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Procedure / Activity Description Integrated Activity Planning IAP

Procedure / Activity Description: Integrated Activity Planning


Revision information Description

Scope changed into EPE Production Directorate. All functional
assets onshore and offshore. No changes in content of document.

Objective The primary objective of the Integrated Activity Planning process is

to bring together the various functions / activities into a single plan,
• Shall be executed under the governing HSE requirements
• Is optimised to reflect business priorities
• Reflects shared resource constraints (staff, rigs, materials &
equipment, funding and agreements).
• Maximise uptime of production facilities.

Integrated Activity Planning is recognised as a “big lever” in the

delivery of the year on year Business Plan promise.

Scope EPE Production Directorate.

All functional onshore and offshore assets.

The scope of the integrated activity planning includes activities

amongst others from the following:
• Project Engineering and Modifications
• Facilities Maintenance, incl. Shutdown & Inspection
• Underwater Maintenance & Inspection
• Well Engineering, Drilling
• Well Services
• Production Operations
• Logistics

It essentially covers all:

• Activities or work instructions as specified in the Asset Reference
Plan (ARP) and subsequently approved in the annual business
• Prioritised and matured activities by ORP (Opportunity
Realisation Process), LIP-T (Locked in Potential) and PSO
(Production System Optimisation).
• Technical Integrity and other related work activities arising from
on-going operations.

Risk domain and risk Risk Domain Risk(s):

Commercial Inefficient use of Integrated Production
System capacity
Finance Inefficient use of resources, equipment and
Safety Conflicting activities

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Procedure / Activity Description Integrated Activity Planning IAP

Asset Integrity - Activities not executed timely

- Poor communication between
stakeholders (activity owners)
- Operational and logistical constraints (eg
bedding availability, staff shortage,
materials delivery)
Human resources Poor communication between stakeholders
(activity owners)

The risk domains and the risks in the table above have been copied from
the Risk Register for the EP-71 process.

Input to activity Input From Activity name / Doc No. IT system

Registered SAP Registration SAP
functional activity (Activity Sequence Number)
Modifications / Opportunity Realisation Primavera
Projects Process (ORP)
(Engineering &
Business Plan Process Integrate and Submit
Plan EP.01.PR.20
Production System De-bottlenecking Scheduled & LIP-T
Optimisation Non-Scheduled Deferment
opportunities (from VR Teams) [9]

Asset Reference Manage Assets

Plan ARP Asset Reference Planning [8]
Capacity plan Capacity Planning EP.71.PR.01
(Supply Demand
windows, deferment
/ capacity volumes)

Activity Responsibility

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EP Controlling Document Restricted
Procedure / Activity Description Integrated Activity Planning IAP

Operations manager
Production Delivery
Functional Planner
Registration Focal

Senior Operations
Asset Integrated

Functional Lead
Activity Planner

Activity Planner
EPE Integrated
Activity Owner

Asset Leader
Task definition References




1 Register activity

Develop registered activity to the point

2 where scope definition allows economic
benefit criteria to be established.

Determine proposed tim ing for the

3 registered activity within the 2 yr FAP and
obtain approval.

Determine in cooperation with the

function, the preferred execution window
4 of the registered activity within the asset
m/t IAP and enter into the
revised/proposed FAP.

Approve the execution window for those Ref [2] Capacity Planning
5 activities with potential for deferment /
capacity loss.

Present revised/proposed Asset m/t IAP at

6 the Asset IAP M eeting. Solve identified
asset level conflicts

Update the functional activity plan to

7 reflect any approved changes at the Asset
m/t IAP M eeting

Update the asset m/t production forecast

8 (i.e. current year and Latest Estimate View
for year 2) according to the agreed
changes at the Asset m/t IAP Meeting.

Prepare proposal of unsolved asset

9 specific issues for the regional m /t IAP

10 Organise EPE IAP meeting to solve/agree

asset/function proposals

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EP Controlling Document Restricted
Procedure / Activity Description Integrated Activity Planning IAP

Operations Manager
Production Delivery
Functional Planner
Registration Focal

Senior Operations
Functional Lead

Activity Planner
EPE Integrated
Activity Owner

Asset Leader
Task definition References



Asset IAP

Present agreed actions from step 6 for

Review FAP and confirm compliance with

12 PEC, if not compliant or change required
in window, iterate to step 4.

13 Publish draft Asset s/t IAP

Review s/t IAP, challenge and confirm PEC

14 compliance and get commitment to the

Present, address any change request and

15 solve any outstanding IAP clashes at the
s/t IAP (90-Day) Meeting

Update the asset s/t production forecast

16 according to the agreed changes in the
Asset s/t IAP Meeting.

