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Domain-Speciªc Knowledge Systems in the

Brain: The Animate-Inanimate Distinction

Alfonso Caramazza and Jennifer R. Shelton

Harvard University

■ We claim that the animate and inanimate conceptual cate- or functional semantic subsystems. On the latter view, the
gories represent evolutionarily adapted domain-speciªc knowl- sensory/functional dimension provides the fundamental organ-
edge systems that are subserved by distinct neural mechanisms, izing principle of the semantic system. Since, according to the
thereby allowing for their selective impairment in conditions latter theory, sensory and functional properties are differen-
of brain damage. On this view, (some of) the category-speciªc tially important in determining the meaning of the members
deªcits that have recently been reported in the cognitive of different semantic categories, selective damage to the visual
neuropsychological literature—for example, the selective dam- or the functional semantic subsystem will result in a category-
age or sparing of knowledge about animals—are truly categori- like deªcit. A review of the literature and the results of a new
cal effects. Here, we articulate and defend this thesis against case of category-speciªc deªcit will show that the domain-
the dominant, reductionist theory of category-speciªc deªcits, speciªc knowledge framework provides a better account of
which holds that the categorical nature of the deªcits is the category-speciªc deªcits than the sensory/functional dichot-
result of selective damage to noncategorically organized visual omy theory. ■

INTRODUCTION as “small case used by students to carry papers” but

responded “don’t know” to the word parrot; similarly,
How is conceptual knowledge organized in the brain? S.B.Y. deªned towel as “material used to dry people” but
Evidence relevant to this issue is provided by the pat- responded “bird that ºies” to the word wasp. The other
terns of semantic processing deªcits in brain-damaged two cases reported by Warrington and Shallice, K.B. and
subjects, especially those deªcits that seem to selectively I.N.G., could not be tested with the deªnition produc-
affect one or another semantic category. The ªrst clear tion tasks because of their severe language production
demonstration of a semantic category-speciªc deªcit deªcits, but their performance in word/picture matching
was made by Warrington and Shallice (1984). They re- tasks was poorer for animals than for nonliving things.
ported four patients recovering from herpes simplex Thus, all four cases showed disproportionate difªculty
encephalitis who were disproportionately impaired in for living than for nonliving things.
producing and understanding the names of living things. Conªrmation of the dissociation of performance for
This result, coupled with the observation of a brain-dam- living and nonliving things was soon obtained in many
aged subject who showed the reverse dissociation—that other studies of brain-damaged subjects of various etiolo-
is, relative sparing of the comprehension of living rela- gies, including other cases of herpes simplex encephali-
tive to nonliving things1 (Warrington & McCarthy, tis, trauma, cerebro-vascular accident, and neurosurgery
1983)—invited the inference that brain damage could (Basso, Capitani, & Laiacona, 1988; Damasio, Grabowski,
result in category-speciªc semantic deªcits.2 Tranel, Hichwa, & Damasio, 1996; De Renzi & Lucchelli,
Although the four cases described by Warrington and 1994; Farah, Hammond, Mehta, & Radcliff, 1989; Farah,
Shallice (1984) were not all tested with the same tasks McMullen, & Meyer, 1991; Hart & Gordon, 1992; Hillis &
or the same materials, they all showed poorer perfor- Caramazza, 1991; Laiacona, Barbarotto, & Capitani, 1993;
mance in producing and/or comprehending the names Laiacona, Capitani, & Barbarotto, 1997; McCarthy & War-
of living as opposed to nonliving things. In some cases rington, 1988; Pietrini, Nertempi, Vaglia, Revello, Pinna, &
the contrast in performance was quite striking: J.B.R. was Ferro-Milone, 1988; Powell & Davidoff, 1995; Sartori &
only able to recognize or name 2 of 48 living things Job, 1988; Sheridan & Humphreys, 1993; Silveri & Gai-
(animals or plants) but accurately described or named notti, 1988; Sirigu, Duhamel, & Poncet, 1991). And there
45 of 48 nonliving things; similarly, S.B.Y. failed to iden- have also been several reports documenting the reverse
tify any of the living items but correctly identiªed 36 of pattern of dissociations—that is, cases of impaired per-
48 nonliving things. For example, J.B.R. deªned briefcase formance in naming and/or recognizing nonliving ob-

© 1998 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 10:1, pp. 1–34
jects in the face of spared ability with living things (Hillis have been premature. Here we show that the evidence
& Caramazza, 1991; Sacchett & Humphreys, 1992; War- usually cited in favor of reductionist accounts of cate-
rington & McCarthy, 1983, 1987). It would seem, then, gory-speciªc deªcits is far from compelling. However,
that the category of living things can be damaged inde- before doing so we consider whether the reported cate-
pendently of the category of nonliving things, thus invit- gory effects are real or just artifacts of uncontrolled
ing the inference that the semantic system might be stimulus variables.
organized categorically. Furthermore because most of
the patients with selective impairment of the living cate-
Are Category-Speciªc Deªcits Artifacts of
gory had sustained damage to (at least) the left temporal
Uncontrolled Stimulus Factors?
lobe, it might be further surmised that the latter neural
structure is part of a neural network speciªcally dedi- Warrington and Shallice (1984) raised and dismissed the
cated to representing conceptual knowledge about liv- possibility that the category-speciªc deªcits they re-
ing objects.3 ported might have arisen from frequency or familiarity
Despite the seemingly categorical nature of the deªcit, differences between the members of the living and non-
the inference that the semantic system is organized cate- living categories. In an identiªcation experiment with
gorically has never been entertained seriously (but see word and picture stimuli, their subject S.B.Y. performed
Warrington, 1981). The obstacle most often cited against far worse with the living than the nonliving category
a categorical interpretation of the category-speciªc se- even when familiarity and frequency were taken into
mantic deªcits was apparent from the earliest results: consideration through covariance analyses. This precau-
The patterns of semantic categories affected in any one tion has not always been observed in other studies (or
patient did not correspond to plausible, clear-cut cate- even the other cases in Warrington and Shallice’s paper).
gorical distinctions such as the living/nonliving or natu- It is not inappropriate, therefore, for Funnell and Sheri-
ral kind/artifact dichotomies. For example, the early, dan (1992), Gaffan and Heywood (1993), and Stewart,
paradigm cases J.B.R. and S.B.Y were both impaired not Parkin, and Hunkin (1992) to raise the question of
only in processing the animal and plant categories but whether putative cases of category-speciªc deªcits for
also foods. Clearly, there is no obvious way in which the living things might not simply reºect the fact that these
food category could be easily subsumed within the living items tend to be of lower frequency and familiarity and
thing category (think of spaghetti, rice pudding, etc.). more visually complex than nonliving things. This con-
Furthermore, extensive testing of J.B.R. showed that he cern is not unfounded because frequency, familiarity, and
was also impaired in deªning musical instruments, pre- visual complexity have powerful effects on perfor-
cious stones, cloths, and metals—all inanimate objects— mance.
but not body parts (which according to some authors Stewart et al. (1992) provide the clearest demonstra-
should be associated with living things). These violations tion of the need for caution in interpreting putative
of the simple dichotomy of living/nonliving things led cases of category-speciªc deªcit of living things. They
Warrington & Shallice (1984, see also Warrington & report a case, H.O., with herpes simplex encephalitis,
McCarthy, 1983, 1987) to propose the sensory/functional whose performance in naming the Snodgrass and Van-
theory of category-speciªc deªcits. They argued that derwart (1980) pictures showed a signiªcant category
functional and visual (sensory) attributes are not only effect, with poorer performance for the living than non-
differentially important for the identiªcation of nonliving living category (65% versus 86%). The difference be-
and living things, respectively, but also for other catego- tween categories remained even when the lists were
ries such as food. Damage to the visual semantic subsys- matched for word frequency (42% versus 80% for living
tem results in disproportionate impairment of the and nonliving, respectively). However, when the two
categories of living things and foods because the iden- categories were matched jointly for frequency, familiarity,
tiªcation of the members of these categories depends and visual complexity, the category effect disappeared
crucially on their visual (sensory) features, and damage (42% versus 36% for living and nonliving things, respec-
to the functional semantic subsystem results in dispro- tively). Furthermore, when the categories were redeªned
portionate impairment of nonliving things because iden- in terms of the extent to which sensory (animals, vege-
tiªcation of the members of this category of objects tables, fruit, large buildings, and natural features) versus
depends crucially on their functional, nonsensory attrib- functional (tools and kitchen utensils) attributes are sup-
utes. In other words, the seemingly categorical nature of posedly more important in determining the meaning of
semantic deªcits does not reºect the categorical organi- category members, there again was no difference be-
zation of conceptual knowledge in the brain but is tween categories when frequency, familiarity, and visual
merely the accidental consequence of a more basic, complexity were jointly controlled (57% versus 58%,
noncategorical organizing principle of the semantic sys- respectively). These results, together with those of Fun-
tem.4 nell and Sheridan (1992), who showed that item famili-
The rejection of the possibility that conceptual knowl- arity can be a major determinant of naming accuracy, and
edge might be organized categorically in the brain may the results of Gaffan and Heywood (1993), who showed

2 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 10, Number 1

that living and nonliving things differ in visual dis- things. These patients’ category-speciªc deªcits were not
criminability and consequent ease of recognition, indi- restricted to naming tasks but extended to comprehen-
cate that putative cases of selective deªcit of the living sion tasks: J.J. demonstrated comprehension of all animal
category may not, in fact, be true category-speciªc names but deªned incorrectly or gave ambiguous re-
deªcits but may instead reºect category nonspeciªc sponses to 23 of 98 nonanimal names; P.S. understood
processing difªculties that are more severe for low- correctly all names of artifacts but deªned incorrectly or
frequency, low-familiarity, and hard-to-discriminate visual gave ambiguous deªnitions to 11 of 70 animal names.
objects. Clearly, it is not possible to explain these contrasting
The results reported by Funnell and Sheridan (1992), patterns of category-speciªc deªcits by appealing simply
Gaffan and Heywood (1993), and Stewart et al. (1992) to between-category variation in item frequency, famili-
demand that we adopt a cautious stance in interpreting arity, and/or visual complexity. Indeed, the selective spar-
supposed cases of category-speciªc deªcits. Nonethe- ing of the animals category in J.J. unambiguously
less, there is compelling evidence that not all putative indicates that conceptual knowledge can be damaged
cases of category-speciªc deªcits can be explained by along the boundaries of semantic categories.
appeal to between-category variation in item frequency, The conclusion to be drawn from the fact that selec-
familiarity, and visual complexity. First, just as was the tive impairment of the living category is not always
case for S.B.Y. (Warrington & Shallice, 1984), other cases reducible to an effect of frequency, familiarity, and/or
of disproportionate difªculty in naming and recognizing visual similarity (e.g., Sartori et al., 1993) and the fact that
living things continue to show the effect even when knowledge of the living category can be selectively
frequency, familiarity, and visual complexity are taken in spared (e.g., Hillis & Caramazza, 1991) is not, however,
consideration (e.g., Farah, Meyer, & McMullen, 1996; Gai- that all putative cases of category-speciªc deªcits are to
notti & Silveri, 1996; Hart & Gordon, 1992; Kurbat, 1997; be taken as such. Funnell and Sheridan’s (1992) and
Laiacona, Barbarotto, & Capitani, 1993, Laiacona et al., Stewart et al.’s (1992) admonition against the facile in-
1997; Sartori, Miozzo, & Job, 1993; Sheridan & Hum- terpretation of performance differences between catego-
phreys, 1993). Thus, for example, Sartori et al. retested ries of items as having a categorical basis remains
their subject Michelangelo (Sartori & Job, 1988) with generally valid—it is valid for the brain-damaged subjects
animals and artifacts matched for frequency, familiarity, they studied, and it is likely to be valid for some of the
and visual complexity and once again found that he other putative cases of category-speciªc deªcit.
named animals signiªcantly less accurately than artifacts There are at least three implications that follow from
(30% versus 70%). Second, there are a number of reports the foregoing discussion. These concern the frequency
of disproportionate deªcit for the category of nonliving of occurrence of different types of category-speciªc
things (Hillis & Caramazza, 1991; Sacchett & Humphreys, deªcits, the types of categories affected, and the puta-
1992; Warrington & McCarthy, 1983, 1987)—the suppos- tively disproportionate impairment in processing visual
edly easier-to-process category. versus functional attributes by subjects with category-
Especially informative in this context is Hillis and speciªc deªcit for living things. The ªrst two points are
Caramazza’s (1991) report of two cases with contrasting obvious, if not less important because of that. Although
category-speciªc deªcits who were tested with the same there is a clear asymmetry in the number of reported
stimuli on the same tasks. One subject, P.S., who had cases of living versus nonliving category-speciªc deªcits
sustained bilateral temporal lobe and left frontal damage (e.g., Gainotti & Silveri, 1996; Saffran & Schwartz, 1994),
from a severe blow to the head, showed a disproportion- we cannot be sure of the magnitude of the putative
ate deªcit with living things; the other case, J.J., who had asymmetry because most of the reported studies did not
sustained left temporal lobe and basal ganglia damage match category items on the variables of familiarity and
following a thromboembolic stroke, showed a dispropor- visual complexity. Similarly, although there are many re-
tionate deªcit for inanimate objects. The results reported ports of deªcit or sparing of one or another highly
for these two cases are striking: over seven administra- speciªc category (e.g., musical instruments, gemstones,
tions of a naming test, at 4 months postinjury, J.J. named geographical places, outdoor objects, etc.) their validity
animals (n = 46 in each test) and inanimate objects must remain in question because the items in these
(including fruits and vegetables; n = 98 in each test) with categories were also not speciªcally controlled for nui-
an average accuracy of 81% and 12%, respectively; P.S. sance variables that might have led to their spuriously
named living things (animals, fruits, and vegetables) and low or high levels of performance. And, as we shall argue
nonliving things with an average accuracy of 47% and more extensively below, the cautionary moral to be
93%, respectively. The two subjects were tested again 13 drawn from Stewart et al.’s (1992) paper, in particular,
months postinjury, when their performance had im- extends beyond the issue of whether a differential pat-
proved substantially. Their respective category-speciªc tern of performance across categories is to be ascribed
deªcits were still clearly apparent: J.J. named correctly a categorical status. The implications also extend to
all animals but only 68% of inanimate objects; P.S. named claims about various cases of putatively disproportionate
correctly all nonliving objects but only 64% of living impairment in processing visual versus functional infor-

Caramazza and Shelton 3

mation for the category of living things, because in these What Are the Categories of Category-Speciªc Deªcits?
cases, too, there may have been inadequate control of
the relative difªculty of visual and functional test items. The four cases of category-speciªc deªcit described in
Having argued that at least some category-speciªc Warrington and Shallice’s (1984) seminal report were all
deªcits are real category effects (i.e., not artifacts of impaired in processing not only living things but also
uncontrolled stimulus factors), we now consider in foods. Furthermore, one of the four patients who was
detail two reductionist accounts of category-speciªc tested with a more extensive set of categories (J.B.R.)
deªcits. was also impaired with the categories of musical instru-
ments, precious stones, diseases, cloths, and metals. War-
rington and Shallice speculated that the co-occurrence
The Sensory/Functional Theory
of deªcits to speciªc categories observed in these pa-
The received reductionist account of category-speciªc tients was not accidental but reºects instead the fact that
deªcits is based on the role of sensory and functional the meanings of the items in the impaired categories
properties in determining the meaning of living and depend more heavily on the same damaged semantic
nonliving things (Allport, 1985; Gainotti & Silveri, 1996; subsystem. That is, the co-occurrence of deªcits for the
Hart & Gordon, 1992; Shallice, 1988; Silveri & Gainotti, categories of animals, foods, plants, and musical instru-
1988; Warrington & McCarthy, 1983, 1987; Warrington & ments was assumed to reºect the fact that the meanings
Shallice, 1984). There are several variants of this theory, of the members of these categories are distinguished
but they all share two assumptions: (1) conceptual primarily by their visual properties, whereas the mem-
knowledge is organized in the brain by modality (visual, bers of the spared categories (e.g., furniture, vehicles,
olfactory, motor/functional, etc.) and (2) sensory and tools, etc.) are distinguished primarily by their functional
functional properties are differentially important in iden- attributes.
tifying members of the living and nonliving categories, Although one of the more robust associations of cate-
respectively. We refer to this class of accounts as the gory-speciªc deªcits is that between the categories of
sensory/functional theory (SFT). animals and foods (De Renzi & Lucchelli, 1994; Sheridan
The most widely discussed variant of this modality- & Humphreys, 1993; Silveri & Gainotti, 1988; Warrington
based theory of semantics is the multiple semantics & Shallice, 1984), there are a number of violations to this
theory proposed by Warrington, Shallice, and McCarthy empirical generalization: There are patients with cate-
(Warrington & McCarthy, 1983, 1987; Warrington & Sal- gory-speciªc deªcits who are impaired for animals (and
lice, 1984), which draws a fundamental distinction be- fruits and vegetables, in some cases) but not food (Hart
tween so-called visual and verbal semantics. The other & Gordon, 1992; case J.J.: Hillis & Caramazza, 1991; Laia-
crucial assumption of the SFT is that the visual proper- cona, Barbarotto, & Capitani, 1993) or who are impaired
ties of concepts are much more important for distin- in naming food items but not animals (case P.S.: Hillis &
guishing among members of living than nonliving things. Caramazza, 1991).6 Similarly, the association of deªcits of
A consequence of these assumptions is that selective living things and musical instruments, which was ob-
damage to the visual semantic subsystem should result served in some of the early reports of category-speciªc
in disproportionate impairment for the living category— deªcit (Silveri & Gainotti, 1988; Warrington & Shallice,
and, hence, a category-speciªc deªcit. A further expecta- 1984), has not held up. Thus, for example, the patient
tion derived from this model is that damage to the visual reported by De Renzi & Lucchelli (1994), who was
semantic subsystem should result in disproportionate otherwise very similar to those reported by Silveri and
difªculty with visual properties of the living things cate- Gainotti and by Warrington and Shallice, performed very
gory.5 A computationally based variant of the SFT (Farah well with musical instruments. And although there have
& McClelland, 1991) has conªrmed the basic predictions been a number of reports of selective damage or sparing
derived from the original proposal by Warrington, Shal- of the category of living things (animals, fruits, and vege-
lice, and McCarthy. tables; e.g., case P.S.: Hillis & Caramazza, 1991; Laiacona,
Two types of evidence have been cited in support of Barbarotto, & Capitani, 1993), it too dissociates, but along
the SFT and against a categorical account of category- theoretically interesting lines: The category of animals
speciªc deªcits: (1) category-speciªc deªcits supposedly can be damaged or spared independently of the category
do not fall out neatly along the boundaries on which the of fruits, vegetables, and plants (Hillis & Caramazza, 1991;
living/nonliving categories divide, and (2) category- Hart & Gordon, 1992), and the category of fruits and
speciªc deªcits are supposedly also modality-speciªc— vegetables (or plants) can be damaged selectively (Farah
that is, subjects with selective deªcits for items in the & Wallace, 1992; Hart, Berndt, & Caramazza, 1985) from
living things category are supposedly more impaired in other living and nonliving categories.
processing their visual than their functional properties It is far from obvious that the SFT can make sense of
(although they may also be impaired in processing the the attested patterns of associations and dissociations of
latter). We discuss these two types of evidence in turn. category-speciªc deªcits. The ªrst problem concerns

