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R1: MARCH 2020

Table of Contents

Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................

List of Figures............................................................................................................................

List of Tables.............................................................................................................................

1 Introduction........................................................................................................................
1.1 Background......................................................................................................6
1.2 Purpose and Objectives...................................................................................6
1.3 Work location...................................................................................................7
1.4 Scope of Work..................................................................................................7

2 General Description of the Work Area.............................................................................

2.1 Geographical Conditions................................................................................10
2.2 Topography conditions...................................................................................10
2.3 Climate conditions and Rainfall......................................................................11
2.4 Hydro Oceanographic Conditions...................................................................12

3 INVENTORY HYDROLOGIC STATION NETWORK.......................................................

3.1 General Conditions Hydrologic Stations BWS Maluku...................................14
3.2 Inventory of Existing Hydrologic Station Conditions Ambon City....................15
3.2.1 Inventory of Rainfall Stations.................................................................15
3.2.2 Inventory of Water Level Stations..........................................................17
3.2.3 Inventory of Weather Stations................................................................19

4 HYDROLOGY STATION NETWORK ANALYSIS............................................................

4.1 General Approach..........................................................................................22
4.2 Rationalization Analysis of Hydrometric Stations............................................23
4.3 Classification Hydrometric Station Network Rationalization............................23
4.4 Rationalization Methods Based on Circular Letter DGWR PUPR...................28
4.4.1 Rationalization Hydrometric Stations with Quality Control Method.........29
4.4.2 Rationalization Hydrometric Station with Kagan Method........................37
4.4.3 Rationalization Hydrometric Station with Isohyet Method.......................38
4.4.4 Rationalization Hydrometric Stations with Stepwise Method..................42
4.4.5 Rationalization Hydrometric Stations with Density Method WMO..........44

5 Analysis Results of the Hydrological Station Network Rationalization..............................

5.1 Rainfall Stations.............................................................................................46
5.1.1 Rainfall Station Rationalization with Quality Control Method..................46
5.1.2 Rainfall Station Rationalization with Kagan method...............................47
5.1.3 Rainfall Station Rationalization based on Stepwise Method...................54
5.1.4 Isohyet method......................................................................................63
5.1.5 Rainfall Station Rationalization based on WMO Recommendations......66

5.2 Water Level Recorder....................................................................................68
5.2.1 Water Level Recorder Rationalization with Quality Control Method.......68
5.3 Summary of 5 Methods..................................................................................69

6 Proposed Ideal Location of Hydro-metric Station for Support EWS (Early Warning
6.1 Rainfall Recorder...........................................................................................74
6.2 Water Level Stations......................................................................................78
6.3 Early Flood Warning Station (Siren)...............................................................84

7 Initial Technical Specifications.........................................................................................

7.1 Automatic Weather Station (AWS).................................................................86
7.2 Automatic Water Level Recorder (AWLR)......................................................89
7.3 Early Flood Warning Station...........................................................................92
7.4 Others............................................................................................................ 93

8 Initial Cost Estimate.........................................................................................................

9 Conclusions and Recommendations...............................................................................

9.1 Conclusions....................................................................................................95
9.2 Recommendations.......................................................................................104
9.3 Result of discussion with Balai Ambon.........................................................105
9.4 Consultant Analysis of the Proposed Hydro-met Procurement of BWS Maluku
..................................................................................................................... 105


Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................

List of Figures............................................................................................................................................

List of Tables............................................................................................................................................

1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................
1.1 Background...................................................................................................................6
1.2 Purpose and Objectives................................................................................................6
1.3 Work location................................................................................................................7
1.4 Scope of Work...............................................................................................................7

2 General Description of the Work Area...........................................................................................

2.1 Geographical Conditions.............................................................................................10
2.2 Topography conditions...............................................................................................10
2.3 Climate conditions and Rainfall...................................................................................11
2.4 Hydro Oceanographic Conditions...............................................................................12

3 INVENTORY HYDROLOGIC STATION NETWORK..............................................................................

3.1 General Conditions Hydrologic Stations BWS Maluku................................................14
3.2 Inventory of Existing Hydrologic Station Conditions Ambon City ................................15
3.2.1 Inventory of Rainfall Stations.............................................................................15
3.2.2 Inventory of Water Level Stations......................................................................17
3.2.3 Inventory of Weather Stations...........................................................................19

4 HYDROLOGY STATION NETWORK ANALYSIS...................................................................................

4.1 General Approach.......................................................................................................22
4.2 Rationalization Analysis of Hydrometric Stations........................................................23
4.3 Classification Hydrometric Station Network Rationalization.......................................23
4.4 Rationalization Methods Based on Circular Letter DGWR PUPR .................................28
4.4.1 Rationalization Hydrometric Stations with Quality Control Method .................29
4.4.2 Rationalization Hydrometric Station with Kagan Method..................................37
4.4.3 Rationalization Hydrometric Station with Isohyet Method................................38
4.4.4 Rationalization Hydrometric Stations with Stepwise Method...........................42
4.4.5 Rationalization Hydrometric Stations with Density Method WMO ...................44

5 Analysis Results of the Hydrological Station Network Rationalization ...........................................

5.1 Rainfall Stations..........................................................................................................46
5.1.1 Rainfall Station Rationalization with Quality Control Method ...........................46
5.1.2 Rainfall Station Rationalization with Kagan method..........................................47
5.1.3 Rainfall Station Rationalization based on Stepwise Method..............................54
5.1.4 Isohyet method..................................................................................................63
5.1.5 Rainfall Station Rationalization based on WMO Recommendations ..................66
5.2 Water Level Recorder.................................................................................................68
5.2.1 Water Level Recorder Rationalization with Quality Control Method .................68
5.3 Summary of 5 Methods...............................................................................................69

6 Proposed Ideal Location of Hydro-metric Station for Support EWS (Early Warning
6.1 Rainfall Recorder.........................................................................................................74
6.2 Water Level Stations...................................................................................................78
6.3 Early Flood Warning Station (Siren)............................................................................84

7 Initial Technical Specifications........................................................................................................

7.1 Automatic Weather Station (AWS).............................................................................86
7.2 Automatic Water Level Recorder (AWLR)...................................................................89
7.3 Early Flood Warning Station........................................................................................92
7.4 Others.........................................................................................................................93

8 Initial Cost Estimate........................................................................................................................

9 Conclusions and Recommendations...............................................................................................

9.1 Conclusions.................................................................................................................95
9.2 Recommendations....................................................................................................104
9.3 Result of discussion with Balai Ambon......................................................................104
9.4 Consultant Analysis of the Proposed Hydro-met Procurement in Balai Ambon .......105


List of Figures
Figure 1.1: Location of Watersheds in Ambon............................................................7
Figure 1.2: Flow Chart of Methodology for Rationalization.........................................9
Figure 2.1: Topographic Map Ambon City................................................................11
Figure 2.2: Rainfall Graph Ambon City.....................................................................12
Figure 2.3: Location of Ambon and Ambon Bay.......................................................13
Figure 3.1: Distribution of Hydrologic Stations in the Ambon Watersheds................14
Figure 3.2: Condition Manual and automated rainfall recording at IAIN station, using
Smart Control Unit (SCU) and powered by solar panels........................16
Figure 3.3: Condition Water Level Station and Sedimentation in Batu Merah
Figure 3.4: Condition Water Level Station in Lela Watershed..................................18
Figure 3.5: Unpatti Weather Station Conditions.......................................................19
Figure 3.6: Environmental Conditions around Unpatti Weather Station....................20
Figure 3.7: Condition Anemometer (Wind Speed) and Direction Sensor in the Unpatti
Weather Station.....................................................................................20
Figure 3.8: Condition Pyranometer (Solar Radiation) in Unpatti Weather Station... .21
Figure 3.9: Condition Rain Meter Sensor using Automatic Tipping Bucket in Unpatti
Weather Station.....................................................................................21
Figure 3.10: Smart Control Unit (SCU) as the sender of the data in storage and
Climate Station Unpatti Developed and Produced by PT. CORE...........21
Figure 4.1: Stepwise curve.......................................................................................43
Figure 5.1: Hydrologic Stations Plotted based on Coordinates................................48
Figure 5.2: Plotting of Rainfall Station Correlation Coefficients................................49
Figure 5.3: Network Curve based on Kagan method with Relative Alignment and
Interpolation Errors.................................................................................52
Figure 5.4: Kagan Triangle Network with 2.29 % Relative Alignment Error and 10 km
Distance in Ambon Watershed...............................................................53
Figure 5.5: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Batu Gantung.............................55
Figure 5.6: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Batu Gajah.................................56
Figure 5.7: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Tomo Hulu.................................57
Figure 5.8: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Tomo Hilir...................................58
Figure 5.9: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Batu Merah.................................59
Figure 5.10: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Ruhu..........................................60
Figure 5.11: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Yori.............................................61
Figure 5.12: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Lela............................................62
Figure 5.13: Plotting Existing Rainfall Stations and Watersheds in Ambon................64
Figure 5.14: Annual Rainfall Isohyet in Ambon Watersheds.......................................65
Figure 5.15: Existing and Proposed Rainfall Stations Plotted on KSE Value Map
Ambon Watersheds................................................................................65
Figure 5.16: Rainfall Station Radius Map Used in WMO Density Method..................67
Figure 6.1: Plotting Existing Rainfall Stations and Watersheds in Ambon................74
Figure 6.2: Map of annual rainfall distribution in Ambon Watersheds.......................75
Figure 6.3: KSE value for existing rainfall conditions and Proposed Rainfall Stations
Plotted in Ambon Watersheds................................................................76
Figure 6.4: Rainfall Station Radius Map Including New Proposed Stations..............77
Figure 6.5: Location of Total Proposed New Water Level Recorder in Ambon
Figure 6.6: Location of Warning Stations in Ambon watershed................................84
Figure 7.1: Example Automatic Weather Station (AWS)..........................................89
Figure 7.2: Example Automatic Water Level Recorder (AWLR)...............................92
Figure 7.3: Photo Warning Station...........................................................................93
Figure 9.1: Location of Proposed Automatic Weather Station (AWS) for EWS..101
Figure 9.2: Location of Proposed Automatic Water Level Recorder (AWLR) for

Figure 9.3: Hydromet Stations Network Improvements on WS Ambon-Seram
Proposed by BWS Maluku.................................................................110
Figure 9.4: Hydromet Stations Network Improvements on Ambon Island
Proposed by BWS Maluku.................................................................111
Figure 9.5: Hydromet Stations Network Improvements on Ambon Island
Proposed by BWS Maluku.................................................................112
Figure 1.1: Location of Watersheds in Ambon.......................................................................7
Figure 1.2: Flow Chart of Methodology for Rationalization...................................................9
Figure 2.1: Topographic Map Ambon City............................................................................11
Figure 2.2: Rainfall Graph Ambon City.................................................................................12
Figure 2.3: Location of Ambon and Ambon Bay...................................................................13
Figure 3.1: Distribution of Hydrologic Stations in the Ambon Watersheds ..........................14
Figure 3.2: Condition Manual and automated rainfall recording at IAIN station, using Smart
Control Unit (SCU) and powered by solar panels...............................................16
Figure 3.3: Condition Water Level Station and Sedimentation in Batu Merah Watershed . .18
Figure 3.4: Condition Water Level Station in Lela Watershed..............................................18
Figure 3.5: Unpatti Weather Station Conditions..................................................................19
Figure 3.6: Environmental Conditions around Unpatti Weather Station.............................20
Figure 3.7: Condition Anemometer (Wind Speed) and Direction Sensor in the Unpatti
Weather Station.................................................................................................20
Figure 3.8: Condition Pyranometer (Solar Radiation) in Unpatti Weather Station ...............21
Figure 3.9: Condition Rain Meter Sensor using Automatic Tipping Bucket in Unpatti
Weather Station.................................................................................................21
Figure 3.10: Smart Control Unit (SCU) as the sender of the data in storage and Climate
Station Unpatti Developed and Produced by PT. CORE......................................21
Figure 4.1: Stepwise curve...................................................................................................43
Figure 5.1: Hydrologic Stations Plotted based on Coordinates............................................48
Figure 5.2: Plotting of Rainfall Station Correlation Coefficients...........................................49
Figure 5.3: Network Curve based on Kagan method with Relative Alignment and
Interpolation Errors............................................................................................52
Figure 5.4: Kagan Triangle Network with 2.29 % Relative Alignment Error and 10 km
Distance in Ambon Watershed...........................................................................53
Figure 5.5: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Batu Gantung.........................................55
Figure 5.6: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Batu Gajah..............................................56
Figure 5.7: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Tomo Hulu..............................................57
Figure 5.8: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Tomo Hilir...............................................58
Figure 5.9: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Batu Merah............................................59
Figure 5.10: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Ruhu.......................................................60
Figure 5.11: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Yori.........................................................61
Figure 5.12: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Lela.........................................................62
Figure 5.13: Plotting Existing Rainfall Stations and Watersheds in Ambon............................64
Figure 5.14: Annual Rainfall Isohyet in Ambon Watersheds..................................................65
Figure 5.15: Existing and Proposed Rainfall Stations Plotted on KSE Value Map Ambon
Figure 5.16: Rainfall Station Radius Map Used in WMO Density Method..............................67
Figure 6.1: Plotting Existing Rainfall Stations and Watersheds in Ambon............................74
Figure 6.2: Map of annual rainfall distribution in Ambon Watersheds ................................75
Figure 6.3: KSE value for existing rainfall conditions and Proposed Rainfall Stations Plotted
in Ambon Watersheds........................................................................................76
Figure 6.4: Rainfall Station Radius Map Including New Proposed Stations ..........................77
Figure 6.5: Location of Total Proposed New Water Level Recorder in Ambon watershed .....83
Figure 6.5: Location of Warning Stations in Ambon watershed..............................................84

