1.2 The Ascendance of The Chinese Mestizo For

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Chinese History in the Philippines

Chinese Mestizo or Mestizo de Sangley are one of the hundred ethnic groups of the Philippines. developed during the
Spanish colonial regime when Chinese immigrants married native peoples. Many of the Chinese immigrants where males
and didn't bring women with them so they married the indigenous people. Today there is a substantial population and
they are found in Chinese communities, especially Binondo, one of the largest "Chinatowns" in the world.
Today they are known as Tsinoy (half Filipino, half Chinese "tsino"). They are scattered throughout the Philippines. The
majority are found in Manila and surrounding areas.
They are also entrepreneurs who control a large percent of the Philippine economy. They mix their Chinese beliefs with
Christianity. Many of them are Christians.
From the beginning of the Spanish colonial period until 1740, the inhabitants of the Philippines were classified into
three: Spaniards, Indios, and Chinese.
As the Chinese population grew, questions regarding their legal status as inhabitants of the country arose.
In 1741 that their legal status was officially established when the whole population of the Philippines was reclassified
into four according to tax payment or tribute.
These classes are the:
1. Spaniards and Spanish mestizos
2. Indios
3. Chinese
4. Chinese mestizos
Spaniards and Spanish mestizos were not required to pay tribute to tax, whereas the three other classes were required
to pay taxes depending on their income.
A policy that limited the number of Chinese individuals who could reside in the Philippines and restricted their area of
settlement was implemented. At the end of the 19th century, there were almost 500,000 Chinese mestizos in the
Philippines with 46,000 living in Manila.
A Chinese mestizo then was:

 Any person born of a Chinese father and indio mother;

 A spanish mestiza who married a chinese mestizo; or
 A child of a Spanish mestiza and a Chinese mestizo However, a Chinese mestiza and an Indio were listed as Indios.
Indios were defined as the native indigenous 
The Spaniards called the natives “indio” (uncivilized).


MERCADO – the real surname of Rizal Family.

 Adopted by Domingo Lam-co, the paternal great-great grandfather of Jose Rizal.

DOMINGO LAM-CO - a full-blooded Chinese the family’s paternal ascendant was who came to the Philippines. A Native
from the Fukien City of Chinchew District of China. Settled in Binan.
 Converted to Catholic Christian and married to rich Chinese Christian girl, INES DE LA ROSA of Manila.
 In 1731 he altered his surname into Mercado which means “market”. (merchant)
 Became Municipal Captain in Binan Laguna.
 Had two children with his wife Ines.
 Francisco – his name is given in honor to an uncle and friar scholar in Manila.
- Reside in Binan and married to Cirila Bernacha a Chinese – Filipino mestiza.
- Gobernadorcillo (Municipal Mayor) in 1763.
- Had two sons Juan and Clemente.
- Died in 1801, 60 years before the birth of Jose Rizal.

 Josefa – died after 5 days her birth

 Juan Mercado – the grandfather of Jose Rizal.

- Popular influential leader
- Elected as gobernadorcillo and was chief of the town three times; chosen as Hermano Mayor several
- Married Cirila Alejandro, a Chinese – Filipino mestiza.
- Had 12 children-7 boys and 5 girls.
- Francisco Mercado, was the youngest and the father of Jose Rizal.


 Traced from Lakandula – last native king of Tondo and a Bornean Muslim.
 Eugenio Ursua – great-great grandfather of Dona Teodora (mother of Rizal) Japanese ancestry.

MERCADO-RIZAL FAMILY had also traces of Japanese, Spanish, Malay, and Even Negrito blood aside from Chinese.

Jose Rizal came from a 13-member family consisting of his parents, Francisco Mercado and Teodora Alonso Realonda,
and nine sisters and one brother.

A. The Parents

FRANCISCO MERCADO - Father of Jose Rizal who was the youngest of 13 offspring’s of Juan and Cirila Mercado. Born in
Biñan, Laguna on May 11, 1818; studied in San Jose College, Manila studying Latin and Philosophy; moved in Calamba
and became a tenant-farmer of the Dominican-owned hacienda. He was a hardy and independent –minded man, who
talked less and worked more. Died in Manila at the age of 80 on January 5, 1898. Rizal affectionately called him “a model
of fathers”

TEODORA ALONSO - Mother of Jose Rizal who was the second child of Lorenzo Alonso and Brijida de Quintos. Born in
Manila on November 8, 1826. She studied at the Colegio de Santa Rosa. She was a remarkable woman, possessing
refined culture, literary talent, business ability, knows literature and speaks Spanish (according to Rizal). She died in
Manila on August 16, 1911.

B. The Siblings

Francisco Mercado Rizal and Dona Teaodora Alonzo were married on June 28, 1848 where they settled down in
Calamba. They were employed farming and business Entrepreneur. They were blessed with eleven children: Two boys
and Nine girls.
SATURNINA RIZAL Eldest child of the Rizal-Alonzo marriage. Married Manuel Timoteo Hidalgo of Tanauan, Batangas.

PACIANO RIZAL Only brother of Jose Rizal and the second child. Studied at San Jose College in Manila; became a farmer
and later a general of the Philippine Revolution.

NARCISA RIZAL The third child. married Antonio Lopez at Morong, Rizal; a teacher and musician.

OLYMPIA RIZAL The fourth child. Married Silvestre Ubaldo; died in 1887 from childbirth.

LUCIA RIZAL The fifth child. Married Matriano Herbosa.

MARIA RIZAL The sixth child. Married Daniel Faustino Cruz of Biñan, Laguna.

JOSE RIZAL The second son and the seventh child. He was executed by the Spaniards on December 30,1896. José
Protasio Rizal Mercado Y Alonso Realonda was born on June 19, 1861 to Francisco Mercado and Teodora Alonzo in the
town of Calamba in the province of Laguna. He had nine sisters and one brother. At the early age of three, the future
political leader had already learned the English alphabet. And, by the age of five, José could already read and write.

CONCEPCION RIZAL The eight child. Died at the age of three.

JOSEFA RIZAL The ninth child. An epileptic, died a spinster.

TRINIDAD RIZAL The tenth child. Died a spinster and the last of the family to die.

SOLEDAD RIZAL The youngest child married Pantaleon Quintero.

 Copy and answer the following questions in Microsoft Word before converting to PDF.
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1. What are the current economic roles of Chinese mestizos in our country?
2. what are the significance of Chinese mestizo during Spanish colonial period?
3. What contributions and influences did Chinese mestizo and Chinese immigrants have in the Philippines
during the Spanish colonial period?

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