4 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 10, Number 1

whether it is reasonable to assume that the observed more important for the categories of ºowers and animals
associations of category-speciªc deªcits reºect the or- and that color may be more important for the category
ganizing principle of modality-speciªc semantics. Thus, of fruits and vegetables. And, presumably, in order to
what underlying sensory/functional principles would explain the other patterns of dissociations of category-
group together the categories of animals, foods, and speciªc deªcits (e.g., animals from ºowers; animals from
musical instruments versus the categories of furniture, musical instruments) further subdivisions would have to
tools, and body parts? The mere assertion that the mean- be speciªed within the visual and functional semantic
ings of the items in the ªrst set are more dependent on subsystems. However, no independent evidence has
visual or other sensory attributes and those of the sec- been provided for the claim that distinction among
ond set are more dependent on functional attributes is members of different semantic categories depend differ-
not particularly convincing. Consider, for example, the entially on color, shape, or other sensory features. Nor
contrast among carrot, celery, apple, orange, avocado, has it been shown that impairment of particular seman-
tomato, hamburger, scrambled eggs, pasta, beer, and wine. tic categories is associated with special difªculties for
These items are clearly visually different from one an- speciªc types of sensory information (e.g., greater difª-
other, but they are also functionally different. One might culty processing color in patients with selective damage
go so far as to contend that what is important for to the categories of fruits and vegetables). Furthermore,
discriminating among them is not so much their visual it should be noted that the more subdivisions one pro-
shape but their functions: used to make juice, used for poses, speciªcally in order to accommodate dissocia-
dessert, eaten at breakfast, Italian food, fast food, eaten tions of particular categories, the more this proposal
raw, eaten cooked, used for minestrone, and so on. The becomes indistinguishable from a categorical account of
same argument can be made for musical instruments category-speciªc deªcits.
with respect to the importance of their functional prop- The evidence and arguments presented in this section
erties. And certainly visual shape is as important for have shown that one of the pillars of the SFT does not
distinguishing hands, heads, beds, stools, hammers, and hold. Contrary to the early reports of category-speciªc
screwdrivers as is their function. Nonetheless, the claim deªcits that stressed the co-occurrence of conceptually
that the relative “weighting” of the sensory and func- disparate combinations of categories (e.g., animals, foods,
tional properties for discriminating among members of and musical instruments), there are a number of well-
a semantic category provides the binding factor for some documented cases of dissociations of these categories.
of the observed associations of category-speciªc deªcits And, as we have seen, there appears to be no clearly
has never been developed in enough detail to allow motivated basis for the argument that attested patterns
serious consideration of its merits.7 of associations and dissociations of semantic category
Far more damaging to the SFT is the pattern of disso- deªcits are readily explicable in terms of selective dam-
ciations of category-speciªc deªcits. Since part of the age to modality-speciªc semantic subsystems. These criti-
motivation for the SFT is the claim that certain semantic cisms of the SFT undermine its supposed superiority
categories tend to be damaged together because of their over categorical accounts in explaining the occurrence
common dependence on a modality-speciªc semantic of category-speciªc deªcits. We turn now to the other
subsystem, the observation that these same categories major argument for the SFT—the claim that patients
can be damaged independently of each other poses a with selective damage to the living category are dispro-
serious threat to the theory. That is, in the measure to portionately impaired in processing their visual proper-
which one is committed to explaining the observed ties.
co-occurrence of impairment of, for example, the cate-
gories of animals and of fruits and vegetables as reºect-
Is Knowledge of Visual Properties More Severely
ing their shared dependence on the hypothesized visual
Impaired Than Knowledge of Functional Properties
semantic subsystem, one is thereby committed to their
in Individuals with Category-Speciªc Deªcits for
necessary co-occurrence, and their dissociation would
Living Things?
constitute evidence against the hypothesized semantic
subsystem. The claim that semantic category-speciªc deªcits reºect
Warrington and McCarthy (1987) were keenly aware selective damage to the visual or to the functional8
of this danger to the SFT and tried to deal with it by semantic subsystems predicts that subjects with selec-
hypothesizing further subdivisions within the visual se- tive damage to the living or the nonliving categories
mantic subsystem. They argued that the dissociation of should show disproportionate difªculty with visual or
deªcits of the categories of animals and of fruits and functional properties, respectively. This expectation is
vegetables may be explained by assuming that some derived not only from Warrington, Shallice, and
perceptual features are more important for animals than McCarthy’s theory (Warrington & McCarthy, 1983, 1987;
for fruits and vegetables, and vice versa for some other Warrington & Shallice, 1984) of the semantic system but
perceptual features. They speculated that shape may be also from the computational variant proposed by Farah

Caramazza and Shelton 5

and McClelland (1991). The results of several studies ate difªculty for visual attributes for living things in a
have been interpreted as having conªrmed this predic- patient with a putative category-speciªc deªcit disap-
tion. That is, there are reports of subjects with dispropor- pears when visual and functional judgments are matched
tionate impairment of the category of living things who for difªculty (Exp. 6). In light of these results, it is not
are also supposedly disproportionately impaired in proc- possible to meaningfully interpret some of the early
essing the visual attributes of living things. studies claiming to show a co-occurrence of category-
The ªrst studies that explicitly addressed the possibil- and modality-speciªc deªcits, where no attempt was
ity of a co-occurrence of category- and modality-speciªc made to control the relative difªculty of visual and func-
semantic deªcits are those of Basso et al. (1988), Sartori tional attribute judgments (e.g., Basso et al., 1988; Sartori
and Job (1988),9 and Silveri and Gainotti (1988). In all & Job, 1988; Silveri & Gainotti, 198810).
three studies, it was reported that subjects with dispro- A related difªculty is encountered by De Renzi and
portionate difªculty with living things also had dispro- Lucchelli’s (1994) study. Although the authors were able
portionate difªculty responding to questions about the to show that their subject, Felicia, was more severely
visual attributes of living objects. For example, Basso et impaired in processing visual attributes of living than
al. report that their subject (N.V.) correctly answered 25 nonliving category items, she was also impaired in proc-
of 29 questions about the functional attributes of living essing functional attributes of living things, as indicated,
things (e.g., Does it live in Italy or in the desert?) but for example, by her performance in deciding whether an
only 10 of 20 questions about their sensory attributes animal was native of Italy (only 73% correct). Further-
(e.g., Does it have a smooth back or is it humpbacked?). more, since no attempt was made to equate visual and
Similarly, subject L.A. (Silveri & Gainotti, 1988) was only functional judgments for difªculty, it is not possible to
able to name 1 of 11 animals in response to deªnitions directly compare relative performance for the two types
that stressed visual attributes (e.g., a black and white of judgments.
striped wild horse) but could name 8 of 14 animals in Farah et al. (1989) argued that their subject, L.H.,
response to deªnitions that stressed functional attributes presented with a category-speciªc deªcit for the living
(e.g., the king of the jungle). category that was also modality-speciªc for visual prop-
Later studies also purportedly showed an association erties. However, inspection of their data (Table 1, Farah
of category- and modality-speciªc semantic deªcits (De et al.) shows that normal subjects were also dispropor-
Renzi & Lucchelli, 1994; Farah et al., 1989; Gainotti & tionately poor in answering questions about the visual
Silveri, 1996; Hart & Gordon, 1992). Thus, for example, properties of the living category. Thus, no meaningful
Farah et al. report that their subject L.H. was dispropor- conclusion concerning category-speciªc deªcits is pos-
tionately impaired in answering questions about visual sible from this study.
attributes of living things (e.g., Do ducks have long ears? Recently, Gainotti and Silveri (1996) retested their
vs. Is peacock served in French restaurants?). And De subject, L.A., with new materials designed to be free of
Renzi and Lucchelli report that their subject Felicia was the methodological problems encountered by their ear-
signiªcantly worse at answering questions about physi- lier report. They again showed that L.A. performed dis-
cal than “functional-encyclopedic” attributes of living proportionately poorly on tasks involving the processing
things but that she showed no such difference for non- of visual attributes of living things. For example, in a task
living things. requiring the identiªcation of the visual feature on
Despite the seeming convergence of results in favor which two objects differed, they found that L.A. per-
of the possibility that category-speciªc deªcits are also formed worse with animals (15% correct) than artifacts
modality-speciªc, there are reasons for skepticism in (50% correct). However, the two categories were also
interpreting these results. First, there are issues concern- signiªcantly different in familiarity (on a scale of 1 to 5,
ing the validity of the reported results in each of the 2.55 and 3.96 for animals and artifacts, respectively). And
studies cited; second, there is growing evidence that in a color feature naming task in which L.A. again per-
category-speciªc deªcits are not associated with dispro- formed more poorly with living than nonliving things,
portionate difªculties in processing either the visual or there, too, the two categories differed in familiarity. Thus,
the functional attributes of objects. the interpretation of L.A.’s performance regarding the
Interpretation of some of the studies purporting to putative association of category- and modality-speciªc
show that patients with category-speciªc deªcits for deªcits remains problematic at best.
living things are also disproportionately impaired in Finally, Hart and Gordon (1992) have also argued for
processing these objects’ visual attributes is undermined a modality-speciªc organization of the semantic system
by the fact that these studies failed to control the relative on the basis of the performance of their subject, K.R.,
difªculty of visual and functional attribute judgments. who presented with a category-speciªc deªcit restricted
Stewart et al. (1992; Exp. 5) have shown that judgments to animals. K.R. performed very poorly in naming ani-
about the visual properties of living things are more mals (18 of 61) despite being perfectly normal in naming
difªcult to evaluate than judgments about functional other objects (348 of 350). The striking feature of this
properties. They have also shown that the disproportion- subject was that she could answer correctly all ques-

6 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 10, Number 1

tions about functional attributes of animals, as well as all about some animals.12 Nevertheless, the most that can
questions about both visual and functional attributes of be concluded for the SFT from the Hart and Gordon
inanimate objects but was quite poor in answering ques- study is that those aspects of K.R.’s performance that are
tions about the visual attributes of animals. Thus, this not strange are not explicable within the theory.
case would seem to represent the perfect dissociation in This review of the experimental evidence cited in
support of the SFT.11 However, there are aspects of this support of the claim that subjects with a category-
subject’s performance that are problematic for the SFT, speciªc deªcit for living things are disproportionately
and there are other features of her performance that may impaired in processing the visual features of concepts
undermine its usefulness altogether. has shown it to be inadequate for the stated purpose. In
The fact that K.R. was impaired in processing the each case (with the exception of Hart and Gordon, 1992,
visual properties of only animals is inconsistent with the but there are other problems with this study), the failure
SFT. The theory predicts that damage to visual semantics to adequately control for differential levels of difªculty
would differentially affect the living and nonliving cate- in processing visual versus functional properties of con-
gories. It does not predict that it would lead to damage cepts undermines the possibility of drawing clear infer-
to only the category of animals. At the very least it ences from the results.13 Thus, there is no compelling
predicts impairment of other living things (e.g., fruits) empirical evidence in favor of the claim that category-
besides animals, as well as less-marked impairment of the speciªc deªcits are also necessarily modality-speciªc
nonliving category. None of these conditions were met deªcits. Furthermore, there is growing evidence that
by the results of this study. Equally problematic for the subjects with category-speciªc deªcits for living things
SFT is the fact that K.R.’s deªcit in processing visual are equally impaired in processing visual and functional
properties of animals was restricted to language inputs. attributes of objects—evidence that is directly in conºict
She only performed poorly with visual attributes when with the SFT.
she was required to respond to verbal inputs or to Laiacona, Barbarotto, & Capitani (1993) and Laiacona
respond verbally. Thus, for example, she performed per- et al. (1997) have provided the clearest evidence to date
fectly in distinguishing between appropriately and inap- for equal levels of impairment for visual and functional
propriately colored animals but could not perform the attributes in cases of category-speciªc deªcit for living
same discrimination when the color alternatives were things. In the earlier of the two studies, they reported
given verbally. This result is also highly problematic for two trauma cases, F.M. and G.R., with disproportionate
the SFT. The theory predicts equal difªculties (barring impairment in processing living things (F.M.: 20% vs. 70%
additional sensory or language deªcits) for visual and correct naming of living and nonliving things, respec-
verbal tasks because damage to the visual semantic sub- tively; G.R.: 13% vs. 73% correct naming of living and
system would presumably lead to impairments in all nonliving things, respectively). When these subjects
tasks involving the use of this system. Thus, K.R.’s selec- were tested in a forced-choice task with strictly matched
tive difªculty for visual properties restricted to the ver- questions about visual or functional properties of ob-
bal domain is uninterpretable within the SFT. jects (Laiacona, Barbarotto, Trivelli, & Capitani, 1993),
Perhaps, most problematic about the Hart and Gordon they performed equally poorly with the two types of
(1992) study is their subject’s performance in a forced- attributes. Thus, F.M. responded correctly 73% and 69%
choice property judgment task. In this task K.R. was of the time to questions about visual and functional
required to choose between two visual or two nonphysi- properties of living things, respectively, and he re-
cal properties of animals (e.g., Is an elephant orange or sponded correctly 96% of the time to both visual and
gray? or Is an elephant a food or an animal?). The prop- functional properties of nonliving things. Similarly, G.R.
erties were chosen in such a way that they included responded correctly 55% and 58% of the time to ques-
properties that she had produced correctly and incor- tions about visual and functional properties of living
rectly in a previous direct recall task (e.g., What’s the things, respectively, and he responded correctly 91% of
color of lemon? Yellow; What’s the color of an elephant? the time to visual properties and 84% of the time to
Orange). In this task she virtually always (186 of 187) functional properties of nonliving things. In a more re-
picked the choice corresponding to the property she cent study, Laiacona et al. (1997) again observed equal
had produced in the previously administered property levels of impairment for knowledge of visual and func-
naming task, whether correct or incorrect. Thus, for tional attributes in two new cases of category-speciªc
example, consistent with her response in the property deªcit for living things.14
production task, she chose orange when given the Two other studies (Funnell & De Mornay Davies, 1997;
choice, Is an elephant orange or gray? She chose the Sheridan & Humphreys, 1993) further conªrm this pat-
incorrect, strange response in 54 out of 55 trials. The tern of results. Sheridan and Humphreys reported a sub-
unexpected systematicity of K.R.’s strange errors raises ject with a category-speciªc deªcit for living things who
questions about the usefulness of this study for inform- was equally impaired with visual and functional attribute
ing theories of normal language because it appears that judgments (14 of 20 and 13 of 20 for visual and func-
she may have come to have systematic “strange beliefs” tional attributes of animals, respectively). And in a new

