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12-ADT 1 (MVA 1) OCT. 2021

1. Explain what Neolithic Revolution is and give at least three (3)

significant events that take place during that time.

2. What are the four civilizations that emerged in ancient times that
are considered as Cradles of Civilization?

3. Give the different features of an ancient civilization that help them

exist and preserve their culture during that period.

4. Give at least 3 different features or the most important contribution

to the history of The Sumerian Civilization, Egyptian Civilization,
Greece City-States, and the Roman Republic.

5. Define Democracy.

1. The Neolithic Revolution, also called the Agricultural Revolution, marked the
transition in human history from small, nomadic bands of hunter-gatherers to
larger, agricultural settlements and early civilization.

The 3 significant events that happened during that time are:

-They gave up the nomadic, hunter gatherer lifestyle completely to begin farming

-The invention of the wheel is the most remarkable of this era. By inventing the
wheel, the people of that era found it easy to transport things from one place to

-By adopting a sedentary way of life, the Neolithic groups increased their
awareness of territoriality. During the 9600-6900 BCE period in the Near East,
there were also innovations in arrowheads, yet no important changes in the
animals hunted were detected.

2. The Cradles of Civilization are:

-Indus Valley
3. The different features of an ancient civilization are:
-Large population centers
-Monumental Architecture & Unique Art Styles
-Shared Communication strategies
-Systems for administering territories
-A complex division of labor
-The division of people into social and economic classes.

-Cuneiform -Hieroglyphy -They developed -cements
(system of writing) (sacred writing) the world’s first
(Roman concrete
- Ziggurat -Sphinx (a democracy (opus
(means “Hill of the mythical creature caementicium),
Heaven”) (White with the head of a -Playwrights like modern
Temple of Uruk, human, a falcon, wrote and concrete, is an
in ancient Sumer. a cat, or a sheep produced the first artificial building
Its purpose is to and the body of a dramas in material
get the temple lion with the wingsoutdoor composed of an
closer to the of a falcon) theaters. aggregate, a
heavens, and (Euripides & binding agent,
provide access -Pyramid (ancient Sophocles) and water.)
from the ground masonry
to it via steps) structures located -They developed -incredibly well
in Egypt. Sources the art of built aqueducts
-Developed cite at least 118 Philosophy to that ran for miles,
copper and identified search for wisdom bringing fresh
bronze tools & Egyptian and truth. water to the cities
weapons pyramids. Most (Socrates, Plato, and towns.
were built as and Aristotle)
tombs for the
country's -Newspapers
pharaohs and (Known as Acta
their consorts Diurna, or “daily
during the Old acts,” these early
and Middle newspapers were
Kingdom periods.) written on metal
or stone and then
posted in heavily
trafficked areas
like the Roman
4. The word democracy itself means rule by the people. A democracy is a
system where people can change their rulers in a peaceful manner and the
government is given the right to rule because the people say it may."[6] Origins
of Democracy.

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