FITT Project

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The F.I.T.T.

Principle Project
Name: Susan Le Date:___________ Teacher:________________________________________ Due Date:_________ Directions: Use the weekly planner form on the following pages to create and participate in a three-week personal fitness exercise program. Follow the directions on each worksheet to complete the project. **** Remember, household chores (yard work), as well as sports and exercise, can be included in your plan. According to the Virginia Standards of Learning for Physical Education, every 4th-6th grader should be able to plan and implement a personal fitness plan. This project will help all students in grades 4-6 work towards meeting the Virginia SOLs. Standards of Learning this project will focus on:
The student will correlate regular participation in physical activity with various components of fitness and improvement in fitness and skill development The student will identify and participate in physical activities based on personal abilities and interests (for improvement through practice, enjoyment, social interaction and personal challenge). The student will identify and seek opportunities in school, at home and in the community for regular participation in physical activity.

To improve personal fitness levels, a person needs to increase the frequency, intensity, time and type of his or her exercise workout.

Frequency refers to how many times a week a person exercises (a minimum of 3 times a week) Intensity refers to how hard a person exercises (until target heart rate is reached) Time refers to how long a person exercises (continuously for 20 minutes)

Type refers to what exercise you are doing (endurance exercise or a strength exercise)

The F.I.T.T. Principle Project

Name:_____________________________________ Date: ________________________

Week 1
In the space provided for each day, write the name of your planned activities or exercises and how long you plan to exercise. Make sure to mark the intensity for your exercise from 1-5, 1 being easy and 5 being the most intense. Have your parent or guardian sign their initials for each day. Dates Activities/Exercises
(What you will be doing)

Intens ity

(How long)

( 15)

Guardi an Initials








After completing the Week 1 exercise plan, review the plans and make changes if needed. Think about the each part of the F.I.T.T. Principle. What would I do differently next week? ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

The F.I.T.T. Principle Project

Name:_____________________________________ Date: ________________________

Week 2
In the space provided for each day, write the name of your planned activities or exercises and how long you plan to exercise. Make sure to mark the intensity for your exercise from 1-5, 1 being easy and 5 being the most intense. Have your parent or guardian sign their initials for each day.


(What will you be doing)

Intens ity

(How long)

( 15)

Guardi an Initials








After completing the Week 2 exercise plan, review the plans and make changes if needed. Think about each part of the F.I.T.T. Principle. What would I do differently next week? ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

The F.I.T.T. Principle Project

Name:_____________________________________ Date: ________________________

Week 3
In the space provided for each day, write the name of your planned activities or exercises and how long you plan to exercise. Make sure to mark the intensity for your exercise from 1-5,

1 being easy and 5 being the most intense. Have your parent or guardian sign their initials for each day. Dates Activities/Exercises
(What will you be doing)

Intens ity

(how long)

( 15)

Guardia n Initials








***After completing your 3-week cardiovascular exercise plan, evaluate the total plan and how well you did. Answers the questions on the next page.

The F.I.T.T. Principle Project


Date: ________________________

Evaluation of My Exercise Plan Directions: Please answer the following questions with complete sentences.

1. Was my 3-week exercise plan hard to do? Why? Why not? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2. I had to make changes to my plan because (think about the F.I.T.T. principle): ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3. Will you continue to engage in a regular program of physical activity based on your experiences in completing this project? Why? Why not? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

FITT Principle Rubric for Grading

Scor Grad e e
(out of 75 possible points)




Proficient Achievement
Student designs a detailed 3-week program to improve fitness levels. Activity choices reflect student interests, as well as a good balance of activities. Student correctly applies the FITT principle to his/her fitness program. Student analysis of each weeks plan shows careful thought and is used in the planning of the next weeks program. Form is complete with detailed information Student shows a thorough understanding of the FITT principle.

Competent Achievement
Student designs a detailed 3-week program to improve fitness levels. Student correctly applies the FITT principle to his/her fitness program. Analysis of each weeks plan is used to plan the next weeks program of activity Student shows an understanding of the FITT principle Student-designed program contains minor mistakes


Working to Achieve
Student-designed program is incomplete and contains several mistakes. Student incorrectly applies the FITT principle to his/her program. Analysis of each weeks plan is partially used to plan the next weeks program of activity. Student understanding of the FITT principle is limited.


Needs Improvement
Student-designed program is incomplete and contains several mistakes. Student fails to apply the FITT principle to his/her fitness program. Analysis of each weeks plan is not used to plan the next weeks program of activity. Student shows no understanding of the FITT principle. Student fails to complete all sections of the form.


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