sawant2019RT Crop

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Near Real Time Crop Loss Estimation using

Remote Sensing Observations

Suryakant Sawant Jayantrao Mohite Mariappan Sakkan Srinivasu Pappula
Tata Consultancy Services Tata Consultancy Services Tata Consultancy Services Tata Consultancy Services
TCS Innovation Labs TCS Innovation Labs TCS Innovation Labs TCS Innovation Labs
Mumbai, India Mumbai, India Chennai, India Hyderabad, India
Email: Email: Email: Email:

Abstract—Natural calamities triggered by erratic weather with human participatory sensing (i.e., field observations) has
conditions like cyclone, earthquakes, hail storms, and flood incurs the potential for near-real-time crop loss assessment.
substantial loss to the infrastructure and crops of the region. Index Terms—Crop Loss, Remote Sensing, Sentinel-1, Sentinel-
Countries across the globe are prone to such natural calamities. 2, Cyclone
In India, specifically coastal parts are vulnerable to tropical
cyclones. In 2018 east coast districts of Tamil Nadu and Andhra
Pradesh, India were affected by the three cyclones namely Titli I. BACKGROUND AND I NTRODUCTION
(11 Oct. 2018), Gaja (16 Nov. 2018) and Pethai (17 Dec. 2018)
causing severe damage to seasonal crops such as Rice, Coconut
With changing weather calamities like cyclone, earthquakes,
and Areca Nut plantations. Traditional survey-based methods of hail storms, and flood are occurring at a higher frequency. Such
crop loss assessment are time-consuming and labor-intensive. disasters incur a substantial loss to the society both directly in
This study addresses the problem of near-real-time qualitative terms of fatalities and in terms of damaging the critical infras-
crop loss assessment due to tropical Gaja cyclone using the tructure and crops of the region. Countries across the globe
temporal data from Sentinel 1 and 2 satellites. The crop damage are prone to such natural calamities. Particularly, peninsular
assessment study has been undertaken for Gaja cyclone in the India is prone to various extreme events such as cyclones,
affected district of Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India. The major
crops cultivated in the district are Kharif Rice (locally called as
flood, hailstorm, and drought. Indian agriculture is severely
Samba and Late Samba) and Coconut plantations. The study affected by such circumstances in the past. About 60% of
addresses qualitative loss assessment in terms of crop area the landmass is prone to earthquakes of various intensities;
affected. As a first step, we used time series data of Sentinel- over 40 million hectares is prone to floods; approximately
1 (VV and VH backscatter) available between Aug.-Nov. 2018 8% of the area is prone to cyclones, and 68% of the area is
to map the Kharif rice area. Also, cloud-free Sentinel 2 scenes
available during Mar.-May. 2018 have been used to map the
susceptible to drought. In the decade 1990-2000, about 4344
Coconut area. Field visits were conducted to collect the geo- People lost their lives, and 30 million people were affected
tagged plot boundaries for the rice crop and coconut plantations. by disasters every year. India’s long coastline of 7,516 km is
The data collected through field visits was used both for model exposed to nearly (10%) of the world’s Tropical cyclones. It
training and crop loss assessment. Google maps satellite layer was makes about 8% of the land in India vulnerable to cyclones [1].
used as a base map for identification of other non-crop classes
(i.e., forest, water, settlement, etc.). The overall accuracy of crop
In India, Tropical cyclones occur in the months of May-June
area classification was 87.23% for rice and 92.22% for coconut. and October-November. On an average, five to six tropical
Further, to estimate the crop loss, crop layers along with
cyclones form every year, of which two or three could be
the NDVI were considered. Two crop loss scenarios, namely severe. An analysis showed that during 1891 and 1990 on a
minimum damage and maximum damage, were identified for 50 km wide strip on the east coast, 262 cyclones occurred
both the crops. The mean NDVI composite before the event, i.e., (of which 92 were severe). In comparison, on the west coast
1-15 Nov. 2018 was considered as the base. In case of maximum 33 cyclones occurred, out of which 19 of these were severe.
