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Set 1: Is it important to establish and maintain a good relationship with your neighbors?

Give reasons and

examples to support your view.

HUY: Well, I think it really important because you will have more happy relationships. My neighbors have known
me since I was born so to be honest, they’re almost like my family. We really get along well and always get
together for dinner for many times.
PHÚ: In my point of view, nowaday, it kind of difficult to connect with everyone near you even your family so
even if I see them, I can only say hello.
HUY: Personally, I think maintaining a close relationship with your neighbors is useful in many ways. For
example, they can take care of your house when you are on holidays, ask for help if you want to.
PHÚ: Yes , having a good relationship with neighbors is absolutely essential. But don’t you think it to annoying
when they organize a party ?. My neighborhood always sing karaoke especially in evening, they sing until
midnight. I can’t even study or sleep because it to rowdy.
HUY: Yes, sometimes my neighborhood do it too but I still like them because of theirs co-operation. They stop if
someone complain or when midnight so I can study and sleep in peace. So why don’t you come and just tell
them to stop?
PHÚ: It seem to me that having a good relationship with them is easier to complain or tell them to respect
everyone life so I will try it.

SET 2: Many people living in rural areas would like to migrate to cities while those living in urban centers wish
they could move to the countryside. Which is better: city life or country life? Give reasons and examples to support
your point of view.

PHÚ: Hi, buddy. How it’s going?

HUY: Oh, hello. Everything is pretty fine. And you?
PHÚ: I’m doing well.
HUY: What makes you look so confused?
PHÚ: It’s a month left before my graduation and my mom has asked me if I came back to my hometown or not.
HUY: There’s nothing to complain about. I’ll come back to my home
PHÚ: You know, if I was in your shoe, I would choose city life.
YOU: Why? I think we should go home because we have left it for years
PHÚ: From my perspective, We are both young and the city is better for us.
HUY: Understand but living in the city didn’t make me feel free.
PHÚ: I got you, sometimes I am under pressure. However, there is no doubt that HCM is much better than our
home city since there are many companies that provide us with thousands of job opportunities.
HUY: I know but Phu Yen is good. It also offers many different changes for me to startup my career, especially the
tourism is now developing
PHÚ: But it’s much harder because everything including the infrastructure in our hometown is not as modern as
the big city.
HUY: Instead of those, I can live close to my family. Leaving my home helps me realize how important family is
PHÚ: Same me, I also have homesickness. Alternatively, I can learn to live independently, I can fix most of the
problems by myself.
HUY: Do you feel tired when living in HCM? That’s my problem. Even now, I can’t adapt to its noise
PHÚ: I have got along with it. The city is bustling as a result of a dense population.
HUY: What’s more, countless transports leads to air pollution and increases the temperature. That’s what I hate
the most.
PHÚ: Yeah, agree. But everything has both sides. Good and bad. There are a lot of Shopping centers and big
markets. It’s easy to purchase whatever you need.
HUY: Not at all. We are covered by the internet so we can buy most things online.
PHÚ: Yeah, I didn’t deny it. We can stay up to date but direct shopping is more convenient. For example, when
we buy shoes, it’s easier to try them on before we take them home.
HUY: Whatever, it’s hard to harmonize different opinions. You have yours and I have mine. It’s no big deal.

Set 3: Some people prefer to go on a guided tour when they travel while others prefer to travel alone. Which do
you think is better? Give reasons and examples to support your view.

HUY: What will you do in your holiday ?

PHÚ: I want to travel Da Lat by myself.
HUY: Don’t you think it is more fun if you come with friends or family ?
PHÚ: Yes, It’s true but I am sure that you will get the most precious experience ever in your life if you travel alone.
HUY: I prefer travelling in company to travelling independently since I see this is an ideal way to bond with my old
friends or family members. Besides, I really enjoy spending the whole day in idle chit-chat with others when
PHÚ: I believe that traveling alone and fending for yourself makes you a stronger person. It gives you confidence.
You have to do everything by yourself so you will have your own experience; whereas, if someone always helps
you, you will become dependent and unable to be independent.
HUY: In my opinion, I think travelling on organized tours is more better because we will have a specific schedule
as well as transportation without any difficulty. Besides, it saves a great deal of time for travelers since they don’t
have to spend time in search of accommodation. Last but not least, people are more highly likely to meet like-
minded friends during a tour.
PHÚ When you go with a group, do you feel constrained because you have to go with them and not follow your
own wishes?
HUY: You’re right. But it still fine because you still can go and enjoy your view.
PHÚ: That fine. We all has ours point of view so that still good.