Caramazza and Shelton 7

analysis of J.B.R., one of the cases of category-speciªc mantic properties, and because of the lumpiness of se-
deªcit for living things originally reported by Warrington mantic space, the impairment is likely to be dispropor-
and Shallice (1984), Funnell and De Mornay Davies tionate for one category or another, reºecting which
(1997) found that he is equally impaired in verifying dense region happened to have been damaged. Two
visual and functional attribute questions about living other implications follow from the OUCH model. One is
things.15 These results indicate that knowledge of visual that semantic categories with highly correlated proper-
attributes of living things is not necessarily dispropor- ties (i.e., natural kinds) are more likely to be damaged as
tionately impaired (relative to knowledge of functional a category. This expectation follows from the assumption
attributes) in subjects with a category-speciªc deªcit for that categories with highly correlated properties occupy
living things. Thus, the second of the two major predic- dense regions in semantic space, thereby allowing for
tions of the SFT is not conªrmed. the possibility of selective damage to the category. From
this it follows that natural kinds are more likely to ªgure
in category-speciªc deªcits. The other prediction that
The Organized Unitary Content Hypothesis
follows from OUCH is that various different patterns of
category-speciªc deªcits are expected to occur, reºect-
Another class of reductionist hypotheses rejects the mo- ing the vagaries of the distribution of damage to the
dality-speciªc16 claim of semantic organization proposed semantic space in different cases of brain damage. That
by the SFT but also explains category-speciªc deªcits as is, because in this view the semantic system consists of
resulting from noncategorical properties of semantic a seamless, but lumpy space, the particular categories
representations. The OUCH is one such account that are affected will depend on which speciªc regions
(Caramazza, Hillis, Rapp, & Romani, 1990; Hillis, Rapp, & of the brain are damaged. Thus, for example, OUCH does
Caramazza, 1995; Rapp, Hillis, & Caramazza, 1993; see not exclude the possibility of a subject with dispropor-
Riddoch, Humphreys, Coltheart, & Funnell, 1988, for a tionate impairment to the category of living things,
related proposal). This account is based on two funda- foods, musical instruments, and precious stones (as was
mental characteristics of natural kind objects and arti- the case for J.B.R., reported by Warrington & Shallice,
facts: (1) the properties that deªne an object (e.g., dog, 1984).
chair, etc.) are highly intercorrelated, and (2) members The other major prediction made by OUCH is that
of a superordinate category share many features in com- selective impairment of speciªc semantic categories
mon (S. Gelman & Coley, 1990; Keil, 1989; Markman, should not be associated with disproportionate deªcit
1989; Rosch, 1973, 1975; Rosch, Mervis, Gray, Johnson, & to either visual or functional attributes of objects. This
Boyes-Braem, 1976). Thus, for example, objects that are expectation is based on the fact that focal damage to the
capable of a certain type of bio-mechanical motion (like semantic system should affect closely correlated proper-
a dog) tend to have particular types of shapes and to be ties that are likely to involve both visual and functional
made of certain kinds of “stuff” (texture, color, odors, attributes. This prediction clearly distinguishes the
etc.), and objects that have a particular shape (like a OUCH model from the SFT because, as we have seen,
chair) and an inability to move tend to be made of the latter theory of conceptual organization predicts the
different kinds of “stuff.” Furthermore, these bundles of opposite result—namely, that category-speciªc deªcits
intercorrelated properties are differentially distributed in for living things should be associated with a dispropor-
the categories of living and nonliving things. A conse- tionate deªcit for the visual attributes of objects.
quence of the latter property of concepts is that the The patterns of category-speciªc deªcits reviewed
multidimensional space of semantic properties is not here are consistent with expectations derived from
homogeneously occupied but, instead, is “lumpy”—there OUCH. The model predicts the occurrence of category-
are regions that are densely packed and others that are speciªc deªcits without postulating a categorical organi-
only sparsely occupied.17 The denser regions represent zation of semantic knowledge. It also allows for the
concept domains characterized by highly correlated existence of various combinations of category-speciªc
properties, with the densest regions most likely corre- deªcits. And, ªnally, it is consistent with the results
sponding to natural kind concepts; however, some arti- showing that category-speciªc deªcits are not necessar-
facts (e.g., tools) can also occupy relatively dense ily also modality-speciªc in nature (contrary to the pre-
regions, because they, too, may share many correlated diction derived from the SFT). Thus, OUCH offers a
properties (e.g., shape and function). better account than the SFT for the various empirical
One implication of the inhomogeneous nature of the phenomena related to category-speciªc deªcits.
organization of semantic attributes in the brain is that Although OUCH can account for important aspects of
focal damage to the semantic system can result in cate- the category-speciªc deªcit phenomenon, it is unsatis-
gory-speciªc deªcits. This expectation is based on the factory in at least one respect: It is too vague on critical
following reasoning: Focal damage to a region of seman- issues about the nature and organization of semantic
tic space will result in an impairment of those categories information, allowing it to account for almost any pat-
whose members’ meaning depends on the affected se- tern of category-speciªc deªcits. All it needs to do for

8 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 10, Number 1

the latter purpose is to assume, for example, that brain speciªc deªcits. First, the only “true” category-speciªc
damage has accidentally affected one of the lumpy re- deªcits are those involving categories of knowledge for
gions of semantic space, thereby resulting in a category- which evolutionary pressures have led to the develop-
speciªc deªcit. Although this kind of explanatory power ment of specialized neural mechanisms for their percep-
would be welcome in the context of an explicitly articu- tual and conceptual distinction. Plausible categorical
lated theory of semantics, in the present case it merely distinctions are those among animals, plant life, and arti-
reºects the unconstrained nature of the model’s central facts.19 The other major expectation derived from this
assumptions. Furthermore, the model fails to provide a hypothesis is that (everything else being equal) category-
principled account for the patterns of attested forms of speciªc deªcits should result in comparable impair-
category-speciªc deªcits. Speciªcally, the OUCH (just ments for the visual and functional attributes of a
like the SFT) fails to explain why it is that by far the most concept. This prediction reºects the assumption that the
prevalent form of category-speciªc deªcit involves the category-speciªc nature of the deªcit results from the
category of living things. fact that brain damage has affected a categorically organ-
ized knowledge system that represents all types of infor-
mation relevant to that semantic domain.20
Categorical Organization of Knowledge in the
The evidence on category-speciªc deªcits that we
Brain: A Speculative Hypothesis
have reviewed in the preceding sections is consistent
The reservations we have voiced about the reductionist with the expectations derived from the hypothesis that
accounts of category-speciªc deªcits (the SFT and semantic knowledge is organized categorically in the
OUCH models) encourage us to explore the alternative brain, although it is also consistent with the OUCH
hypothesis that semantic knowledge may be organized model. Here we provide further experimental evidence
categorically in the brain (Warrington, 1981). The hy- for the hypothesis that semantic knowledge is organized
pothesis we wish to entertain is that evolutionary pres- categorically. We present a case study of a brain-damaged
sures have resulted in specialized mechanisms for subject, E.W., who has a selective deªcit for the category
perceptually and conceptually distinguishing animate of animals and who is equally impaired for the visual and
and inanimate kinds (R. Gelman, 1990; Premack, 1990), functional attributes of the members of this category.
leading to a categorical organization of this knowledge This pattern of performance—which is predicted by the
in the brain. We will call this hypothesis the domain- domain-speciªc knowledge account—has not been re-
speciªc knowledge hypothesis. In the “Discussion” sec- ported previously. The results are organized as follows.
tion, we will elaborate further on this view and offer First we show that subject E.W. is disproportionately
various arguments in its defense. Here we simply note impaired in naming animals relative to other living things
that the hypothesis receives initial plausibility from de- and artifacts. We then show that this deªcit is not merely
velopmental research, which has shown that infants as due to a lexical retrieval problem because E.W. is also
young as 3 months old are able to distinguish animate severely impaired in visually recognizing animals and in
from inanimate objects, as indicated, for example, by recognizing them from their characteristic sounds. Third,
their ability to distinguish biological from nonbiological we show that E.W.’s deªcit occurs at the conceptual
motion (Bertenthal, 1993; Bertenthal, Profªtt, & Cutting, level because she is not only impaired in processing
1984) and their ability to distinguish caused from non- pictures of animals but also in answering verbal ques-
caused motion (Leslie, 1982, 1988; and see Leslie & tions about them. In this section we also show that her
Keeble, 1987, for results on 6-month-old infants) and that disproportionate semantic deªcit for animals is equally
the 8- to 10-month-old infant’s ability to distinguish ani- severe for the visual and functional properties of mem-
mals from nonanimals is unlikely to be merely perceptu- bers of this category.
ally based (Quinn & Eimas, 1996) but is most likely
conceptually driven (Mandler, 1992). Thus, for exam-
ple, using a dishabituation paradigm, Mandler and
McDonough (1993) have shown that 9-month-old infants Does E.W. Have a Category-Speciªc Naming
dishabituate to an animal after repeatedly seeing models Deªcit?
of a vehicle (and vice versa) even though the dishabitu-
Naming the Snodgrass and Vanderwart Pictures
ating stimulus may be highly visually similar to the ha-
bituated objects (e.g., birds and airplanes). These The ªrst analysis of E.W.’s performance is directed at
observations further encourage us to explore the possi- establishing that E.W. has a category-speciªc naming
bility that a fundamental distinction in human knowl- deªcit. Naming performance is summarized in Table 1. A
edge—that between knowledge of animate and response was considered correct if E.W. provided the
inanimate things—may be rooted in speciªc evolution- Snodgrass and Vanderwart (1980) name or any accept-
ary adaptations.18 able response produced by the control subjects (n = 5).
The domain-speciªc knowledge hypothesis makes the For both the control subjects and E.W., performance is
following two predictions about the nature of category- broken down by animacy and familiarity. Familiarity was

Caramazza and Shelton 9

Table 1. Snodgrass and Vanderwart Naming Performance (proportion correct, range = # correct)

E.W. Animal Nonanimal

High familiarity 6 of 11 (0.54) 170 of 181 (0.94)
Low familiarity 10 of 36 (0.28) 18 of 22 (0.81)
Animal Nonanimal
Control subjects Mean Range Mean Range
High familiarity 11 of 11 (1.0) 11 179 of 181 (0.99) 177–181
Low familiarity 34.2 of 36 (0.95) 31–36 21.8 of 22 (0.99) 21–22

Note: n = 250 total items. Ten items were removed from the set due to lack of consistency in responding by the control subjects
(see “Methods”).

divided on the basis of the ratings provided in Snodgrass 47) of cases with animals, E.W. either said, “I have no idea
and Vanderwart, where familiarity was rated on a 5-point what that is” or produced a semantically related re-
scale with 1 being very unfamiliar and 5 being very sponse (Zebra→ Gorilla, I think, but I’m not sure). By
familiar. High-familiarity items were deªned as those contrast, she only produced 5 of 137 semantic or “don’t
items with a familiarity rating greater than 2.5, and low- know” responses to items in other semantic categories.
familiarity items were deªned as those items with a For the latter categories most of her errors (12 of 137)
familiarity rating less than or equal to 2.5. Note that this were semantic descriptions followed by the comment,
is a general breakdown by familiarity, and the number of “Oh, what is that called?” Thus, for animals she often had
items in each cell differs greatly. The mean familiarity for no idea what the correct name of the picture was (i.e.,
high-familiarity animate and inanimate items is 3.22 and she didn’t recognize the picture or she named it incor-
3.73, respectively. The mean familiarity for low-familiarity rectly), whereas for other categories she clearly recog-
animate and inanimate items is 2.02 and 2.13, respec- nized the picture but could not produce the name.
Control subjects performed quite well and showed no
Controlling for Nuisance Variables in the Naming
effect of either semantic category or familiarity. However,
E.W. demonstrated signiªcant difªculties naming animals
as compared to nonanimals (z = 8.11, p < 0.05). Although As noted in the “Introduction,” it has been shown that
she does demonstrate more difªculty naming low-famili- when certain stimulus factors are carefully controlled,
arity items overall (z = 3.49, p < 0.05), note that the putative cases of category-speciªc deªcit may turn out
low-familiarity nonanimal items are named at a much not to have such a deªcit after all (e.g., Stewart et al.,
higher rate than high-familiarity animal items (z = 2.60, 1992). It is important, therefore, to carefully control for
p < 0.05). This is not the case for the control subjects. possible nuisance factors that may be responsible for a
E.W.’s performance was not only signiªcantly different supposed semantic category effect. We carried out sev-
on animal pictures compared to pictures from many eral tests to ensure that the noted effect for E.W. could
other semantic categories, but the nature of her errors not be ascribed to some such nuisance variable.
was qualitatively different as well. In the majority (34 of Table 2 presents an examination of E.W.’s naming

Table 2. Naming Performance on a Subset of Snodgrass and Vanderwart Pictures Based on Familiarity and Frequency
(proportion correct)

Low familiarity/low frequency Matched: familiarity and frequencya

Animals Nonanimals Animals Nonanimals
E.W. 8 of 24 (0.33) 16 of 24 (0.67) 12 of 22 (0.55) 18 of 22 (0.82)
Controls 11.8 of 12 (0.98) 12 of 12 (1.0) 11 of 11 (1.0) 10.8 of 11 (0.98)
Range 11–12 12 11 10–11

Note: The items in this analysis were taken from Appendices 2 and 3 in Funnell and Sheridan (1992). They represent items from the Snodgrass
and Vanderwart picture set that are either low familiar/low frequency items or are items matched on frequency. This was further broken down
by animacy.
Two items in this set (bee & violin) were removed because they were removed from the entire picture set.

10 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 10, Number 1

Table 3. Naming Performance on a Subset of Snodgrass and Vanderwart Pictures Based on Visual Complexity and Visual
Complexity/Familiarity (proportion correct)

Matched: Complexity Matched: Complexity and familiarity

Animals Nonanimals Animals Nonanimals
E.W. 10 of 36 (0.28) 32 of 36 (0.89) 7 of 17 (0.41) 16 of 17 (0.94)
Controls 35.4 of 36 (0.98) 35.4 of 36 (0.98) 16.6 of 17 (0.98) 16 of 17 (0.94)
Range 35–36 35–36 16–17 16–17

Note: The items in this analysis represent a subset of items from the Snodgrass and Vanderwart picture set that are matched on visual complex-
ity (mean = 3.76, SD = 0.51) or on visual complexity (mean = 3.83, SD = 0.44) and familiarity (animate: mean = 2.78, SD = 0.84; inanimate:
mean = 2.64, SD = 0.84). This was further broken down by animacy.

performance on the items included in Funnell and Sheri- neither the factor of visual complexity nor the combined
dan’s (1992) tests of naming performance as a function factor of visual complexity and familiarity is responsible
of animacy and familiarity (from their Appendixes 2 and for E.W.’s decrement in performance for animate items.
3). These items are all taken from the Snodgrass and Instead, E.W.’s picture-naming performance is inºuenced
Vanderwart picture set. The items in the ªrst set are all strongly by the factor of animacy and cannot be ex-
low-familiarity/low-frequency items, and the items in the plained by extraneous factors such as familiarity or visual
second set are matched on familiarity and frequency complexity (z = 5.75, p < 0.05; z = 3.17, p < 0.05,
(i.e., represent a range of familiarity and frequency). respectively).
Since the number of items is quite low, we have included
E.W.’s naming performance from two administrations of
The Naming Deªcit Is Restricted to Animals and Is
the naming task. Control subjects only named the
Not General to Living Things
Snodgrass and Vanderwart picture set once.
It is immediately apparent that E.W.’s naming is af- A crucial part of this investigation involves determining
fected by the animacy variable for both sets of items the boundaries of the category-speciªc deªcit. Spe-
(z = 2.92, p < 0.05; z = 2.85, p < 0.05, respectively), even ciªcally, we are concerned with determining whether
when those items have been controlled for familiarity. E.W. is disproportionately impaired in processing living
Thus, taken together with the above analyses, E.W.’s things or the more restricted category of animals. For
deªcit in naming animals can be attributed to a deªcit this purpose we considered E.W.’s performance for spe-
affecting the category of animals and not an artifact due ciªc semantic categories.
to familiarity of the items. Table 4 provides a breakdown of E.W.’s naming per-
However, Stewart et al. (1992; see also Gaffan & Hey- formance according to speciªc semantic categories. Sev-
wood, 1993) argued that naming could also be inºu- eral things should be noted. First, E.W.’s naming
enced by visual complexity. Table 3 contains E.W.’s performance is not affected by the category of living
naming performance on a subset of items from the things but rather by the category of animate things.
Snodgrass and Vanderwart picture set that are matched Thus, like several other reported cases (Farah & Wallace,
on visual complexity (n = 36) and a subset of items that 1992; Hart et al., 1985; Hillis & Caramazza, 1991), E.W.’s
are matched (as closely as possible) on both visual com- deªcit respects a more ªne-grained distinction than liv-
plexity and familiarity. Once again, it is obvious that ing/nonliving. Although performance broken down by