loss scenario, short term NDVI composite available immediately
after the event, i.e., 17-25 Nov. 2018 was selected. After the
Most casualties occur due to coastal inundation by tidal waves
cyclone, long term NDVI composite of the mean (i.e., 17 Nov.- and storm surges. On the east coast, cyclones typically strike
13 Dec. 2018) was used to assess the minimum loss scenario. the states of West Bengal, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil
Using field observations, the crop loss was categorized as severe Nadu, along the Bay of Bengal [2].
loss, medium loss, low loss, and no loss. Results showed that the In 2018 east coast districts of Tamil Nadu and Andhra
coconut plantations in Pattukkottai, Peravurani, and Papanasam
blocks of Tanjavur are affected by the cyclone. The significant Pradesh, India were affected by the three cyclones namely
rice crop loss has been observed in Thanjavur, Orattanadu, Titli (11 Oct. 2018), Gaja (16 Nov. 2018) and Pethai (17
Pattukkottai blocks. We have found the remote sensing based Dec. 2018) causing severe damage to seasonal crops such as
crop loss observations are matching with the government reports Rice, Coconut and Areca nut plantations. There are various
based on field observations. The remote sensing observations ways to monitor and assess the cyclone and damage caused
978-1-7281-2116-1/19/$31.00 2019
by it. Earlier methods of manual surveys to assess the crop
damage are time-consuming and resource-intensive. Often
post-disaster much of the affected areas remain secluded,
thereby limiting the field visits for damage assessment. The
information on crop damage assessment is immediate ask of
the stakeholders from the public and private sector. The key
players are government, crop insurance agencies, agri-lending,
and agri-input suppliers. Remote Sensing in this context plays
an important role. Various Optical and SAR sensors onboard
satellite/drone platforms have been used in the past to monitor
and assess the crop damages caused by the extreme events [3]–
[8]. Boschetti M. [3] developed an approach for pro-active
assessment of crop status due to Typhoon Haiyan in Leyte,
Philippines using the data from SAR and MODIS sensors.
Reddy V.C. [5] developed a method to identify and quantify Fig. 1. Study Area
the damage to agricultural biomass caused by Hudhud cyclone
using pre and post event images of Landsat-8. Prabhakar M.
[6] demonstrated the use the IRS-LISS 4 data for hailstorm The Sentinel-1 mission comprises a constellation of two polar-
damage assessment. NDVI difference between pre and post orbiting satellites (Sentinel 1A and 1B), operating day and
hailstorm event was used as an indicator for damage assess- night performing C-band Synthetic Aperture RADAR (SAR)
ment. Hu T. [4] used the Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 observations imaging, enabling them to acquire imagery regardless of the
for vegetation damage assessment due to Hurricane Maria in weather aberration. The Sentinel-1A SAR instrument operates
Dominica and Puerto Rico. NDVI status of the current year at 5.405 GHz (C-band corresponding to a RADAR wavelength
after the event was compared with the previous two years and of about 5.6 cm), containing VH and VV polarizations with
used as a proxy for damage assessment. The main objective of the revisit cycle of 12 days and a spatial resolution of 5 m by
the study is near real-time crop damage assessment in cyclone 20 m in the range and azimuth directions, respectively [11].