Figure 7.1: Example Automatic Weather Station (AWS)......................................................89
Figure 7.2: Example Automatic Water Level Recorder (AWLR)............................................92
Figure 7.3: Photo Warning Station.......................................................................................93
Figure 9.1: Location of Proposed Automatic Weather Station (AWS) for EWS.....................101
Figure 9.2: Location of Proposed Automatic Water Level Recorder (AWLR) for EWS...........104
Figure 9.3: AWS Location of Balai Ambon Proposed in Ambon Island (a) .............................116
Figure 9.4: AWS Location of Balai Ambon Proposed in Ambon Island (b) .............................117
Figure 9.5: AWS Location of Balai Ambon Proposed in Seram Island....................................118
Figure 9.6: AWLR Location of Balai Ambon Proposed in Ambon Island ................................119

List of Tables
Table 3.1: Distribution of Hydrologic Stations in the Ambon Watersheds................14
Table 3.2: Distribution Rainfall Stations Ambon Watersheds..................................15
Table 3.3: Distribution Water Level Stations Ambon Watersheds...........................17
Table 3.4: Distribution Weather Stations Ambon Watersheds.................................19
Table 4.1: Overview Defining Factor and Coefficient Factor...................................25
Table 4.2: Defining Factor Elements with Score.....................................................25
Table 4.3: Criteria and Sub Criteria QC1 Water Level Recording Station...............30
Table 4.4: Criteria and Sub Criteria QC1 Station Rainfall........................................32
Table 4.5: Criteria and Sub Criteria QC1 Climatology Station.................................34
Table 4.6: Minimum Density Climatology Station Network......................................44
Table 4.7 Minimum Density for Automatic Rainfall Recorded Stations (ARR)........45
Table 4.8: Minimum density Automatic Water Level Recorder Network..................45
Table 5.1: The Weighting Result of Quality Control Method for Rainfall Recorder. .46
Table 5.2 Monthly Rainfall Station Data for 2015-2018..........................................47
Table 5.3 Distance between Hydrological Stations in Ambon Watersheds............48
Table 5.4 Comparison Correlation Value between Hydrologic Stations.................49
Table 5.5 Correlation Coefficient against Distance between Hydrologic Stations...50
Table 5.6 Network Density Analysis based on Kagan Method with Relative
Alignment and Interpolation Errors.........................................................51
Table 5.7 Summary Analysis Rainfall Stations based on Kagan Method...............53
Table 5.8 Correlation between Batu Gantung Water Level Stations with Upstream
Rainfall Stations.....................................................................................54
Table 5.9 Correlation between Batu Gajah Water Level Station With Upstream
Rainfall Stations.....................................................................................55
Table 5.10 Correlation between Tomo Hulu Water Level Stations with Upstream
Rainfall Stations.....................................................................................56
Table 5.11 Correlation between Tomo Hilir Water Level Stations with Upstream
Rainfall Stations.....................................................................................57
Table 5.12 Correlation between Batu Merah Water Level Stations with Upstream
Rainfall Stations.....................................................................................58
Table 5.13 Correlation between Ruhu Water Level Stations with Upstream Rainfall
Table 5.14 Correlation between Yori Water Level Stations with Upstream Rainfall
Table 5.15 Correlation between Lela Water Level Stations with Upstream Rainfall
Table 5.16 Summary of Multi-Correlations/Stepwise for Rainfall Stations to
Water Level Stations............................................................................62
Table 5.17 Summary of Value with Stepwise Method for Rainfall Stations..............62
Table 5.18 Summary of Value with Isohyet Method.................................................66

Table 5.19 Summary of Value with WMO Method...................................................67
Table 5.20: The Weighting Result of Quality Control Method for Water Level
Recorder (WLR)....................................................................................68
Table 5.21 Summary of Value with 5 Methods for Rainfall Recorder.......................70
Table 5.22 Summary of Value with Quality Control Methods for Water Level
Table 6.1 Coordinates New Proposed Rainfall Stations.........................................76
Table 6.2 Coordinates of New Proposed Rainfall Stations based Isohyet and WMO
Table 6.3 Existing Water Lever Recorder (WLR) Conditions.................................79
Table 6.4: Proposal for Procurement of New WLR at New Location for AMBON
Table 6.5: Proposed New Water Level Recorder (WLR) in Ambon Watershed.......81
Table 6.7 Proposed Early Flood Warning Station in Ambon watershed......................84
Table 8.1 Total Initial Cost Estimate...........................................................................94
Table 9.1 Conclusions of Results the Rationalization Analysis...................................96
Table 9.2 Conclusions to Support for Early Warning System....................................100
Table 9.3 Proposed Hydrometric Network Improvements by BWS Maluku........107
Table 3.1: Distribution of Hydrologic Stations in the Ambon Watersheds ..........................14
Table 3.2: Distribution Rainfall Stations Ambon Watersheds.............................................15
Table 3.3: Distribution Water Level Stations Ambon Watersheds......................................17
Table 3.4: Distribution Weather Stations Ambon Watersheds...........................................19
Table 4.1: Overview Defining Factor and Coefficient Factor...............................................25
Table 4.2: Defining Factor Elements with Score.................................................................25
Table 4.3: Criteria and Sub Criteria QC1 Water Level Recording Station ............................30
Table 4.4: Criteria and Sub Criteria QC1 Station Rainfall....................................................32
Table 4.5: Criteria and Sub Criteria QC1 Climatology Station.............................................34
Table 4.6: Minimum Density Climatology Station Network................................................44
Table 4.7 Minimum Density for Automatic Rainfall Recorded Stations (ARR) ...................45
Table 4.8: Minimum density Automatic Water Level Recorder Network...........................45
Table 5.1: The Weighting Result of Quality Control Method for Rainfall Recorder ............46
Table 5.2 Monthly Rainfall Station Data for 2015-2018.....................................................47
Table 5.3 Distance between Hydrological Stations in Ambon Watersheds .......................48
Table 5.4 Comparison Correlation Value between Hydrologic Stations............................49
Table 5.5 Correlation Coefficient against Distance between Hydrologic Stations .............50
Table 5.6 Network Density Analysis based on Kagan Method with Relative Alignment and
Interpolation Errors............................................................................................51
Table 5.7 Summary Analysis Rainfall Stations based on Kagan Method............................53
Table 5.8 Correlation between Batu Gantung Water Level Stations with Upstream Rainfall
Table 5.9 Correlation between Batu Gajah Water Level Station With Upstream Rainfall
Table 5.10 Correlation between Tomo Hulu Water Level Stations with Upstream Rainfall
Table 5.11 Correlation between Tomo Hilir Water Level Stations with Upstream Rainfall
Table 5.12 Correlation between Batu Merah Water Level Stations with Upstream Rainfall
Table 5.13 Correlation between Ruhu Water Level Stations with Upstream Rainfall Stations
Table 5.14 Correlation between Yori Water Level Stations with Upstream Rainfall Stations

Table 5.15 Correlation between Lela Water Level Stations with Upstream Rainfall Stations
Table 5.16 Summary of Multi-Correlations/Stepwise for Rainfall Stations to Water Level
Table 5.17 Summary of Value with Stepwise Method for Rainfall Stations .........................62
Table 5.18 Summary of Value with Isohyet Method............................................................66
Table 5.19 Summary of Value with WMO Method..............................................................67
Table 5.20: The Weighting Result of Quality Control Method for Water Level Recorder (WLR)
Table 5.21 Summary of Value with 5 Methods for Rainfall Recorder..................................70
Table 5.22 Summary of Value with Quality Control Methods for Water Level Recorder ....72
Table 6.1 Coordinates New Proposed Rainfall Stations.....................................................76
Table 6.2 Coordinates of New Proposed Rainfall Stations based Isohyet and WMO
Table 6.3 Existing Water Lever Recorder (WLR) Conditions....................................................79
Table 6.4: Proposal for Procurement of New WLR at New Location for AMBON Watershed ...80
Table 6.5 Total Proposed New Water Level Recorder (WLR) in Ambon watershed ..................81
Table 6.6 Proposed Early Flood Warning Station in Ambon watershed ....................................84
Table 8.1 Total Initial Cost Estimate..........................................................................................94
Table 9.1 Conclusions of Results the Rationalization Analysis...................................................96
Table 9.2 Conclusions to Support for Early Warning System...................................................100
Table 9.3 Proposed Area of Maluku River Basin Balai Ambon................................................107
Table 9.4 Existing Condition of the Hydro-med Equipment Proposed by Balai Ambon ........108
Table 9.6 Overview Consultants of the Hydro-med Equipment Proposed by Balai Ambon. 111


O&M : Operation & Maintenance

ARR : Automatic Rainfall Recorder
AWLR : Automatic Water Level Recorder
AWS : Automatic Weather Station
ORR : Ordinary Rainfall Recorder
OWLR : Ordinary Water Level Recorder / Peilschaal
RBO : River Basin Organization
RBT : River Basin Territory
WMO : World Meteorological Organization
ADB : Asian Development Bank
Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat / Ministry of Public
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Air / Water
Resources Research and Development Center
Balai Hidrologi dan Tata Air / Center for Hydrology and Water
PAM : Project Administration Manual
FMSRB : Flood Management in Selected River Basin
FEWS : Forecasting and Early Warning System
CIFS : Coastal Inundation Forecasting System
Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika / Meteorological,
Climatological, and Geophysical Agency
PPK : Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen / Commitment Maker Officer
CPMU : Central Project Management Unit
BM : Bench Mark
GSM : Global System for Mobile Communications
CCTV : Closed Circuit Television

1 Introduction

1.1 Background

In accordance with Act No. 7 of 2004 on Water Resources, said that the Provincial Government
has Authority and Responsibility in the Water Resources Development in the Provincial
concerned. Such Authority and Responsibilities include:

 Establish Water Resources Management Policy, based Provincial National Water Resources
Policy taking into account the interests of the Province and surrounding areas.
 Establish Patterns and Water Resources Management Plan in cross River Basin District /
As a basis for policies other than the Water Resources Development must be in accordance
with the General Spatial Plan Province also need to know the potential availability of water,
both surface water and groundwater.
The potential of the surface water in a watershed (DAS) be aware of in terms of the number
(quantity) and quality in order to meet the needs and development of alternative water
resources in the basin.
Quality accurate data that will be used for an analysis depends heavily on how far the station
hydrologic there can monitor hydrological characteristics in a watershed area (DAS), which is to
find out how many stations hydrology ideal and placement location of the station can be
represented as a representation hydrological characteristics of a watershed.
The problems faced by the Public Works Department Maluku Province is whether the number
and placement of station hydrology in the island of Ambon was in line with expectations and
criteria are determined, it will be the determination of the station network hydrology ideal,
effective and efficient, by studying and see whether in a river basin hydrology own right of an
item's location, need to be in the slide, or in the lid, and elsewhere need in the wake of the new
The form of the station network activity hydrological determination of an ideal, effective and
efficient in a watershed is in the form of Network Rationalization Study Hydrology in Ambon

1.2 Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of the Network Rationalization Study Hydrology is to adjust the placement of the
hydrological observation stations and planning the placement of new stations, so as to
represent the condition of hydrological characteristics in a region with the phases of work as

 Conduct an inventory, identification and study of the station network hydrological
conditions that exist at present in the city of Ambon, done by collecting data from the
Balai Ambon.
 Conduct an analysis of existing hydrological networks.
 Planning the hydrologic network of efficient criteria for the watershed.
 Applying the method according to the Circular Rationalization DGWR.
 Perform analysis and applied the methods planned to watershed has some hydrological
observation stations (rainfall, discharge, and climate).
 Set the stage and the criteria in analyzing the hydrology station network rationalization.
 Creating a network map hydrology ideal in Ambon City.
 Upgrading the station hydrology (rainfall, discharge, and climate) become telemetry so
data can be sent in real-time, to support Early Warning System (EWS)
The purpose of the Network Rationalization Study Hydrology is to realize all the points of
intent Rationalization Study in order to achieve the above and also get hydrologic network
system that optimally match a valid method.

1.3 Work location

Hydrology Network Rationalization Work location is in the city of Ambon, as shown in Figure
1.3-1 and spread over several watersheds that are in the Southern part of the city of Ambon.

Figure 1.1: Location of Watersheds in Ambon

Source: CS01 Consultant

The spread of the number of stations from one district to the other is not evenly distributed
and, among others, depend on the marsh water resources development plan in the area as well
as the needs of data for other purposes such as weather forecasting and navigation.

1.4 Scope of Work

The scope of the work is as follows:

Work rationalization hydrological stations in Ambon includes several activities and is
schematically shown in Figure 1.3-2 which generally consists of three (3) main stages, namely:
 Stage Input (Input)
 Stage Works (Process) and
 Stage Output (Output).
These stages associated with each other, and in practice there is to be carried out sequentially
(sequential) and some that may be carried out simultaneously (parallel). Before the stage input
implemented first job to do the jobs that are supporting this work are:
 Technical discussions with the Sub-Directorate of Hydrology DGWR in PUPR related
methods of implementing rationalization Center
 Coordination with BWS Ambon to get data monitoring hydrological station
 The Field Location Survey was not conducted, only coordinated with Ambon RBO
and coordinate intern with CS 01 Consultants, Ambon Basin, to ensure existing
condition hydrological station.
After the input job is completed then proceed with the work process which comprises:
 Station Network Rationalization Analysis of Hydrology using methods based Circular
 Evaluation of Station Network Rationalization Analysis of Hydrology
 Making the Network Map Hydrology
 Preparation of reports
And as a final result (output) will be obtained:
 The ideal number of stations (effectively and efficiently)
 Map of the station network hydrology effective and efficient
 Recommendations stations retained hydrology, hydrological stations be upgraded to
automatic, stations reallocated hydrology and hydrological stations deleted
 Estimated cost for the management, rehabilitation and development stations new
hydrology during the next 3 years.

