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Region 1

Division of Pangasinan II


Name: _______________________________________Year and Section: __________


Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank before the
___1. Valuing relationships states __________________.
A. ethical self B. mental self C. mental physical self D. social self
___2. It is the basic social unit consisting of parents and their children, and helps us in shaping our
A.Community B. Family C. School D. Society
___3. It is questioning your sense of self or identity, unsure of your role in life or you feel like you
don’t know the real you.
A. Gender Equality B. Gender Role C. Identity Crisis D. Sexuality
___4.In Palawan, they perform courtship through the use of love riddles also called __________.
A. Harana B. Mahal-alay C. Pangagad D. Pasaguli
___5. It is an act promulgating a comprehensive policy and a national system for ensuring
newborn screening.
___6. It is the ability of the parents to raise children in the Filipino way and to satisfy the social,
economic, and religious responsibilities of a family.
A. Counselling C. Marriage
B. Courtship D. Responsible Parenting
___7. It is the direct and indirect spread of pathogens from one person to another.
A. Communicable B. non-communicable C. Pathogens D. Toxin Bacteria
___8.It is a microorganisms that are capable of causing disease.
A. Bacteria B. Fungi C. Pathogens D. Protozoa
___9. It is a unicellular prokaryotic organisms that has no organized internal membranous
A. Bacteria B. Fungi C. Pathogens D. Virus
____10.It is a cylindrical rolled paper containing dried and shredded tobacco leaves.
A. Alcohol B. Cigarette C. Coccaine D. Marijuana
___11. .It is a smoke that inhaled into the smoker’s mouth and lungs.
A. First Hand Smoke B. Second Hand Smoke C. Smoker D. Third Hand Smoke
___12. It is an ingredient found in beer, wine and spirits that causes drunkenness.
A. Alcohol B. Cigarette C. Coccaine D. Marijuana
___13. The way you interact with other refers to ________________.
A. emotional self B. ethical self C. mental self D. social self
___14. The way you look as a man or a woman refers to ________________.
A. emotional self B. mental self C. physical self D. social self
___15. The way you feel about yourself and others.
A. emotional self B. ethical self C. mental self D. physical self
___16. It is the period in a couple's relationship which precedes their engagement and marriage.
A.Courtship B. Dating C. Engagement D. Marriage
___17. A type of dating which involves two people.
A.Double date B. Friendly date C. Group date D. Standard date
___18. The behavioural development of a healthy baby wherein he/she learns to vocalize and
controls movement of the head.
A. 0-1 month B. 2-3 months C. 4-5 months D. 6-7 months
___19. These are tiny microorganisms that infect or invade the body and attack body cells and
A. Bacteria B. Fungus C. Pathogens D. Virus
___20. These are one-celled microscopic organisms that rank among the most widespread of
living things.
A. Bacteria B. Fungus C. Protozoa D. Virus
___21. Symptoms typically include some combination of productive or dry cough, chest pain, fever
and difficulty of breathing.
A. Dengue Fever B. Flu C. Pneumonia D. Scabies
___22. People who have friends or peers who smoke may feel pressured into doing the same to
be accepted.
A. Advertising and Media B. Parental Influence C. Peer Pressure D. Self-medication
___23. The residue from cigarette smoke left for a long time on sofa, clothes, furniture and other
surfaces after the cigarette has been put out.
A. Mainstream Smoke B. Residual Tobacco Smoke C. Side stream Smoke D. Smoke
___24. Smoking has destructive effects on _____ which includes fires caused by discarded lighted
A. Effects of smoking on family life
B. Effects of smoking on environment
C. Effects of smoking on people around
D. None of these
___25. The process of sexual development begins from birth to adulthood, thus, it is a continuous
developmental process throughout life. Find out the biological basis of being a male or female.
A. gender B. man-woman C. sex D. sexuality
___26. Give an example of extended families?
A. Includes members such as parents, grandparents, and cousins
B. Includes one or more children who were born into other families
C. Includes one parent and at least one child
D. Includes the combination of two families, like two single parent marriage
___27. Ebola Virus Disease(EVD) is a viral hemorrhagic fever of humans and other primates
caused by ebola viruses. Determine the signs and symptoms typically start between two days and
three weeks after contracting the virus.
A. fever, cough, fatigue
B. fever, cough, headaches
C. fever, difficulty of breathing, cough
D. fever, sore throat, muscular pains
___28. Determine the factors responsible for the emergence of hantavirus infections in human
A. Conditions covering mosquito vectors
B. Contaminated hypodermic apparatus
C. Ecological changes increasing contact with rodent host
D. Increase in travel
___29.Determine the ______stage of infection which starts from the onset non-specific signs
and symptoms such fever.
A. Convalescence B. Illness C. Incubation D. Prodromal
___30. Give an example of long term effects of cigarette smoking.
A. Chronic Cough B. Dizziness C. Headache D. Smelly hair
___ 31. Which of the following best describes attraction?
A. Admiration for someone that may include the desire to get to know that person better.
B. A Selfish uncontrollable desire
C. A feeling of intense affection for another person
D. The state of being completely carried away by unreasoning passion or love
___32. Which of the following beverage does a pregnant woman cannot take?
A. Chocolate drinks B. Fruit juices C. Milk products D. Rice wine
___33. What is the traditional and ideal form of infant feeding, meeting an infant’s nutritional
needs for his first four to six months of life?
A. Bottle feeding B. Breastfeeding C. Mix feeding D. None of the above
___34. Which among the statements given below upholds the responsibility of parents to their
A. Choose their course in college C. Teach them religion
B. Choose their husband or wife D. Teach them values
___35. The following are the duties and responsibilities of parents EXCEPT for one.
A. Controlling your children C. Provide physical care and love
B. Provide Education D. Train children to become good citizens
___36. Which of the following are the effects of family size on health?
A. Morbidity & Risk Behaviors C. Utilization of Health Services
B. Nutritional Status D. all of the above
___37. Why is it important for couples to undergo a courtship?
A. Courting gives time to understand one another.
B. It forms affection and respect.
C. It strengthens the relationship
D. Provides an opportunity for one to know his/her strengths and weaknesses in dealing
with the opposite sex.
___38. Why is having a small family important?
A. Ensures community’s progress
B. Provides for the basic needs of children for quality life
C. Requires lesser economic needs
D. Secures the future of children
____39. Why people use tobacco or smoke?
A. For relaxation
B. Satisfy hunger
C. To relieve fatigue
D. All of these
____40. Why you should not smoke?
A. It is dangerous
B. It is unattractive
C. It leaves unpleasant odor
D. All of the above

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