Table 4. E.W.’s Naming Performance as a Function of Speciªc Semantic Category (proportion correct)

Category Performance Category Performance

Animal 16 of 47 (0.34) Kitchenware 16 of 17 (0.94)
Body part 11 of 12 (0.92) Musical instrument 8 of 10 (0.80)
Clothing 27 of 27 (1.0) Tool 19 of 23 (0.83)
Fruit 12 of 12 (1.0) Vegetable 12 of 12 (1.0)
Furniture 15 of 15 (1.0) Vehicle 13 of 14 (0.93)
Other 53 of 61 (0.87)

Caramazza and Shelton 11

semantic category in this set of items must be inter- of subjects with category-speciªc deªcits for living
preted with caution because the items in each of the things who perform within normal limits in object deci-
categories are not controlled for potential nuisance vari- sion tasks (e.g., Laiacona et al., 1997; Sheridan & Hum-
ables (i.e, familiarity, frequency, and visual complexity), it phreys, 1993). Thus, impairment in visual object decision
is clear from Table 4 that E.W. is not impaired in naming performance is not a necessary feature of category-
fruits and vegetables: Her performance for fruits and speciªc deªcit for living things. It remains to be deter-
vegetables was perfect (100%) and strikingly different mined what implications follow from the association/dis-
from that for animals (34%). sociation of impairments at the level of object
identiªcation and naming. We will return to this issue in
the “Discussion.” Here we document that E.W. has a
E.W.’s Naming Deªcit Is Not Restricted to Visual
severe category-speciªc deªcit in recognizing animals.
Stimuli: Sound Identiªcation
In order to determine whether E.W.’s naming deªcit
Object Decision Task
might not reºect a category-speciªc visual agnosia, she
was tested with a sound identiªcation task in which the In this task, E.W. and two control subjects were asked to
animal and nonanimal sounds were matched as well as determine whether or not each picture represented a
possible on difªculty level as determined by the perfor- real object—either an animal or some type of artifact
mance of several control subjects (see “Methods”). E.W. (see Figure 1). Performance for all subjects is summa-
was quite poor at identifying animal sounds (8 of 32 = rized in Table 5. Normal control subjects performed fairly
0.25) as compared to nonanimal sounds (20 of 32 = well on this task. E.W. had signiªcant problems determin-
0.63), a difference that was signiªcant (z = 3.06, p < ing which pictures represented real animals (and there
0.05). These results suggest that E.W. does poorly in was a slight tendency to respond Yes in this task). Spe-
naming animals across modalities (i.e., the deªcit is not ciªcally, she was barely above chance level (60% correct)
restricted to identifying and naming animals from pic- in distinguishing between real and unreal animals. She
tures). also had a few difªculties distinguishing between real
and unreal artifacts (i.e., was willing to accept some
unreal objects as real), but this is a problem shared by
the control subjects and probably reºects the difªculty
The results we have reported in this section show that of the “unreal” inanimate objects. The important point is
E.W. has a semantic category-speciªc naming deªcit. The that E.W. performs poorly, and well outside the normal
deªcit is restricted to the category of animals and not to range, differentiating real and unreal animals but per-
the category of living things, as shown by the fact that forms within normal range differentiating real and unreal
naming of fruits and vegetables was virtually intact. objects.21
E.W.’s poor naming performance for animals cannot be
merely ascribed to nuisance variables such as familiarity
Part Decision Task
and visual complexity since her disproportionate difª-
culties with animals persisted when these variables were In this task, E.W. and two control subjects were asked to
strictly controlled. And, ªnally, E.W.’s naming deªcit does decide which of two “heads” went with a headless body
not appear to be merely the result of a category-speciªc (see Figure 2). E.W. was severely impaired at selecting
visual agnosia because she also showed disproportion- the correct head for animals but not for artifacts (60%
ately poor performance for animals in a sound identiªca- vs. 97%; z = 3.45, p < 0.05), and her performance with
tion task.

Does E.W. Have a Category-Speciªc Object Table 5. Object Decision Task (Hit = Real)
Recognition Deªcit? Subject Hit Correct rejection
Sartori and Job (1988; see also De Renzi & Lucchelli, E.W.:
1994) reported that their subject Michelangelo, who
Animals 21 of 30 (0.70) 15 of 30 (0.50)
showed a category-speciªc deªcit for living things, was
unable to distinguish between real and unreal animals Nonanimals 30 of 30 (1.0) 25 of 30 (0.83)
and to decide which of four disembodied parts of an
animal went with a body with a missing part. This type
of performance has been interpreted as indicating a Controls:
selective deªcit for the visual properties of objects. How- Animals 29 of 30 (0.97) 25 of 30 (0.83)
ever, not all cases of category-speciªc deªcit are im-
Nonanimals 28.5 of 30 (0.95) 22 of 30 (0.73)
paired in object decision tasks. There are several reports

12 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 10, Number 1

animals is not signiªcantly different than chance (z < 1). (93% correct) in an association matching task that re-
Normal controls had no difªculty with either category quires the semantic interpretation of pictured objects.
(100% and 97% correct for animals and artifacts, respec-
Face Recognition
E.W. was asked to name pictures of famous people using
the Boston Famous Faces Task (Albert, Butters, & Levin,
The results of the Object and Part Decision Tasks are 1979). She was given unlimited time to respond. Across
clear: E.W. is severely impaired in discriminating between all the faces (across all decades and level of difªculty),
real and unreal animals but not between real and unreal she performed very well (30 of 56 correct) and within
artifacts. She is at chance in recognizing animals, but her normal range for her age group. This result suggests that
performance with artifacts was indistinguishable from E.W. does not have a speciªc problem processing com-
that of control subjects. This pattern of performance plex visual material, such as faces.
rules out the hypothesis that the locus of E.W.’s cate-
gory-speciªc deªcit is at the stage of name retrieval.
There are no indications in the results of our tests of
E.W.’s Category-Speciªc Object Recognition
E.W.’s visual processing performance that she has any
Deªcit Is Not the Result of Impaired Visual
impairment in visual recognition or categorization other
Processing of Complex Objects.
than speciªcally for animals. These results invite the
The conclusion reached in the previous section regard- inference that E.W.’s impairment in visually recognizing
ing the locus of functional deªcit in E.W.’s category- animals is categorically based and most likely has the
speciªc impairment may be challenged. It could be ar- same cause as her naming deªcit.
gued that the putative category-speciªc object recogni-
tion impairment for animals is merely the result of a
E.W.’s Category-Speciªc Deªcit for Animals is
generalized visual recognition deªcit. On this view, the
Not Modality-Speciªc.
reason that E.W. shows a category-speciªc deªcit for
animals is because this category is perceptually more To this point we have documented that E.W. has a selec-
complex, in the sense that its members are more similar tive deªcit in naming and recognizing animals, and we
to one another than the members of other categories have shown that the recognition impairment is unlikely
(e.g., Gaffan & Heywood, 1993; Humphreys & Riddoch, to merely reºect a generalized visual processing defect.
1987). In order to rule out the possibility that E.W.’s Here we provide direct evidence that her category-
difªculties in visually recognizing animals was the result speciªc deªcit has a conceptual basis because she is
of a general visual processing deªcit, we tested her also impaired in verifying whether an animal has a par-
ability to perform difªcult visual perceptual tasks. ticular property or attribute (e.g., Does a giraffe have
four legs?). We also address directly the issue of whether
E.W. has more severe difªculty in processing the visual/
Difªcult Visual Matching and Categorization Tasks:
perceptual as opposed to functional/encyclopedic prop-
erties of animals. As noted in the “Introduction,” the
E.W. was administered those sections of the Birmingham latter issue is crucial for distinguishing between the SFT
Object Recognition Battery (BORB; Riddoch & Hum- and amodal theories of semantic representation.
phreys, 1993) that allow an assessment of her ability to
perform complex visual matching and categorization
Attribute Processing Task 1: Central Attributes
tasks (see “Methods”). The tests (Tests 7, 8, 11, and 12)
were administered in the standardized manner. She per- In this task, E.W. and control subjects were asked to
formed quite well and within normal range on all tasks. decide whether an attribute statement about an object
Tests 7 (Minimal Feature Test) and 8 (Foreshortened is true or false. In this and the following attribute tasks,
View Test) of the BORB are complex visual processing only a subset of the total data was used so that items
tasks that involve matching a picture of an object seen could be matched on familiarity (see “Methods” section
from a “standard” viewpoint to the same object viewed for a description of the matching procedure). The pat-
from a different, nonstandard viewpoint. E.W. performed terns of performance on the total data set did not differ
these tasks quite well. She scored 88% and 84% cor- from the patterns reported here. Results for E.W. and
rect—well within normal limits. And she performed control subjects (n = 5) are presented in Table 6. E.W.
ºawlessly in a similar task (Test 11: Object Matching Test) has severe difªculties making judgments about animals
that required her to match an object (or a part of an (z = 5.39, p < 0.05), independent of whether the state-
object) to a different view of that object, and very well ment involves perceptual or associative/functional infor-

Caramazza and Shelton 13

Table 6. Central Attributes Judgment Task (proportion pig, cow) and those that are not typically eaten (by
correct; range for control subjects) people of her generation and cultural background) in the
Unites States (nonfood animals, e.g., dog, horse, robin).
E.W. Animals Objects
The rationale was to examine her visual/perceptual and
Visual/perceptual: associative/functional knowledge of animals that might
True 38 of 59 (0.64) 54 of 59 (0.92) be more familiar to her (food animals), even though the
animals in the “food” group were matched to the animals
False 26 of 39 (0.67) 37 of 39 (0.95) in the “nonfood” group on familiarity.
As shown in Table 7, E.W. had severe problems answer-
ing questions about animals, both for visual/perceptual
and associative/functional information and for food and
True 20 of 30 (0.67) 30 of 30 (1.0) nonfood animals (all z’s < 1). She performed perfectly,
False 17 of 27 (0.63) 26 of 27 (0.96) however, when answering the question concerning
whether or not the animal is a food animal (the question
Controls Animals Objects
about edibility was judged to be very easy by control
Visual/perceptual: subjects).
True 0.92–0.98 0.92–1.0
False 0.85–1.0 0.86–1.0 Attribute Processing Task 3: General/Speciªc Property
Associative/functional: Some properties of a category are shared by all or most
members of a category; others are speciªc to one or only
True 0.93–1.0 0.93–0.97
a few members of the category. Those properties that are
False 0.96–1.0 0.92–1.0 true of all members of the category may be more impor-
Note: On the rating scale, 1 = just guessing and 5 = extreme
tant or even essential for the inclusion of an object in a
conªdence. The mean (SD) visual/perceptual rating for true state- category, but they do not contribute to distinguishing
ments is 4.85 (0.22) and for false statements is 4.75 (0.31). The among members of the category. Thus, for example,
mean associative/functional rating for true statements is 4.92 (0.24)
and for false statements is 4.88 (0.15).
knowing that something has a mouth and eyes may be
sufªcient to classify it as an animal but will not help in
deciding whether it is a canary or an eagle. By contrast
mation (z < 0.5). Thus, she only responded correctly to the information that an object is about the size of a
65% of the visual and the functional/associative attribute child’s ªst and yellow may be insufªcient to support
statements about animals. By contrast, her performance a decision about whether or not it is an animal but
on inanimate objects was very good and fell within provides sufªcient information for distinguishing be-
normal limits. tween an eagle or a canary. We will refer to the former
knowledge as general-attribute and the latter as speciªc-
attribute knowledge.22 An important question concerns
Attribute Processing Task 2: Food/Nonfood
the level of knowledge that is damaged in E.W. Is she
equally impaired with general- and speciªc-attribute
This task was designed to examine E.W.’s knowledge of knowledge?
animals that can be eaten (food animals, e.g., chicken, The motivation for this question springs in part from

Table 7. Food/Nonfood Animal Attributes Judgment Task (proportion correct; range for control subjects)

Subject Food Animal Nonfood Animal

Visual/perceptual 27 of 41 (0.66) 26 of 41 (0.63)
Associative/functional 32 of 41 (0.78) 32 of 41 (0.78)
Visual/perceptual correct 0.83–0.93 0.85–1.0
Associative/functional correct 0.88–0.93 0.81–0.88

Note: On the rating scale, 1 = just guessing and 5 = extreme conªdence. The mean (SD) visual/perceptual rating is 4.69 (0.38). The mean asso-
ciative/functional rating is 4.72 (0.38).

14 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 10, Number 1

Table 8. General/Speciªc Attributes Judgment Task (proportion correct; range for control subjects)

General Speciªc
Subject Visual Associative Visual Associative
Animals 130 of 130 (1.0) 129 of 130 (0.99) 74 of 100 (0.74) 115 of 150 (0.77)
Inanimate 60 of 60 (1.0) 75 of 75 (1.0) 100 of 100 (1.0) 149 of 150 (0.99)
Animals – – 0.92–0.94 0.85–0.98
Inanimate – – 0.87–0.93 0.82–0.88

Note: On the rating scale, 1 = just guessing and 5 = extreme conªdence. The mean (SD) visual/perceptual rating is 4.91 (0.23). The mean asso-
ciative/functional rating is 4.86 (0.23).

the observation that E.W. is quite capable of distinguish- problems with the attributes of animate objects regard-
ing animals from artifacts (though she cannot distinguish less of whether or not they relate to visual properties or
between real and unreal, but possible, animals). This to associative properties and has no problem with attrib-
raises the issue of whether her ability to categorize an utes of inanimate objects. For animals, the only questions
object as “animal” also allows her to access general- on which she performs very well are general-attribute
attribute knowledge about animals. In the eventuality knowledge questions, indicating that she knows that
that she could systematically access such information, it animals have eyes and mouths and that they breathe and
would establish that she is not confused about what an digest food, but little else besides that.
animal is but only about detailed distinctions among To examine further her performance with visual/per-
category members. To test this possibility, E.W. and con- ceptual and associative/functional information for ani-
trol subjects (n = 2) were asked to decide whether mals and nonanimals, we collapsed her data across all
general- and speciªc-attribute knowledge statements the attribute judgment tasks. This gives us a very large
about an object are true or false (see “Methods” for number of data points in each cell, as well as a range of
details). The results are shown in Table 8 and clearly difªculty of questions. Performance is summarized in
demonstrate that E.W. has no difªculty with questions Table 9 for matched items. Although there is a small
concerning attributes that are shared by all (or almost advantage for associative/functional information over vis-
all) members of a category. Because of this, control ual/perceptual information for animals, this difference is
subjects did not complete these questions. E.W. per- far from signiªcant (z = 0.7974, p > 0.05) and is only
formed almost perfectly with speciªc-attribute informa- slightly larger than a similar difference for inanimate
tion about inanimate objects (and better than both objects.
control subjects) and much worse with speciªc-attribute
information for animate objects (z = 4.69, p < 0.05).
Similar to the pattern of performance on the previous Attribute Processing Task 4: Shared Attributes
attribute judgment tasks, her knowledge of speciªc at- Although the evidence presented thus far on attribute
tributes of animals is equally disrupted for visual and for judgments would seem to indicate that E.W. has a cate-
associative/functional information (z < 1). gory-speciªc deªcit for animals, there remains the possi-
bility that the putative modality-speciªc nature of the
deªcit merely reºects a selective deªcit in processing
Attribute Processing Tasks: Collapsing Across Tasks
certain attributes that happen to be differentially distrib-
The pattern of performance across the attribute judg- uted across semantic categories. That is, there is the
ment tasks reported thus far is clear: E.W. has severe possibility that the problem concerns the properties

Table 9. Matched Data Collapsed Across All Attribute Judgment Tasks (proportion correct)

Animals Inanimate objects

Visual/perceptual 202 of 301 (0.67) 217 of 226 (0.96)
Associative/functional 223 of 300 (0.74) 217 of 219 (0.99)

Caramazza and Shelton 15

themselves and not the semantic category of animals. If erties were visible and when they were not visible in the
that were the case, a category-speciªc deªcit emerged pictured animal. Thus, for example, E.W. was asked to
only because we queried different properties for animals decide whether a horse has a tail when shown a picture
and nonanimals, and these properties just happened to of a horse with a tail and when shown a picture of a
be differentially damaged. To circumvent this potential horse from a perspective that did not show its tail. The
problem, E.W. was tested in two attribute judgment crucial issue is whether she can answer attribute ques-
tasks with the same attributes for animate and inanimate tions correctly when the information is available in the
objects.23 pictured object but answers incorrectly when the infor-
mation is not given in the picture. E.W. had no problems
Attribute Processing Task 4a: Size Judgments. In this (100% correct) answering the attribute questions when
task, E.W. was asked to decide which of two animate or the information was available in the picture but had
two inanimate objects is the larger of the two. Perfor- serious problems (55% correct) when the information
mance is summarized in Table 10 and demonstrates that was unavailable in the picture (z = 7.28, p < 0.05).
E.W. had more difªculty with animal size judgments than
inanimate size judgments (z = 1.83, p < 0.06) and is
outside the normal range for the animal category but not Summary
the inanimate category. The results of the attribute processing tasks show that
E.W.’s category-speciªc deªcit extends beyond her nam-
Attribute Processing Task 4b: Other Shared Attributes. ing and picture recognition difªculties to involve lan-
In this task, E.W. was asked to decide whether a property guage comprehension. Her deªcit appears to be
statement about animate and inanimate objects was true conceptually based and is not just a deªcit of visual
or false (see “Methods” for examples of the properties perception or of lexical access in production. The results
included in the task). Performance is summarized in Table also clearly show that E.W.’s deªcit involves equally the
10 and indicates that E.W. had much more difªculty with visual/perceptual and the functional/associative proper-
attributes of animate items than those same attributes ties of animate objects. And, ªnally, her difªculties with
associated with inanimate items (z = 3.38, p < 0.05). object attributes are the result of a category-speciªc
impairment for animate objects and not a generalized
Attribute Processing Task 5: Visible and Not Visible deªcit for those attribute concepts. In short, the results
Attributes show that E.W. has a semantic category-speciªc deªcit.

