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Ma. Therese Jeramyn P.



July 11, 2011

8 Major Groups in the History of Mesopotamia

1. Sumerian The first major group to inhabit Mesopotamia Occupied the lower half of the Tigris-Euphrates valley, roughly the area presently known as Iraq. Before the end of 3000BCE, the great cities Ur, Erech, Eridu, Nippur, Kish, Larsa, Lagash, and Umma were built. Society is divided into 3 groups namely the nobles which are made up of priests and government officials, laborers and artisans, farmers and slaves. The earliest written records that have to this point come into our possession are of Sumerian origin. However, the pictographic character of the written language was soon lost, primarily due to the difficulty of making a curved line in soft clay. They were replaced by a series of signs based on wedge-shaped characters, or cuneiform. This was the first form of writing with over 600 characters. Sumerians had high value for education. Schools taught how to read, write, their history, mathematics, navigation, and linguistics. They also learned here about law, medicine, surgery, fortune-telling and astrology. Believed in many gods. Structures built: dome, vault, ziggurat Livelihood was primarily Farming Canals and Dikes Took care of cows, sheep, goats The first medium of trade: Cacao seeds, followed by the use of copper, silver, gold. Progressed due to their inventions in establishment and development of economy. City-states helped establish politics and economy. Development of Society and Economy due to the acknowledgement of womens right to own property and participation in trading. Downfall due to consistent war and loss of unity within City-states Other contributions include: Clay Tablet, Principle of Algebra and system of counting based on the number 60, Fraction and Square root, Principle of Calculator, Wheels and Carriages, system of measuring length and weight, Hammurabi became the king of Babylonia in 1700BCE, was a great military leader, known for his organized governance and was a wise king, devised the Code of Hammurabi Code of Hammurabi composed of 28 paragraphs, seems to be a series of amendments to the common law of Babylonia, rather than a strict legal code. It begins with direction for legal procedure and the statement of penalties for unjust accusations, false testimony, and injustice done by judges; then follow laws concerning property rights, loans, deposits, debts, domestic property, and family rights. Groups of people classified into the Nobles, Freeman, and Slaves. Babylonian civilization, which endured from the 18th until the 6th century BC, was, like the Sumerian that preceded it, urban in character, although based on agriculture rather than industry Womens rights include: becoming priestesses, selling wine, owning and running a business, receiving a dote from her father and support while her husband is still alive, right to claim husbands property when he dies. Believed in many gods. Use of cylindrical seal, vases with design, sculptured graven stone jewels and metals for accessory. Peak of literary understanding in 1100BCE when the epics Enuna Elish and Gilgamesh were written. Traded jewelries made from expensive stones jewels. Made contracts with their businesses. Progressed due to the organized government, cooperation of the lower-ranking officials, soldiers, and judges with the king also contributed to the peace and order of the society. Downfall was due to the invasion of Indo-European group called Kassites followed by the Hittites who were more advanced in making weapons out of iron. Indo-European people who seem to have moved south from the Caspian Sea into southern Turkey around 2000 BC. They started their empire by colonizing and throwing the Babylonians into plunder. But their





