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Solid waste management continues to be a major challenge in urban areas

throughout the world particularly in the rapidly growing cities of the developing world. A
high rate of population growth and increasing capital income have resulted in the
generation of an enormous volume of solid waste, which poses a serious threat to
environmental quality and human health. Being responsible in managing those solid
wastes is a great help to achieve a clean surroundings. As long as people have been living
in settlements and residential areas, garbage or solid waste has been an issue.

Solid waste refers to the range of garbage arising from animal and human
activities that are discarded as unwanted and useless. Solid waste is generated from
industrial, residential and commercial activities in a given area, and may be handled in a
variety of ways. As such, landfills are typically classified as sanitary, municipal and
industrial waste sites. Waste can be categorized based on material, such as plastic, paper,
glass, metal, and organic waste. Regardless of the origin, content or hazard potential,
solid waste must be managed systematically to ensure environmental best practices.
(https:/// Waste
can also found in houses and even industrial sites. It should be put in a proper place.

Solid waste management is all the activities and actions required to manage
waste from its inception to its final disposal. This includes amongst other things,
collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste together with monitoring and
regulation. It also encompasses the legal and regulatory framework that relates to waste
management encompassing guidance on recycling etc.The term normally relates to all
kinds of waste, whether generated during the the processing of raw materials into
intermediate and final products, the consumption of final products, or other human
activities, including municipal (residential, institutional, commercial), agricultural, and
management is intended to reduce adverse effects of waste on health, the environment or

Solid-waste management is collecting, treating, and disposing of solid material

that is discarded because it has served its purpose or is no longer useful. Improper
disposal of municipal solid waste can create unsanitary conditions, and these conditions
in turn can lead to pollution of the environment and to outbreaks of vector-borne disease
—that is, diseases spread by rodents and insects. The tasks of solid-waste management
present complex technical challenges. They also pose a wide variety of administrative,
economic, and social problems that must be managed and solved.
( waste
management in other words it is a process of managing or segregating trashes to have a
clean environment.

The ways of an effective solid waste management includes reducing, reusing and
recycling of waste. Reduce,the most preferred approach is not to create waste to avoid
over consumption of goods and services, using eco-friendly products and saving energy.
It also includes source reduction by reducing the inputs that go in the production process,

production of durable goods, energy conservation and use of eco-friendly technology.
Reuse is another useful approach to reduce waste. This includes reusing packaging
systems which can help in reducing disposable waste. Reuse also includes using second
hand products. Recycling: In this process, the used products are recycled into raw
materials that can be used in the production of new products. This also avoids the
consumption of new raw materials.(
management-speech/amp/)The easier waste management method would be to bring down
the formation of waste materials. Recycling of the products provides raw materials that
are energy efficient, cost effective and less polluting.

The world has achieved significant success in providing other basic necessities
like food, drinking water, energy and economic opportunities. Managing solid wastes
properly can help improve the above services further. Composting organic waste can help
nurture crops and result in a better agricultural yield
( Reducing landfilling and building sanitary landfills
will reduce ground and surface water pollution which can help provide cleaner drinking

Waste management, recycling and collection is a great way that can help
conserve our planet’s natural beauty which can be flawed by thoughtless disposal of
waste, fly-tipping and senseless littering. Landscapes can be ruined through littering and
places of tourist interest can lose their attraction; it is also blight for those who live in
areas where waste collection and recycling is not managed effectively and responsibly.
Natural beauty is a legacy and a right for future generations and conserving it, as well as
our natural resources, for their benefit is our responsibility today.
( emerging solid waste management can have
a big impact into the society especially when it comes to a health of every individual.
Having proper waste disposal can make our environment clean and green.

According to Sandeep Chatterjee, Professional Advisor of Solid waste
management, in the modern world burying all of our rubbish is not a sustainable solution.
While primitive humans produced very little waste, and that which was produced would
biodegrade quickly, modern humans produce much larger amounts of waste, much of
which is not biodegradable. Additionally, many types of waste may be damaging to the
soil, ground water and surrounding habitat. The most important reason for waste
collection is the protection of the environment and the health of the population. .Waste
can't be treated in a same way or same place. It have to be segregated. In addition,
recycling not only helps in conserving natural resources but also reduces the problems
particularly in health. Waste management is significant to the lives of people.

There are more cities become industrialized, the congenital problem of waste
management comes along with it. Technological and economic advancement has made
the types and kinds of Solid waste very diverse and their management much more
complex. The complex nature of disease outbreaks; cases of cholera as well as other
diarrheal diseases in recent times corroborate this fact. Furthermore, the changing
economic trends and rapid urbanization complicate solid waste management (SWM) in
developing countries. ( In connection with this, disposing properly
and managing those waste is a great way to lessen the problem. Health and safety issues
arise from improper.

Waste that is not properly managed, especially excreta and other liquid and
solid waste from households and the community, are a serious health hazard and lead to
the spread of infectious diseases. Unattended waste lying around attracts flies, rats, and
other creatures that in turn spread disease. This leads to unhygienic conditions and
thereby to a rise in the health problems. Plastic waste is another cause for ill health. Thus
excessive solid waste that is generated should be controlled by taking certain preventive

measures. ( In addition, having a poor waste management can
really affect the environment and even the health of every individual. It also causes

Waste management can be done poorly, in a way that harms the environment,
or it can be taken care of in a manner that makes the Earth cleaner and healthier. When
your waste removal company uses eco-friendly waste disposal services, you're doing our
beautiful planet a big favor. When done properly, waste management and recycling can
eliminate waste and minimize the intensity of greenhouse gases Managing Wastes is a
great help to preserve Mother Nature from destruction.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers aims to identify and provide information if which of the two
Barangay between Brgy. Dakit and Brgy. Kalubihan has effective way of Managing
Solid Waste. This research aims to answer the research questions. The following are the
researcher’s questions that need to be answered after conducting the research study

1. What is Solid Waste Management?

2. What is the significance of Solid Waste Management?

3. What are the ways in managing Solid Waste?

4. How does Solid Ways Management affects people’s daily life?

5. What are the actions of the barangay officialsin the two barangay to have an
effective solid waste management?

6. What are the possible recommendations of this study?

Significance of the Study

This study will bring help to know which of the two Barangay between Brgy.
Dakit and Brgy. Kalubihan has effective way of Managing Solid Waste It also helps to
identify the techniques. This study is important specifically for the resident, Brgy.
Councilors, Brgy. Captain and community for them to know if which of the two
Barangay has an effective solid waste management.

RESIDENTS: They are the focus of this study since they are the individual who will start
managing their own waste. The resident will be able to know how to
manage their waste properly. They will able to know how solid waste
management affects their lives.