E.W.’s performance in the preceding two tasks shows

that her deªcit involves the category of animate objects DISCUSSION
and is not speciªc to attribute concepts found exclu- The results we have reported can be summarized as
sively with animals. As a further test of her ability to follows:
process the attribute concepts that she is unable to
verify in the context of judgments about animals, we 1. E.W. has a category-speciªc deªcit restricted to the
asked her to answer questions about properties of pic- category of animate objects: She is disproportionately
tured animals in one of two conditions: when the prop- impaired in naming animals relative to other living things,
such as fruits and vegetables, and relative to all other
inanimate categories tested, including food items. The
Table 10. Size Judgments Task and Matched Attributes
category-speciªc nature of the deªcit persisted under
Judgments Task (proportion correct; range for control strict control of potential nuisance factors such as item
subjects) familiarity, visual complexity, frequency, or their combi-
Size Judgments 2. E.W. has a category-speciªc deªcit in visually (and
Subject Animals Inanimate auditorily) recognizing animate objects: She is dispropor-
tionately impaired in recognizing animals relative to
E.W. 13 of 18 (0.72) 17 of 18 (0.94) other living items and artifacts. This deªcit is not the
Controls 0.94–1.0 0.94–1.0 result of a generalized perceptual processing deªcit in-
teracting with differential levels of visual complexity
Matched Attributes Judgments
across categories. E.W. performed within normal limits in
Subject Animals Inanimate complex visual processing tasks.
E.W. 32 of 42 (0.76) 42 of 42 (1.0) 3. E.W. has a category-speciªc deªcit in language com-
prehension. In various types of attribute processing tasks
Controls 0.94–0.97 1.0 she performed very poorly with statements about ani-
Note: On the rating scale, 1 = just guessing and 5 = extreme mate objects but performed within normal limits with
conªdence. The mean (SD) rating is 4.97 (0.09). statements about other living things and artifacts. This

16 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 10, Number 1

selective deªcit persisted in the face of stringent controls in our investigation of E.W. Her category-speciªc deªcit
of various nuisance variables. is restricted to the category of animals, leaving unaf-
4. E.W.’s category-speciªc deªcit for animals is not fected her knowledge of fruits, vegetables, and artifacts,
also modality-speciªc (for visual knowledge). In various and her knowledge of functional/ associative attributes
attribute processing tasks, she consistently performed of animals is as impaired as her knowledge of their visual
equally poorly with visual and functional/associative attributes.
statements of animate objects and equally well, and Other results in the literature are highly problematic
within normal limits, for all attributes of inanimate ob- for the SFT. The case of selective sparing of the category
jects. of animals (Hillis & Caramazza, 1991) and of subjects
with selective damage of the category of fruits and
The facts 1 through 4 allow several conclusions about
vegetables (Farah & Wallace, 1992; Hart et al., 1985)
the nature of E.W.’s deªcit. E.W.’s selective impairment
complement the results reported for E.W. (which show
in recognizing and naming animate objects is not re-
that she has a selective deªcit for animals). These results
stricted to the recognition of visually presented stimuli
jointly establish that category-speciªc deªcits can be
but extends to auditory stimuli as well, and the fact that
very narrow, involving separately the categories of ani-
her impairment extends to language comprehension
mate objects and the category of fruits and vegetables,
tasks (facts 1 through 3) allows the inference that her
thus undermining the expectation derived from the SFT
deªcit involves the semantic system and not simply the
that the categories of living things should be damaged
visual recognition or the word production systems. Fact
together. The other set of results that converges with
4—E.W.’s selective impairment concerning animate ob-
E.W.’s performance in undermining the SFT concerns
jects is equally severe for their functional/associative and
reports of subjects with category-speciªc deªcits for
visual attributes—allows the inference that the damaged
living things who do not show a disproportionate deªcit
system is not organized by “modality;” that is, the dam-
for visual attributes of living things (Funnell & De
aged system does not represent visual and functional/
Mornay Davies, 1997; Laiacona, Barbarotto, & Capitani,
associative knowledge in distinct subsystems.
1993; Laiacona et al., in press; Sheridan & Humphreys,
These conclusions have important implications for the
1993). Thus, on this issue too, there is no support for the
issues raised in the “Introduction” concerning the organi-
zation of conceptual knowledge in the brain. First, they
There remain two other sources of evidence that have
are at variance with the sensory/functional theory (SFT)
been cited in support of the SFT—the results of some
of semantic category-speciªc deªcits (Farah & McClel-
neuroimaging studies (e.g., Martin, Wiggs, Ungerleider, &
land, 1991; Silveri & Gainotti, 1988; Warrington & Shal-
Haxby, 1996) and the results of computational modeling
lice, 1984) and thus provide a clear refutation of this
(Farah & McClelland, 1991). We will discuss the neuro-
theory of semantic organization. Second, they are consis-
imaging results in greater detail in a later section. Here,
tent with the hypothesis of amodal organization of the
it sufªces to say that some of the neuroimaging results
semantic system, as proposed by the organized unitary
are consistent with the SFT, but they are also consistent
content hypothesis (OUCH; Caramazza et al., 1990). And,
with alternative interpretations. Thus, these results do
third, they encourage the hypothesis of domain-speciªc
not help distinguish between alternative theories of se-
organization of knowledge in the brain. We discuss each
mantic organization. We begin with a discussion of the
of these issues in turn.
putative evidence from computational modeling.
Farah and McClelland (1991) purport to show that
Refutation of the Sensory/Functional Theory of damage to the visual component of a modality-organized
Category-Speciªc Deªcits semantic system can explain the existence of category-
speciªc deªcits. They did this by developing a parallel
The SFT makes two clear predictions concerning cate- distributed processing (PDP) model in which semantic
gory-speciªc deªcits. One prediction is that category- knowledge is subdivided into visual and functional com-
speciªc deªcits should not honor “narrow” semantic ponents. The two major assumptions of this model are
category boundaries but should instead be determined that visual and functional semantic properties are repre-
by the role played by visual (sensory) features in deter- sented in separate but interconnected networks and that
mining the meaning of category members. This translates the ratio of visual to functional properties for living
into the expectation that the categories of animals and things is much larger than that for nonliving things.
fruits and vegetables (as well as other visually weighted When the visual components of various networks imple-
categories) should be damaged together. The other major menting these assumptions were lesioned, the resulting
prediction is that category-speciªc deªcits for living patterns of performance mimicked the category-speciªc
things should necessarily also be modality-speciªc, in the deªcit for living things, and the reverse dissociation was
sense that knowledge of visual properties must be dis- obtained when the functional component of the net-
proportionately impaired relative to knowledge of func- work was lesioned. This pattern of results provides an
tional/associative properties. Neither prediction held up existence proof that a category-speciªc deªcit can be

Caramazza and Shelton 17

obtained without having to postulate categorical organi- interpretation of their results problematic at best. The
zation of semantic knowledge. problem concerns the instructions given to subjects on
As an existence proof that category-like effects can what to count as visual and functional-associative de-
emerge from a noncategorically organized semantic sys- scriptors.
tem, the results reported by Farah and McClelland (1991) Farah and McClelland (1991) asked their subjects to
need not be controversial, nor even surprising for that underline either visual or functional descriptors in
matter. In some respects the results of the implemented deªnitions of living and nonliving things. Subjects in the
model merely reºect their assumption that the meaning visual descriptor condition were asked to underline all
of living things is much more dependent on visual prop- words referring to the visual appearance of an item.
erties than is the case for nonliving things.24 In their Subjects in the functional descriptor condition were
modeling experiments, the ratio of visual to functional asked to underline “all occurrences of words describing
properties for living things was set to 16.1:2.1, and for what the item does or what it is for” (p. 342; emphasis
nonliving things it was set to 9.4:6.7. Thus, damage to added). Now, it is clear that all objects, living and nonliv-
the visual semantic network could hardly result in any- ing, can be described by reference to their visual appear-
thing but more severe difªculty for living than nonliving ance and, therefore, counting the visual descriptors in
things. Put differently, the highly disproportionate ratios deªnitions of items in the two categories may provide a
of visual to functional properties for the categories of fair estimate of the sensory properties known by sub-
living and nonliving things can be seen as roughly ap- jects about various objects. However, asking subjects to
proximating a categorical distinction between the two underline “what it is for” for living and nonliving things
semantic domains. The model merely capitalizes on this will not provide a fair estimate of the nonsensory prop-
correlation. As noted by Farah and McClelland (1991), erties known for living things. That is, because the use
“The ability of a modality-speciªc semantic memory ar- of an item—what it is for—is a highly speciªc property
chitecture to account for category-speciªc semantic typically found with artifacts but not natural kinds, hav-
memory impairments depends, of course, on there being ing a “function” is almost a distinguishing feature be-
a correlation between modality of knowledge and cate- tween living things and artifacts. It is meaningful to ask
gory of knowledge” (p. 355). If there were no such “What is a table or a knife for?” but barely felicitous to
correlation, it would not be possible to devise a modal- ask “What is a lion or a squirrel for?” Thus, it is hardly
ity-based explanation for category- speciªc deªcits. Thus, surprising that Farah and McClelland found large discrep-
the ultimate value of the modeling demonstration de- ancies in the ratios of visual to functional descriptors for
pends entirely on the validity of the empirical assump- living and nonliving categories; these discrepancies are
tions made by the model, that is, the assumptions about entirely due to the instructions given to subjects on
the ratios of visual to functional properties for the living what could count as a functional/associative feature. We
and nonliving categories, respectively. can easily imagine reversing the ratios of visual to func-
Warrington and her collaborators (Warrington & tional properties for living and nonliving things by in-
McCarthy, 1983, 1987; Warrington & Shallice, 1984) had structing subjects to underline visual properties that are
suggested that living things are known and distinguished found almost exclusively in nonliving things, such as “has
primarily through their visual attributes, whereas nonliv- wheel-like features,” “has straight edges,” “has wood-like
ing things are known primarily through their func- texture,” and so on. In this case, we would most likely
tional/associative properties. This suggestion was based ªnd that nonliving things would have a larger ratio of
on mere intuition; however, Farah and McClelland (1991) visual to functional/associative attributes than living
attempted to provide an empirical foundation for this things.
intuition. They did this by counting the number of visual It is crucial that the criteria for identifying the sensory
and functional descriptors that subjects identiªed in and nonsensory properties of living and nonliving things
dictionary deªnitions of the living and nonliving things not contain a built-in category bias. However, the instruc-
used by Warrington and Shallice (1984, Experiment 2). tions Farah and McClelland (1991) gave their subjects
They found that subjects underlined more visual descrip- effectively led them to exclude from consideration such
tors for living than nonliving things (an average of 2.68 important nonsensory properties of living things as “lives
and 1.57, respectively) but many fewer functional de- in desert,” “ferocious,” “carnivore,” “herbivore,” “domesti-
scriptors for living than nonliving things (an average of cated,” “solitary,” “edible,” “egg-laying,” and so on. If these
0.35 and 1.11, respectively). Thus, the ratio of visual to and other nonsensory properties had not been excluded
functional properties was found to be far higher for by the instructions biasing subjects to consider only
living (7.7:1) than nonliving things (1.4:1). These results “what it is for”—principally a property of artifacts—the
seem to conªrm the speculation about the relative im- differences in the ratios of sensory to nonsensory prop-
portance of visual and functional-associative properties erties for living and nonliving things would not have
in determining the meaning of living and nonliving been nearly as large as reported by Farah and McClel-
things. However, there is a serious ºaw in the experimen- land. Indeed, when we instructed two groups of subjects
tal procedure used by Farah and McClelland that makes to underline either all sensory properties or all non-

18 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 10, Number 1

sensory properties in the deªnitions of the living and The Organized Unitary Content Hypothesis
nonliving items used by Farah and McClelland,25 we Revisited
obtained the following ratios of sensory to nonsensory
properties for living and nonliving things: 2.9:2.5 and The organized unitary content hypothesis (OUCH)
2.2:2.3 respectively.26 Similar results have recently been makes two clear predictions: Category-speciªc deªcits
obtained by McRae, de Sa, and Seidenberg (1997) using can be narrower than the living/nonliving distinction
a different procedure to estimate the ratio of visual to and category-speciªc deªcits are not also modality-
functional attributes for living and nonliving categories. speciªc. E.W.’s performance is in agreement with both
These ratios do not provide empirical support for the predictions from the OUCH: (1) Her deªcit is restricted
assumption that there is a correlation between “modality to the category of animate things, and (2) she is equally
of knowledge and category of knowledge.”27 impaired in processing the visual and functional/associa-
In this section we have argued that neither of the tive attributes of animals and of no other semantic cate-
major expectations derived from the SFT—the predicted gory. The model’s major drawback is that OUCH does not
correlation of category deªcits and the predicted co- provide a principled explanation for the attested pat-
occurrence of category- and modality-speciªc deªcits— terns of category-speciªc deªcits: It fails to explain why
receives support from E.W.’s performance or the the unambiguous cases of category-speciªc deªcit seem
performance of other reported cases of category-speciªc to respect the tripartite distinction animal/plant/artifact
deªcit. We have also argued that the computational mod- (and not some other pattern of category-speciªc deª-
eling evidence (Farah & McClelland, 1991) offers no cits—i.e., why not a selective deªcit for aquatic animals)
more than an existence proof that category-like effects and why the most prevalent category-speciªc deªcit
can result from damage to noncategorically organized involves the category of animals. Thus, although OUCH
subsystems whose contents are correlated with seman- may provide a useful noncategorical framework within
tic categories. However, the success of the computa- which to explore various aspects of semantic memory
tional modeling demonstration does not require that the deªcits, including their category-speciªc form, we may
contents of the subsystems be modality-speciªc. All that have to consider a radically different theoretical frame-
it requires is that there be a correlation between the work to explain the high prevalence of selective deª-
contents of speciªc subsystems and semantic categories. cits for animals and the tripartite distinction animal/
The contents of subsystems can vary from completely plant/artifact in the occurrence of category-speciªc
nonoverlapping (categorical) representations to modal- deªcits.
ity-speciªc subsystems that are correlated with different
semantic categories (SFT) to modality-neutral clumps of
intercorrelated semantic properties that are correlated
Domain-Speciªc Organization of Conceptual
with different semantic categories (OUCH). Thus, the
Knowledge in the Brain: Evolutionary
computational modeling demonstration reported by
Farah and McClelland would only be useful in distin-
guishing between the SFT and alternative accounts of None of the evidence reviewed here, including E.W.’s
category-speciªc deªcits if its assumptions about the performance, compels us to adopt the view that concep-
contents of the hypothesized subsystems could be mo- tual knowledge is organized categorically in the brain.
tivated empirically. However, we have argued that the However, doing so provides a natural explanation for
empirical evidence provided by Farah and McClelland precisely that feature of the phenomenon of category-
for a putatively large discrepancy in the ratios of visual speciªc deªcits that has proven to be most problematic
to functional/associative properties for living and nonliv- for the reductionist accounts: the fact that the categories
ing things is tainted by having inappropriately restricted of animals, fruits and vegetables, and artifacts can be
what could count as a functional/associative attribute damaged independently of each other. On this view, the
(because only “what is it for” attributes were allowed, empirically observed tripartite distinction of category-
favoring the kinds of attributes that artifacts, but not speciªc deªcits follows directly from the assumption
animals, are likely to have). And we have gone on to that these, and only these, three categories form the basis
show that the ratios of visual to functional/associative for the organization of conceptual knowledge. But the
properties for living and nonliving things are, in fact, explanatory power of this assumption would amount to
approximately equal when subjects are instructed to naught unless it could be given independent theoretical
count all perceptual and all nonperceptual (func- and empirical justiªcation. That is, unless we can inde-
tional/associative) descriptors. Thus, the central assump- pendently motivate the assumption of categorical organi-
tions about the nature of the semantic subsystems in the zation of conceptual knowledge, we would have merely
model proposed by Farah and McClelland are without assumed what we are trying to explain—an infelicitous
empirical foundation, thereby undermining the value of circularity. It is important, therefore, to determine
the computational modeling demonstration as evidence whether there might not be theoretical arguments and
in support of the SFT. empirical evidence that could be used to independently