Figure 1.2: Flow Chart of Methodology for Rationalization

Source: CS01 Consultant

2 General Description of the Work Area

2.1 Geographical Conditions

Ambon is the capital of Maluku province with a land area of 359.45 km2 and sea area of 17.55
km2 with a coastline of 98_Km (Land Use Survey 1980). Ambon City Administrative Region as
the Government Regulation No. 13 of 1979 with an area of 377 km ² or 2/5 of the island of
Geographically located in the Ambon City 3º 34 '8.40 "- 3º 47' 42.00" South latitude and 128º 1
'33.60 "- 128º 18' 3.60" East Longitude, with the boundaries of administrative areas as follows:
Bordering the village Petuanan Hitu, Hila and Kaitetu of
North :
Leihutu District of Central Maluku district.
South side : Bordering the Banda Sea
Bordered by Petuanan Suli of Salahutu District of Central
East :
Maluku district.
Bordering the village Petuanan Hatu of Leihitu District
West Side :
West Central Maluku

Ambon city is divided into five (5) sub-district consisting of 30 (thirty) Village / State and 20
(twenty) Village.

2.2 Topography conditions

Topographic conditions Ambon City consists mostly of steep areas with extensive Corrugated
until ± 280 km ² or 87% and flat areas with an area of ± 42 km2 or 13% of the total land area.

Figure 2.3: Topographic Map Ambon City

Source: Bappeda Kota Ambon 2017

2.3 Climate conditions and Rainfall

The existence of geographically Ambon City on Ambon island surrounded by the sea causing
Ambon City experienced two (2) Climate is tropical climate and season climate. The amount of
influence on the Climate oceans in climate Ambon City accompanied by seasons, West or North
and East or Southeast season. West season lasts from December to March, where April is a
transition period. East season lasts from May to October, with November a transitional period.
The transitional period the change of seasons always punctuated by the transition season.
Based Climate classification according to Schmidth and Ferguson (1951), Ambon classified as
Type B climate characterized by a mean dry months (rainfall <60 mm) was 1.67 months and
months of wet (rainfall> 100 mm) was 9.58 months with a Q value of 17.4%. Rainfall Conditions
in Ambon during 2016 can be seen in Figure I.3. Rainfall in Ambon City 2016, the following:

Figure 2.4: Rainfall Graph Ambon City

Source: BMKG Meteorological Station Pattimura Ambon 2017

2.4 Hydro Oceanographic Conditions

Ambon Bay is located at coordinates 3° 37.42' - 3° 46.43'S, 128° - 128 ° 14.8'E. Ambon Bay
consists of Ambon Bay In (TAD) and Ambon Bay & Beyond (TAL). TAD has an area of ± 11497.5
km2 with a maximum depth of 41 meters. TAL has an area of 120,723.8 ± ± km2 with a
maximum depth of 600 m. Ambon Bay is divided in two by a narrow region with a length of 1
km and a width of 0.5 km and a depth of ± 15 m, located between the Galela and Homes Three
like in Figure 2.1-3. Teluk Ambon and the Banda Sea in the East side Haruku Island, Banda Sea
in the west and south, and the north side Piru bay.

Figure 2.5: Location of Ambon and Ambon Bay

Source: BMKG Meteorological Station Pattimura Ambon 2017

Ocean currents are the horizontal and vertical movement of water mass. Flow is one of the
physical processes in the sea that affect the spread of temperature, pollutants, nutrients or
sediments. This flow will bring material from the place where the material was located
elsewhere. The process of moving or transport material called the current due to the advection
process. Ambon Bay is a bay that is relatively narrow so theoretically, the dominant currents
are developing tidal current. Based on the above, the current simulation is reviewed for current
caused by the tides.
Tidal currents are the horizontal movement of the sea water which is connected with the rise
and fall of sea levels caused by tidal phenomena. According to Hadi and Radjawane (2009), the
movement of the tidal flow is divided into three, namely:

 rotational motion
 The motion that changes its direction (back and forth)
 Hydraulic Type For local rivers, estuaries, and bays, tidal current movement is
happening is a movement back and forth.
Tidal currents occur theoretically Ambon Bay tidal currents categorized into types of back and
forth. The stream goes into the bay when the tide and headed out towards the Banda Sea on
the way to recede.


3.1 General Conditions Hydrologic Stations BWS Maluku

The results of field observation showed that almost all automatic station only operated
manually using the device, and needs to be replaced or upgraded, including the station
building. The study also revealed a lack of rainfall stations in the watershed upstream, and
recommend the installation of additional stations.

Figure 3.6: Distribution of Hydrologic Stations in the Ambon Watersheds

Source: CS01 Consultant

Table 3.13.2: Distribution of Hydrologic Stations in the Ambon Watersheds

Number of Stations
Watershed Rainfall Water Level Weather
Stations Stations Stations
Way Batu Gajah 6:33 - 1 -
Hanging Rock Way 8.88 - 1 -
Red Stone Way 7:09 4 1 -
Lela Way 1.86 2 1 1
Way Ruhu 15.74 - 1 -
Way Tomo 5.99 - 2 -
Way Yori 8:51 1 1 -
Total 53.50 7 8 1

Review based on Figure 3.1 and Table 3.1 shows that the density rain gauge stations in the
watershed project km2 exceeds 1/10 CS01 standard WMO (1/50 km2). However, RBT Maluku
in general and especially for CS01 project area designated as a special area in Islands have
different hydrological characteristics compared to the mainland. In addition, the watershed of
CS01 project which has a steep slope and shape of the narrow watershed tends to happen with
the local rainfall. For this reason, it is proposed to add some new rainfall stations in the
downstream and watersheds that have not installed the station.
In addition, the CS01 watershed project which has a small catchment area can be classified as
intermittent streams, which flow in the river only during the rainy season. In addition, the river
flow downstream during the dry season is dominated by the waste water of settlements along
the river. Therefore, the water level gauge stations in the project area CS01 less effective when
used as an observation station continuous river discharge. For security station equipment,
should also consider building a portable station, in which the base station equipment is only
installed during the rainy season.
Some stations in the watershed level gauge CS01 project is located downstream and destroyed
if the river improvement project is done, and needs to be moved.
The annual inventory of hydrological station activities has been conducted in 2018 by the
Planning OP 1 (Hydrology Unit), BWS Maluku. Results inventory hydrological station for
hydrological stations in and around the project area CS-01 as shown in Figure 3 .7 and Table 3
.3 3 .4.
Based on data from BWS Maluku for DAS Ambon there are 7 rainfall stations, 8 water level
stations, and 1 weather station located in the CS01 project area which includes Wai Ruhu, Wai
Batu Merah, Wai Tomu, Wai Batu Gajah and Hanging Rock Wai watersheds with an area of
45.88 km². Distribution and location of hydrological stations can be classified in the following

3.2 Inventory of Existing Hydrologic Station Conditions Ambon City

3.2.1 Inventory of Rainfall Stations

Table 3.33.4: Distribution Rainfall Stations Ambon Watersheds

Station Station Register Monitoring
No. Water-shed Decimal Latitude and Station location Station type
Name type number Period
Degrees Longitude
Gunung Way Batu Rainfall 06.05.A3. -3.726617, 3° 43'35.8"S Village of Fort, District Manual and 1997 - 2019
Nona Merah 146.01 128.165000 128° 09'54.0"E Nusaniwe, Ambon Automatic
Kayu Tiga Way Batu Rainfall 06.05.A3. -3.705022, 3° 42'18.1"S State Soya village, District Manual and 2011 - 2018
Merah 146.02 128.201700 128° 12'06.1" E Sirimau, Ambon Automatic
IAIN Way Batu Rainfall 06.05.A3. -3.681028, 3° 40'51.7"S Red Stone Village, District Manual and 2015 -2019
Merah 146.10 128.227500 128° 13'39.0" E Sirimau, Ambon Automatic
Halong Way Batu Rainfall 06.05.A3. -3.670400, 3° 40'13.4"S Halong village, District Manual and 2015 - 2019
Merah 146.08 128.229133 128° 13'44.9" E Baguala, Ambon Automatic
Amaori Way Yori Rainfall 06.05.A3. -3.652967, 3° 39'10.7"S State Passo village, District Manual and 2015 - 2019
144.02 128.264367 128° 15'51.7" E Baguala, Ambon Automatic

Station Station Register Monitoring
No. Water-shed Decimal Latitude and Station location Station type
Name type number Period
Degrees Longitude
Taeno Way Lela Rainfall 06.05.A3. -3.637222, 3° 38'14.0"S State Rumahtiga village, Manual and 2014 - 2019
147.01 128.172150 128° 10'19.7" E Teluk Ambon, Ambon Automatic
Telaga Way Lela Rainfall 06.05.A3. -3.625861, 3° 37'33.1"S Frog Lake Village, Leihitu Manual and 2008 - 2019
Kodok 154.01 128.181889 128° 10'54.8" E District, Central Maluku Automatic

Figure 3.7: Condition Manual and automated rainfall recording at IAIN station,
using Smart Control Unit (SCU) and powered by solar panels

3.2.2 Inventory of Water Level Stations

Table 3.53.6: Distribution Water Level Stations Ambon Watersheds

Regist Coordinates
Station Station er Station Monitoring
No Water-shed Decimal Latitude and Station location
Name type numbe type Period
Degrees Longitude
1 Way Batu Way Batu Water 06.05. - 3° 42'25.0 "S Batu Gajah Sub- Manual 2009 - 2019
Gajah Gajah Level A3.146 3.706944, 128° District, District and
.05 128.1733 10'24.0" E Sirimau, Ambon Automatic
2 Hanging Hanging Water 06.05. - 3° 42'37.0 "S Kudamati Urban manual 2010 - 2019
Rock Way Rock Way Level A3.146 3.710278, 128° Village, District
.04 128.1666 10'00.0" E Sirimau, Ambon

3 Tomo Way Tomo Water 06.05. - 3° 41'47.0 "S Village of Batu Manual 2014 - 2019
Way Level A3.146 3.696389, 128 ° Meja, District and
Upstream .09 128.1997 11'59.0" E Sirimau, Ambon Automatic

4 Tomo Way Tomo Water 06.05. - 3° 41'44.0 "S Village of Batu manual 2009 - 2019
Way Level A3.146 3.695556, 128 ° Meja, District
Downstre .07 128.1800 10'48.0" E Sirimau, Ambon
am 00
5 Red Stone Red Stone Water 06.05. - 3 ° 41'19.0 "S Negeri Batu Merah manual 2009 - 2019
Way Way Level A3.146 3.688611, 128 ° Village, District
.03 128.1908 11'27.0" E Sirimau, Ambon
6 Way Ruhu Way Ruhu Water 06.05. - 3 ° 40'20.0 "S Village of Small Manual 2011 - 2019
Level A3.146 3.672222, 128 ° Hative, District and
.06 128.2058 12'21.0" E Sirimau, Ambon Automatic

7 Way Yori Way Yori Water 06.05. - 3 ° 39'26.4 "S State Passo village, Manual 2014 - 2016
Level A3.144 3.657333, 128 ° District Baguala, and
.01 128.2546 15'16.6" E Ambon Automatic

8 Lela Way Lela Way Water 06.05. - 3 ° 39'07.3 "S State Rumahtiga Manual 2013 - 2019
Level A3.147 3.652031, 128 ° village, Teluk and
.02 128.1802 10'48.9" E Ambon, Ambon Automatic

Figure 3.8: Condition Water Level Station and Sedimentation in Batu Merah

Source: BMKG Meteorologic Station Pattimura Ambon 2017

Figure 3.9: Condition Water Level Station in Lela Watershed

3.2.3 Inventory of Weather Stations

Table 3.73.8: Distribution Weather Stations Ambon Watersheds

Station Water- Register Latitude Monitoring
No Station type Station location Station type
Name shed number Decimal and Period
3.65145 3°39'05.2"S State Rumah tiga
Lela 06.05.A3.1 Manual and
1 Unpatti Climatology 3, 128°11'02.3 village, Teluk 2014-2019
Way 47.03 Automatic
128.183 "E Ambon, Ambon

Figure 3.10: Unpatti Weather Station Conditions

Figure 3.11: Environmental Conditions around Unpatti Weather Station

Figure 3.12: Condition Anemometer (Wind Speed) and Direction Sensor in the
Unpatti Weather Station

Source: BMKG Meteorologic Station Pattimura Ambon 2017

Figure 3.13: Condition Pyranometer Figure 3.14: Condition Rain Meter
(Solar Radiation) in Unpatti Weather Sensor using Automatic Tipping Bucket in
Station Unpatti Weather Station

Figure 3.15: Smart Control Unit (SCU) as the sender of the data in storage and
Climate Station Unpatti Developed and Produced by PT. CORE


4.1 General Approach

To overcome and prevent further decline in the quality and quantity of hydrological data,
requires knowledge of the station network hydrological conditions that exist today. One
indicator of the station network is a good hydrological observations can declare the
hydrological characteristics of the watershed. It required a review of the existing station
network hydrology through surveys, collection of data and information, the amount of the
hydrological station, location, and the data obtained from these stations.
By knowing the information about the station network hydrological conditions, the
relationship between the existing stations as well as the results of the analysis can give an idea
of the pattern of optimal management and maintenance of the necessary priority.
The density of the station network hydrology largely depends on the intent and purpose, the
accuracy of the analysis that will be created, operating and maintenance costs. Based on the
intent and objectives are clear, clear phase of work, as well as the constraints that exist, it is
expected to do rationalization with the right approach.
To achieve the expected goals, the activities of the station network rationalization study the
hydrology of the river drainage Ambon-Seram RBT done through several phases of work: the
preparation phase, field inventory and analysis work. Test the effectiveness of the network
system is done with the survey analysis and weighting approach, statistical analysis, and
regional analysis. In addition, coordination and discussion with agency managers and owners of
the station network hydrology intensively to get the rationalization truly effective and efficient.
Input for the work is secondary data analysis and primary data obtained from the results of the
inventory and field surveys. Job analysis includes an analysis of the station network
rationalization rain, hydrometric station, and climatology station. Output of rationalization
hydrological analysis include: recommendations of the station network hydrological policy,
budget plans the implementation of repair and / or construction of new hydrological station

4.2 Rationalization Analysis of Hydrometric Stations
Based on the data collection and the water level measurement inventory survey in the field,
it can be determined that the hydrometric station exist in Ambon-Seram basin into the
category of Need.