Set 4: Things were different in the past and they have changed a lot in the last few decades. Are the changes
positive or negative? Give examples to clarify your viewpoint.

PHÚ: Hey, what’s going on? Why do you look so confused?

HUY: Oh, hello. Everything is fine but I have a tough question from my teacher.
PHÚ: Oh, what’s it? Would you mind sharing it with me?
HUY : Sure, this morning, the teacher gave us a question the world has changed a lot in a few decades and what
do we think about it? Positive or negative.
PHÚ: Well, it’s a hot potato but I am more about our world has developed in a better way.
HUY: Why do you think so? From my viewpoint, I think it is not as good as it used to be.
PHÚ: Well, it’s not all true. Let's take an example, during the lockdown period of covid 19, there is no doubt that
with the covering of the internet, we can get in touch with others easier, especially for schooling, If we didn’t
make use of it, there would be no communication way.
HUY: However, with the development of the internet people are less brainstorming but more dependent on it.
Moreover, there are a lot of wrong facts
PHÚ: Not at all. That’s because of their wrong mindset, they misuse the internet. It’s for exploiting and searching
for information, not for misleading news. What’s more, they have to filter the data before acquiring it.
HUY: Alright, apart from this. What about pollution? The globe now is more polluted, one of the main reasons is
vehicles, also, the increase of transport has affected the natural power
PHÚ: I can’t deny that the more modern our world is, the more innovative inventions are invented. There are
electric cars that can reduce the smoke. Nevertheless, people tend to use public transport since it’s cheaper and
more environment-friendly. As a consequence, we can lessen the lack of energy
HUY: But public transport is just popular in the big city. What about the small countryside? For instance, in my
hometown - Phu Yen, even tourism has developed but there are no buses.
PHÚ: Well, nowadays, travel agents have encouraged visitors to cycle. It’s not only protecting the atmosphere but
also the best way to enjoy the scenery.
HUY: You know, riding a bike is just possible in the near distance. Besides, we are having more illnesses than in
the past, there are countless new virus
PHÚ: I don’t agree. From my perspective, our health service is up to date so we are discovering different types of
sickness and we are now can cure more diseases than we used to.
HUY: Alright, we both have our standpoint.
PHÚ You’re right, you have yours and I have mine. No big deal dude.

Set 5: The use of smart phones in classroom should be completely banned. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this statement? Give reasons and examples to support your view.

PHÚ because they will greatly affect the academic path of students.
HUY: According to me, there are many reasons to allow students to have smartphones in the classroom. Even
though using phones ought to be against the rule of every school, the knowledge of the students would be able
to expend effectively with those technologies.
PHÚ:But the fact is, the number of students cheating is increasing and it is not fair to other students.
HUY: From an educational perspective, banning smartphones in schools would be an easy solution but not
necessarily the smartest one. For example, students can't keep up with the lecture and don't have time to ask
again, students can use their phones to take pictures and go home to think about it later.
PHÚ: In my opinion, when searching for documents online by phone or review the lecture, students might forget
the original purpose and may use the phone for entertainment.
HUY: Cell phones could be a useful tools to support in learning, you also can download an app which could help
you focus on studying.
PHÚ: Even that, who can stop you if you want to play game or use your phone.
HUY: Well, instead of that, we should teach children reasonable time allocation putting student not to use phone
in class. When they should use and use for what.
PHÚ: It’s okay anyway, everyone has their own opinion. You have yours own and I have too.
HUY: That’s right. We both have our point.

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