Caramazza and Shelton 19

support the assumption that conceptual knowledge is that evolutionary adaptations provide the basis for the
organized categorically. categorical organization of conceptual knowledge in the
In the “Introduction” we speculated that adoption of brain is that the incidence of category-speciªc deªcits
an evolutionary perspective to the problem of how con- for living things should be greater than that for nonliving
ceptual knowledge is organized in the brain might pro- things. This implication is derived from the supposition
vide the motivation for assuming that it is organized that specialized neural mechanisms are more likely to be
categorically. It is not implausible to assume that evolu- highly localized and consequently more prone to selec-
tionary pressures led to speciªc adaptations for recog- tive damage. This expectation would seem to have some
nizing and responding to animal and plant life (the latter support. Most category-speciªc deªcits that have been
operationally represented by fruits and vegetables in reported over the past 15 years have involved the cate-
research on category-speciªc deªcits). The ªtness value gories of living things. Of course, it could be that some
for these adaptations are obvious: Animals are potential of the putative category-speciªc deªcits for living cate-
predators but also a potential source of food; plants are gories are merely artifacts of inadequate stimulus con-
a source of food and medicine. The ability to recognize trols (Stewart et al., 1992; Funnell & Sheridan, 1992).
and respond quickly to types of animals has clear sur- However, as discussed extensively in the “Introduction,”
vival and reproductive value, as does the ability to accu- there is now a substantial number of well-studied cases
rately distinguish among different plants for their of category-speciªc deªcits for living categories that can-
alimentary and medicinal value. In perceptual and cog- not be dismissed as methodological artifacts (see, for
nitive terms, these adaptations might consist of special- example, cases in Laiacona, Barbarotto, & Capitani, 1993;
ized processes for the rapid and accurate classiªcation Laiacona et al., 1997). Thus, even with a major correction
of objects as animals, as plant life, or as neither of these for possible methodological artifacts in the early studies
two categories of objects. In terms of neural mecha- of category-speciªc deªcits, the discrepancy between
nisms, the relevant adaptations might consist of dedi- the incidence of selective impairment for the living and
cated neural circuits for processing animals and plant nonliving categories remains striking.
life. And because of the clear affective/emotional compo- A further implication of the view that there might be
nent associated with ºight and feeding responses to dedicated neural circuits for the categories of animals
animals and plant life, it is not implausible to further and plant life involves the category of foods. Because the
assume that the neural adaptations would involve cir- assumed neural circuitry for animals and plant life in-
cuits that include the limbic system. If these speculations volves the limbic system, it is not unreasonable to sup-
were to be even approximately correct, we would have pose that the semantic category of foods might share
the independent motivation we have been seeking in some of its neural circuitry. Consequently, damage to
support of the assumption that conceptual knowledge is neural structures that affect the categories of animals or
organized categorically in the brain. The evolutionary of fruits and vegetables are also likely (though not nec-
adaptations for recognizing animals and plant life would essarily) to result in impairment of the category of foods,
provide the skeletal neural structures around which to even though many members of the latter category are
organize the rich perceptual, conceptual, and linguistic more properly considered artifacts (consider, for exam-
knowledge modern humans have of these categories. ple, spaghetti, fudge, hamburger, and so on). This assump-
An important implication that follows from the adop- tion would explain why some cases of category-speciªc
tion of an evolutionary perspective on the organization deªcits for living categories also show impairments for
of conceptual knowledge in the brain is a restriction on foods.
what is likely to count as evolutionarily signiªcant se- The hypothesis that knowledge is organized categori-
mantic categories—that is, categories for which it is cally in the brain provides a good account of extant
plausible to propose that their successful recognition results on semantic category-speciªc deªcits. However,
would have ªtness value. We have argued that animals it is important to stress here that the appeal to evolu-
and plant life satisfy the latter criterion. Whether or not tionary pressures as a possible causal basis for the cate-
the ability to recognize and use “tools” should also be gorical organization of knowledge in the brain is not
accorded ªtness value is less obvious, although not im- necessarily incompatible with the cognitive principles
plausible (see Hauser, in press). However, it is not neces- that characterize the OUCH and SFT proposals. Indeed,
sary that tools be accorded such status for the argument it is quite likely that both domain-speciªc and domain-
developed here. It is sufªcient that the categories of general learning principles are involved in the organiza-
animals and plant life be distinguished from “other” cate- tion of conceptual and linguistic knowledge in the brain.
gories. Thus, on this view, the only “true” category- The domain-speciªc principles have a very narrow range
speciªc deªcits28 will be those involving the categories of applicability and serve only to explain why it might
of animals, plant life, and (by contrast) artifacts and not be the case that knowledge of animals and of plant life
other ªner-grained distinctions such as land animals, is represented in distinct neural circuits. This account is
fruits, kitchen utensils, and so on. silent on the larger issue of how conceptual knowledge
Another implication that follows from the assumption within the broad categories of living and nonliving

20 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 10, Number 1

things is organized. And it could very well turn out that 1995; Carey, 1985; 1995; R. Gelman, 1990; R. Gelman &
domain-general principles such as those invoked under Brenneman, 1994; R. Gelman, Durgin, & Kaufman, 1995;
OUCH (or SFT, although no empirical support has been Keil, 1994; Sperber, 1994), they all maintain that a set of
found for this account) provide the basis for the organi- innate principles guides its acquisition. These principles
zation of conceptual knowledge within the distinct cate- do their work by specifying the core content of the two
gories of animals, plant life, and artifacts. categories. Their major function is to direct attention to
the relevant exemplars of the categories by focusing on
the salient distinctions among them. Candidate features
Domain-Speciªc Organization of Conceptual
of the environment that could serve the function of
Knowledge in the Brain: Ontogenetic
“triggering” a ªrst-pass distinction between categories
include the motion patterns of objects and their physical
The idea that neural adaptations are responsible for the appearance (Mandler, 1992). However, the perceptual
organization of conceptual knowledge in the brain has distinctions are not themselves criteria for distinguishing
direct implications for theories of acquisition of this between categories. They merely function as cues to
knowledge. Speciªcally, this thesis implies that there category membership. The categorical distinction is fun-
should be specialized mechanisms for the recognition damental and precedes the acquisition of speciªc per-
and categorization of the members of the categories for ceptual facts about their members. In other words, the
which speciªc adaptations have evolved. And, in fact, the perceptual features of objects are powerful cues to
contrasting viewpoints about the possible bases for the sameness of category, but they do not constitute the
existence of semantic category-speciªc deªcits have core properties of the animate-inanimate distinction. The
their counterparts in the developmental literature. There latter are more likely to be complex properties that do
the issue has been framed in terms of whether cognitive not correspond to any simple perceptual feature. Thus,
development is to be understood as the product of candidate core properties for animate objects might be
domain-general or domain-speciªc processes. The do- their internal structure (e.g., having organs), whether
main-general view holds that a common set of very they are capable of self-initiated motion, and whether
powerful learning mechanisms underlies the acquisition their motion patterns can be construed as having inten-
of all forms of knowledge: from mathematical to musical tional cause (Premack, 1990); for artifacts, a core prop-
skills and from language to the ability to play backgam- erty might be their intended function (Bloom, 1996).
mon. This position is most clearly represented by the There is considerable evidence in favor of the domain-
classical empiricist theories of learning and memory speciªc thesis of the acquisition of the animate-
(e.g., Skinner, 1957) and more recently by connectionist inanimate distinction. Perhaps the most compelling re-
theories (e.g., McClelland & Rumelhart, 1986). The do- sults are those concerning the infant’s ability to distin-
main-speciªc view holds that highly specialized, dedi- guish physical from psychological (biological) causality.
cated mechanisms are involved in the acquisition of Recent experiments have shown that infants as young as
speciªc types of knowledge (Carey, 1985; Pinker & 3 months understand many aspects of the structure of
Bloom, 1990; Sperber, 1994). The best-known domain- the physical world. For example, they understand some
speciªc theory is the theory of universal grammar of of the distinguishing properties of the concepts of solid-
language acquisition proposed by Chomsky (1980, ity and support, and they understand that two objects
1986). However, domain-speciªc theories have also been cannot occupy the same space at the same time (Baillar-
proposed for speech perception (Liberman & Mattingly, geon, 1993; Spelke, 1988). Furthermore, this knowledge
1989), naive physics and psychology (Carey & Spelke, is embedded in a larger conceptual scheme that involves
1994), number (Carey & Spelke, 1994; R. Gelman, 1990), object motion and the concept of causality. Spelke, Phil-
the animate-inanimate distinction (R. Gelman, 1990), folk lips, and Woodward (1995) have identiªed a set of core
biology (Atran, 1995; Sperber, 1994), and, more generally, principles about the infant’s understanding of objects—
various aspects of animal learning (Rozin & Schull, 1988). the principles of cohesion, continuity, and contact—
In each case, it could be proposed that specialized cog- which function to constrain the interpretation of an
nitive mechanisms, reºecting adaptations in response to object’s motion. For example, the principle of contact
evolutionary pressures, are responsible for the acquisi- underlies the infant’s understanding that objects can
tion of a speciªc type of knowledge (for recent reviews only act on each other by touching. There is a large body
see papers in Hirschfeld & S. Gelman, 1994; Sperber, of evidence that very young infants understand the dis-
Premack, & Premack, 1995). tinction between caused and uncaused motion through
Of particular relevance here is the proposal that the the principle of contact. Thus, 4-month-old infants can
acquisition of the animate-inanimate distinction involves distinguish between the implicit causality in a ball’s
domain-speciªc mechanisms. Although alternative pro- motion when it is launched by another moving object
posals have been offered concerning the precise nature and the very similar, but fundamentally different, case
of the content of the domain-speciªc mechanism for where the two objects are separated either by a brief
acquiring the animate-inanimate distinction (see Atran, temporal lag or by a small spatial gap (Leslie, 1982, 1984;

Caramazza and Shelton 21

Leslie & Keeble, 1987). These results, together with other Neuroanatomical Considerations
recent evidence that shows that infants suspend appli-
cation of the contact principle when reasoning about The neuroanatomical basis for semantic category-
human (and perhaps animal) actions (Spelke et al., 1995), speciªc deªcits has been addressed both through
suggest that they are able to distinguish correctly be- anatomo-clinical correlations and through functional im-
tween animate and inanimate objects (for otherwise aging of the intact brain. The investigation of anatomo-
they would not know when to apply and when to clinical correlations has produced relatively clear though
suspend the contact principle). More generally, it has not unequivocal results. The picture is clearest for cases
been supposed that a core property of the infant’s con- of selective deªcit for living things. Most of these cases
cept of human (and perhaps animal) is the principle of have sustained damage to the left temporal lobe (as well
“self-propelled motion”—a concept intimately related to as the right temporal lobe in patients recovering from
the distinction between mechanical and intentional herpes simplex encephalitis; see Gainotti, Silveri, Daniele,
agency (see R. Gelman, 1990; Premack, 1990; Mandler, & Giustolisi, 1995; Saffran & Schwartz, 1994, for reviews).
1992). However, some of the patients with disproportionate
There are two other important sources of evidence in deªcit for living things have also sustained damage to
support of the infant’s precocity in distinguishing ani- frontal and to inferior parietal areas (the case reported
mate from inanimate objects. One is the infant’s well- here; Hillis & Caramazza, 1991; Laiacona, Barbarotto, &
documented ability to distinguish biological from Capitani, 1993) or extensive damage due to trauma
nonbiological motion. Bertenthal and his collaborators (Farah et al., 1989; Laiacona, Barbarotto, & Capitani,
(Bertenthal, 1993; Bertenthal, Profªtt, & Cutting, 1984) 1993). The pattern of anatomo-clinical correlations is less
have shown that infants as young as 3 months can clear for cases of selective impairment to the category
reliably distinguish point-light displays of motions pro- of artifacts. Lesions associated with the latter pattern of
duced by animate and inanimate objects. The other evi- deªcit have been more variable and have typically in-
dence concerns the infant’s ability to categorize static cluded fronto-parietal areas but also the temporal lobe
representations of objects (toy ªgures and pictures). in some cases (for reviews see Gainotti et al., 1995;
Mandler and her collaborators (Mandler, 1992, 1994; Saffran & Schwartz, 1994). A rough generalization
Mandler, Bauer, & McDonough, 1991; Mandler & from this literature is that the categories of living
McDonough, 1993) have shown that 9-month-old infants things are associated with temporal and sometimes
can distinguish between animals and vehicles even frontal and parietal lobe lesions, whereas impairment
when between-category similarity is controlled. Using a of the category of artifacts is associated with more
dishabituation paradigm, they have found that infants dorsal lesions involving temporal, parietal, and frontal
dishabituate to airplanes but not dogs, cats, or rabbits areas.
after seeing birds even though birds were shown with Most cases of category-speciªc deªcits have been in-
outstretched wings and thus were more “perceptually terpreted as involving damage to the semantic system,
similar” to airplanes than they were to dogs, cats, or allowing inferences about the possible organization of
rabbits. This pattern of results suggests that infants make semantic knowledge in the brain. An alternative proposal
a global differentiation between animals and artifacts has been offered by Damasio et al. (1996), who reported
before they fully appreciate the basic-level categories the most extensive investigation of the neuroanatomical
within these conceptual domains (but see Quinn & basis for category-speciªc deªcits to date. These investi-
Eimas, 1996 for a different interpretation). Thus, the evi- gators argued that category-speciªc naming deªcits need
dence from infants’ precocious categorization of animate not result from damage to the semantic system but can
and inanimate toy objects as well as the evidence from result from damage to the lexical representations medi-
their precocious distinction of point-light displays of ating between the semantic and the phonological con-
animate and inanimate motion suggest that the distinc- tent of words. On this view, the analysis of patterns of
tion may be subserved by specialized domain-speciªc category-speciªc deªcits can inform hypotheses about
mechanisms. the organization of lexical (as opposed to semantic)
In this section we have argued that recent develop- knowledge in the brain. In their investigation of a large
ments in the area of concept acquisition provide impor- number of patients with single, focal lesions who
tant converging evidence for the proposal that showed category-speciªc deªcits (N = 30), Damasio et
conceptual knowledge is organized categorically in the al. found that impairment for the category of animals is
brain. The evidence conªrms the expectation derived associated with damage to the left inferotemporal
from the claim that evolutionary adaptations form the (mostly anterior) area, and impairment for tools is asso-
basis for the hypothesized categorical organization of ciated with damage to the posterolateral inferotemporal
conceptual knowledge—namely, that the concepts of area and the junction of temporo-occipital-parietal cor-
animal and artifact are acquired through the operation tices. Thus, despite differences in the functional interpre-
of innate domain-speciªc mechanisms. tation of category-speciªc deªcits, 29 the results of this

