b. Jianzhi d. Mundi d. Origami
___20. It is called the petty face or special makeup patterns, the clown or chou in
Chinese opera.
a. Chinese opera b. Liang po c. Xiaohulian d. Zhang Fei
___21. A large embroidered wall hangings traditionally made by Kyrgyzstan particularly
by elder women to commemorate the marriage of a son or daughter.
a. Keteni b. Shirdaks c. Shordiks d. Tushkyiz
___22. Handmade soap is produced from Syria and _____.
a. Lebanon b. Tajikistan c. Turkmenistan d. Uzbekistan
___23. It is a Japanese terminology which means male role.
a. Aragoto b. Hanamichi c. Onna-gata c. Suppon
___24. The performances of shadow puppet theatres are accompanied by the music
a. Gamelan b. Guitar c. Piano d. Rondalla
___25. If Bert will go to Thailand, What is the most popular festival she will witness.
a. Arts Festival c. Loy krathong festival
b. International Kite Festival d. Pagodas
___26. How will you perform Wayang Kulit?
a. Through musical play
b. Through puppet shadow play
c. Through role play
d. Through theatrical play
___27. Kyrgyz women produce a wide range of textiles,thus, mostly from the felt of
Their _______.
c. Cow b. Goat a. Lamb d. Sheep
___28. West Asia is rich in ____
a. Commercial heritage c.Memorial heritage
b. Cultural heritage d. Traditional art
___29. ________ is the main role in Peking opera.
a. Chou b. Dang c. Jing d. Sheng
___30. It is the Japanese traditional drama.
a. Kabuki Theater c. Peking Opera
b. Nang Shadow Puppet d. Wayang Kulit Puppet Show
___31. If Dastar is cap widely worn in Persia, What cap is widely worn in Brunei?
a.Dastar b. Songkok c. Tangkulok d. Wau kite
___32. Shah Jahan: ________; MohenroDaro : Pakistan
a. KotDij b. Shiva c.TajMahal d. Veda
___33. _______: Cosmic Dancer; Mahabharata: Wayang Kulit
a. KotDiji b. Shiva c. TajMahal d. Veda
___34. Rang: color; __________: row of color
a. Aavalli b. Diwali c. Mugol d. Ravalli
___35. Uzbekistan: applied arts; Kazakhstan: __________
a. Applied arts b. Cultural arts c. Fine arts d. Musical arts
___36. KotDiji: Pakistan; MohenjoDaro :_____________
a. Pakistan b. Tajiks c. Turkmenistan d.Uzbekistan
___37. Do you agree that the biggest replica standing is Merlion?
a. Yes, because it stands 37 meters and made from glass concrete.
b. Yes, because it stands 39 meters and made from glass concrete.
c. No, because it stands 38 meters and made from glass concrete.
d. No, because it stands 36 meters and made from glass concrete.
___38. The shadow puppets in Thailand are_____.
a. Leather monkey show b. Nang c. Togalu Gombeyaata d. Wayang Kulit
___39. Batik can be done in different ways EXCEPT
a.Digital printing c.Screen printing
b.hand-drawn d.Using iron block
___40. The following are the characters in Nang except______.
a. current events c. kings and queens
b. gods and goddesses d. magical figures

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