BRGY. COUNCILORS: This study is important since they are part who will create the
decision in their barangay. Through Barangay Councilors, the right way in
managing solid waste will be implemented. This will also help because they
can perform actions about managing their waste properly.

BRGY. CAPTAIN: This study is important since he/she is the one who give the task to
the Councilors. Through Brgy. Captain, he/she can easily implement the
Proper way of Managing Waste. This will also help because they can
manipulate the Brgy. Councilors, in terms of managing the waste properly.

COMMUNITY: This study will bring new ideas and information about solid waste
management. This will help our community to fully understand solid waste

management and right way to manage waste. It will also help our community
to know about the strategies in managing wastes.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS: The researchers of this research would like to share our
knowledge to the future researchers. This study will help the future
researchers as the source of data suitable for the related topic. This study
will help as the basis of reference.

Scope and Delimitation

This research study covers two Barangay in the Municipality of Barili specifically
Brgy. Dakit and Brgy. Kalubihan. There are 150 respondents each Barangay regardless of
their gender and religion. The said respondents ages 15-60 years old.

Review of Related Literature

The growth of the world’s population, increasing urbanization, rising standards of

living, and rapid developments in technology have all contributed to an increase in both
the amount and the variety of solid wastes generated by industrial, domestic and other
activities. Improper disposal of solid waste has become increasingly common place.
People create a lot of trash every day. Solid waste management refers to the supervised
handling of waste material from generation at the source through the recovery processes
to disposal. Being responsible in managing those solid wastes is a great help to achieve a
clean surroundings.

Solid waste refers to the range of garbage arising from animal and human
activities that are discarded as unwanted and useless. Solid waste is generated from
industrial, residential and commercial activities in a given area, and may be handled in a
variety of ways. As such, landfills are typically classified as sanitary, municipal,
construction and demolition or industrial waste sites. Waste can be categorized based on
material, such as plastic, paper, glass, metal, and organic waste. Categories may also
pertain to the origin of waste, such as industrial, domestic, commercial, institutional or
construction and demolition. Regardless of the origin, content or hazard potential, solid
waste must be managed systematically to ensure environmental best practices. As solid
waste management is a critical aspect of environmental hygiene, it needs to be
incorporated into environmental planning. (https:///
introduction-to-solid-waste-management) In addition, waste can also found in houses and
even industrial sites. It should be put in a proper place. Categorization may also be based
on hazard potential, including radioactive, flammable, infectious, toxic, or non-toxic.

Managing Solid Waste is used to refer to the process of collecting and treating
solid wastes. It also offers solutions for recycling items that do not belong to garbage or
trash. As long as people have been living in settlements and residential areas, garbage or
solid waste has been an issue. Waste management is all about how solid waste can be
changed and used as a valuable resource. Solid waste management should be embraced
by each and every household including the different Barangay nation-wide and also those
business sectors. In connection with this, industrialization has brought a lot of good
things and bad things as well. One of the negative effects of industrialization is the
creation of solid waste. Solid waste is important in all aspect be it in health and

Solid-waste management is collecting, treating, and disposing of solid material

that is discarded because it has served its purpose or is no longer useful. Improper
disposal of municipal solid waste can create unsanitary conditions, and these conditions
in turn can lead to pollution of the environment and to outbreaks of vector-borne disease
—that is, diseases spread by rodents and insects. The tasks of solid-waste management
present complex technical challenges. They also pose a wide variety of administrative,
economic, and social problems that must be managed and solved.
( waste
management in other words it is a process of managing or segregating trashes in a proper
place and to have a clean environment.

Waste management, recycling and collection is a great way that can help conserve
our planet’s natural beauty which can be flawed by thoughtless disposal of waste, fly-
tipping and senseless littering. Landscapes can be ruined through littering and places of
tourist interest can lose their attraction; it is also blight for those who live in areas where
waste collection and recycling is not managed effectively and responsibly. Natural beauty

is a legacy and a right for future generations and conserving it, as well as our natural
resources, for their benefit is our responsibility today.
( emerging solid waste management
can have a big impact into the society especially when it comes to a health of every
individual. Having proper waste disposal can make our environment clean and green.

Waste management is all the activities and actions required to manage waste
from its inception to its final disposal. This includes amongst other things, collection,
transport, treatment and disposal of waste together with monitoring and regulation. It also
encompasses the legal and regulatory framework that relates to waste management
encompassing guidance on recycling etc. The term normally relates to all kinds of waste,
whether generated during the extraction of raw materials, the processing of raw materials
into intermediate and final products, the consumption of final products, or other human
activities, including municipal (residential, institutional, commercial), agricultural, and
social (health care, household hazardous wastes, sewage sludge).
( Waste management is
intended to reduce adverse effects of waste on health, the environment or aesthetics. It
lessen the case of having diseases.

Here are some tips to have an effective solid waste management and reduce
overall waste and help the environment.
•Recycle Waste
Depending on waste removal company, you may be able to separate recyclable waste
from other waste and save money because of it. Glass, aluminum, tin, and paper are all
items that can be easily recycled. Certain types of plastic can also be recycled depending
on the programs available in your community.

•Make a Compost Heap
Compost pile can provide you with fertile soil for a garden, which you can use to grow
food and further reduce your dependence on grocery stores while saving money. Then
you won’t have to worry about yard waste removal.
•Use a Roll-Off Container
If you have a large amount of garbage from a remodel or for some other reason, you may
want to consider getting a roll-off container from solid waste management. Once you get
rid of the large junk, you can work on the other skills that are necessary for reducing,
reusing, and recycling to help lower your impact on the your wallet, your neighborhood
and the planet. (
Solid-Waste-Management-Plan.html). It can provide y with all the space that you need
and may be easier and cheaper than relying on your regular waste disposal methods.

Landfill is one of the most popular and favored approaches. In the process of
landfill the process buries the waste in the land, but still there is a lot more to it. In
relation to right landfill management, it is important to deal with the entire waste first and
send only the waste that is not possible to compost and recycle. Composting is waste
management process turns waste into organic compounds that you can use to feed plants.
In terms of the environment advantages this is actually beneficial technique. Recycling is
by understanding what you can recycle and how you can recover valuable resources, you
can be a very best part of helping the country to attain a positive environmental future.
There are plenty of important things that you should know about waste management and
disposal in in order to ensure that you are safe, as well as that you are keeping the
environment safe. It can give a positive impact to the environment. It can help the
community safe as well.