4.3 Classification Hydrometric Station Network Rationalization

Rationalization hydrometric station until now there is still no method that can be used with
certainty. The existence of hydrometric station generally associated with watershed
development plan concerned where data to be produced is used as the data basis for planning,
management and development of water resources.
Hydrometric station as the location of river flow data measurements will describe the
characteristics of a DPS or SWS hydrology. Hydrometric station generally can be distinguished
a. Primary Hydrometric Station (Main), permanently operated indefinitely in order to
know the nature of the flow of the river is concerned, it is for the analysis of
sustainable water resources. The measurement should be complete and
b. Secondary Hydrometric Station (MAID), operated within a limited period up to 20
years or 30 years, is useful to know the nature of a sub watershed drainage area
of the river and serves as an auxiliary station a water main suspect. The sessions
may be dependent on the results of the analysis after correlated with the primary
hydrometric station.
c. Special Hydrometric Station (Special), built for special Needs, eg on planning e,
erosion, water quality, and so on. Hydrometric station can serve as primary or
secondary. Can be operated within a limited period.
Field Inventory Survey
Field inventory surveys for the purpose of identifying and evaluating the actual
condition of each Hydrometric station objects. The results of the survey object
identification are written by filling out a questionnaire specifically exhaustively. The
purpose of survey is to obtain data object researched and accurate surveys as one of
the pad material analysis Hydrometric station.
The Field Inventory Survey was conducted by Balai- Ambon and intern the Consultant
Ambon Basin CS-01.

Data analysis
Purpose and objective analysis of the survey data to determine where the field is
heading hydrology. Groupings are divided into two (2) criteria, namely:
1. Hydrometric station still operating, with the classification of stations as follows:

a. Absolute-should be selected as the primary station.
b. Necessary, continue to operate with priorities, defined as a secondary station
or custom station.
2. Dis-functioning hydrometric station which does not operate proposed to be
upgraded or discontinued operations.
1. Hydrometric station classification is absolutely necessary
Hydrometric station that included the classification is absolutely necessary should be
selected with purposive sampling, which means been intentionally selected by function
and site conditions in the field. In general, station-determination is absolutely necessary
to consider the conditions change a fairly large discharge along the river channel, to the
headwaters of the changes that ranged from 50-100% and the area downstream of 20-
Hydrometric station absolutely necessary to function as a primary station, generally
located in the main river channel or river channel directly monitor the intake inflow
irrigation dams or irrigation area is quite extensive. Thus the existence of absolute need
Hydrometric station is absolutely necessary to obtain conclusions about the condition of
the river flow in the site with many functions, eg inflow reservoirs, flood monitoring,
water supply, hydrology characteristics analysis for water resource development.

2. Hydrometric station classification necessary

Hydrometric station classification must be determined by analysis of the weight (score),
in order to obtain a station urormetri priorities: First (1), two (2), and three (3). Setting
priorities is calculated using the following formula:
SP=∑ F i


SP = the value of the priority
F = the value of the determining factors
k = coefficient deciding factor
i = 1, 2, 3, ... n = number of factor.
• First Priority Scale, obtained if: SP> Sprat + 1 SD
• Second Priority Scale, obtained if: Sprat-1 SD> SP> Sprat + 1 SD
• Third Priority Scale, obtained if: SP <Sprat - 1 SD

Sprat = average value SP
SD = standard deviation value of SP
Table 4.94.10: Overview Defining Factor and Coefficient Factor
Hydrometric station function 3 7
Station type 3 2
old Observations 1 3
River Flow Conditions 3 3
Building Condition Station 3 3
Ease Measurement Debit 2 3
Suitability Station 3 3
Communication facilities 1 3

Table 4.114.12: Defining Factor Elements with Score

1 Hydrology station factor characteristics of Hydrology 3
Water Availability 3
Flood forecasting 2
Determination Debit Plan 2
Building Operation Air 3
Water Building Planning 2
Research and Engineering 1
2 Station type PDAO 3
3 old Observations More than 10 years 3
5-10 years 2
Less than 5 years 1
4 River Flow Conditions Stable 3
somewhat Stable 2
Unstable 1
5 Building Condition Station good Works 3
damaged Light 2
Heavy Damage 1
6 Ease Measurement Debit Easy 3
somewhat Difficult 2
Difficult 1
7 Suitability Station Suitable 3
rather Matches 2
Not suitable 1
8 Communication facilities Available and Functioning 3

There and Not Working 2
Not yet available 1

The explanation in the table above are as follows:

1) Function Hydrometric station
A primary benefit of data collection at the site of the station.
2) Type of Station
This type of tool is read to measure the water level. Station type consists of automated
(PDAO) and ordinary mail (PDAB).
3) Old Observations
The time periods begin operating until station time of the survey.
4) The condition of the River Flow
a. Stable: Basic groove has a cross-section river control of both natural and artificial
elevation does not change, the river bank is stable, and the position has not
changed the direction of flow.
b. Rather Stable: Basic flow of rivers, have a cross section of natural elevation
control sometimes changed, but the river bank is still stable and the position of
the low water flow direction sometimes changed.
c. Unstable: Basic flow of the river or the cliffs unstable, constantly changing the
position of the direction of flow, the river flow to move, position and elevation
cross-section of the control is always changing.
5) Station conditions
a. Good: Structure and position of the building was like when it begins operating, did
not experience significant damage, only the possibility of some parts must be
carried out repainting. Estimated cost of repairs is less than 5% of development
costs hydrometric station.
b. Lightly damaged: Position of the building has not changed, but there is a small
part of the structure that need improvement, such as key replacement, or the
floor of the bridge, and / or change of suspect boards, and / or transfer of the BM
position and so that only require an estimated cost of 5- 10% of hydrometric
station development costs.
c. Heavily damaged: Position of the building fixed or changed. The building structure
required heavy as home appliance repair severely damaged, eroded the
foundation of buildings, cracks, pitting foundation needs to be replaced or

strengthened. Repair costs estimated at greater than 10% of construction costs
hydrometric station.
6) Ease Measurement Debit
a. Easy: Flood discharge can be measured directly with easy to use measuring tools
and resources available with accurate and precise results without any risk to the
safety of personnel and / or equipment used. Measurements can be carried out in
all weather conditions and flood situation either day or night.
b. Moderate: Flood discharge can be measured directly with easy to use measuring
tools and facilities provided but there is a risk to the safety of personnel and / or
equipment used. Measurements cannot be performed in flood conditions due to
flow at a specific discharge many carrying garbage.
c. Difficult: Flood discharge cannot be measured directly but must be calculated by
the method of C. Tedentu. Measurements cannot be performed in all flooding
conditions due to flow at a specific discharge would jeopardize the safety of
personnel and / or equipment used, such as waste, rocky rivers and flooding in a
relatively short time.
7) Station Suitability
a. Right: Location meets the technical requirements as the location of the station,
though sometimes less than ideal in theory, a minimum flow of rivers station
locations not degraded and has a cross-section of stable control. Did not change
significantly at least 10 years of operation. Measurement of water level, discharge
and sediment transport can easily be implemented in all conditions. Measurement
data can be processed easily with minimal quality enough.
b. Less suitable: Location is already less meet the technical requirements as the
location of the station, the river channel has been degraded and cross-section are
less stable control. Measurement of the current water level is high and the flood
discharge cannot be carried out easily. Measurement data can still be processed
using a method that has been set, though sometimes the quality is less.
c. Incorrect: The location no longer meets the requirements as a location heading,
ravines at the location to be degraded and / or degradation means, material
riverbed rocky and / or the river flow to move so that the data flow is measured
shall be analyzed in accordance with the method set.
8) Communication facilities
Communication facilities some hydrometric station sometimes equipped with means
telemetric telecommunications equipment for both conventional and modern. In the
current field surveys such equipment can be found under these conditions:
a. Available and functioning.
b. Available and functioning.

c. Not available or not functioning.
Generally, Rationalization Hydrometric station using weight factors only provides a
description of the physical condition and the station of technical criteria that for
analysis concluded that the placement or location of a hydrometric item still worth or
not worth it generally cannot be determined on the basis of this weighting method. The
determination of whether a hydrometric item still rational or not on an existing site at
this time will be determined based on stepwise regression analysis which will be
reported in the final report of this activity.

4.4 Rationalization Methods Based on Circular Letter DGWR PUPR

Based on the Circular Letter (SE) of the Implementation Procedures Study Hydrometric Stations
Network Rationalization, the Director General of Water Resources Ministry PUPR number 07 /
SE / DA / 2019, dated 28 November 2019, stated that the aim of the SE is to obtain accurate
basic data and hydrological information from the Hydrometric Stations Network in each region
of the river, as well as to clarify the stages of the implementation of the Hydrometric Stations
Network Rationalization Study.
Some of the methods and models that have been developed to accommodate Hydrometric
Stations Network Rationalization resulting output in the form of the Hydrometric Stations
Network effectively and efficiently to support the planning, management and development of
water resources.
Methods used include:
1. Quality control methods.
2. Kagan method.
3. Isohyets method.
4. Stepwise method.
5. WMO density method.

Hydrometric Stations Network consists of the rainfall Stations Network, Water Level Stations
Network and Climatology Stations Network. Meanwhile, the rationalization of the methods that
can be used for each of the Hydrometric Stations Network are as follows:
1. Quality Control method, Stepwise and density of the WMO used to implement the
rationalization of the Water Level Stations Network.
2. Quality Control method, Stepwise, Kagan and Isohyets used to implement the
rationalization of the Rainfall Stations Network.
3. Quality Control Methods and density of the WMO used to implement the rationalization
of the Climatology Stations Network.

The use of such methods is schematically shown in Figure 1 .2 above.

4.4.1 Rationalization Hydrometric Stations with Quality Control Method
Quality control methods were used in this procedure is an improved method of Quality Control
of Water Resources Research Center (Research SDA), which has been adapted by the Sub-
Directorate of Environmental Hydrology and Water Resources. Methods of Quality Control is
based on an assessment of quality control (QC1) to the Guidelines for Quality control flow data,
rainfall and climatological compiled by the Research and Development Center of Water
Resources by providing a score (weighting) in accordance with the criteria and sub-criteria that
have been established in accordance with the type of station.
The criteria and sub-criteria for the expected water and station zip climatology still refers
entirely to what has been stipulated in the Guidelines for Research and Development Quality
Control SDA, but differ on the criteria and sub criteria on the station of rainfall. This difference
is the result of thought and consideration Sub-diretorate Environmental Hydrology and Water
Resources to implement management policies that focus on the station Hydrological telemetry.
Meanwhile, the weight rating for each criteria and sub-criteria determined by consideration of
the experts (expert judgment) Center for SDA by using AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). In
accordance with the previous explanation, adjustment has been made by the Sub-Directorate
of Environmental Hydrology and Water Resources on weight rating criteria and sub criteria on
the station of rainfall. This adjustment is made by considering the factors associated with the
telemetry. Stages of implementation of Quality Control methods include:

1. Implementation of field surveys in order to identify and evaluate the actual field conditions
carefully and accurately in accordance with field conditions at each station. Some things that
need to be collected in the field are:

a. Locations include villages, villages, districts, counties, provinces and geographical WS /

b. Agencies builder stations, and the establishment of the agencies.
c. Type of stations and functions of the station, station conditions and equipment.
Especially for the station had expected water needs to be inventoried data on: the
stability condition of rivers, river sections compatibility, stability and the type of cross-
section control, and measurement means flood discharge measurements.
d. Old station operation.
e. Means of securing equipment, condition and position of the fixed point (BM),
telecommunications facilities. Especially for the station had expected water needs to
be inventoried data on: the material making the riverbed upstream or downstream of
the station, the reverse flow of rivers, reservoirs or weir.
f. Name, age, address, education and quality of work observer station.
g. Other places that are considered necessary.

