SUFISM - Seminar at Nazerene College - Manchester

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EWI Workshop

24th March 2009 Nazarene College, Manchester What is Sufism? 1. THREE Is Everyones heard about the 5 Pillars of Islam but have any of you heard about the 3 Is? IMAAN: BELIEFS 6 Articles ISLAM: ACTIONS 5 Pillars IHSAAN: INNER CONSCIOUSNESS. That you WORSHIP God as if you are seeing you. This is differentiated. The narration reads : If you are seeing himand if you cannot see Him then remember He is seeing you. This is INNER DIMENSION OF WORHSHIP - CONSTANT STATE of deep AWARENESS and REMEMBERANCE of GOD. Al SUFFIYU IBN WAQTIHI Master / controller of TIME. 2. PURIFICATION OF THE NAFS Linguistics : Soof / Safaa Whoever purifies it (soul) is triumphant and whoever corrupts it is at loss and in failure. [The Sun 91:9] Reality without a name/ Name without a reality. Al Ammaara bi Soo : Directing towards evil. [Joseph 12:53] Al Lawwaama : Self blaming/rectifying [Resurrection 75:2] Al Mutmaina : Satisfied and content. [Daybreak 89:27] I recognised my Lord through the non-fulfilment of my promises. Sayiiduna Abu Bakr (RA) 3. SELFLESSNESS desire to serve all of humanity Sufis see all of Gods creation as equal. Rabiya Basariyah (Basra) Going to burn down the mansions of Paradise and put out the fires of Hell Rumi: "Come again, please, come again, Whoever you are. Religious, infidel, heretic or pagan. Even if you promised a hundred times and a hundred times you broke your promise, this door is not the door of hopelessness and frustration. This door is open for everybody. Come, come as you are." Wrongly attributed to Rumi according to some experts (Sidi Ibrahim Gamart _ Rumi Expert. Bahaaudeen Sultan : We are a people that like to sew not cut and devide on being presented with a pair of scissors. The principles of spirituality in Sufism Qualities Principles

Taawwuf (Sufism) Taawwuf is a knowledge that defines how to travel the mystic path (sulk) to the presence of the King of Kings. It is a knowledge that purifies mans inner dimension from vices, adorning it with virtues or absenting the creation in the witnessing of the Real or with the returning to the traces (athar). Its beginning is knowledge, its middle is action, and its end is a gift (from the All-merciful).


1. Tawbah (Turning to Allah for Forgiveness) Tawbah is leaving what the Shariah finds blameworthy for what it finds praiseworthy. 2. Khawf (Fear of Allah) the hearts suffering and its burning in expectation of something distasteful befalling it. Ghazali 3. idq (Truthfulness) idq is judgment commensurate with reality. Its place is on the tongue, in the heart, and in actions. Zakariya Ansari 4. abr (Patience): abr is keeping distant from disobedience, being undisturbed when a catastrophe befalls, and exhibiting self-sufficiency in earning ones livelihood at the advent of poverty. abr with obedience to Allah abr with disobedience to Allah abr in Misfortunes 5. Zuhd (Abstinence: Indifference to This World Zuhd is emptying the heart from this world not emptying the hands. 6. abr (Tawakkul (Reliance on Allah) Tawakkul is trust in what Allah has, and complete hopelessness in what is in the hands of people. 7. Musabah (Taking Account of Oneself) Whoever takes account of himself cannot be occupied with the futile and false. 8. Raj (Hope in Allah) Raj is being contented with His overflowing generosity. It should be witnessed in all (His) actions, otherwise, this hope is but self-deception. 9. Ikhl (Sincerity) Surely Allah does not look at your bodies or your appearances; rather, He looks at your hearts. 10. Wara (Scrupulousness in Abstaining from the Doubtful) Leave what you are doubtful of for what you are not doubtful of. 11. Shukr (Giving Thanks)

He who does not thank people can never be grateful to God

1. Taqw (Godfearingness) Taqw is beholding the states commensurate with ones being alone with God. This means that one avoids what is other than God while being in a state of stillness, and loving, and feeling at ease with Him. A Al-Nuri says in a poem: I fear You not out of precaution for what waits at lifes end. How can I fear that while You are for me a companion better than any other. I highly value You so that I wont value other than You, even if it has some paltry danger associated with it. 2. Tawu (Humility and Modesty) Imam al-Junayd (may Allah be pleased with him) was asked about tawu and he said, It is lowering the wing (service in humility) and breaking the side (abasement). Tawu is being proud with little, accepting abasement, and bearing the weight of the people of the millah (nation). 3. Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah) The reality of dhikr is forgetting what is other than the one mentioned in dhikr. Allah says: And remember your Lord when you forget. (18:24) 4. Faqr (Poverty) A sage was heard saying: I said to one of the poor upon whom I saw signs of hunger and suffering, Why dont you ask people for alms so that they can feed you? He replied, I am afraid that if I were to ask them and they refused, they would not be among the successful. For I have heard that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) has said, If the one asking is truly sincere, then whoever denies him will not be successful. 5. Qurb (Intimacy) Sari al-Saqati (may Allah be pleased with him) was asked about qurb and he said, It is obedience. Al-Shibli (may Allah be pleased with me) said, I am bewildered by You. Take me by my hand, O Guide of he who is bewildered by You. 6. Maabbah (Love) He who has not loved can never have faith 7. Yaqn (Certainty) Al-Junayd: Yaqn is the lifting of doubt., Yaqn is beholding. Dhu al-Nun (RA), All that is seen by the eyes is related to knowledge, and what is known by the hearts is related to yaqn.

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