The ways of an effective solid waste management includes reducing, reusing and
recycling of waste. Reduce: The most preferred approach is not to create waste i.e. to
avoid over consumption of goods and services, using eco-friendly products and saving
energy. It also includes source reduction by reducing the inputs that go in the production
process, production of durable goods, energy conservation and use of eco-friendly
technology, hybrid transport, etc. Reuse is another useful approach to reduce waste. This
includes reusing packaging systems which can help in reducing disposable waste. Reuse
also includes using second hand products. Recycling: In this process, the used products
are recycled into raw materials that can be used in the production of new products.
Recycling of the products provides raw materials that are energy efficient, cost effective
and less polluting. This also avoids the consumption of new raw materials.
( The easier
waste management method would be to bring down the formation of waste materials.
This way it can control the quantity of waste thrown in the landfills. The most favorable
in the waste hierarchy is to reduce i.e. to avoid the consumption and source reduction
followed by reuse and recycle. product.

Then composting is yet again a hassle-free and natural bio-degradation based

process which makes use of organic waste, i.e. kitchen waste and remains of garden or
plants and transforms it into nutrient-rich food for your plants. It is one of the excellent
methods of waste disposal where it can transform unsafe organic items into safe compost.
Composting is one of the best way to change the surroundings from dirty to clean.

Mankind has made all the necessary inventions which were required to make our
lives easier. The lives which we lead now, could not have been made any more simpler.
Everything is available to us at our fingertips. There are various categories into which
waste can be classified. Solid waste is the unwanted or useless solid materials generated
from combined residential, industrial and commercial activities in a given area. It may be
categorised according to its origin (domestic, industrial, commercial, construction or

institutional); according to its contents (organic material, glass, metal, plastic paper etc);
or according to hazard potential (toxic, non-toxic, flammable, radioactive, infectious etc.
( Solid waste can be destructive to community if it is not
thrown properly. It can ruin the surroundings.

Waste disposal has emerged into an industry and is more than just removing
waste. The organic waste is segregated from non-recyclable and inorganic waste. This
has allowed cities to make use of organic waste to create compost for public areas. There
are even some cities that package and sell the compost to make money. These items can
be reprocessed and recycled and will be used in producing new products. This method
has helped reduce further consumption of natural resources and at the same time lowers
the ultimate needs for waste disposal. (
waste-management-leon-hayes). This method is very useful in order to have a clean and
safe place for people.

Proper disposal of waste or waste management relocates waste to areas where

they can be left, incinerated or disposed of in a safe manner. Removing waste from public
areas helps reduce risks to overall health, decreases exposure to biohazards and reduces
infestation of pest. The generation of waste and the collection, processing, transport and
disposal of waste—the process of ‘waste management’—is important for both the health
of the public and aesthetic and environmental reasons. In addition, having a proper
disposal of waste can have a positive imoact to the environment. It also removes waste
from public areas.

Using proper waste management and waste disposal strategies can also help
governmental organizations. Oftentimes, these organizations spend significant amounts
of resources on incineration systems, which simply use up energy without significant
gain. Now, technologies have been crafted that help to capture the energy used by these
industrial incinerators, allowing cities to generate electricity through the incineration
process. It’s a commitment to effective waste disposal that is helping power properties
and preserve costs. Proper waste disposal can help preserve our natural environment, and
ensure a healthy ecosystem for the long-term future (
importance-of-proper-waste-disposal/).In connection with this, it is effective when people
use the strategies in waste management. The environment and people can benefit this

When you dump waste in landfills, it will start emitting gases when it begins to
rot. You would be familiar with a foul smell that is usually found near landfills. These
gases pollute the environment and attract insects, flies and bugs. When you recycle the
waste instead of sending it to the landfills, you are directly reducing the pollution that
occurs as a result of landfill. Further, recycling various products leads to less carbon
emissions, reducing the carbon footprint that product.
Using the method of recycling leads to less pollution of water,land and even in the air.

The most important reason for waste collection is the protection of the
environment and the health of the population. Rubbish and waste can cause air and water
pollution. Rotting garbage is also known to produce harmful gases that mix with the air
and can cause breathing problems in people items which can be recycled are re-processed
and used to create new products. This method reduces the consumption of natural
resources and lowers the ultimate waste disposal needs. That is waste disposal which

helps us to keep the environment clean and that’s why it is important to always dispose
your waste properly.

The most important reason for proper waste management is to protect the
environment and for the health and safety of the population. The purpose of the Solid
Waste Management Program is to ensure solid waste is managed in such a way that
protects both public health and the environment. The health of people is safe when using
the solid waste management. It also protect Mother Earth.

When recycling the waste instead of throwing it in the garbage, it helps

community and Mother Earth. Skip the Landfill – Most people don’t want to create more
landfills. By recycling, you send less material to the landfill which means it won’t fill up
as fast. That same landfill will remain useful for years longer. This is important in urban
centers where landfill space is scarce but just as important across the country.Use the
Resources Wisely – Recycling prevents the depletion of earth’s resources. Paper made
with no recycled content uses wood pulp by cutting trees. Recycled paper means fewer
trees are cut down. Recycled aluminum means less need for aluminum mining. Materials
such as glass bottles and steel cans can be recycled many times over. Simply put,
recycling makes sense. People can see that recycling impacts you locally and impacts
some of our major global challenges. (
These ways can lead to a better and safe community for peope living in different places.
Simple way to create a healthy life.

The benefits of proper garbage disposal are keeps the environment clean and fresh.
Perhaps, the greatest advantage of waste management is keeping the environment fresh
and neat. These waste disposal units also make the people go disease free as all the
resultant wastes are properly disposed and taken care of. Saves the earth and conserves
energy. This characteristic of waste management includes specifically the recycling
aspect. As recycling of waste helps in reducing the cutting down of trees. By using this

method, we can use the recycled waste to make quality papers rather than relying on
trees. Also, recycling needs only a minimal amount of energy for utilization and complete
processing. The resultant product we obtain is a renewable source of energy and is eco-
friendly. Reduces environmental pollution. The depth of the existing landfills and
incinerations will be curbed, thereby cutting down the harmful factors that affect the
environment. (
management/).Also, the amount of fossil fuels will get reduced in this manner, leading to
a cleaner and a greener environment.

According to Sandeep Chatterjee, Professional Advisor of Solid Waste

Management, in the modern world burying all of our rubbish is not a sustainable solution.
While primitive humans produced very little waste, and that which was produced would
biodegrade quickly, modern humans produce much larger amounts of waste, much of
which is not biodegradable. Additionally, many types of waste may be damaging to the
soil, ground water and surrounding habitat. The most important reason for waste
collection is the protection of the environment and the health of the population. Waste
collection companies also sort the garbage into recyclable columns, as recycling the
products that leave our homes is of utmost importance. Recycling not only helps in
conserving our natural resources but also reduces the cost of production of many
products. Collection of waste, am waste can't be treated in a same way or same place. It
have to be segregated. In addition, this is the main and most important step of waste
management. Without proper segregation, no waste management plan can actually work.
Once the waste are segregated, different type of waste are taken to different unit for
disposal or recycling.