2. Evaluating the condition of each item in accordance with established standards.

3. Grouping conditions of the station based on 3 categories: good, average and poor.
Information weights for each criteria and sub-criteria and sub-criteria assessment on the
condition of jointly used to calculate the overall value. The value of this calculation results of
the evaluation base QC1. The formula used is:
Vulue QC 1=( N ¿ ¿ ka 1∗S ka1 + N kan∗S kan )∗K a +( N ¿ ¿ kb 1∗S kb1 + N kbn∗S kbn )∗K b+( N ¿ ¿ kc 1∗S kc1 + N kc n∗S kc n )∗

N ka1 ... N kc n: Results of sub-criteria assessment on certain conditions (1, 2, or 3)
Ska 1 ... Skc n: The weight of a particular sub-criteria of specific criteria
K a ... K c : Weight of certain criteria

The result of this calculation is then divided into three categories, using the formula of class
divisions, namely:
n max−n min
c : Value of the interval
k : The number of classes
n max−n min: Maximum value; The minimum value

Based on these calculations generated value categories as follows:

1. Good : QC> 2,333
2. Moderate : QC (1.666 to 2.333)
3. Bad : QC <1.666
Table 4.134.14: Criteria and Sub Criteria QC1 Water Level Recording Station
1 Location 0.219
Location heading on a straight flow of the river as far
as 100 m or 4 times the width of the river
River flow conditions 0.106
Flow conditions on the water level station 0.106
Level scour / deposition 0.026
Backwater influence on water level station 0.163
Barricade around the station 0,022
Reach / achievements to station the location of
suspect water
Cross-section control 0,044

The location of measurement 0.114
Sanitary conditions around the site of measurement 0.037
The basic stability of the river and / riverbed material 0.023
The material making the river around the station 0.078
Means of flood discharge measurements 0.076
Distance house foreman / observer with water level
Water Level
2 0.074
Station and
Material on the location of the station building
material and water level cliffs around the station 0.054
expected water
building conditions 0.054
The existence of the ladder for reading Water Level
station treatment 0.191
BM (Bench Mark) or a fixed point while 0.164
Zero Water Level Gauge already associated with BM 0.191
Cleanliness around the station 0.034
logbook station 0.156
3 0.549
This type of tool 0.245
Tool conditions 0.185
Water Level Gauge conditions 0.127
Water Level Gauge readings 0.137
logbook tool 0.058
Replacement charts (AWLR) or Setting telemetry tool
in the event of a discrepancy
1. AWLR (graph paper, ink, oil)
2. Telemetry (dry battery, pulse)
3. Water Level Gauge reserve
4 0.248
Integrity (disciplined, honest, and loyal) 0.086
Record data, important events, and damage to the
tool in the form
Ability to operate a station? 0.418
Completeness of equipment for the observer 0.058
Water level data archiving 0.068
Water level readings on the graph (AWLR) checked
with Water Level Gauge? or initiatives foreman to
report performance Telemetry station or initiatives 0.185
that are not road foreman reported damage Water
Level Gauge

Table 4.154.16: Criteria and Sub Criteria QC1 Station Rainfall
a. Manual Tool
1 Performance 0.608
(Without tap)
Position 0.227
Funnel 0.128
cornerstone 0.059
Rainwater 0.199
Fence 0.059
* Telemetry / Logger 0.328
b. Manual Tool
Performance 0.608
(With tap)
Position 0.165
crane 0.143
Funnel 0.222
cornerstone 0.053
Fence 0.053
* Telemetry / Logger 0.365
c. Performance Choose one
Automatic Tool 0.608 tool type in
(Siphon) accordance
Position 0.059 with the
installation graphic paper 0.110
installed in the
Conditions ink pens 0.141
location when
conditions funnel 0.166
the survey (a /
siphon conditions 0.086
b / c / d)
conditions hour 0.097
cornerstone 0,046
Rainwater 0.076
Fence 0.036
* Telemetry / Logger 0.183
d. Performance
Automatic Tool 0.608
(Tipping Bucket)
Position 0.059
Installation of graph paper 0.110
Conditions ink pens 0.141
conditions funnel 0.166
conditions tipping bucket 0.086
conditions hour 0.097
cornerstone 0,046
Rainwater 0.076
Fence 0,036
* Telemetry / Logger 0.183
2 Environment 0,054
The location of the station (slope, 0.232
distance between stations)

Trees and houses / buildings 0.185
sanitary conditions 0.584
a. Observers
(Station Rain
3 0.338
Manual with /
without tap)
Reading 0.133
* Checking result recording tool 0.066
Selection measuring glass 0.091 Choose one
Recording 0.133 tool type in
Craft 0.578 accordance
b. Observers with the
installed in the
Rain Station
0.338 location when
Siphon / the survey (a /
Tipping b)
Reading 0.189
* Checking result recording tool 0.058
Selection measuring glass 0.104
Recording 0.177
Craft 0.472
*: Sub Criteria added

Table 4.174.18: Criteria and Sub Criteria QC1 Climatology Station
Conditions and
1 0.119
Distance to the station of the barrier building /
standard minimal tree 10h (10 times the height of 0.229
the barrier)
The size of the minimum standard station
environment 6x10 square meter
Total equipment climatology 0.119
Density between devices (within the guidelines of
Pd M-19-1995-03)
Position location climatology heading towards the
home position of the observer / guard station
Cleanliness station climatology 0.104
Climatology station development card 0,072
Station data information in administrative and
security vandalism 0.049
Conditions around the fence station 0.044
Amenities measuring the intensity of lightning
Electrical power supply (power supply) 0.028
Telecommunications facilities (radio-phone-
2 Equipment 0.611
Temperature 0.226
Figures on the thermometer 0.122
a. Maximum
0,084 installation tool 0.295
Conditions mercury 0.583
Figures on the thermometer 0.122
b. Minimum
0,084 installation tool 0.295
Water conditions alcohol 0.583
Installation of graph paper 0.132
0.426 Conditions ink pens 0.279
sensor condition 0.59
Figures on the thermometer 0.129
d. Wet Bulb The tip of the sensor 0.369
Thermometer Water conditions alcohol 0.393
position thermometers 0.11
Figures on the thermometer 0.206
e. Dry bulb
0.238 Conditions mercury 0.165
position thermometers 0.629
Hygrograph 0.138

Installation of graph paper 0.122
Conditions ink pens 0.295
sensor condition 0.583
The position of the tool position 0.115
a. Campbell
0.5 Position directions tool 0.293
Installation as paper 0.179
The position of the tool position 0.088
Installation of graph paper 0.174
0.5 Conditions ink pens 0.185
Condition of glass balls and bimetal sensor
Wind 0.089
a. Condition wind cup 0,201
Anemometer Conditions speedometer counter 0.14
at a height of .281 Are the tools calibrated? 0.464
2 m above the
Round as cup 0.195
b. Condition wind cup 0.177
Anemometer Conditions speedometer counter 0.123
at a height of 0.441 Are the tools calibrated? 0.528
50 cm above
Round as cup 0.172
the pan
c. Condition wind cup 0.177
Anemometer Conditions speedometer counter 0.528
at a height of 0.139 Are the tools calibrated? 0.123
10 m above
Round as cup 0.172
the ground
d. Sheath
wind 0.069
e. Automatic
Wind 0.069
evapo 0.284
conditions pot 0.5
Mounting pot 0.18
a. Pan Type A 0.568
Type of material under the seat pan 0,217
There is a floating thermometer? 0.103
b. Floating 0.145 Figures on the thermometer 0.177
thermometer installation tool 0.528
(Maximum Is there a magnet? 0.123
and Conditions mercury 0.172


Cleanliness tube scale 0.25
c. Hook
0,287 The scale on the hook / container volume /
Gauge 0.75
Rainfall 0.063
conditions funnel 0.174
a. Manual Measuring cup 0.068
Rainfall Meter conditions faucet 0.108
Are the tools calibrated? 0.214
conditions funnel 0.252
Measuring cup 0.059
b. Automatic position tool 0.148
Rainfall meter Installation of graph paper 0.098
Conditions ink pens 0.162
Conditions hour (sensor) 0.281
Barograph 0.037
Installation of graph paper 0.212
Conditions ink pens 0.182
sensor condition 0.606
Meteo cage 0.036
Meteo cage conditions 0.613
Meteo cage position 0.387
3 0.27
Physically and mentally healthy 0.048
Discipline 0.149
Honest 0.261
Able to read and write? 0.085
The ability to operate the equipment
Completeness of equipment for foreman 0.082
Smoothness for payment of fees 0.082
Data archiving 0.071

4.4.2 Rationalization Hydrometric Station with Kagan Method

From some rain measurement network assignment method available, profits Kagan method is
that the number of stations required by a certain level of accuracy can be set, but it also can
provide a placement pattern of rainfall stations clearly. This method proposed by Kagan (1967).
Kagan emphasized the importance of the introduction of the variability of space (spatial
variability) will be searched if the weight to assign fault or accuracy levels to be achieved.
In principle Kagan method uses statistical analysis and linking density rain gauge networks with
interpolation error and alignment error (interpolation error and averaging error). The equations
were used:
−d / d (0 )
r ( d )=r (0) e

Z1 =C v [1−r 0+ ( 0.23 √ A ) / d (0) √ n]/n

Z2 =C v √ ¿ ¿

l=1.07 √ A/n
r ( d ) = Coefficient of correlation to the distance
r (0) = Coefficient of correlation for a very close distance

C v = Coefficient of variation

d = Distance between the station (km)

d ( 0) = Radius of correlation, ie the distance between stations where the correlation is reduced
by a factor of e
A = Basin area (km2)

n = Number of stations
Z1 = Alignment error (%)

Z2 = Interpolation error (%)

= Distance between stationsl

In broad outline the steps in the Kagan method is as follows:

1) Of rainfall station network that has been provided, can be calculated the coefficient of
variation (C.) either daily or monthly, as required.
2) From the available rainfall station network can be searched relationship between the
distance between stations with a correlation coefficient, for both daily and monthly rainfall
as required. In determining the relationship is not to note the orientation of its direction,

because it does not affect the magnitude of correlation, while the correlation is only done
for the second days of rain station.
3) Obtained above relationship is depicted in a curved graph exponentially. The graph can be
obtained magnitude dro) by using the average value d and rg and equation (3)
4) With these quantities, the equation (4) and (5) can be calculated, after high accuracy
setting. Or conversely, can be searched relationship between the number of stations with
precision obtained, for both monthly and daily showers of rain.
5) After a number of stations assigned to the watershed, then the placement of rainfall
station can be done using equation (6), and describes Netting Same side triangle with side
lengths equal to / Image made on transparent paper, then superimposed over a map of the
watershed and shift such that the number of the triangle vertices that are within a
watershed is equal to the number of stations counted.
The problem in using the method of Kagan, namely:

 If in the watershed have not found the station, then indigo Cv can be approximated by C_v
value of other nearby watersheds.
 Determination of the desired accuracy in a watershed is not easy to do because it involves
many factors.
Kagan method can be used in two circumstances:
1) If in a watershed absolutely no rainfall station, the options can be simply trying to
capitalize on the rainfall data in the surrounding area in order to determine the level of
variability (coefficient of variation). Of course, after a few years of operation, the network
needs to be retested to improve its quality.

2) If in a DAS has provided a network of stations of rain, onshore Kagan method is used to
evaluate whether the existing network has been sufficient (to the level of accuracy
desired), or can be used to select stations that will be used in subsequent analyzes. In this
regard, the rain measurement network that has no comparison with tissue obtained by
the method of Kagan. If it turns out that the number of stations that have been there still
smaller than the number of stations required by the method of Kagan, Kagan network
can then be used to add other stations. However, where the amount of rainfall station
that has been there turned out to be greater than the number of stations that are
required based on the method of Kagan.

4.4.3 Rationalization Hydrometric Station with Isohyet Method

Isohyets are lines on a map connecting points of which have the same level of rainfall at a
specific time. Isohyets method is a method for determining rainfall regions using contour lines
connecting the same rainfall and high average rainfall between the two lines Isohyets widely
between the two lines divided by the area of all stations / stations. In connection with the
rationalization method emphasizes the relationship between station Isohyets rainfall by rainfall
each station with Isohyets produced.

In making the map Isohyets, do the interpolation of precipitation data. Interpolation is a
method to get the data based on some of the data that has been known (Wikipedia, 2008). In
mapping, interpolation is a process estimated value in areas not sampled or measured, to
achieve a map or distribution of values in the entire region (Gamma Design Software, 2005). In
making an interpolation there are several methods you can use some of them:
A. Kriging method
B. Methods Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW)
C. Spline method

A. Kriging method
Kriging techniques show interpolator classes based on stochastic approach. There are several
Kriging techniques, sometimes obscured by the notation complicated and mathematics. All
different Kriging techniques show very simple and common lines, they are all regression
techniques, which differ only by a certain set of functions from the aggregated data for the
estimates. A unique advantage of Kriging interpolation method is its ability to measure the
reliability of predictions, and to provide an estimate of plus interval trust.
Kriging is one of the techniques to interpolate the phenomenon of space non-stationary, there
are some fine receive technical in Kriging, but the basic idea of it all the same, namely that if x
declared the Mic on space and Z (x) is a function of x is known in the observations X1, X2, X3,
then estimate Z '(xo) to Z (xo) a location that is not measured (non-measured) will take the
Z ' ( x0 )=∑ ❑i∗Z(x i )
i =1

a linear combination of values for each observation with a weight to the observation point.❑i i
The difference between the estimated value of Z '(xo) and the actual value Z (xo) for a
combination of weights (weight) as above is called the estimation error (estimation error). ❑est
If there is no trend then Z '(xo) is an unbiased estimate (Unbiased) of Z (xo), the expectation
value of the difference between the estimated and actual value will be zero:

E [ Z ' ( x 0 )−Z ( x0 ) ]=0 or '

E [ Z ( x 0 ) ]=E [Z ( x 0 ) ]

error variance, commonly called the variance estimation (the estimation variance) which is the
mean square difference, generally with dots estimation of linear combination of the values 1, 2,
3, ... n the error variance as follows: =
2 ' 2
δ =E [Z ( x 0 )−Z ( x 0 ) ]

Ordinary Kriging (Ordinary Kriging) is a type of Kriging is most often used, while the use of this
type with the terms and covariance stationary variables are known, the unknown average

Ordinary Kriging Model assumptions refer to the following equation:
Z(x) =m+ α (x)

Where m is the average stationary unknown, the approximate value of the error in each
particular esi if there is deemed as biased., Since the implementation of the conditions are not
biased, then the linear estimation function equation can be written as:

[ ]
E ∑ ❑i∗Z (x i ) =E [ Z ( x 0 ) ]=m

The first constraint


∑ ❑i=1

Obviously this is Jamna is not possible because the number of coefficients is one.
The second constraint is that the weight should be completed with minimal error variance. For
that use the technique Lagrangian Multiplier, i.e. optimal parameters must meet function: ❑i