Ma. Therese Jeramyn P. Quita


July 11, 2011







mainland, they realized, was too far for them to rule Babylonia, and the Hittites decided to let go of it and continue to take over countries of Western Fertile Crescent. The Hittites were different from the Semitic people who had lived there before, like the Akkadians, or the Amorites, because the Hittites rode horses and knew how to make chariots and wagons for the horses as well. But pretty soon after the Hittites came to Turkey, the knowledge of horses spread all over West Asia and into Egypt as well. About 1450 BC the so-called New Hittite Kingdom was founded. Royal Prince Suppiluliuma (reigned about 1380-1346 BC), usurped the throne during a period of foreign invasions. After liberating his country and defeating his main enemy, the kingdom of Mitanni in northern Mesopotamia, he led his armies farther into Syria. Discovered the use of iron. Had a system of law. The most unbearable punishment went to those of the rebellion. They also insisted in debt settling rather than punishment or revenge. Had many Gods. Called their leaders Magnificent King or Sun Progressed due to their discovery of Iron and a better system of law than Hammurabis brutal ways. Livelihood is primarily Agriculture. Used 6 different languages including Anatolia, 5 different Indo-European languages, Akkadian for communication, and Sumerian for literature. Used animals for means of transportation. Used wool and flax(woven cloth) Downfall because of the abuse of power and privileges of the kings kin. The king prioritized activities regarding religion despite on-going military battles. In 1200BCE, the Mitas dynasty of Phyrgia invaded and defeated the Hittites. Following this was the settlement of the Dorians from Greece and Aegean. The Kassites ruled until 900BCE when the Assyrians suddenly invaded. They were the most terrible, brutal, aggressive, pugnacious, and war-lovers during the times. First settled beside the Tigris river in the northwestern part of Babylonia. Established the citystate, Assur. Ashurbanipal II (ruled from 884-859BCE) extended the territory of the Assyrians. He had organized Armed Forces consisting of the marching troops, soldiers on chariots, on horses, and the engineering group. Tiglath-Pileser III (ruled from 745-727BCE) extended empire until Damascus in 732BCE. Ashurbanipal established the first library having 200,000 clay tablets. Nobles wore robes and lived in Palaces made of bricks and stones. Unlimited power of the Aristocrat King. They believed he is the only one that their god, Assur, can command. Effective tax collection. Downfall: conceitedness and cruelty which led to the united rebellion of the Chaldeans, Medes and Persians in 612BCE. Believed in one God. Led by priest in prayer, prophets deliver messages from God. Their laws are written in the Old Testament of the Bible. Patriarchal family. The parents have a responsibility to teach their children the 5 books about law in the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Hebrew Literature is mirrored in the Bible, this was written in Hebrew and Aramaic. King Solomon established the Temple of God. Mosaic Law 10 commandments of God Farming and taking care of poultry was their main livelihood Progressed through their constant following of the commandments of God. They were good artisans and traders. They imitated trading via Caravan from the Egyptians. Downfall: the increase in tax by the Solomons rebellious son who claimed the kingdom from the legitimate heir, Rehoboam. Accoring to the Bible, their downfall was rooted from the unfaithfulness of their King and its people, having many wives and serving many fake gods. Phoenicia ancient country north of Palestine. The Culture and Literature of the Phoenicians were discovered from the remains dug in Rasshamra. They were good imitators of different groups. Even their products were influenced by different cultures. Products made include: Bronze, Weapons, chariots for battle, and vessels made from gold and silver.

Ma. Therese Jeramyn P. Quita


July 11, 2011





Were known as Missionaries of Civilization. Purple Dye purple tin from Murex Established colonies and turned them into trading stations and source of natural or raw products. Concept of colony was taken from them. Alphabet aleph + beth Progressed due to their advanced level and quality products Large and rigid water vessels helped them trade with different parts of the world. Downfall was due to having no system of law or government. Persian kings were Great warriors and wise leaders. They were just and loyal leaders. Cyrus led the rebellion in 550BCE; was known for his principle of equality among the people according to the law. Came from the grassland of the mountains of Caucasus, between the Black and Caspian Sea. Established Satrapies within their governances. Eyes of the king: the Governor and his officials; the General and his troops. Believed in the teachings of Zoroaster. Ahura Mazda origin of good, truth and pureness. Zoroastrianism Colonized many nationsthis became part of their livelihood. Progressed due to good leaders and skilled warriors who made colonizing other nations fast and easy. Fair pricing of tax and unprejudiced rule of Cyrus maintained the peacefulness within their colonies. Wise leaders: Cyrus, Cambyses, Darius and Xerxes Downfall: After the reign of Xerxes, the Persians had no more wise leaders. They keep arguing among their colonies. Descendants of the Ancient Babylonians. Nebuchadnezzar II ruled from 605-562BCE Reestablished the city of Babylon Architects used glass-like bricks in building their houses and palaces in Babylon. Etemananki/Tower of Babel Hanging Gardens of Babylon King Nebuchadnezzar made this for his Median wife, Amytis Astronomy and Astrology Fortune-telling according to the stars and the bodies of heaven zodiac sign and horoscope Livelihood: farming, Progress: Because of King Nebuchadnezzars leadership. He chose young men from his colonies to help him in his rule. Downfall: No more strong and wise king followed Nebuchadnezzar after his death The Persians invaded them and their empire fell into ruins.

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