The world has achieved significant success in providing other basic necessities
like food, drinking water, energy and economic opportunities. Managing solid wastes

properly can help improve the above services further. Composting organic waste can help
nurture crops and result in a better agricultural yield. Reducing landfilling and building
sanitary landfills will reduce ground and surface water pollution which can help provide
cleaner drinking water ( It leads to a clean place and
safe area. It reduces the water pollution

Waste management, recycling and collection is a great way that can help
conserve our planet’s natural beauty which can be flawed by thoughtless disposal of
waste, fly-tipping and senseless littering. Landscapes can be ruined through littering and
places of tourist interest can lose their attraction; it is also blight for those who live in
areas where waste collection and recycling is not managed effectively and responsibly.
Natural beauty is a legacy and a right for future generations and conserving it, as well as
our natural resources, for their benefit is our responsibility today.
( emerging solid waste management, It can
have a big impact into the society especially when it comes to a health of every individual

When you segregate waste into two basic streams like organic (degradable)
and inorganic (non-biodegradable), the waste generated is better understood and
consequently recycled and reused with higher potential for recovery. Waste pickers
typically use inorganic waste and segregate waste further into paper, metal, plastic and
then sell them to earn a livelihood. These waste streams get collated through the informal
‘eco-system’ of waste bankers and waste traders who become ‘material suppliers’ to the
formal manufacturing sector. As a result, you see products being made out of recycled
plastic, metals getting reused for product-making and waste paper getting mashed into
pulp to make recycled paper.(

waste-segregation-a-habit-and-not-an-obligation/). Sometimes what people need is came
from a recycled materials.

Some countries have achieved considerable success in solid waste management.

But the rest of the world is grappling to deal with its wastes. In these places, improper
management of solid waste continues to impact public health of entire communities and
cities; pollute local water, air and land resources; contribute to climate change and ocean
plastic pollution; hinder climate change adaptation; and accelerate depletion of forests
and mines. Compared to solid waste management, we can consider that the world has
achieved significant success in providing other basic necessities like food, drinking
water, energy and economic opportunities. Managing solid wastes properly can help
improve the above services further. Composting organic waste can help nurture crops and
result in a better agricultural yield. Reducing landfilling and building sanitary landfills
will reduce ground and surface water pollution which can help provide cleaner drinking
water ( Comporting and reducing landfilling can lead
to a better place where people are safe from sickness.

There are more cities become industrialized, the congenital problem of waste
management comes along with it. Technological and economic advancement has made
the types and kinds of Solid Waste very diverse and their management much more
complex. The complex nature of disease outbreaks; cases of cholera as well as other
diarrheal diseases in recent times corroborate this fact. Furthermore, the changing
economic trends and rapid urbanization complicate solid waste management (SWM) in
developing countries. Consequently, solid waste is not only increasing in composition but
also changing in quantity from a few kilograms to tonnage proportions recently.
( In connection, disposing properly and managing those waste is a

great way to lessen the problem.

Waste that is not properly managed, especially excreta and other liquid and
solid waste from households and the community, are a serious health hazard and lead to
the spread of infectious diseases. Unattended waste lying around attracts flies, rats, and
other creatures that in turn spread disease. Normally it is the wet waste that decomposes
and releases a bad odor. This leads to unhygienic conditions and thereby to a rise in the
health problems. The plague outbreak in Seurat is a good example of a city suffering due
to the callous attitude of the local body in maintaining cleanliness in the city.
( Plastic waste is another cause for ill health. Thus
excessive solid waste that is generated should be controlled by taking certain preventive

Improper disposal and management causes all types of pollution: air, soil, and
water. Indiscriminate dumping of wastes contaminates surface and ground water supplies.
In urban areas, clogs drains, creating stagnant water for insect breeding and floods during
rainy seasons. Uncontrolled burning of and improper incineration contributes
significantly to urban air pollution. Health and safety issues also arise from improper .
Insect and rodent vectors are attracted to the waste and can spread diseases such as
cholera and dengue fever. Using water polluted by for bathing, food irrigation and
drinking water can also expose individuals to disease organisms and other contaminants.
( Exhaust fumes from waste collection vehicles, dust
stemming from disposal practices and the open burning of waste also contribute to
overall health problems .People know that poor sanitation affects their health.

Soil, water and air pollution can all be a result of improper waste disposal and
occurs when either of them becomes contaminated with hazardous materials. Apart from
this improper waste disposal can also have adverse health effects on humans as over the
years it has been responsible for causing several diseases and in some cases even
death.For instance when water is contaminated with foreign substances, like harmful
pathogens, toxic chemicals or medical waste its chemical composition changes making it
harmful to use. . (
waste-disposal-has-dangerous-effects/) Diseases like Cholera, Dysentery and
leptospirosis are known to be spread through contaminated water and can cause serious
health epidemics in a population. Another example of the dangerous effects of improper
waste disposal is soil contamination.

Uncollected solid waste blocks drains, and causes flooding and subsequent
spread of water- borne diseases. Solid waste that is not properly disposed of, especially
excreta and other refuse from households and the community, are a serious health hazard
and which can lead to the spread of infectious diseases. Unattended waste lying around
attracts flies, rats, and other creatures that in turn spread disease. This leads to unhygienic
conditions and thereby leading to a rise in the health problems. Other high-risk group
includes population living close to a waste dump and those whose water supply gets
contaminated. Uncollected solid waste also increases risk of injury and infection.
2165-784X-1000202.php?aid=67082) Solid waste from public areas can cause flooding
and lpcan leads to harmful effects to people.

According to the Theory of waste production and recycling management, the
management of solid waste has become an urgent problem. Product responsibility means
that a product will accompany its producer from cradle to grave; prevention, recycling
and disposal of waste are part of a theory of the firm which we develop under solid
residual management. We assume that the government stimulates firms to enhance
recycling of resources by a fee on waste. A comparative statics analysis shows the impact
of a fee on waste reduction, on the structure of the production process, on recycling, on
input demand, material saving effort, number of firms, and on the amount of waste

Solid waste management is not just a corporate social responsibility or a non-

priority service anymore. Improper waste management is a public health and
environmental crisis, economic loss, operational inefficiency and political and public
awareness failure. Integrated solid waste management can be a nation building exercise
for healthier and wealthier communities. Therefore, it needs global attention to arrive at
solutions which span across such a wide range of issues (
Having a solid waste management doesn’t only help a country or a particular Barangay to
maintain clean surroundings, but it can also build a relationship to all the citizen in a
particular place.

The Theory of Waste Management is a unified body of knowledge about waste

and waste management, and it is founded on the expectation that waste management is to
prevent waste to cause harm to human health and the environment and promote resource
use optimization. Waste Management Theory is to be constructed under the paradigm of
Industrial Ecology as Industrial Ecology is equally adaptable to incorporate waste
minimization and/or resource use optimization goals and values.