17 Publish the Asset s/t IAP and 28 day POB

18 Prepare KPIs

Output of activity Output To Activity / Doc No. IT system

Medium Term IAP at Integrated Activity Planning Primavera
Asset level (year EP.71.PR.10 (Iteration)
Short Term IAP at Scheduling EP.71.PR.15 Primavera
Asset Level (90-day Job preparation EP.71.PR.70 Livelink
plan) Manage execution of activities
on location EP.71.PR.75
Plan Key Integrated activity Planning Primavera
Performance EP.71.PR.10
Indicators (KPI’s)
Deferring activities Capacity planning EP.71.PR.01 Primavera

Additional requirements It is imperative that a Work Management System is in place, which

• A calendar of management meetings with clearly identified
agenda, attendees, input/output; change control process with
clearly identified authority level for managing changes

It is also key that the roles of integrated activity planners and

functional planners be firmly entrenched in the organisation. In
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Procedure / Activity Description Integrated Activity Planning IAP

addition roles and responsibilities for all stakeholders and as detailed

in the EPE IAP Working Guide (ref [6]) are paramount for an
effective IAP process.

Additional requirements per process step (if required):

Step 1
All activities, other than those managed under SAP Plant
Maintenance orders, have to be registered in SAP. They have to be
given where they are allocated a unique "Activity Sequence Number"
(ASN) that will remain with the activity throughout i.e. from concept
to closeout.

Step 2
Activity maturation processes are managed by the Opportunity
Delivery Leader (ODL)) through the ORP for major projects, by
Value Realisation (VR) Lead for “Locked in Potential (LIP-T)” (VR
Opex work), by E&M lead through e-Merit for Engineering &
Maintenance activities.

Step 3
The proposals for timing shall not be conflicting with other activities
within the same function. The Functional planner has to take into
account the SD windows, provided by capacity planning (ref. [1]).

Step 4
Create m/t IAP based on previous m/t/ IAP and collation of
Functional Activity Plans (FAP’s). At this stage it may be necessary
to iterate the FAP a number of times until the optimal positioning
within the location (and asset) is obtained. The objective is to
maximise production availability and to meet hydrocarbon delivery
obligations (ref [1]), while optimising the use of resources, equipment
and materials.
Operational and logistical constraints (e.g. bedding availability, staff
shortage and materials delivery) have also to be taken into account.

Step 5
Return to step 3 when re-arrangement is required

Step 6
For all changes to the IAP, the IAP change request template has to
be used.

Step 7
Update the Functional Activity Plans

Step 8
The asset production forecast has to be updated as follows.
The latest estimates for production have to be prepared and
compared with asset performance targets and hydrocarbon delivery
commitments (ref [1]) for the current and following year. In case of
non-conformity following actions may be taken:
 Return to step 1 in case of not meeting asset performance
targets and hydrocarbon delivery commitments.
 Request for additional Production System Optimisation (PSO) or
hydrocarbon development opportunities.

Step 9

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EP Controlling Document Restricted
Procedure / Activity Description Integrated Activity Planning IAP

Specific issues with regard to priorities, conflicts between or

shortage of shared resources or budget shortages, which have not
been solved within the Asset, have to be summarised and submitted
to the EPE m/t IAP Meeting.

Step 10
No additional requirements

Step 11
No additional requirements

Step 12
After further development of the FAP by the Functional Planner, the
FAP has to be reviewed.
Return to step 4 in case of non compliance of activities within the
FAP with Plan Entry Criteria (PEC) or change required in execution
window of activities.

Step 13
From collated FAP’s a draft s/t IAP has to be created and published

Step 14
The draft s/t IAP has to be reviewed. PEC compliance is challenged
and has to be confirmed.

Step 15
Change requests, which have not been submitted to the Asset IAP
function, will not be discussed in the Asset s/t IAP meeting. At the
Asset s/t meeting the Functional Leads and Operations Manager
have to solve the remaining conflicts.

Step 16
The production forecast has to be updated according to the last
changes from the Asset s/t IAP meeting (ref. [1])

Step 17
POB is only required for offshore assets. Publish s/t IAP and send it
to all involved parties (ref [2])

Step 18
Measure Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) and use them to
improve the plans

Related controlling Ref. Title Document No.


[1] Capacity Planning EP.71.PR.01

[2] Scheduling EP.71.PR.15
[3] Process Integrate and Submit Plan EP.01.PR.20
[4] Job Preparation EP.71.PR.70
[5] Manage execution of activities on location EP.71.PR.75

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EP200511204301 3 15-01-2008
Org. Doc. No: EP.71.PR.10
EP Controlling Document Restricted
Procedure / Activity Description Integrated Activity Planning IAP

Other references Ref. Title Document No.

[6] IAP in EP Europe – A Working Guide EP

[7] Shell EP Global Process 03, IAP, Dec.
[8] Shell EP Global Process 02, Asset
Reference Planning, Dec. 2003
[9] Shell EP Global Process 14, Production
System Optimisation, Jan. 2004

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Org. Doc. No: EP.71.PR.10

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