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Project titles list for Mini Projects(Draft Stage)

 Creating an virtual network by using a deployment template

 Creating an virtual network by using portal
 Configure VNet peering between virtual network
 Create Hybrid Connectivity between On-prem datacenter and Cloud
 Create On-prem datacenter migration to cloud.
 Create synchronized identity services with cloud.
 Android Offloading Computation Over Cloud
 Secure Text Transfer Using Diffie Hellman Key Exchange Based on Cloud
 University Campus Online Automation Using Cloud Computing
 Intelligent rule-based phishing websites classification Based on URL Features
 Customized AES using Pad and Chaff Technique And Diffie Hellman Key Exchange
 Detecting Data Leaks via Sql Injection Prevention on an E-Commerce
 Cloud Based Attendance System
 Cloud Based Improved File Handling and Duplication Removal Using MD5
 Cloud Based Student Information Chatbot Project
 Secure File Storage On Cloud Using Hybrid Cryptography
 Secure File Storage On Cloud Using Hybrid Cryptography
 Online Bookstore System On Cloud Infrastructure
 Cloud Based Online Blood Bank System
 Cloud Based Local Train Ticketing System
 Cloud Based Bus Pass System
 E-Learning Platform using Cloud Computing
 Storage and Energy Efficient Cloud Computing Project
 Cloud computing for Rural banking
 Data Duplication Removal Using File Checksum
 Assessing on-premises VMware environments with Azure Migrate
 Role based access control in cloud for least privilege and delegated access on different
 Create a SMB file share for an organization on cloud
 Exchange Online
 SharePoint line
 Skype For Business Online
 Skype Broadcast
 Application Innovation with Azure SQL Database
 Building Intelligent Bot using Azure Web App Bot Service and Cosmos DB
 Gate change notification to the user for specific flight using Azure Cosmos DB with
Notification Service
( After booking a specific flight, the user can check gate change information using ContosoAir
app in case of gate assignment problem)

 Developing real-time experience using Xamarin App, Cognitive Services and Azure
Cosmos DB

( After completing the journey, passenger can give the feedback about traveling experience to
the respective Airlines.

 Microsoft Azure Development for AWS Developers with Node.js

(See how to quickly create a functional web app in Azure while comparing the Microsoft cloud
experience with AWS)

 Create a new Azure Database for MySQL and Wordpress app

(This topic explains how to deploy and manage an Azure Database for MySQL.)

 Introducing Azure Management Solutions

(In this scenario, we will be focusing on the basics of Azure Management Solutions to monitor
virtual machines. We will look at the big picture of monitoring and review Insight and Analytics
solutions in Azure. Concepts covered include Operations Management Solution (OMS)
Workspaces, onboarding virtual machines and apps, Service Map, and Network Performance

 Protect Your Cloud Resources with Azure Backup and Site Recovery
(In this lab, you will experience Azure's business continuity and disaster recovery solutions. You
will use a Recovery Services vault, define a backup policy, back up and recover from Azure VMs,
and inspect a working Azure Site Recovery environment.)
 Azure Web App Service
(Learn how to create and deploy mission-critical web applications that scale with your business.
Azure App Service Web Apps (or just Web Apps) is a service for hosting web applications, REST
APIs, and mobile back ends. You can develop in your favorite language, be it .NET, .NET Core,
Java, Ruby, Node.js, PHP, or Python. Applications run and scale with ease on Windows-based

 Developing with Node.js on Azure Advanced Configuration

(Get hands-on with Node.js and learn how to deploy Node.js web applications in Azure,
configure monitoring, alerts, scaling, debugging, APIs and Azure storage

 Migrating your applications and workloads with Azure Migrate and Site Recovery
In this lab you will learn how to use the Azure Migration Planner to prepare to migrate a
VMware based infrastructure to Microsoft Azure by creating an Azure Migration planning
project, conducting an assessment, and performing other planning and analysis activities.

 Enable and secure a remote workforce by joining Windows 10 to Azure Active Directory
(Did you know that by joining Windows 10 devices to Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure
AD) you can provide single sign-on to Azure AD resources anywhere, enable access to Windows
Store for Business through organizational accounts—in other words, without a Microsoft
account—or enable enterprise roaming of users’ settings by using organizational accounts? In
this lab, you learn how to set up and manage these features in Azure AD.)

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