Waste management can be done poorly, in a way that harms the environment, or
it can be taken care of in a manner that makes the Earth cleaner and healthier. When your
waste removal company uses eco-friendly waste disposal services, you're doing our
beautiful planet a big favor. When done properly, waste management and recycling can
eliminate waste and minimize the intensity of greenhouse gases Managing Wastes is a
great help to preserve Mother Nature from destruction.


Aluminum – (noun) - a silver metal that is strong and light and that is used for making
many products.

Bio-degradation – (noun) - capable of being slowly destroyed and broken into very
small parts. Carbon -noun - chemical element that forms diamonds and coal.

Cholera – (noun) - a serious disease that causes severe vomiting and diarrhea.

Congenital – (adjective) -suitable or appropriate.

Depth – (noun) -part that is far from the surface.

Exhaust – (verb) -to completely use up.

Flammable – (adjective) -being set on fire and burning.

Fossil fuel – (noun) -fuel that form in the earth from dead plants and animals.

Incinerated – (verb) - to burn completely

Industrialization – (verb) -to make industrial. Infections -noun -a state of being infected.

Infestation – (verb) -something harmful or unwanted.

Grappling – (noun)-grapnel. Landfills -noun -a system in which waste are buried under
the ground.

Pulp – (noun) -wet substance that is made by crushing something.

Range – (noun) -group or collection of different things.

Radioactive – (adjective) -producing a powerful and dangerous from of energy.

Rapid – (adjective) -happening in a short period of time.

Rodents – (noun) -small animal that has sharp front teeth.

Rubbish – (noun) -things that are no longer useful or wanted.

Toxic – (adjective) -containing poisonous substance.



Research Method

This study is a quantitative research. Hence, the effectiveness of solid waste

management between Brgy. Dakit and Brgy, Kalubihan. In this research, the researchers
used (SRS) Simple Random Sampling in identifying the respondents. To gather and
validate information, the researchers will use the so called subjective.

Research Environment

The conduction of this research will be done in specific Barangay in the

Municipality of Barili namely Brgy. Dakit and Brgy. Kalubihan. Brgy. Dakit is located
along the high high way 14 km from the city of Carcar and 7 km away from the town
proper of Barili. It is also know by their delicious Gelato Ice Cream, it is popularly
known as the “Mystical Tree of Barili”.In addition, Brgy. Kalubihan is located 17 km
away from the city of Carcar and 7.5 km away from the town proper of Barili. Brgy.
Kalubihan is known by its Native Coffee and its tagline “ Coconut Capital of Barili”.

Research Respondents

The research respondents of this study are the residents of Brgy. Dakit and Brgy
Kalubihan. Out of 2,056 population in Brgy. Dakit and 1,547 in Brgy. Kalubihan,
there are 150 respondents each Barangay regardless of their gender and religion. The said
respondents ages 15-60 years old.

Research Instruments

In this research the researhers will be making a survey. The researchers will
provide questionnaires to collect the needed information about the effectiveness of solid
waste management between Brgy. Dakit and Kalubihan . Some questions some are fill in
the blank. Some of the questions are opinionated and based on what they see in their

Matalongon National High School

Mantalongon, Barili Cebu

Target: (Brgy. Kalubihan/ Brgy. Dakit)

Name: _________________________Address: ______________________ Age: __

Part I.

Direction: Answer each question and mark check ( ) for your best answer.

1. What will you do if you can see trashes around you?

Pick & throw it Leave It Clean Other ways;
In the trashcan __________________________

2. How are you going to dispose your garbage?

Put it inside the Throw it in the Throw it anywhere Other ways;
the pocket trashcan ___________________

3. Does the dirty surroundings affects your health? In what way?

Yes, No,
4. How would you maintain cleanliness in your surroundings?
Throw it in the Cleaning the Other ways;
trashcan surroundings _____________________________________

5. What are your strategies in disposing the garbage?

Garbage Segregation Put it inside the pocket Throw it Other ways;
Anywhere ___________________

6. What are the actions of your Brgy. Officials to help the garbage segregation
become Effective?
Provide Trashbins Conduct a aseminar No Responce Other Ways
7. How important "Solid Waste Management" is?
Prevent Diseases Maintain Cleanliness Other Ways
8. For you, what is “Solid Waste Management"?
Application of 3 R’s Throwing garbages anywherer Other Ways
9. What are the actions that are implemented by your Brgy. Offcials about proper
waste disposal?
Provide Trashbins Colelction Of Garbages No Responce

10. What are your recommendation to your Brgy. interms of Solid Waste
Conduct a seminar Add more trashbins Create a law Other ways
about proper waste
Disposal ___________________________

Part II.

Direction: Rate your Barangay from 1-10 base on what you had observed and
experienced. 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.

Enough Trash Implementing

Bins for the Solid
Orderliness Proper Waste Biodegradable. Collection of Waste
Disposal Non- Garbages Management
Biodegradable & ACT of 9003


1.) What will you do if you can see trashes around you?
This first question will help the researchers to determine what are the ways of the
residence in the two Brgy. when they see trashes around them. This would also answer
the question in the statement of the problem “What are the ways in managing solid

45% Pick & Throw in the Trashcan

Leave It
53% Clean
Other Ways

Figure 1 Brgy. Dakit

The graph shows that out of 100%(150) respondents,53.33% answered that if

they see trash around them they pick and throw it in the trash can. 1.33% of them
answered that they will leave it. 45.34% said that they will going to clean and 0% for the
other ways.


Pick & Throw it in the Trashcan

Leave it
Other Ways


Figure 2 Brgy. Kalubihan

The graph shows that out of 100%(150) respondents,64.67% answered that if

they see trash around them they pick and throw it in the trash can. 0% that they will leave
it. 35.33% said that they will going to clean and 0% for the other ways.

Therefore, as the result shows Brgy. Kalubihan had more percentage than Brgy.
Dakit in picking the trash and throwing it when the see the trash around them. This action
was prefer to use from the Brgy.Kalubihan than Brgy. Dakit. The researchers conclude
that leaving the trash is being performed and used in Brgy Dakit while Brgy Kalubihan
had no action regarding to this. Brgy. Dakit had more percentage than Brgy Kalubihan in
cleaning when they see trash. The researchers conclude that cleaning and throwing the
garbage in the trash cans had plenty of benefits for the community and environment.

2.) How are you going to dispose your garbage?

This question is great help to the researchers to identify how they are going
to dispose their garbages. It also answers the question “What are the ways in managing
solid waste?” that will be found in the statement of the problem.


Put inside the pocket

Throw It in the Trashcan
Throw It Anywhere
Other Ways


Figure 3 Brgy. Dakit

The graph shows that out of 100%(150) respondents, 36% answered that they put
inside the trash in the pocket in disposing their garbage. 58% answered that they will
throw it in the trash can. 6 % answered that they will throw it anywhere and 0% for the
other ways.