hit region using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 observations. The It has an equivalent number of looks of five, and an image
study has been carried out in one of the Gaja cyclone affected resolution of 10 meter [12]. We have accessed the Sentinel-1A
districts from Tamil Nadu, India viz. Thanjavur during Samba and 1B backscatter images from Google Earth Engine (GEE)
2018 rice season. platform [13]. The GEE collection includes the S1 Ground
Range Detected (GRD) scenes, calibrated, and ortho-corrected
II. M ATERIALS AND M ETHODS using the Sentinel-1 Toolbox. Each scene is pre-processed
A. Study Area with Sentinel-1 toolbox for thermal noise removal, radiometric
The study has been carried out Thanjavur district of Tamil calibration, and terrain correction. The final terrain corrected
Nadu, India. The district lies in the East Coast of Tamil Nadu values are transformed to decibels (dB) via log scaling and
between and of the northern latitude and and of the Eastern quantized to 16 bits. In this study, we have used both VV and
longitude [9]. Its a first district of the Cauvery delta with 70 VH polarization. The S-1A and S-1B images available from
percent of the population is engaged in Agriculture and allied Aug. to Nov. 2018 were accessed from GEE datasets and used
activities for their livelihood. The district has a geographical for the analysis.
area of 3.39 lakh hectare (ha.) with a gross cropped area Sentinel-2 Observations: Sentinel-2 is an earth observa-
of around 2.69 lakh ha. [10] The major crops cultivated tion satellite launched by ESA under Copernicus Programme
in the district are Paddy, Coconut, Pulses, Gingelly, Cotton, satellite constellation which captures optical imagery at high
Groundnut and Sugarcane. The district is also called as Rice spatial resolution varying from 10 m to 60 m and has con-
Bowl of Tamil Nadu. Rice is cultivated in three seasons viz. tinuous coverage of earth every ten days with one satellite
Kuruvai, Samba, and Thaladi. The district is one of the largest and five days with two satellites [11]. The data can be used
producers of Coconut and other major horticulture crops are for various applications such as Land Monitoring studies,
Mango, Banana, and Guava [9]. including the monitoring of vegetation, soil and water cover,
as well as observation of inland waterways and coastal areas
B. Datasets used in the study [13]. Sentinel-2 images are processed to Level-1C, which
The proposed methodology for near-real-time crop loss are orthorectified, map-projected images containing top-of-
assessment is based on remote sensing observations from atmosphere reflectance data. We derived NDVI time series
Sentinel 1 and 2 satellites. The field observations on crop from the early season cloud free Sentinel-2 scenes for coconut
damage severity is collected using the application on the area mapping and crop loss assessment.
smartphone device. This section explains the data sources and Field Observations: We have designed and developed an
pre-processing followed in the proposed methodology. in-house rural participatory sensing based Android mobile
Sentinel-1 Observations: The ESA launched the Sentinel-1 application for field data collection [14]. The plot details
satellite under Copernicus Programme satellite constellation. include the geotagged field boundary of the plot. The crop reg-
istration includes the capturing of crop type, variety, method
of cultivation (direct sowing or transplanting) and yield. The
field observations on rice, coconut and other crops also include
the extent of damage caused by the cyclone. Total crop loss
and severity observations for 200 rice and an equal number of
coconut plots were collected using the same application. The
plot boundaries for other land-use classes such as settlements,
waterbodies, forest, bare soil, etc. was created using Google
Earth Engine (GEE) platform.
A. Crop Area Mapping
Rice Area Mapping: The rice area map derived using
operational in-season rice area mapping framework proposed
in our prior work is used in this study [15]. The temporal
rice area maps generated using Sentinel-1 (VV and VH
backscatter) are available between mid-Jun. to Sept. 2018 at
a frequency of 12 days with an overall accuracy of 87.00%.
The main rice cropping season which was affected due to the
cyclone was Samba and Late Samba. The rice area map after
peak crop growth, i.e., Nov. 2018 is used in this study. Fig. 2. Near Real Time Crop Loss Estimation Framework
Coconut Area Mapping: Coconut is a perennial crop, and
hence mapping of the coconut areas can be carried out using
the images available throughout the year. The cloudy weather IV. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONS
during a tropical cyclone obstructs the view of the optical
satellite, and it’s hard to get cloud-free scenes. Therefore, we A. Rice and Coconut Area Mapping
have used the cloud free scenes of Sentinel-2 satellite from
Mar.-May 2018 to map coconut plantations. The rice area is estimated using time series of Sentinel-1
available from Aug.-Nov. 2018. We have used a total of 9
B. Crop Loss Assessment images (features used: 9 VV+9VH+slope in %) as input to
We have considered the rice and coconut crop area layers a random forest classifier. The classifier was tested on the
along with the time series of NDVI for crop loss assessment. independent test dataset with the overall accuracy of 87.23 %.