∑ ❑j γ ( xi , x j )+ μ=γ ( x 0 , x 1)

∑ ❑i

i = 1,2,3, ......., n
γ ( xi , x j ) = Semi-variant Z between the points side.
γ ( x0 , x1) = Semi-variant between dots beside the point estimate. x i x 0

The reliability of the interpolation is obtained with a solution of weights:

δ =E [Z ( x 0 )−Z ( x 0 ) ] =∑ ❑ j γ ( x i , x j)+ μ
2 ' 2


Estimation error variance. Highly dependent on the number and location of sites iambi.
Thereforeδ k ² δ k ² , is an efficient tool for solving problems of network optimization, and it should
be emphasized also that, not the actual real space estimation error, but the error modeling. δ k ²

There are several models of spherical (ball shape) which are used in the manufacture of Kriging
contour fairy Spherical, Exponential, Gaussian, and powers.
This can be used to describe the region rain in a variety of conditions yes drought dry
conditions, wet conditions, normal, or in the condition of the months / certain times
throughout the rainfall data on stations provided based on rain desired, to study this
rationalization will only be described Kriging analysis based on data from annual rainfall

B. Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW)
Methods Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) has the assumption that each input point has a
localized effect that decreases with distance. IDW method is generally influenced by the inverse
distance obtained from a mathematical equation. Common functions for IDW method (Azpurua
and Ramos, 2010), namely:
Z =∑ ωi=Z i


Wherein, (i = 1,2,3, ..., N) is the value of altitude data to be interpolated number of N points,
and the weight (Weight) formulated: Zi ω i
ω i=hi / ∑ hi
−p −p


P is a positive value that can be changed by a parameter called power (usually $ 2) and hj is the
distance from the distribution point to point interpolation described as:

hi =√ ( x−x 1)2 +( y− y 1)2

(X, y) are the coordinates of the interpolation point da (xi, yi) are the coordinates for each
distribution point. Fusing variable weights vary for the entire data distribution point until the
value is close to zero, where the distance increases to the distribution point.
C. Spline method
Spline method is a method that estimated values using a mathematical function that minimizes
the total curvature surface (Binh and Thuy, 2008) excess spline method is the ability to generate
a pretty good surface accuracy of the data used although only slightly. But less well spline
method, if applied to situations where there is a very significant difference at a very close
distance (Sibson, 1981). The equation used in the method is to use a spline interpolation
formula surface:
S ( x , y )=T ( x , y ) +∑ ❑ j R(r ¿ ¿ j) ¿

J = 1,2, ... n
N = number of points
❑ j = Coefficient found from the system of linear equations

r j = Distance between the point (x, y) to the point j th

T (x, y) and R (r) is defined differently by way of selection.

4.4.4 Rationalization Hydrometric Stations with Stepwise Method

Stepwise Correlation Method One method that will be used to implement the rationalization of
the station network is the rain Stepwise correlation method. The basic concept of this method
is the stepwise multiple correlation.
Y = Ax1 + BX2 + CX3 + DX4 + .......... zXn

Y = Dependent variable (Debit)
X1, X2, X3 ....... Xn = Independent variable (Rain)
a, b, c, ..Z = parameter
This method consists of a dependent variable and several independent variables where
dependent variable is the monthly debit observational data while it is independent variable
rainfall observation data of stations DPS or DPS in the study. The model will calculate the
correlation between the independent variable coefficients (data of the outstations of rain) and
also determine the independent variable (heading rain) which has the best correlation with the
dependent variable (data from the station discharge).
Besides the correlation, also calculated standard deviation, standard error of the estimate,
multiple correlation, goodness of fit, the T-value, beta coefficient and its constant value of its
correlation multiple equations. The process of selecting a good relationship is a step-by step
continuously performed between the dependent variable (station data flow) and independent
variables (data from the station of rain). So that in the end can know effects of changes in the
correlation coefficient when a DPS has several independent variables or in other words, the
model can show the independent variable (heading rainfall), which has the best correlation
with the dependent variable of his (her debit station). The relationship between the number of
independent variables (heading rain) which has the best correlation with station discharge and
the magnitude of the correlation coefficient can be described as follows:

Figure 4.16: Stepwise curve

The curve in Figure 4 .16 sets out above show that the amount of the Independent variable
(heading rain) which exceeds a certain amount, does not affect the increase in multiple

correlation coefficient which means, so the selection of the number of independent variable
rain PAs) are very dependent on the level of its dependent variable.
This stepwise method can be described as follows.
When in a watershed there are five (5) pieces of rain stations (ABCDE) and one station
discharge (F) then the model will look for a correlation between:

A  B, A  C, A  D, A  E, and A  F

B  C, B  D, B  E, and B  F

C  D, C  E, and C  F

D  E, and D  F

The model will calculate the correlation coefficients, standard deviation, and standard error of
the estimate, multi correlation coefficient, goodness of fit, the T-value, the beta coefficient, and
its constants. Further models will choose which of your stations most dominant and has the
greatest correlation with station discharge. Let's just say the station B with multiple correlation
coefficient is X1, then the model will seek again the next alternative if we use 2 stations rainfall,
katakana is station B and D, with multiple correlation coefficient is X2 (X2> X1). So on up to the
example we get the value (X5> X4> X3> X2> X1). In such conditions it is submitted to the
decision-makers to determine whether duly taken 2 station, 3 stations or all five. In evaluating
how the number of stations needed rainfall, usually seen from the increase in the value of its
multiple correlation coefficient. In evaluating how the number of stations needed rain, usually
seen improved his multiple correlation coefficient. If the increase is not significant compared
with the value of multiple correlation earlier then dominant in the number of stations in a
watershed can be known / determined. While the stations with no / less dominant can be
moved to other locations. Relocation was handed back to the organizer. If the increase is not
significant compared with the value of multiple correlation earlier then dominant in the
number of stations in a watershed can be known / determined. While the stations with no /
less dominant can be moved to other locations. Relocation was handed back to the organizer. If
the increase is not significant compared with the value of multiple correlation earlier then
dominant in the number of stations in a watershed can be known / determined. While the
stations with no / less dominant can be moved to other locations. Relocation was handed back
to the organizer.
4.4.5 Rationalization Hydrometric Stations with Density Method WMO

Analysis of hydro-meteorological station rationalization is done by using the basic theory of the
density of the WMO, coupled with satellite imagery from Google Earth.
Design rainfall station network is an important activity that must be done because the data to
be acquired are the inputs to the watershed system. The station network is required for input
precipitation of rain in the DAS system is irregular in time and space. Rain area (areal rainfall) is

required to determine the amount of rain water in the entire watershed (equally) and that will
ultimately lead to the watershed drainage system before going into the main river.
This is the easiest method offered by the WMO (World Metrological Organization), which
combines elements of topography and extent of the effect of any hydrological observation
stations, especially for the station of rainfall. General guidelines for determination of the
number of stations in a watershed (network density) is given in the Guide to Hydro-
meteorological Practices (WMO, 1965) as follows:
The analysis of the rationalization of the hydro-meteorological station was Carried out using
the basis of the density theory from WMO, overlaid over Google Earth Ortho-photos.
Rainfall station network design is an important activity that must be carried out because the
data to be obtained is an input to the watershed models. Rainfall station because the data is
needed rain in the watershed models input is irregular in space and time. Areal rainfall is
needed to find out the amount of Rainwater in the entire watershed (assumed evenly) and the
which will Eventually lead to the watershed drainage system before entering the main river.
This is the easiest method is offered by WMO (World Metrological Organization), the which
combines Topographic elements and the extent of influence of each Hydrological observation
station especially for rainfall stations. General guidance on Determining the number of stations
in a watershed (network density) is given in the Guide to Hydro- meteorological Practices
(WMO, 1965) as follows:

Table 4.194.20: Minimum Density Climatology Station Network

Normal Range Difficult Range
No. Regional Type Description Areas (km²) per Areas (km²) per Information
Station Station
1 Plain area: Tropical 1000-2500 3000-10000
Mediterranean and Medium (600-900) (900-3000)
2 Mountains region: Tropical 300-2500 1.0 - 5000 Values in
Mediterranean and Medium (100-250) 2.0 (250 -1000) parentheses is
the area of the
Mountainous area of small 140-300 rainfall station
islands with varying rainfall (25) network

3 Arid and polar regions and 5000-20000

polar zones (1500-10000)
Source: WMO Books No. 168, 1965.

Table 4.214.22 Minimum Density for Automatic Rainfall Recorded Stations (ARR)
Normal Range Difficult Range
Regional Type Description Areas (km²) per Areas (km²) per
Station Station
1 Medium flat land, Mediterranean or 600-900 900 - 3000

Tropical Zones
2 Medium Mountain, Mediterranean or 100-250 250-1000
Tropical Zones
The small mountainous islands with very 25
uneven rainfall distribution and dense
river flow patterns.
3 Arid and polar zones where rainfall <300 1500-10000
mm / year.
Source: WMO Guide Book No. 168, 1965,

Table 4.234.24: Minimum density Automatic Water Level Recorder Network

Normal Range Difficult Range
Regional Type Description Areas (km²) per Areas (km²) per
Station Station
1 Medium flat land, Mediterranean or 1000-2500 3,000 to 10,000
Tropical Zones
2 Medium Mountain, Mediterranean or 300 -1000 1000-5000
Tropical Zones
The small mountainous islands with very 140-300
uneven rainfall distribution and dense
river flow patterns.
3 Arid and polar zones where rainfall <300 5000-20000
mm / year.
Source: WMO Books, 1974

Based on the density theory above, combined with the sub-watershed boundaries in the Ambon
watersheds, location of each hydrometric station will be evaluated, overlaid on Google Earth maps.

5 Analysis Results of the Hydrological Station Network

5.1 Rainfall Stations

As explained in the previous chapter, the rationalization analysis for the Rainfall Station
Network use the Quality Control, Stepwise, Kagan and Isohyet methods.
In this Sub-Chapter analysis based on each method are presented.

5.1.1 Rainfall Station Rationalization with Quality Control Method

Based on the evaluation criteria of the Quality Control Method described in Appendix 1:
Condition Form of Quality Control Method for Rainfall Station.
Table 5.255.26: The Weighting Result of Quality Control Method for Rainfall Recorder
No. Name of Sub- Register Coordinate Location Quality
Station Watershed Number Control
Degree Latitude and Method
1 Gunung Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.01 -3.726617, 3°43'35.8"S Kelurahan Benteng, 2.25
Nona Merah 128.165000 128°09'54.0"E Kecamatan Nusaniwe,
Kota Ambon
2 Kayu Tiga Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.02 -3.705022, 3°42'18.1"S Desa Negeri Soya, 1.96
Merah 128.201700 128°12'06.1"E Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota
3 IAIN Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.10 -3.681028, 3°40'51.7"S Desa Batu Merah , 2.66
Merah 128.227500 128°13'39.0"E Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota
4 Halong Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.08 -3.670400, 3°40'13.4"S Desa Halong, 2.54
Merah 128.229133 128°13'44.9"E Kecamatan Baguala,
Kota Ambon
5 Amaori Way Yori 06.05.A3.144.02 -3.652967, 3°39'10.7"S Desa Negeri Passo, 2.13
128.264367 128°15'51.7"E Kecamatan Baguala,
Kota Ambon
6 Taeno Way Lela 06.05.A3.147.01 -3.637222, 3°38'14.0"S Desa Negeri Rumahtiga, 2.11
128.172150 128°10'19.7"E Kecamatan Teluk
Ambon, Kota Ambon
7 UNPATTI Way Lela 06.05.A3.147.03 -3.651453, 3°39'05.2"S Desa Negeri Rumahtiga, 2.97
128.183972 128°11'02.3"E Kecamatan Teluk
Ambon, Kota Ambon
8 Telaga Way Lela 06.05.A3.154.01 -3.625861, 3°37'33.1"S Desa Telaga Kodok, 2.29
Kodok 128.181889 128°10'54.8"E Kecamatan Leihitu ,
Kabupaten Maluku

5.1.2 Rainfall Station Rationalization with Kagan method

In analyzing the Kagan method, the main variable that must be present in the calculation
process is annual rainfall data. For existing station rainfall data in the Ambon watershed can be
shown in the following table:
In analysis based on the Kagan method, the main variable that must be present in the
calculation process is annual rainfall data. To existing rainfall station data in Ambon watersheds
is shown in the following table:

Table 5.275.28 Monthly Rainfall Station Data for 2015-2018

Gunung Nona

Telaga Kodok
Kayu Tiga





128.201 128.227 128.229 128.264 128.172 128.181

X 128.165
7 5 1 4 2
- -
Y 3.72662
-3.70502 -3.68103 -3.6704 -3.65297 -3.63722

Monthly Rainfall
2015 1 165.20 122.30 0.00 0.00 41.80 65.90 61.00 0.00
2015 2 161.70 81.00 0.00 0.00 151.40 72.50 63.00 0.00
2015 3 62.80 43.10 0.00 0.00 173.30 129.80 160.20 0.00
2015 4 284.60 117.50 0.00 0.00 213.20 267.00 294.00 0.00
2016 1 31.50 7.80 155.90 164.50 87.60 65.90 61.00 156.50
2016 2 31.20 31.40 66.60 96.60 47.40 72.50 63.00 72.36
2016 3 70.50 318.60 130.90 126.40 206.32 129.80 160.20 239.10
2016 4 539.00 745.60 299.70 253.10 235.70 267.00 294.00 279.00
2017 1 114.50 43.75 88.50 200.70 178.50 275.20 250.00 325.20
2017 2 29.40 178.78 66.30 139.50 47.50 114.10 184.00 124.60
2017 3 87.00 152.61 178.80 171.20 124.90 159.70 109.50 152.50
2017 4 247.00 112.31 127.40 274.10 295.20 284.70 375.50 308.20
2018 1 115.50 343.30 220.70 344.50 215.40 333.00 250.00 438.90
2018 2 86.00 176.60 87.00 91.30 58.30 108.81 184.00 90.70
2018 3 118.00 528.12 146.70 127.80 44.30 138.40 109.50 526.60
2018 4 258.00 309.40 292.40 283.80 290.70 279.40 375.50 272.00
*) Data shortened only in the first month until the fourth month (the full data attached)

Then measure the distance between the stations of the coordinates of the locations.