Put inside the Pocket

Throw in the Trashcan

Figure 4 Brgy. Kalubihan

The graph shows that out of 100%(150) respondents, 76% answered that they put
inside the trash in the pocket in disposing their garbage. 24% answered that they will
throw it in the trash can. 0% answered that they will throw it anywhere and 0% for the
other ways.

Therefore, as the results shows that Brgy. Kalubihan had gathered more
percentage than Brgy. Dakit in putting inside the trash in the pocket in disposimg their
garbage. The researchers conclude . The way of disposing garbage which is throwing the
trash in the trash can has high rating in Brgy.Dakit than Brgy Kalubihan. The researchers
conclude that the Brgy. Kalubihan is more responsible enough than Brgy.Dakit because
the Brgy Kalubihan is 0℅ in throwing the garbage anywhere. Both,the two barangays is
0% in the other ways. People really helps the environment to keep clean.

3.) Does the Dirty Surroundings affect your health? In what way?

This question aims to answer “How Solid Waste Management Affects People’s
Daily Life”.


Yes, It can cause Illnesses



Figure 5 Brgy. Dakit

The graph shows that out of 100%(150) respondents, 78.67% answered Yes that
dirty surroundings really affect their health. 21.33% answered No.

Yes, Can cause Illnesses


Figure 6 Brgy. Kalubihan

The graph shows that out of 100%(150) respondents, 100% answered Yes that
dirty surroundings really affect their health. 0% answered No.

Therefore, both Brgy.Dakit and Brgy.Kalubihan gain the same percentage which
is 100 from Yes, yes for it can affect dirty surroundings to their health. In addition, the

are also the same percentage which is 0 from No,n for it does not affect dirty
surroundings to their health. The researchers conclude that they had the same perception
and viewpoint because they had the same answers. It really affect the health of people if
the surroundings is dirty.

4.) How would you maintain cleanliness in your surroundings?

This question a great help to the researchers in identifying how the residents
in the both barangay maintain cleanliness in their surroundings.I also answers “what are
the ways in Managing solid waste?”


Throw it in the Trashcan

Cleaning the surroundings
Other Ways


Figure 7 Brgy. Dakit

The graph shows that out of 100% (150) respondents, 29.33% answered that they
throw it in the trash can to maintain cleanliness in their surroundings. 70. 67% answered
in cleaning the surroundings. 0% also for the other ways.


39 Throw it in the Trashcan

Cleaning the surroundings
Other Way

Figure 8 Brgy. Kalubihan

The graph shows that out of 100% (150) respondents, 36% answered that they
throw it in the trash can in to maintain cleanliness in their surroundings. 64% answered in
cleaning the surroundings. 0% also for the other ways.

Therefore, the Brgy Dakit had less percentage compared to Brgy. Dakit in
throwing the trash in the trash can to maintain cleanliness. Both two barangay has the
same highest percentage in cleaning the surroundings among the other ways in
maintaining the cleanliness. The researchers conclude that keeping the environment clean
can lead to a healthy body end even to the environment.

5.) What are the strategies in disposing the garbages?

This question will answer “What are the ways in managing solid waste?”. It
woul also help the researchers to know what are the common strategies of the resident of
the two barangays.

23% Throw According to Biodegrad-

able, Non-Biodegradable & Re-

Put inside the Pocket

Throwing Anywhere

Other Ways

Figure 9 Brgy. Dakit

The graph shows that out of 100%(150)respondents 77.33% answered that they
throw their garbage according to biodegradable,non biodegradable and recyclable in
throwing their garbage. 22.67% answered that they prefer to put their garbage inside their
pockets . 0% for throwing it anywhere and also for the other ways.


Throw according to Biodegrad-

able, Non-Biodegradable & Re-
Put inside the pocket
Throwing Anywhere
Other ways


Figure 10 Brgy. Kalubihan

The graph shows that out of 100%(150)respondents ,90% said that they throw
their garbage accordinb to biodegradable,non- biodegradable and for recyclable. 10%
said that they prefer to put their garbage inside their pockets. 0% for throwing it
anywhere and also in other ways.

Therefore , mostly of residents in the two barangay answered that they throw theit
trash according to waste materials as their strategy upon throwing garbage instead of
throwing it anywhere . Putting the trash inside their pockets had less percentage
compared throwing in the garbage according to its waste materials. The researchers
concluded that having proper waste disposal is the protection of the environment and the
health of the population will be safe. It is to ensure that solid waste will managed

6.) What are the actions of your Brgy. Officials to help the garbage segregation became
This question is great help for the researchers to to know what are those
actions of the Brgy Officials in each Brgy. about the Solid waste Management.

8% Putting Trashcans

Conduct a Seminar

Another Way

No Action

Figure 11 Brgy. Dakit

The graph shows that out of 100% (150)respondents 62.67% said that putting
trashcans is the best way to have an effective solid waste management .28.67% said
that all of the brgy. officials has seminar for the residents will be able to know about
managing waste and 8.66%said that there's another way of managing waste which is
having a collection of garbage and 0% for having no action is being performed.

Putting Trashcans

Conduct a Seminar

Other Way

No Action

Figure 12 Brgy. Kalubihan

The graph shows that out of 100% (150)respondents 60% answered that
putting trashcans is the best way to have an effective solid waste management. 40%
answered that all of the brgy. Officials has seminar about managing waste. 0% for the
other ways and 0% also for having no action is being performed.

Therefore, the researchers conclude that putting trash cans is the best way to
have an effective solid waste management because this had the greatest percentage
among the other ways. Putting trash cans is more efficient than conducting a
seminar.The having a seminar is also an important thing so that the community will
be knowledgeable and responsible enough of where should they put their trashes
properly and to the community also to keep clean and fresh. The researchers conclude
that these two barangays has an actions from the brgy officials because they did not
even put check the no action.

7.) How important Solid Waste Management is?

This question would answer “What is the significance of solid waste
management”. This woul also help the researchers to know what how important solid
waste management to the residence to the both barangay.


To keep aways from diseases

Clean Environment
59% Other Reasons

Figure 13 Brgy. Dakit

The graph shows that out of 100% (150) respondents, 59.33% who answered
that solid waste management is important to keep away from diseases. There are 40.67%
of them who answered to have a clean environment. 0% for the other reasons.

To keep away from diseases


Clean the Environment


Other Ways

Figure 14 Brgy. Kalubihan

The graph shows that out of 100% (150) respondents, 40% of them who
answered that solid waste management is important to keep away from diseases. There
are 60% of them who answered to have a clean environment. 0% for the other reasons.