Two crop loss scenarios, namely minimum and maximum Figure 3(A) shows the distribution of rice area in Thanjavur
damage, were identified for both the crops. The mean NDVI district, Tamil Nadu during Samba and Late Samba rice
composite before the event, i.e., 1-15 Nov. 2018 was con- season.
sidered as the base. The maximum crop damage scenario Further, we have carried out Coconut area mapping using
considers a shorter time series of observations that represent Sentinel-2 observations. Total 7 NDVI images available be-
an immediate drop in the crop NDVI soon after the cyclone. tween Mar.-May 2018 were used as feature set for random
Therefore, the short term NDVI composite available immedi- forest classifier. The field observations dataset was divided for
ately after the event, i.e., 17-25 Nov. 2018, was selected. The training and testing in the ratio of 70 % and 30 %, respectively.
vegetation such as plantation and few other annual crops like Results showed the average overall accuracy of 92.22% on the
sugarcane regain vegetation state after a certain time lag. To test dataset. Figure 4(A) shows the extent of coconut area in
consider such behavior of the vegetation, after the cyclone, Thanjavur district, Tamil Nadu in 2018.
long term NDVI composite of the mean (i.e., 17 Nov.-13 Dec.
2018) was used to assess the minimum loss scenario. The field B. Rice and Coconut Loss Assessment
observations collected using human participatory sensing were
used for categorizing the crop loss. The categories such as The crop loss assessment was estimated using the Sentinel
severe loss, medium loss, low loss, and no loss were identified 2 based NDVI composites of pre and post-cyclone. Figure
and mapped against the NDVI values, and final crop loss maps 3(B) and (C) shows the maximum and minimum loss to the
were generated. rice crop. The significant rice crop loss has been observed in
Overall Framework: Figure 2 shows the overall frame- Thanjavur, Orattanadu, Pattukkottai blocks of Tanjavur district.
work for near real-time qualitative crop loss assessment. As Figure 4(B) and (C) shows maximum and minimum loss to the
discussed in previous sections, we have two level approach, coconut plantations. Results showed that the severely affected
wherein the first level includes the mapping of crop areas and coconut plantations are from Pattukkottai, Peravurani, and
the second level involves loss assessment using crop layers Papanasam blocks of Tanjavur district. These observations are
and NDVI information available pre and post-event. in line with government reports.
Fig. 3. Rice Area and Loss Assessment Maps for the Study Area

Fig. 4. Coconut Area and Loss Assessment Maps for the Study Area

V. S UMMARY AND C ONCLUSIONS was used for loss assessment. Results showed the crop classifi-
cation accuracies of 87.23% and 92.22% for rice and coconut,
Quick and timely crop loss assessment is crucial for pub- respectively. We compared the performance of our loss assess-
lic and private stakeholders from the decision and policy- ment approach with the data available from the government
making standpoint. Traditional methods based on field survey at a block level regarding Gaja affected areas. Reasonably
are constrained by the time, human resources required, and good agreement was found between the regions estimated, and
accessibility to the affected areas. The time series of satellite the government reports. However, we are working towards
based optical and SAR observations are very effective and strengthening the proposed methodology for various crops
cover large extent with good precision. This study proposed (Wheat, Jowar, Cotton, etc.) and natural calamities like flood,
a methodology for near real-time crop loss assessment using hail-storm, etc.
remote sensing observations. The methodology is evaluated R EFERENCES
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