Table 5.295.30 Distance between Hydrological Stations in Ambon Watersheds

Telaga Kodok
Gunung Nona

Kayu Tiga


Gunung Nona 0.0
Kayu Tiga 4.7 0.0
IAIN 8.6 3.9 0.0
Halong 9.5 4.9 1.2 0.0
Amaori 13.7 9.1 5.1 4.4 0.0
Taeno 10.0 8.2 7.8 7.3 10.4 0.0
UNPATTI 8.6 6.3 5.8 5.4 8.9 2.1 0.0
Telaga Kodok 11.4 9.1 8.0 7.2 9.6 1.7 2.9 0.0

Figure 5.17: Hydrologic Stations Plotted based on Coordinates

Source: CS01 Consultant Analysis based on 3-Cis RBO data

Table 5.315.32 Comparison Correlation Value between Hydrologic Stations

Gunung Nona

Telaga Kodok
Kayu Tiga


Gunung Nona 1.00
Kayu Tiga 0.67 1.00
IAIN 0.67 0.77 1.00
Halong 0.87 0.80 0.88 1.00
Amaori 0.84 0.78 0.85 0.95 1.00
Taeno 0.81 0.70 0.84 0.89 0.89 1.00
UNPATTI 0.63 0.61 0.57 0.66 0.60 0.78 1.00
Telaga Kodok 0.77 0.84 0.87 0.92 0.91 0.86 0.61 1.00

Figure 5.18: Plotting of Rainfall Station Correlation Coefficients

Source: CS01 Consultant Analysis

Table 5.335.34 Correlation Coefficient against Distance between Hydrologic Stations

Coef Corr R
1 0.932

1 1 4.732275 0.671348 0.951273 1.19 0.878 0.928

2 2 8.597276 0.674868 1.66 0.856 0.919
3 3 9.477888 0.869704 2.06 0.781 0.911
4 4 13.74555 0.844308 2.85 0.614 0.896
5 5 9.966461 0.809292 3.92 0.771 0.877
6 6 8.615183 0.628969 4.37 0.951 0.868
7 7 11.35353 0.771395 4.73 0.671 0.862
1 8 3.91553 0.770957 4.91 0.795 0.859
2 9 4.909076 0.795114 5.15 0.852 0.854
3 10 9.053675 0.777988 5.44 0.663 0.849
4 11 8.219367 0.704034 5.85 0.566 0.842
5 12 6.270817 0.610627 6.27 0.611 0.835
6 13 9.068711 0.842204 7.22 0.921 0.818
1 14 1.194982 0.877518 7.33 0.887 0.816
2 15 5.148944 0.852262 7.84 0.836 0.808
3 16 7.844595 0.836449 7.95 0.873 0.806
4 17 5.84835 0.565667 8.22 0.704 0.801
5 18 7.95495 0.872875 8.60 0.675 0.795
1 19 4.368735 0.951273 8.62 0.629 0.795
2 20 7.327906 0.886959 8.94 0.599 0.789
3 21 5.442687 0.663246 9.05 0.778 0.787
4 22 7.215706 0.920810 9.07 0.842 0.787
1 23 10.39666 0.892025 9.48 0.870 0.780
2 24 8.936122 0.599035 9.65 0.907 0.778
3 25 9.648339 0.907481 9.97 0.809 0.773
1 26 2.056054 0.781093 10.40 0.892 0.766
2 27 1.662991 0.855665 11.35 0.771 0.750
1 28 2.853521 0.613619 13.74555 0.844308 0.714

r (0) 0.951273
Koef X -0.02088
r (1) 0.9316
e(-1/po) 0.979336
-1/po -0.02088
po 47.89272

Table 5.355.36 Network Density Analysis based on Kagan Method with Relative
Alignment and Interpolation Errors
A (km2): 46 Z1 : Kesalahan Perataan relatif
r(0) : 0.951273 Z3 : Kesalahan Interpolasi
p0 : 47.89 L: Jarak antar Station
Avg : 5.4 EN : Dispersi Kesalahan rata-rata
Stdev : 5.7
Cv : 1.0627

N Z1 Z3 L EN N Z1 Z3 L EN
1 30.30 31.32 7.26 54.77 31 4.46 18.08 1.30 0.36
2 20.13 27.34 5.13 19.60 32 4.39 18.01 1.28 0.34
3 15.94 25.38 4.19 10.76 33 4.31 17.95 1.26 0.33
4 13.55 24.13 3.63 7.04 34 4.25 17.90 1.24 0.31
5 11.96 23.24 3.25 5.07 35 4.18 17.84 1.23 0.30
6 10.81 22.56 2.96 3.88 36 4.12 17.79 1.21 0.29
7 9.92 22.02 2.74 3.10 37 4.06 17.74 1.19 0.28
8 9.22 21.57 2.57 2.55 38 4.01 17.69 1.18 0.27
9 8.65 21.20 2.42 2.15 39 3.95 17.64 1.16 0.26
10 8.16 20.87 2.29 1.84 40 3.90 17.59 1.15 0.25
11 7.75 20.59 2.19 1.60 41 3.85 17.55 1.13 0.24
12 7.40 20.34 2.09 1.41 42 3.80 17.51 1.12 0.23
13 7.08 20.12 2.01 1.26 43 3.76 17.47 1.11 0.23
14 6.81 19.92 1.94 1.13 44 3.71 17.43 1.09 0.22
15 6.56 19.73 1.87 1.02 45 3.67 17.39 1.08 0.21
16 6.34 19.57 1.81 0.93 46 3.63 17.35 1.07 0.20
17 6.13 19.41 1.76 0.85 47 3.58 17.31 1.06 0.20
18 5.95 19.27 1.71 0.78 48 3.55 17.28 1.05 0.19
19 5.78 19.14 1.66 0.73 49 3.51 17.25 1.04 0.19
20 5.62 19.02 1.62 0.67 50 3.47 17.21 1.03 0.18
21 5.48 18.91 1.58 0.63 51 3.44 17.18 1.02 0.18
22 5.35 18.80 1.55 0.59 52 3.40 17.15 1.01 0.17
23 5.22 18.70 1.51 0.55 53 3.37 17.12 1.00 0.17
24 5.10 18.61 1.48 0.52
25 5.00 18.52 1.45 0.49
26 4.89 18.44 1.42 0.46 99 2.44 16.24 0.73 0.07
27 4.80 18.36 1.40 0.44 100 2.42 16.22 0.73 0.07
28 4.70 18.28 1.37 0.42 101 2.41 16.21 0.72 0.07
29 4.62 18.21 1.35 0.40 102 2.40 16.20 0.72 0.07
30 4.54 18.14 1.32 0.38 103 2.39 16.19 0.72 0.07

Figure 5.19: Network Curve based on Kagan method with Relative Alignment and
Interpolation Errors

Source: CS01 Consultant Analysis

Figure 5.20: Kagan Triangle Network with 2.29 % Relative Alignment Error and 10 km
Distance in Ambon Watershed

Source: CS01 Consultant Analysis

Table 5.375.38 Summary Analysis Rainfall Stations based on Kagan Method

No. Name of Sub- Register Coordinate Location Kagan

Station Watershed Number Method
Degree Latitude and
1 Gunung Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.01 -3.726617, 3°43'35.8"S Kelurahan Benteng,
Nona Merah 128.165000 128°09'54.0"E Kecamatan Nusaniwe, 3.24
Kota Ambon
2 Kayu Tiga Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.02 -3.705022, 3°42'18.1"S Desa Negeri Soya,
Merah 128.201700 128°12'06.1"E Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota 2.01
3 IAIN Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.10 -3.681028, 3°40'51.7"S Desa Batu Merah ,
Merah 128.227500 128°13'39.0"E Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota 1.94
4 Halong Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.08 -3.670400, 3°40'13.4"S Desa Halong,
Merah 128.229133 128°13'44.9"E Kecamatan Baguala, 2.82
Kota Ambon
5 Amaori Way Yori 06.05.A3.144.02 -3.652967, 3°39'10.7"S Desa Negeri Passo,
128.264367 128°15'51.7"E Kecamatan Baguala, 2.66
Kota Ambon
6 Taeno Way Lela 06.05.A3.147.01 -3.637222, 3°38'14.0"S Desa Negeri Rumahtiga,
128.172150 128°10'19.7"E Kecamatan Teluk 2.63

No. Name of Sub- Register Coordinate Location Kagan
Station Watershed Number Method
Degree Latitude and
Ambon, Kota Ambon
7 UNPATTI Way Lela 06.05.A3.147.03 -3.651453, 3°39'05.2"S Desa Negeri Rumahtiga,
128.183972 128°11'02.3"E Kecamatan Teluk 2.07
Ambon, Kota Ambon
8 Telaga Way Lela 06.05.A3.154.01 -3.625861, 3°37'33.1"S Desa Telaga Kodok,
Kodok 128.181889 128°10'54.8"E Kecamatan Leihitu ,
Kabupaten Maluku

5.1.3 Rainfall Station Rationalization based on Stepwise Method

Table 5.395.40 Correlation between Batu Gantung Water Level Stations with Upstream
Rainfall Stations
PDA Batu Gantung PCH Gunung Nona PCH Kayu Tiga
Jan-15 5.512258065 165.2 122.3
Feb-15 4.318928571 161.7 81
Mar-15 5.28516129 62.8 43.1
Jan-16 5.956129032 31.5 7.8
Feb-16 5.917241379 31.2 31.4
Mar-16 1.903 70.5 318.6
Jan-17 6.62 114.5 43.75
Feb-17 6.23 29.4 178.78
Mar-17 6.91 87 152.61
Jan-18 0 115.5 343.3
Feb-18 0 86 176.6
Mar-18 0 118 528.12

Figure 5.21: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Batu Gantung

Source: CS01 Consultant Analysis

Table 5.415.42 Correlation between Batu Gajah Water Level Station With Upstream
Rainfall Stations
PDA Batu Gajah PCH Kayu Tiga PCH Gunung Nona
Jan-15 111.41 122.3 165.2
Feb-15 19.17 81.0 161.7
Mar-15 26.29 43.1 62.8
Jan-16 26.04 7.8 31.5
Feb-16 22.68 31.4 31.2
Mar-16 25.08 318.6 70.5
Jan-17 19.84 43.8 114.5
Feb-17 17.42 178.8 29.4
Mar-17 19.42 152.6 87.0
Jan-18 18.08 343.3 115.5
Feb-18 15.78 176.6 86.0
Mar-18 17.4 528.1 118.0

Figure 5.22: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Batu Gajah

Source: CS01 Consultant Analysis

Table 5.435.44 Correlation between Tomo Hulu Water Level Stations with Upstream
Rainfall Stations
PDA Tomo Hulu PCH Kayu Tiga PCH IAIN
Jan-15 8.08 122.3 0
Feb-15 7.14 81.0 0
Mar-15 7.79 43.1 0
Jan-16 8.06 7.8 155.9
Feb-16 7.54 31.4 66.6
Mar-16 8.06 318.6 130.9
Jan-17 7.81 43.8 88.5
Feb-17 7.15 178.8 66.3
Mar-17 7.92 152.6 178.8
Jan-18 8.68 343.3 220.7
Feb-18 7.94 176.6 87
Mar-18 8.84 528.1 146.7

Figure 5.23: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Tomo Hulu

Source: CS01 Consultant Analysis

Table 5.455.46 Correlation between Tomo Hilir Water Level Stations with Upstream
Rainfall Stations
PDA Tomo Hilir PCH Kayu Tiga PCH IAIN
Jan-15 0.11 122.3 0
Feb-15 3.19 81.0 0
Mar-15 3.01 43.1 0
Jan-16 3.15 7.8 155.9
Feb-16 2.97 31.4 66.6
Mar-16 3.1 318.6 130.9
Jan-17 3.78 43.8 88.5
Feb-17 3.47 178.8 66.3
Mar-17 4.1 152.6 178.8
Jan-18 3.57 343.3 220.7
Feb-18 2.63 176.6 87
Mar-18 2.92 528.1 146.7

Figure 5.24: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Tomo Hilir

Source: CS01 Consultant Analysis

Table 5.475.48 Correlation between Batu Merah Water Level Stations with Upstream
Rainfall Stations
PDA Batu Merah PCH Kayu Tiga PCH IAIN PCH Halong
Jan-15 6.596129032 122.3 0.0 0
Feb-15 6.330689655 81.0 0.0 0
Mar-15 5.435483871 43.1 0.0 0
Jan-16 5.316129032 7.8 155.9 164.5
Feb-16 4.500689655 31.4 66.6 96.6
Mar-16 4.715483871 318.6 130.9 126.4
Jan-17 5.44 43.8 88.5 200.7
Feb-17 4.58 178.8 66.3 139.5
Mar-17 5.35 152.6 178.8 171.2
Jan-18 4.56 343.3 220.7 344.5
Feb-18 4.05 176.6 87.0 91.3
Mar-18 4.52 528.1 146.7 127.8