Therefore, as the result shows the Brgy. Dakit gain more percentage than
Brgy. Kalubihan on the importance of solid waste management which it helps to keep

away from diseases. For the cleanliness of the environment, the Brgy.Kalubihan has the
higher percentage than Brgy. Dakit. The researchers conclude that solid waste
management is important both for the cleanliness and the prevention of diseases.

8.) For you what is Solid Waste Management?

This question will help the researchers to know what is Solid waste management.
This will answer the question “What is solid waste management”.

Application of 3 R's

Throwing it anywhere


Other Reason

Figure 15 Brgy. Dakit

The graph shows that out of 100%(150) respondents, 100 % answered that
solid management is the applying of the 3Ar which is the reduce,reuse and recycle. 0%
for throwing anywhere. 0% also for the other reasons.


Application of 3 R's

Throwing it Anywhere

87% Other Reason

Figure 16 Brgy. Kalubihan

The graph shows that out of 100%(150) respondents, 87.33 % answered that
solid management is the applying of the 3Ar which is the reduce,reuse and recycle.
12.67% for throwing anywhere. 0% also for the other reasons.

Therefore, the Brgy. Dakit is more knowledgable and responsible enough

than Brgy. Kalubihan about solid waste management. The Brgy. Kalubihan had is a little
bit insensitive to the environment because it has few people doing this thing such as
throwing the garbage anywhere compared to Brgy Dakit. The people there had no action
about that. The researchers conlude that throwing the garbage anywhere can harm the
environment and even to the health of people.

9.) What are the actions that are implemented by your Brgy. Offcials about proper waste

This question will help the researchers to know what re the certain actions of
the Brgy. Officials in each Brgy in implementing the Solid Waste Management.

30% Collecting the Garbages

Putting Trashcans

Other Ways

Figure 17 Brgy. Dakit

The graph shows that out of 100%(150) respondents, 70% answered that
actions being performed to their barangay is collecting the garbages. 30% who answered
putting trash cans.Lastly 0% from having no action and also for the other ways,

Collecting the Garbages

Putting trashcans


Other Ways

Figure 18 Brgy. Kalubihan

The graph shows that out of 100%(150) respondents, 57.33% of them who
answered collecting the garbage in terms of the actions being performed to their
barangay. 42.67 % of them who answered putting trash can .Lastly 0% for having no
action and other ways.

Therefore, both two barangays gain the highest percentage for collecting the garbages
that is being performed in their barangay. The Brgy.Dakit has less percentage compared
to Brgy. Kalubihan in putting trash cans to their barangay. The researchers conclude that
each barangay has action for about sokid wastre management.

10.) What are your recommendation to your Brgy. interms of Solid Waste Management?

This question is great help to the researchers to gain idea and data on what are
the common suggestion from the residence of the two Barangay about the Solid Waste
Management in their Barangay.

Implementing a Law

Conduct a Seminar

Putting Multiple Trashcans

Other Ways

Figure 19 Brgy. Dakit

The graph shows that out of 100%(150) respondents, 57.33% of them

answered that they must make a law on throwing the garbage properly in the
recommendation to their barangay. 36% of them answered that they must have a seminar
that simply on throwing garbage properly while 6.67% of them answered that it is
effective t make widely on putting many trash cans. Lastly, 0% for the other ways.



Implementing a law
Conduct a Seminar
Putting Multiple Trashcans
Other Ways

Figure 20 Brgy. Kalibuhan

The graph shows that out of 100%(150) respondents, 40.67% of them answered
that they must make law on throwing the garbage properly in the recommendation to
their. 35.34% of them answered that they must have a seminar in throwing garbage
properly while 24% of them who answered that it is effective to make widely on putting
many trash cans and 0% for the other ways.

Therefore, making law in throwing the garbage properly in recommendations

has the highest percentage of both Brgy. Dakit and Brgy Kalubihan. The second with a
high percentage is must have seminar regarding to the proper way of throwing the
garbage. The less percentage is from putting trash cans. The researchers concluded that
these recommendations are important to have an effective solid waste in a barangay or

Rate your Barangay from 1-10 base on what you had observed and experienced. 10 is the
highest and 1 is the lowest.

This part of the survey is the criteria of the researchers where the resident of
each barangay were asked to rate their Barangay from 1-10 according to their Experience

and observation in their own Barangay. This woul help the researchers in identifying
what Brgy. has an Effective Solid Waste Management.










Brgy. Dakit Figure 21 Brgy. Kalubihan

The graph shows that out of 100% the resident of the both Brgy. rated their Brgy.
according to what they experienced and observed. Brgy. Dakit got 76.28 % while Brgy
Kalubihan got 73.72%. Brgy Dakit got a higher percentage than Brgy kalubihan in terms
of Orderliness, Proper Grabage Disposal, Enough trash bins fro the Biodegradable, Non-
Biodegradable and Recyclable, Collection of Garbage and the Implementation of the
Solid Waste management Act of 9003.

Therefore, Brgy. Dakit has the Effective Way of Managing the Solid waste.
Between the two Brgy. Brgy. Dakit got the higher percentage in the Criteria. The
researchers concluded that among the two Barangay, Brgy Kalubihan needs some
improvement in terms of managing their waste properly.





In question number 1 that asks what will they do if they see trash around
them. 53.33% from Brgy.Dakit answered that they will pick and throw in the trash can
while 64.67% from Brgy. Kalubihan. 1.33% from Brgy. Dakit answered that they will
leave it while 0% from Brgy. Kalubihan. 45. 34% from Brgy Dakit said that they will
going to clean while 35.33% from Brgy. Kalubihan. Both 0% for the other ways.
Disposing the garbage has many ways. 36% from Brgy. Dakit said that they put it inside
the pocket while 76% from Brgy. Kalubihan. 58% from Brgy. Dakit while 24% from
Brgy. Kalubihan in throwing the garbage in the trash can. 36% from Brgy. Dakit while
0% from Brgy. Kalubihan who answered for throwing the trash anywhere. Both 0% for
the other ways because they don't have any answer. In question number 3 that asks if
dirty surroundings affect their health. 100% answered Yes from Brgy.Dakit and also
Brgy. Kalubihan. 0% answered NO from Brgy.Dakit and Brgy. Kalubihan. The
respondents were also asked on how to maintain cleanliness in surroundings. 29.33%
from Brgy.Dakit answered throw it in the trash can while 36% from Brgy. Kalubihan.
70.67% from Brgy. Dakit while 64% from Brgy. Kalubihan answered for cleaning the
surroundings. Both 0% from Brgy.Dakit and Brgy.Kalubihan for other ways. There are
also strategies in disposing the garbage. 77.33% from Brgy.Dakit while 90% from
Brgy.Kalubihan who answered for Garbage segregation. 22.67% from Brgy.Dakit while
10% from Brgy.Kalubihan who answered putting inside the pocket. Both 0% from Brgy.
Dakit and Brgy.Kalubihan for throwing it anywhere and 0% also for the other ways. For
question number 6 that asked about the actions of Brgy.officials to help the garbage
segregation become effective. 60% from Brgy.Kalubihan while 62.67% from Brgy.Dakit
for providing trash bins. 28.67% from Brgy. Dakit while 40% from Brgy. Kalubihan for
conducting a seminar. 8.66% from Brgy. Dakit said that theres another actions such as
collecting the garbage while Brgy. Kalubihan got 0% for the other ways. Both 0% from
Brgy.Dakit and Brgy. Kalubihan for having no action .The respondents were also asked