22 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 10, Number 1

study further conªrm the important role of the left Category-Speciªc Organization: Conceptual,
temporal lobe in the representation of knowledge about Perceptual, or Both?
the category of animals and the role of more dorsal areas
for artifacts. A ªnal issue that needs to be addressed here is the
The results from functional neuroimaging experi- relation between object recognition and semantic cate-
ments are somewhat unclear. Three PET studies have gory-speciªc deªcits. Sartori and Job (1988) were the
directly compared performance for living things and ªrst to report that a patient with a semantic category-
artifacts (Damasio et al., 1996; Martin et al., 1996; Perani speciªc deªcit was unable to distinguish between real
et al., 1995). All three studies show segregation between and chimeric animals. E.W. also showed marked difªcul-
categories, but the speciªc areas involved differ across ties distinguishing between real and unreal animals.
studies. For the living things category, Perani et al. and However, the association of a category-speciªc deªcit in
Martin et al. found activation of the occipital lobes bilat- object decision tasks with category-speciªc difªculties
erally and the inferior temporal lobe (bilaterally by Per- in lexical processing tasks is not a necessary one. There
ani et al.; left only by Martin et al.). For the artifact are reports of patients who show category-speciªc
category, Perani et al. found mostly left-sided activation deªcits in naming and comprehension tasks but who are
of the lingual, parahippocampal gyri, middle occipital fully able to distinguish real from unreal animals (e.g.,
gyrus, and dorsolateral frontal regions; Martin et al. found Laiacona et al., 1997; Sheridan & Humphreys, 1993).
activation of the fusiform gyri of the temporal lobes, Thus, category-speciªc object decision deªcits dissociate
bilaterally, and left inferior frontal region and left precen- from category-speciªc comprehension performance. A
tral gyrus. By contrast, Damasio et al. (whose study fo- possible implication of these facts is that the category-
cused on activations of regions of the temporal lobe) speciªc organization of conceptual categories occurs at
found that naming animals resulted in activation of the multiple levels of processing. Speciªcally, it could be
left inferotemporal area, and naming of tools resulted in argued not only that the conceptual system is organized
activation of posterior middle and inferior temporal gyri. categorically but also that the object recognition system
Thus, there is some agreement among the three studies: is sensitive to category distinctions. In other words, cate-
The inferior temporal lobe is activated in processing gory-speciªc specialization may be found at both cogni-
animals; the posterior middle temporal area may be more tive and perceptual processing levels. This conclusion
important for tools. In addition, there are indications that accords well with the view that the categorical organi-
the frontal lobes may be important not only for tools zation of conceptual knowledge in the brain reºects a
(Martin et al. and Perani et al.) but also for animals neural adaptation in response to evolutionary pressures.
(Martin et al.). Finally, animal naming more strongly acti- With this view, the ªtness value of the proposed cate-
vates the occipital lobes, bilaterally. gorical distinction would depend in large measure on
It is not implausible, then, to conclude that the left our ability to successfully make the correct perceptual
temporal lobe is crucially involved in some aspect of distinctions. It would be advantageous, therefore, for
lexical-semantic processing, as may be parts of the left specialization to occur as early as possible in the object
frontal lobe. Although Damasio et al. (1996) interpret the recognition system.30
function of the different areas of the left temporal lobe
activated in naming animals and artifacts as involving
mechanisms of lexical retrieval as opposed to semantic
knowledge, this conclusion is premature at best (see We have reported the detailed analysis of the perfor-
Note 29). A more problematic issue concerns the inter- mance of a brain-damaged subject with a clear-cut cate-
pretation of the differential roles of the occipital lobes gory-speciªc deªcit. Two features of this subject’s
in naming animals and artifacts. The interpretation pro- performance are of crucial interest: The deªcit was
posed by Martin et al. (1996) is that because animals are restricted to the category of animate objects, and it
visually more complex, there is a “top-down” modulation involved equally visual and functional/associative knowl-
of visual processing to help visual identiªcation. edge of animals. This pattern of performance is highly
Whether or not this interpretation is correct, there are problematic for the sensory/functional theory of cate-
no reports of either category-speciªc recognition or gory-speciªc deªcits. We have also shown through a
category-speciªc semantic deªcits following lesions of critical review of the literature on category-speciªc
the left extrastriate cortex. Thus, the relevance of the deªcits that the SFT is without empirical support. In-
observation that the occipital lobes are more intensely stead, the evidence is consistent with the OUCH model,
activated in naming animals as opposed to artifacts for which maintains that categorical organization in the se-
issues about semantic processing remains obscure. What mantic system emerges from the correlational structure
is clear, however, is that different neural mechanisms are of the properties of members of a category. However, we
involved in processing the categories of animate and have also argued that the results invite the more intrigu-
inanimate objects. ing hypothesis that there are different levels of organiza-

Caramazza and Shelton 23

tion in the neural system. One very basic level of organi- Procedures
zation reºects neural adaptations in response to evolu- Visual Naming Task
tionary pressures for the rapid, successful recognition of
animate (and plant life) objects. This is the only true The picture set from Snodgrass and Vanderwart (1980)
categorical organization of conceptual (and perhaps per- was randomized and presented to E.W. for naming. Each
ceptual) knowledge in the brain. In addition, however, it picture was presented on a separate sheet of paper. E.W.
is possible that there is further structure within these was asked to provide the name of each picture, and, if
broad domains of knowledge. We have proposed that the unable to provide the name, to provide any information
latter structure is not categorical in form but reºects the possible. She was given an unlimited amount of time to
correlational properties of members of semantic catego- respond to each picture.
ries. Five normal control subjects were presented with the
complete picture set and asked to provide a name for
each picture. This was done to determine if certain
pictures elicited alternative, but acceptable, responses
METHODS that may be particular to the speciªc age and education
level of the patient and to determine if the control
Subjects subjects would show a familiarity effect in naming. Some
E.W. is a 72-year-old woman who suffered a left cerebral pictures were consistently named incorrectly by at least
vascular accident in February 1988. CT scans in January two or more of the control subjects. In these cases, they
of 1995 revealed a large area of encephlomalacia within either provided a superordinate term (e.g., beetle →
the left posterior frontal and parietal lobes consistent bug; artichoke → vegetable), could not produce any
with the old infarct (from 1988). At the time of the name (e.g., seahorse → 2 subjects said, “can’t think of
stroke, EW was working in the personnel department of the name”), provided a semantic description (e.g., cater-
a government agency. She has a high school education pillar → thing before it changes into a butterºy; chisel →
and a degree from a secretarial school (i.e., approxi- shaves things), or in one case, could not identify the
mately 14 years of schooling). E.W. was ªrst seen by us picture (peach → canteen, fruit, ball, puffy thing). There
in February 1996. were a total of 10 items that resulted in misnaming by
E.W. is ºuent and produces well-formed, coherent sen- two or more of the control subjects (ant, bee, ºy, beetle,
tences, both in constrained production tasks and spon- caterpillar, ostrich, seahorse, peach, artichoke, chisel),
taneous speech. In response to the “Cookie Theft” and these items were removed from all the analyses
picture (Goodglass & Kaplan, 1983), she produced the involving the Snodgrass and Vanderwart picture set.
following: “The boy is on the stool getting the cookie jar.
The girl is washing dishes and the water is going all over Sound Identiªcation Task
the ºoor.”
E.W. does not present with any sentence comprehen- Sixteen animal sounds and 16 nonanimal sounds were
sion impairments, and reading of single words is almost downloaded from a digitized sound library (SoundEdit
perfect. E.W. has signiªcant problems with both written Pro©) onto an audio tape. Presentation order of the
and oral spelling. sounds was randomized. Three young control subjects
It ªrst came to our attention that E.W. had difªculty listened to each sound, played twice in a row, and were
with animals when she was asked to name pictures asked to identify the sound. For most items, all three
included in a screening battery. The only pictures she subjects correctly identiªed a sound. There were several
could not name were pictures of animals. E.W. reported items that elicited alternative but acceptable names, and
that, “I’m not good with animals. They always give me these were considered correct responses. The sounds
trouble.” Later, we asked E.W. whether she had problems were presented to E.W. for identiªcation. She was in-
with animals because she never had much experience structed to listen to the sound and to try and identify it.
with them. She responded, “Well, I did know some things She was told that some of the sounds were from animals
about animals. I used to take my kids to the zoo and such. and some were not. This task was administered twice to
It’s worse since I had my stroke. Now, I have no idea increase the number of observations.
about animals at all. They [her speech therapists] used
to give me pictures and I told them I couldn’t do animals.
Object Decision Task
I can’t even think too much about what animals look
like.” This task was developed to examine E.W.’s ability to
Five elderly subjects matched in age and education distinguish between real and unreal animals and objects
level to E.W. participated in the experiments (mean age: using the same number of stimuli in the animal and
72.8 years, range: 72 to 73 years; mean education: 12.4 nonanimal conditions. Also, unreal nonanimal items were
years, range: 12 to14 years). Not all subjects completed developed that were very difªcult to distinguish from
all experiments. real nonanimal items to equate more closely the animal

24 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 10, Number 1

Figure 1. Examples of items
used in the Object Decision
task. Each item was presented

and nonanimal stimuli on level of difªculty (see exam- perform complex visual analysis. The tests were admin-
ples presented in Figure 1). Thirty animal pictures and istered in the standardized manner. In all tasks, E.W. was
30 nonanimal pictures from the Snodgrass and Vander- presented with a target picture at the top of the page
wart set were spliced with one another to create unreal and two probe pictures at the bottom of the page.
animals and objects. The object parts were chosen from For each task, E.W. was required to pick the appro- pri-
items that were similar visually (and had similar parts) ate probe picture, depending on the instructions
but did not belong together. given. Control data are taken from that reported in the
In the Minimal Feature View Task (Test 7), the target
Part Decision Task
presents an object pictured in a standard viewpoint. The
The real and unreal animals and objects used in the probe pictures represent either the same object from a
Object Decision Task were edited and used in this task. different viewpoint or a different object that is visually
Each “body” was separated from its real and unreal similar to the target picture and presented from the
“head” and arranged on a sheet of paper, with the “body” same viewpoint as the matching probe picture. For ex-
on the top half of the sheet and the two “heads” on the ample, the target picture of a bus displays a bus when
bottom half of the sheet of paper (head and body are in viewed from the side, and the two probe pictures display
quotes because these terms do not apply directly to the a bus when viewed from the top and a tractor when
objects—however, we will refer to the parts as head and viewed from the top. Thus, the main identifying feature
body for ease of reference). Each head was correctly of the target object is typically hidden from view, but the
paired with its body on one trial and incorrectly paired shape of the object is relatively maintained. The mean
with another body on the second trial (e.g., on one trial for control subjects was 23.3 (SD = 2.0, range: 18.5–25).
a dog body was paired with a donkey head and a dog In the Foreshortened View Task (Test 8), the target
head; on another trial a donkey body was paired with a picture presents an object pictured in a standard view-
donkey head and a dog head). Examples of animate and point and the probe pictures represent either the same
inanimate items are presented in Figure 2. Items were object from a different viewpoint or a different object
blocked such that a head pair only appeared once in that is visually similar to the target picture and presented
each block. from the same viewpoint as the matching probe picture.
For example, the target picture of a car is pictured when
viewed from the side and the two probe pictures display
Visual Processing Tests: BORB Tests 7, 8, 11, and 12
a car when viewed from the front and a bus when
Several tests from the BORB (Riddoch & Humphreys, viewed from the front. Thus, the main identifying feature
1993) were administered to E.W. to assess her ability to of the target object is typically in view, but the shape of

Caramazza and Shelton 25

Figure 2. Examples of items
used in the Part Decision task.
Each item was presented sepa-

the object is relatively obscured. The mean for control control subjects completed each task in two ways. Sub-
subjects was 21.6 (SD = 2.8, range: 16.7–25). jects were ªrst told to decide whether or not the state-
In the Item Match Task (Test 11), the target presents ment about an object was true (e.g., bears like honey;
an object from some semantic category, and the probe bears are bred for wool; gloves have a space for each
pictures represent the same object or a different object ªnger; gloves are worn on the head). After making their
from the same category. For example, the target picture decision, subjects were asked to rate how conªdent they
of a tiger’s head is presented with the probe pictures of were that they knew the answer to the statement on a
a tiger viewed from the side and a polar bear viewed scale of 1 to 5, with 1 representing “just guessing” and
from the side. Although Riddoch and Humphreys (1993) 5 representing “extreme conªdence.” This was done to
claim that this task cannot be done on the basis of visual examine familiarity of the question being asked about
features, this claim is easily questionable (e.g., one could an item. Items were matched as closely as possible on
rely on the stripes of the tiger to match the tiger pic- familiarity of the concept itself, as determined from the
tures). We view this task as another measure of visual Snodgrass and Vanderwart (1980) norms and/or the typi-
processing and visual feature matching rather than a cality ranking from the Battig and Montague (1969) cate-
measure of access to stored knowledge. gory norms. Items that were unclear to the control
In the Associative Match Task (Test 12), the target subjects and/or were judged to be correct even though
presents an object that is associated with one of the two they were created to be incorrect (e.g., elephants are
probe pictures. For example, the target of a car is pre- brown) were removed from the stimulus set.
sented with the probe pictures of a road and railroad Both the control subjects and E.W. completed all the
tracks. The mean for control subjects was 27.5 (SD = 2.4, attribute questions associated with each item in each
range: 21–30). There are ªve animal pictures on this test attribute judgment task. For each experiment task devel-
and E.W.’s two errors were on two animal trials. For the opment is described accordingly. Data presented in Ta-
picture of the milk bottle, E.W. picked the sheep rather bles 6 through 10 represent a subset of the attribute
than the cow and for the picture of the egg, E.W. picked questions. For each task, items in the speciªc compari-
the owl rather than the chicken. These are clearly seman- son groups were matched one-to-one on difªculty level
tic association errors that appear to result from her of the attribute, as determined by the familiarity ratings
deªcit comprehending information about animals. given by the control subjects. For example, a comparison
of the perceptual attributes associated with their respec-
tive animal and object concept is relevant to the inves-
Development and Analysis of New Attribute Question
tigation. Thus, attribute questions in each of these cells
are matched perfectly for difªculty level. Data are pre-
A number of attribute question tasks were developed to sented this way to control for the inºuence of familiarity
address speciªc questions regarding E.W.’s category-spe- or difªculty on the level of performance; however, it
ciªc knowledge deªcit. For each of these, ªve elderly should be noted that the pattern of performance is

26 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 10, Number 1

identical for both the matched data set and the whole within each category (e.g., birds, fruit) were the ªrst 15
data set. To keep the number of items in each cell at a items listed in the Battig and Montague (1969) category
reasonable level, we could not match attributes perfectly membership norms. The attributes that were common to
for every speciªc comparison. Note, however, that there all members of a category (e.g., all animals or all build-
is little difference in difªculty level between all the cells ings) and attributes that were common to only some
(e.g., perceptual animate and associative inanimate). members of a category are summarized in Table 11. Be-
For the ªrst attribute judgment task, we present data cause of the number of trials (n = 1165), an equal num-
broken down by true and false statements. This was done ber of true and false statements were not created.
to demonstrate the lack of response bias for E.W.; that Instead, each attribute was asked of each item in a cate-
is, she performs equally well (or equally poor) on true gory. The table shows the attributes that were queried
and false statements. To simplify presentation of the data for each item in each of the four categories tested.
for the rest of the tasks, performance is collapsed across Matched items for speciªc attributes resulted in 100
true and false statements. E.W.’s performance was always visual/perceptual questions for both animate and inani-
examined for any indication of a response bias, but there mate items and 150 associative/functional questions for
was little suggestion of this in any of the judgment tasks. both animate and inanimate items.

Attribute Property Task 1: Central Attributes. Forty ani- Attribute Property Task 4a: Size Judgments. Thirty ani-
mals and 46 inanimate items (representing fruits, vegeta- mate pairs and 30 inanimate pairs were developed. One
bles, clothing, and tools) were selected and between 1 member of the pair was judged to be larger than the
and 15 attributes about each item was determined. Each second member of the pair, although the distinction
item and attribute speciªc to the item were given to 10 required a ªne discrimination (e.g., goat-raccoon; tomato-
undergraduate students, who were asked to judge pea). Four control subjects completed this task. Matched
whether or not an attribute was characteristic or impor- items resulted in 18 items in the animate and inanimate
tant in deªning that concept. From these judgments, categories, respectively.
three to six attributes that the largest number of subjects
agreed to be important in deªning the concept were
used. Matching trials consisted of each attribute paired Attributes Property Task 4b: Other Shared Attributes.
correctly with the corresponding object, and nonmatch- Seven attributes that are “shared” between animate and
ing trials consisted of attributes pseudorandomly as- inanimate objects were selected (big, small, number of
signed to other items. Matching of items resulted in 98 legs, surface texture, short, tall, color) and 12 items that
visual questions each for animals and objects and 57 had one of these features were paired with an item not
associative questions each for animals and objects. having this feature, resulting in 42 trials in the animate
condition and 42 trials in the inanimate object. Matched
Attribute Property Task 2: Food/Nonfood Animals. items resulted in 42 questions in the animal and object
Nine food animals (chicken, cow, crab, lobster, pig, rabbit, categories, respectively.
salmon, tuna, turkey) and nine nonfood animals were
selected (dog, horse, octopus, pigeon, raccoon, robin, Attributes Property Task 5: Visible and Not Visible
shark, turtle, whale) to serve as items in this task (food Attributes. Twenty animals were selected and two to
and nonfood animals were considered as such for her four pictures of these animals were developed. Each
generation). Six visual attributes and six associative/func- picture represented a different view of the animal such
tional attributes were determined for each item based on that only in one of the pictures showed the experimen-
information collected from normal undergraduates re- tally relevant visual attributes of the animal represented.
garding the attributes most associated with speciªc items For example, one picture of a horse might have all four
(from the task described above). Nonmatching items legs, a tail, and a mane, another picture of a horse might
were created by pseudorandomly assigning attributes to only be a side view of the head. Attribute questions were
other items. Five control subjects completed this task. developed for each animal picture that were either rep-
Matched items resulted in 41 questions each for food and resented in the picture or were not represented in the
nonfood animals in both the visual and associative cells, picture. This resulted in 95 attribute questions that were
respectively. answerable based on the information in the picture and
65 attribute questions that were not answerable based
Attribute Property Task 3: General/Speciªc Property on the information in the picture. Each animal was tested
Judgments. Sixty-ªve animals (15 each for birds, insects, only once in a session. E.W. was shown a picture of the
sea animals; 20 mammals) and 45 objects (15 each for animal (e.g., horse) and told, “This is a picture of a horse.
fruits, vegetables, buildings) were selected and were I’m going to ask you some questions about horses and
matched as best as possible on familiarity (not all items you can use the information in the picture to answer
had familiarity ratings because they are not all repre- them.” She was then questioned about attributes associ-
sented in the Snodgrass and Vanderwart set). Items ated with a horse (e.g., number of legs, tail, mane).

