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ID4602 Contemporary Interior Practices – Ar Errol reubens

Expression through materials in krishnagrecha design studio

Living in the era of social media which influences our everyday activity from food to finance, architecture
and design are no exception. In this era where the statement of contemporary is redefined with every
likes and scrolls the role of the designer to design space not just for the user but also for the photographs.
In this world of visuals the role of the designer in looming their practice where racing with the changing
trend is inevitable.

Through all the projects the spaces designed has the strong visual image. Through the colors the
materiality, lighting making the space friendly for Instagram posts. Along with this there is strong senses
of honesty to the material is seen in the works. The balance of natural and artificial light reveals the nature
of the material allowing it to lead the space with its color texture building the character of the space.

“There is a clear difference between men and women in the material and their use. Women have been
surrounded by soft and solid material in a completely different way than man. They have a different
experience of the textile and substance. Women have lived in a completely different world of materials,
myself on very direct with regards to materials.” – Susanne using 1982.

Like quoted the honesty towards the material and the sense of materiality is argued in her projects. The
mood board being the important design decision in in the process is always in the warm tones
complementing and highlighting the natural materials. All tough her projects concept differ with the
client’s needs the idea of experimenting with materials and patterned remains constant throughout.

From the hangout space which is also a gallery where colorfully patterns are juxtaposition against white
wall guiding the viewer to the art works. The neutral composition helps to build the perfect backdrop for
changing art work.

Natural materials like stone and wood are experimented in different ways from changing the texture of
them making pattern and tessellations with them layering them in contrasting ways helps to change the
whole expression of the material and create the contrasting experience to the user.

In office design with the wooden countertop over the stone hedge with the wooden backdrop and distinct
lighting is a very good example. The whole notion of usual use of materials and the expression they create
in the space is broken in a simple but strong manor. Having the stone for countertop is usual. Here the
strong in this raw form unfinished rough with is natural texture and grain is used as the leg for the table.
In it the void of birds convey the powerful message. The materials itself acts as the ornamentation. The
ambient natural light helps material to shine.

Similar in her other projects is the natural interior color range with the warmth of the wood and texture
of stone makes spaces look opulent. But in the spaces workspaces where function supersedes other factor
the space is kept simple with subtle Platte. The light here plays in important role it guides and divides the

Her projects following the contemporary trends helps one to evolve with change and address the future

Swetha suresh – PID21369

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