of how important solid waste management is. 59.33% from Brgy.Dakit while 40% from
Brgy.Kalubihan answered to prevent Diseases. 40.67% from Brgy. Dakit while 60% from
Brgy. Kalubihan for maintain cleanliness. Both 0% for the other ways. In question
number 8 that asks what is solid waste management. 100% from Brgy. Dakit while
87.33% from Brgy. Kalubihan for the application of 3R. 0% from Brgy. Dakit while
12.67 from Brgy.Kalubihan who answered throwing the trash anywhere. Both 0% for the
other ways. There are actions from the Barangay about the proper waste disposal. 30%
from Brgy. Dakit while 42. 67% from Brgy. Kalubihan who answered putting more trash
bins. 70% from Brgy. Dakit while 57. 33% for the collecting the garbages. Both 0% for
having no actions and 0% also for the other ways. For question number 10 that asks what
are the recommendations to their barangay in order to have an effective solid waste
management. 36% from Brgy. Dakit while 35.33% for having a seminar about solid
waste management. 6.67% from Brgy. Dakit while 24% from Brgy. Kalubihan for
putting more trash bins. 57.33% from Brgy. Dakit while 40.67 % from Brgy. Kalubihan
for having a law or ordinance about solid waste management. Both 0% for the other
ways. The respondents were asked to rate their barangay base on what they observed and
see.(1-10). The Brgy. Dakit got the highest with the rating of 76.28% while 73.72% from


According to the data gathered of this study ,the researchers conclude that brgy
Dakit has an effective solid waste management than Brgy Kalubihan . Although , Brgy
Kalubihan has proper waste management but still they did not achieved the sustainable

development goals. Therefore , solid waste management is useful to the residents
specifically to the residents of Brgy Kalubihan because it helps to improve their proper
way of disposal.

The researchers also conclude that Brgy Dakit must strengthen their actions
about proper waste disposal. The actions that they are implementing must enhance more.
Brgy Kalubihan , must have a more projects like having a weekly seminar, putting more
trash bins. Therefore, the researchers conclude that Solid waste management really affect
the health of the people, and has a great impact to their health. Having an Effective Solid
Waste Management does not only benefit the Officials of the Barangay but also to the
whole Barangay and to the residents as well.


The recommendation of this research serves as guide at the same time serves
as public awareness of which of the two Brgy between Brgy Dakit and Brgy Kalubihan

has an effective solid waste management process.the following are some
recommendations to the said two brgy piled up to those what will benefits of this research
especially to the residents of Brgy Dakit and Brgy Kalubihan.

 To Brgy Dakit, since the said Brgy has an effective solid waste management, they
should continue develop proper attitudes and perception towards waste handling
and make proper waste management a policy or regulations to be followed by
every sitios/purok, because proper waste management plays an significant role in
maintaining, preserving and protecting our environment .
 To Brgy Kalubihan, they should promote solid waste management strategy to
ensure effective solid waste management .In that way the cost for solid waste
management could be minimized and improve environmental conservation, the
authorities and Brgy officials also should organize programs, informational
campaigned campaigns and public consultation process in order to involve the
community in the solid waste process. And lastly, in order to develop waste
management there should be a trashcans and a accurate /seminar towards waste
reduction, reusing, and recycling action.
 To brgy counsilors of the both Brgy they should implement more actions of solid
waste management specially to the Brgy Kalubihan. They must implement the
right way in managing solid waste in order to have an improvement.
 To the residents of Brgy Dakit keep it up, continue to implement the proper waste
 To the residents of Brgy Kalubihan they should perform well the proper waste
disposal. They must put their garbage to the trash bins.
 To the Brgy Captain they should perform actions to the brgy like implementing a
seminar or informational campaigns every week.
 To the community, people must be responsible and mindful enough in throwing
the garbage.
 To the future researchers, they must know about solid waste management and the
correct way of managing solid wastes, for they are the surveyor. Prior to that, they

must apply the Solid Waste Management in their homes since experience is the
best teacher.



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 (https://www.bioenergyconsult.comn-introduction-to-solid-waste)
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Name: Mericris Espuelas

Address: Cagay,Barili,Cebu

Cell.No : 09350249193

Personal Information:

Nickname: Ekiss

Birthday: October 17,2001


Age: 17 yrs.old

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Romañ Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Father's Name: Nelson Espuelas

Mother's Name: Thelma Espuelas

Educational Background:

Elementary: Cagay Elem.School

Secondary: Mantalongon,National,School

Name: Ronald Carreon

Address: Kalubihan,,Barili,Cebu

Cell.No : 09262985618

Personal Information:

Nickname: Nald

Birthday: January 8,2000

Birthplace: Kalubihan,Barili,Cebu

Age: 18 yrs,old

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Father's Name: Antonio Lauron

Mother's Name: Anecjta Lauron

Educational Background:

Elementary: Cagay Elem.School

Secondary: Mantalongon National High School

Name: Marjun B. Taran

Address: Dakit,,Barili,Cebu

Cell.No : 09356080872

Personal Information:

Nickname: Jun

Birthday: April 01, 2001

Birthplace: Cebu City

Age: 17 yrs,old

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Father's Name: Bonifacio Taran

Mother's Name: Brigida Taran

Educational Background:

Elementary: Dakit Elem.School

Secondary: Mantalongon National High School

Name: Joseph Rizal

Address: Cabcaban ,Barili,Cebu

Cell.No : 09430730028

Personal Information:

Nickname: Sep

Birthday: May 26,2001

Birthplace: Cabcaban,Barili,Cebu

Age: 17 yrs.old

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Father's Name: Joseph Rizal

Mother's Name: JosephineRizal

Educational Background:

Elementary: Cabcaban Elem.School

Secondary: Mantalongon National High School

Name: Lyl Pinkee Estillore

Address: Kalubihan,Barili,Cebu

Cell.No : 09973975652

Personal Information:

Nickname: Tel

Birthday: Jan. 28, 2001

Birthplace: Dakit,Barili,Cebu

Age: 17 yrs.old

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Father's Name: Joseph Estillore

Mother's Name: Ma. Chona Estillore

Educational Background:

Elementary: Dakit Elem.School

Secondary: Mantalongon National High School


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