Caramazza and Shelton 27

Table 11. Attributes Included in Property Task

General Speciªc
Category Visual Functional Visual Functional
Mouth Breathe Feathers Lay eggs
Eyes Digest Fur Live in water
4 legs Live on land
Wings Fly

Fruit Skin Need water to grow Green Grow in Massachusetts

Need sun to grow Round Buy frozen
Red Buy canned
Oblong Grow on a vine

Vegetable End to cut off Need water to grow Green Grow in Massachusetts
Need sun to grow Round Buy frozen
Brown Buy canned
Oblong Grow under dirt

Building Large Protect from weather Porch Use for business

Roof Steeple Use for living
Brick Use for religion

Acknowledgments dowed with animal life.” In discussing the results on category-

speciªc deªcits we will initially use the terms living and non-
The work reported here was supported in part by grant living somewhat imprecisely. Thus, if we state that a subject
NS22201. We thank E.W. for her generous contribution to our has selective deªcit for the living category, we do not neces-
effort to understand the neural basis for the organization of sarily mean to imply that all subcategories of living things are
conceptual knowledge. We also thank Sushant Srinivasan and in fact impaired; it might have turned out, for example, that the
Nina Das for their help in testing control subjects and Upendra impairment concerned only animals. Similarly, the claim that a
Maddenini for help in developing testing materials. We are subject is disproportionately impaired with the living category
grateful to Michele Miozzo for many helpful discussions about does not imply necessarily that all subcategories of nonliving
category-speciªc deªcits and to Ed Smith and Marc Hauser for things are equally unimpaired. Unless otherwise indicated,
detailed and very helpful comments on an earlier version of living and nonliving are merely shorthand for predominantly
this article. Briefer versions of this paper were presented at a living and predominantly nonliving categories.
meeting of the British Neuropsychology Society (April 1997), In the cognitive neuroscience literature, category-speciªc
a workshop on the neuropsychology of language at the Uni- deªcits have typically been discussed in terms of the living/
versity of Michigan (May 1997), and colloquia at Brown Uni- nonliving distinction. In this report we will propose that a
versity (March 1997) and the Aphasia Research Center, Boston more accurate characterization of category-speciªc deªcits is
(April 1997). in terms of the animate/inanimate distinction, which grows
out of evolutionary considerations as well as developmental
Reprint requests should be sent to Alfonso Caramazza, Cogni- and neuropsychological data.
tive Neuropsychology Laboratory, Department of Psychology, 2. To be sure, there had been intimations of such a possibility
William James Hall, Harvard University, 33 Kirkland St., Cam- in the neurological literature since Nielsen’s (1946) brief report
bridge, MA 02138, or via e-mail: of two cases who showed disproportionate deªcits for living
and nonliving things, respectively. But these reports were
mostly anecdotal in their characterization of the supposedly
Notes selective deªcits. Other sporadic reports of category-speciªc
deªcits involving one or another conceptual category either
1. A terminological note: As used here, the category of living did not provide the detailed, quantitative analyses necessary to
things includes both animals and plants; the category of ani- clearly establish the phenomenon (e.g., Hécaen & Ajuriaguerra,
mate objects includes only animals. Warrington and Shallice 1956; Yamadori & Albert, 1973) or presented not-easily explica-
(1984) use the term inanimate synonymously with nonliving. ble dissociations (e.g., the selective sparing of the names of
We will restrict the use of inanimate to all objects outside of countries, McKenna & Warrington, 1978). Furthermore, al-
the animal world, in other words, to mean roughly “not en- though the selective deªcit of body-part names had already

28 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 10, Number 1

been clearly documented (e.g., Dennis, 1976; Selecki & Herron, principally on his ability to process pictured objects. And, in
1965; Weinstein, 1964), discussions of this deªcit did not spe- fact, the authors argue that Michelangelo’s deªcit may have
ciªcally focus on the possibility that the semantic system might been restricted to the processing of “structural descriptions”
be organized categorically. Instead, body-part naming deªcits for recognizing objects and not the semantic system itself.
were typically discussed in relation to disturbances of the Nevertheless, Michelangelo was not consistently better able to
“body image”—autotopagnosia (De Renzi & Scotti, 1970)—and, process visual as opposed to functional aspects of the mean-
consequently, may have been seen as a nontypical semantic ing of living things. For example, he was 100% correct in
domain. Thus, it wasn’t until Warrington and Shallice’s (1984) judging which of two animals was the larger one.
paper that a compelling empirical basis was provided for the 10. There are additional difªculties with this study that make
possibility that the semantic system might be organized cate- its interpretation highly problematic. To test whether the sub-
gorically. ject, L.A., had greater difªculty processing the visual or the
3. Over the past several years there have been a number of functional attributes of living category items, the authors used
reports of category-speciªc deªcits in patients with degenera- a naming-to-deªnition task. The deªnitions stressed either the
tive brain disease (see, for example, Gonnerman, Andersen, visual or the functional properties of an animal. However, the
Devlin, Kempler, & Seidenberg, 1997; Silveri, Daniele, Giustolisi, animals used in the visual-emphasis deªnitions were harder to
& Gainotti, 1991). However, most of these reports did not name than those used in the function-emphasis deªnitions, as
carefully control for various nuisance variables such as differ- indicated by L.A.’s performance in an independent naming task
ences in familiarity and visual complexity across semantic cate- (Exp. C). Thus, the alleged disproportionate difªculty with vis-
gories (see below). Furthermore, the results are not obtained ual as opposed to functional attributes of living things (Exp. D)
reliably, and whenever a category-like effect is obtained, it is cannot be meaningfully interpreted. Gainotti and Silveri (1996)
rather small by comparison to the effects obtained in the cases acknowledge this problem and report the results of new ex-
reviewed here. We will not discuss these reports. periments that are supposed to be free of interpretation
4. There has also been a different sort of reluctance against difªculties. These new results are discussed in the main text.
adopting the proposal that the semantic system might be or- 11. It should be noted that this pattern of performance—
ganized categorically. It has been voiced most clearly by Farah difªculty in processing only visual attributes of animals—is not
and her collaborators (Farah & McClelland, 1991; Farah et al., compatible with the Farah and McClelland (1991) version of
1996) and represents a basic tenet of associationistic accounts the SFT. This version of the theory predicts disproportionate
of cognition. They have argued that the adoption of the view difªculty for visual versus functional attributes but does not
that semantic knowledge is organized categorically in the brain predict complete sparing of functional judgments in the face
would represent “a signiªcant departure from everything else of severe naming difªculty for living things.
we know about brain organization, according to which subsys- 12. The point here is that K.R.’s performance is not explicable
tems are delineated by function or modality but not by seman- by assuming damage to the semantic system, because a conse-
tic content” (Farah et al., 1996; p. 143). Despite the baldness quence of such damage would presumably be the production
of this assertion, there is hardly any evidence that speaks of nonsystematic errors. The systematicity of the errors might
directly to the issue of how “semantic content” is represented suggest some type of “psychiatric” disturbance. None of this
in the brain. And, in fact, the authors do not provide any means that the case is less interesting. It does, however, raise
relevant citations to empirical evidence that would support the question of whether it is relevant to the issues under
their contention. We will discuss recent neuroimaging results consideration here.
that might be relevant to this issue later in the paper. 13. And even if one were to ignore these problems, there is
5. This does not imply that retrieval of nonvisual properties the additional difªculty that the SFT does not predict just
for living things would remain unaffected by damage to visual poorer performance in processing visual attributes for the
properties. On the contrary, damage to any deªnitionally im- living things category but also for the nonliving things category.
portant subset of the semantic properties of objects will affect This prediction clearly follows from the hypothesis that the
retrieval of other semantic properties. Thus, damage to the underlying cause of the category-speciªc deªcit is damage to
visual semantic subsystem is also expected to affect retrieval a visual semantic subsystem that is presumably shared by all
of the functional properties of living things but to a lesser concepts. Consequently damage to this subsystem should also
extent. See text below for more detailed discussion. disproportionately impair performance for visual attributes of
6. There are many other studies of category-speciªc deªcit nonliving concepts (though not to the same degree). However,
than are considered in this section of our paper. However, this interaction has not been systematically observed (e.g.,
because these studies did not explicitly mention the categories Gainotti & Silveri, 1996). Thus, it does not appear that the
under consideration here, we are unable to unambiguously investigation of differential performance for visual and func-
determine whether the relevant association/dissociation was tional attributes of concepts has produced a coherent pattern
obtained. For example, Basso et al. (1988), Farah et al. (1989, of results on which to base the SFT.
1991), Pietrini et al. (1988), Sartori and Job (1988) do not report 14. The two subjects studied in the Laiacona, Barbarotto, &
performance for foods. Capitani (1993) paper were trauma cases, raising the possibility
7. We consider later Farah and McClelland’s (1991) effort to that aetiology may play a role in determining whether or not
empirically support the (somewhat different) claim that the knowledge of visual and functional attributes are differentially
members of the categories of living and nonliving things de- impaired in subjects with category-speciªc deªcits. This possi-
pend differentially on visual and functional attributes for their bility is excluded by their more recent study (Laiacona et al.,
meanings. 1997) in which they report two new herpes simplex encepha-
8. In the literature on category-speciªc deªcits, the notion of litis cases with clear category-speciªc deªcits for living things
“functional” property is used synonymously with “nonsensory” but who, like the trauma cases, show equal levels of perfor-
property. For example, the typical habitat of an animal would mance for knowledge of visual and functional attributes.
be part of the functional properties of that animal. 15. Shallice (personal communication, April 1997) has also
9. Although the Sartori and Job (1988) are often cited as observed that J.B.R. was equally impaired in processing visual
showing an association of category- and modality-speciªc se- and functional attributes of living and nonliving things.
mantic deªcits, this attribution may be inaccurate. The investi- 16. The notion of modality-speciªc deªcit is multiply ambigu-
gation of subject Michelangelo by Sartori and Job focused ous. One sense of modality-speciªc refers to a selective deªcit

Caramazza and Shelton 29

of the modality of input or output; that is, the modality of concepts. Thus, for example, the attribute “has wings” (or “has
presentation of the stimulus or the modality used for produc- four legs,” “has texture X,” etc.), which may be claimed to be
tion of a response. In this sense, a modality-speciªc deªcit shared across animate and inanimate categories may, in fact,
might refer to a subject who, for example, is disproportionately correspond to different attribute concepts in the two semantic
impaired in processing auditorially presented stimuli. Another domains. That is, perhaps there is no abstract attribute “has
sense of modality-speciªc refers to the type of stimulus or wings” that is shared by, say, birds and airplanes; the attribute
response. In this sense, pictures and written words are different “has wings” in the domain of animals might be a different
modalities—visual and verbal, respectively—even though both concept altogether from the homonymous “has wings” in the
are presented visually. The third sense of modality-speciªc domain of vehicles.
refers to a type of knowledge. In this latter sense, modality 24. Farah and McClelland (1991) note that damage to the
refers to the type of properties of objects. Thus, for example, a visual semantic component of their network model also leads
distinction is drawn between the visual and functional (verbal) to some deªcit on functional questions. This result, too, is
attributes of objects. Researchers have not always been careful unsurprising given that the meaning of a word depends on the
to distinguish among these senses of modality-speciªc. Unless whole set of properties that deªne it.
otherwise indicated here, we will use this term to refer to a 25. We thank Martha Farah for making the deªnitions available
type of knowledge. to us.
17. The notion of “denseness” discussed here is to be distin- 26. We tested 16 subjects. Eight subjects were asked to under-
guished from the unrelated notion referring to the amount of line all sensory/perceptual descriptors and the other eight
information one has about a concept—we have lots of infor- subjects were asked to underline all nonsensory (functional/
mation about some things and only sparse knowledge about associative) descriptors for each deªnition of the set of words
others. The latter notion of denseness is also likely to ªgure used by Farah and McClelland (1991).
into the probability that a concept will be adversely affected 27. It is important to emphasize that if Farah and McClelland
by brain damage. And it may even play a role in the possibility (1991) had intended all along to restrict the term functional
that semantic deªcits may be categorical in nature, in the to precisely the sense of “having a function,” an equally serious
sense that categories for which we only have little knowledge criticism would be raised against the computer simulation. For
are more likely to be disproportionately affected by brain in this case the dichotomy sensory-functional would fail to
damage. capture the bulk of the nonsensory information we have about
18. It is important to note that the emphasis being placed here animals (as argued in the text above). And since functional
on domain-speciªc knowledge systems as the result of evolu- properties (in the strict sense) do not play a signiªcant role in
tionary adaptations is not necessarily at odds with the OUCH distinguishing among animals, the computer demonstration
and SFT hypotheses of category-speciªc deªcits. It may turn would have left out just the important nonsensory information
out that the two types of theories provide explanations of the we have about animals.
same phenomenon at different levels of analysis. We explore That the narrow sense of functional is not the sense in-
this possibility in the “Discussion” section. tended by proponents of the SFT is clearly indicated by the
19. Note that the claim is not that the only types of category- fact that in experiments in which they investigate the relative
speciªc deªcits that will be observed will involve the catego- loss of visual and “functional” properties, they have included
ries of animals, plants, and artifacts. Other category-speciªc properties such as carnivore, lives in the desert, etc. (see, for
types of deªcits may be observed, but these will have, by example, Farah et al., 1989). These properties are not functional
hypothesis, different causes from those for the major categories in the strict sense of “having a function.”
listed above. We return to this issue in the “Discussion” section. 28. That is, those category-speciªc deªcits that are not the
20. Once again, however, as we shall see in the text below, this result of uncontrolled factors such as familiarity, frequency,
account of category-speciªc deªcits does not preclude the complexity, or other idiosyncratic factors concerning the par-
possibility of selective deªcits restricted to particular modali- ticular histories of individuals with various categories of knowl-
ties of access, such as visual object recognition versus word edge.
comprehension. 29. There are reasons for being skeptical of Damasio et al.’s
21. E.W. was administered two other object decision tasks. In interpretation of the functional basis for their patients’ cate-
both tasks she performed very poorly with animals. On Test 10 gory-speciªc naming deªcits. They argue that the functional
of the BORB (Riddoch & Humphreys, 1993), she scored 70% locus of deªcit in their patients is at the level of lexical selec-
correct for animals versus 94% correct for nonanimals. On tion and not at the semantic level. They support this claim by
another test with 36 items, of which half were real animals and noting that they included for analysis only those naming fail-
the other half were unreal animals created by combining two ures for which it could be ascertained that the patient had
halves of different animals, she scored 72% correct. “correctly recognized” the to-be-named item. The criterion for
22. Although the terms general and speciªc attributes are recognition was that the patient either named the item cor-
related to the concepts of “deªning” and “characteristic” fea- rectly or provided an adequate description. Thus, they rea-
ture (Smith, Shoben, & Rips, 1974), we use these terms some- soned, if a patient shows disproportionate naming difªculty for
what more loosely to capture the fact that some properties are a particular semantic category, it could be concluded that this
much more likely to be shared by members of a category, difªculty must arise at a level of processing beyond the seman-
whereas others may be speciªc to one or only a few members tic level since the to-be-named items were presumably cor-
of a category. Furthermore, the general attributes may not rectly recognized. The authors identify this postsemantic stage
correspond to the technically important features (e.g., egg- of processing as the level at which lexical selection occurs.
laying, biped) of a category but to the perceptually and cultur- There are several problems with this conclusion.
ally salient ones. The authors do not report evidence that would allow in-
23. The notions of “shared” or “same” attributes across catego- ferences about the integrity of semantic processing in their
ries must not be given undue theoretical importance at this patients. Thus, for example, no data are reported on compre-
point. That is, by using these notions we do not wish to commit hension performance; the only data reported are those con-
ourselves to the view that meanings are built up from a set of cerning naming performance. This is unfortunate because to
semantic primitives that are shared across semantic domains. our knowledge all the cases of semantic category-speciªc
It may turn out that categories share very few if any attribute deªcit in the literature have been reported to have had a deªcit

30 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 10, Number 1

in semantic processing. This is certainly the case for patients ries. Such deªcits ought to be observed if there were categori-
with herpes simplex encephalitis, who have all been shown to cal specialization early in the object recognition system. Per-
have had both naming and comprehension category-speciªc haps a possible case demonstrating this is the patient reported
deªcits. And, presumably, this would also have been true for by Sartori and Job (1988).
the ªve cases of herpes simplex encephalitis included in the
sample of patients tested by Damasio et al. (1996) (who prob-
ably were disproportionately impaired in naming animals). In
other words, it seems that the criteria used by the authors for REFERENCES
establishing that the relevant feature of their patients’ naming Albert, M. S., Butters, N., & Levin, J. (1979). Temporal gradi-
performance is a deªcit restricted to mechanisms of lexical ents in the retrograde amnesia of patients with alcoholic
access (as opposed to semantic representations) may have Korsakoff’s disease. Archives of Neurology, 36, 211–
been inadequate. 216.
The latter problem is recognized by the authors, but they go Allport, D. A. (1985). Distributed memory, modular subsys-
on to argue: “Our scoring procedure ensures that the defects tems and dysphasia. In S. K. Newman & R. Epstein (Eds.),
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