Figure 5.25: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Batu Merah

Source: CS01 Consultant Analysis

Table 5.495.50 Correlation between Ruhu Water Level Stations with Upstream Rainfall
PDA Ruhu PCH Kayu Tiga PCH IAIN PCH Halong
Jan-15 10.18 122.3 0.0 0
Feb-15 9.87 81.0 0.0 0
Mar-15 10.51 43.1 0.0 0
Jan-16 4.65 7.8 155.9 164.5
Feb-16 4.54 31.4 66.6 96.6
Mar-16 5.2 318.6 130.9 126.4
Jan-17 10.24 43.8 88.5 200.7
Feb-17 8.36 178.8 66.3 139.5
Mar-17 9.91 152.6 178.8 171.2
Jan-18 12.75 343.3 220.7 344.5
Feb-18 9.32 176.6 87.0 91.3
Mar-18 8.66 528.1 146.7 127.8

Figure 5.26: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Ruhu

Source: CS01 Consultant Analysis

Table 5.515.52 Correlation between Yori Water Level Stations with Upstream Rainfall
PDA Yori PCH Halong PCH IAIN PCH Amaori
Jan-15 0 0 0.0 41.8
Feb-15 0 0 0.0 151.4
Mar-15 10.34 0 0.0 173.3
Jan-16 7.64 164.5 155.9 87.6
Feb-16 7.17 96.6 66.6 47.4
Mar-16 7.56 126.4 130.9 206.32
Jan-17 9.57 200.7 88.5 178.5
Feb-17 7.5 139.5 66.3 47.5
Mar-17 9.65 171.2 178.8 124.9
Jan-18 0 344.5 220.7 215.4
Feb-18 0 91.3 87.0 58.3
Mar-18 0 127.8 146.7 44.3

Figure 5.27: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Yori

Source: CS01 Consultant Analysis

Table 5.535.54 Correlation between Lela Water Level Stations with Upstream Rainfall
Jan-15 6.76 61 65.9
Feb-15 6.45 63 72.5
Mar-15 7.79 160.2 129.8
Jan-16 11.46 61 65.9
Feb-16 10.06 63 72.5
Mar-16 11.56 160.2 129.8
Jan-17 10.04 250 275.2
Feb-17 9.16 184 114.1
Mar-17 10.62 109.5 159.7
Jan-18 12.77 250 333
Feb-18 7.44 184 108.81
Mar-18 9.38 109.5 138.4

Figure 5.28: Correlation Value of AWS with AWLR Lela

Source: CS01 Consultant Analysis

Table 5.555.56 Summary of Multi-Correlations/Stepwise for Rainfall Stations to Water

Level Stations

Pos Debit
Batu Gajah Tomo Hulu Tomo Hilir Batu Merah Ruhu Yori Lela
Gunung Nona -3.726617 128.165000 3 2 3
Kayu Tiga -3.705022 128.201700 2 3 2 2 2 1 2
IAIN -3.681028 128.227500 3 3 1 2 3 3
Pos Hujan

Halong -3.670400 128.229133 3 3 1 3

Amaori -3.652967 128.264367 2 2
Taeno -3.637222 128.172150 3 3
UNPATTI -3.651453 128.183972 2 2
Telaga Kodok -3.625861 128.181889 1 1

Table 5.575.58 Summary of Value with Stepwise Method for Rainfall Stations
No. Name of Sub- Register Coordinate Location Stepwise
Station Watershed Number Method
Degree Latitude and
1 Gunung Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.01 -3.726617, 3°43'35.8"S Kelurahan Benteng,
Nona Merah 128.165000 128°09'54.0"E Kecamatan Nusaniwe, 3.00
Kota Ambon
2 Kayu Tiga Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.02 -3.705022, 3°42'18.1"S Desa Negeri Soya,
Merah 128.201700 128°12'06.1"E Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota 2.00
3 IAIN Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.10 -3.681028, 3°40'51.7"S Desa Batu Merah ,
Merah 128.227500 128°13'39.0"E Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota 3.00
4 Halong Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.08 -3.670400, 3°40'13.4"S Desa Halong, 3.00

No. Name of Sub- Register Coordinate Location Stepwise
Station Watershed Number Method
Degree Latitude and
Merah 128.229133 128°13'44.9"E Kecamatan Baguala,
Kota Ambon
5 Amaori Way Yori 06.05.A3.144.02 -3.652967, 3°39'10.7"S Desa Negeri Passo,
128.264367 128°15'51.7"E Kecamatan Baguala, 2.00
Kota Ambon
6 Taeno Way Lela 06.05.A3.147.01 -3.637222, 3°38'14.0"S Desa Negeri Rumahtiga,
128.172150 128°10'19.7"E Kecamatan Teluk 3.00
Ambon, Kota Ambon
7 UNPATTI Way Lela 06.05.A3.147.03 -3.651453, 3°39'05.2"S Desa Negeri Rumahtiga,
128.183972 128°11'02.3"E Kecamatan Teluk 2.00
Ambon, Kota Ambon
8 Telaga Way Lela 06.05.A3.154.01 -3.625861, 3°37'33.1"S Desa Telaga Kodok,
Kodok 128.181889 128°10'54.8"E Kecamatan Leihitu ,
Kabupaten Maluku

5.1.4 Isohyet method

The first step taken in the station rationalization of rainfall with kriging method is to calculate
the kriging standard error (KSE), where the greater value of KSE, the greater the degree of
accuracy of the spatial interpolation of rainfall. Isohyet shows the location of the existing
station of rainfall and watershed in the city of Ambon. A total of 8 (eight) heading rainfall that
has been built in the area of Ambon. Where five (5) of which lies in the Sub-Basin Way Batu
Gantung, Sub-Basin Way Gajah, Sub-Basin Way Tomo, Sub-Basin Way Batu Merah, and Sub-
Basin Way Ruhu.

Figure 5.29: Plotting Existing Rainfall Stations and Watersheds in Ambon

Source: CS01 Consultant Analysis

Using data from 2016 annual rainfall kriging interpolation is done. Selection of the rainfall data
for the year complete data is available at every existing station. Figure 5.13 shows the results of
interpolation in the form of annual rainfall distribution and the distribution of the value of KSE.
Seen in the picture are some areas have a value of more than 1.1 KSE. The greater the value of
KSE then show inaccuracy interpolating rain. So the value of KSE into consideration in putting
station new rainfall. Heading the new rainfall will be placed in areas with a large KSE value or
yellow and red zones. Furthermore, the priority installation of a new station of rainfall in the
river basin do this job. In Figure 5.14 and Figure 5.15 also seen heading rainfall proposal to
reduce the value of KSE.
Besides the addition of the new station of rainfall, should be considered to improve the existing
station equipment rainfall. Because the goal of this work is to build a flood early warning
system, in which the calibration data is needed in the form of hourly rainfall data as well as the
nature of telemetry.

Figure 5.30: Annual Rainfall Isohyet in Ambon Watersheds

Source: CS01 Consultant Analysis

Figure 5.31: Existing and Proposed Rainfall Stations Plotted on KSE Value Map Ambon

Isohyet 3

Isohyet 1
Isohyet 2

Source: CS01 Consultant Analysis

The justification results for Figure 5.14, based on the Isohyet method, are listed in the table
Table 5.595.60 Summary of Value with Isohyet Method
No. Name of Sub- Register Coordinate Location Isohyet
Station Watershed Number Method
Degree Latitude and
1 Gunung Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.01 -3.726617, 3°43'35.8"S Kelurahan Benteng,
Nona Merah 128.165000 128°09'54.0"E Kecamatan Nusaniwe, 3.00
Kota Ambon
2 Kayu Tiga Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.02 -3.705022, 3°42'18.1"S Desa Negeri Soya,
Merah 128.201700 128°12'06.1"E Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota 2.00
3 IAIN Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.10 -3.681028, 3°40'51.7"S Desa Batu Merah ,
Merah 128.227500 128°13'39.0"E Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota 3.00
4 Halong Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.08 -3.670400, 3°40'13.4"S Desa Halong,
Merah 128.229133 128°13'44.9"E Kecamatan Baguala, 3.00
Kota Ambon
5 Amaori Way Yori 06.05.A3.144.02 -3.652967, 3°39'10.7"S Desa Negeri Passo,
128.264367 128°15'51.7"E Kecamatan Baguala, 3.00
Kota Ambon
6 Taeno Way Lela 06.05.A3.147.01 -3.637222, 3°38'14.0"S Desa Negeri Rumahtiga,
128.172150 128°10'19.7"E Kecamatan Teluk 2.00
Ambon, Kota Ambon
7 UNPATTI Way Lela 06.05.A3.147.03 -3.651453, 3°39'05.2"S Desa Negeri Rumahtiga,
128.183972 128°11'02.3"E Kecamatan Teluk 2.00
Ambon, Kota Ambon
8 Telaga Way Lela 06.05.A3.154.01 -3.625861, 3°37'33.1"S Desa Telaga Kodok,
Kodok 128.181889 128°10'54.8"E Kecamatan Leihitu ,
Kabupaten Maluku

5.1.5 Rainfall Station Rationalization based on WMO Recommendations

For analysis of rationalization using WMO density, DAS Ambon included into the coverage area
of the condition of low mountains and islands with high rainfall precipitation, because the
radius of the station density of rainfall used to use a third criterion, namely with a radius of
However, due to Ambon watershed area within the scope of the Project CS-01 is less than 100
km², then to the radius of the station precipitation density is reduced to 2.50 km.

Figure 5.32: Rainfall Station Radius Map Used in WMO Density Method

Source: CS01 Consultant Analysis

Table 5.615.62 Summary of Value with WMO Method

No. Name of Sub- Register Coordinate Location WMO
Station Watershed Number Method
Degree Latitude and
1 Gunung Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.01 -3.726617, 3°43'35.8"S Kelurahan Benteng,
Nona Merah 128.165000 128°09'54.0"E Kecamatan Nusaniwe, 2.00
Kota Ambon
2 Kayu Tiga Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.02 -3.705022, 3°42'18.1"S Desa Negeri Soya,
Merah 128.201700 128°12'06.1"E Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota 2.00
3 IAIN Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.10 -3.681028, 3°40'51.7"S Desa Batu Merah ,
Merah 128.227500 128°13'39.0"E Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota 2.00
4 Halong Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.08 -3.670400, 3°40'13.4"S Desa Halong,
Merah 128.229133 128°13'44.9"E Kecamatan Baguala, 2.00
Kota Ambon
5 Amaori Way Yori 06.05.A3.144.02 -3.652967, 3°39'10.7"S Desa Negeri Passo,
128.264367 128°15'51.7"E Kecamatan Baguala, 2.00
Kota Ambon
6 Taeno Way Lela 06.05.A3.147.01 -3.637222, 3°38'14.0"S Desa Negeri Rumahtiga,

No. Name of Sub- Register Coordinate Location WMO
Station Watershed Number Method
Degree Latitude and
128.172150 128°10'19.7"E Kecamatan Teluk
Ambon, Kota Ambon
7 UNPATTI Way Lela 06.05.A3.147.03 -3.651453, 3°39'05.2"S Desa Negeri Rumahtiga,
128.183972 128°11'02.3"E Kecamatan Teluk 2.00
Ambon, Kota Ambon
8 Telaga Way Lela 06.05.A3.154.01 -3.625861, 3°37'33.1"S Desa Telaga Kodok,
Kodok 128.181889 128°10'54.8"E Kecamatan Leihitu ,
Kabupaten Maluku

5.2 Water Level Recorder

As explained in the previous chapter, the rationalization analysis for the Water Level Station
Network use the Quality Control, Stepwise, Kagan and Isohyets. In this study, only use the
Quality Control method analysis

5.2.1 Water Level Recorder Rationalization with Quality Control Method

Based on the evaluation criteria of the Quality Control Method described in Appendix 2:
Condition Form of Quality Control Method for Water Level Recorder.

Table 5.635.64: The Weighting Result of Quality Control Method for Water Level Recorder
No. Name of Sub- Register Number Coordinate Location WMO
WLR Watershed Method
Degree Latitude and
1 Way Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.05 -3.706944, 3°42'25.0"S Kelurahan Batu 2.38
Batu Gajah 128.173333 128°10'24.0"E Gajah,
Gajah Kecamatan
Sirimau, Kota
2 Way Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.04 -3.710278, 3°42'37.0"S Kelurahan 2.19
Batu Gantung 128.166667 128°10'00.0"E Kudamati,
Gantung Kecamatan
Sirimau, Kota
3 Way Way Tomo 06.05.A3.146.09 -3.696389, 3°41'47.0"S Kelurahan Batu 2.34
Tomo 128.199722 128°11'59.0"E Meja, Kecamatan
Hulu Sirimau, Kota
4 Way Way Tomo 06.05.A3.146.07 -3.695556, 3°41'44.0"S Kelurahan Batu 2.30

No. Name of Sub- Register Number Coordinate Location WMO
WLR Watershed Method
Degree Latitude and
Tomo 128.180000 128°10'48.0"E Meja, Kecamatan
Hilir Sirimau, Kota
5 Way Way Batu 06.05.A3.146.03 -3.688611, 3°41'19.0"S Desa Negeri Batu 2.46
Batu Merah 128.190828 128°11'27.0"E Merah,
Merah Kecamatan
Sirimau, Kota
6 Way Way Ruhu 06.05.A3.146.06 -3.672222, 3°40'20.0"S Kelurahan Hative 2.51
Ruhu 128.205833 128°12'21.0"E Kecil, Kecamatan
Sirimau, Kota
7 Way Yori Way Yori 06.05.A3.144.01 -3.657333, 3°39'26.4"S Desa Negeri 2.07
128.254600 128°15'16.6"E Passo,
Baguala, Kota
8 Way Lela Way Lela 06.05.A3.147.02 -3.652031, 3°39'07.3"S Desa Negeri 2.14
128.180256 128°10'48.9"E Rumahtiga,
Kecamatan Teluk
Ambon, Kota

5.3 Summary of 5 Methods

Table 5.655.66 Summary of Value with 5 Methods for Rainfall Recorder

Coordinate Value of 5 Methods

Name Resume
Register Type of
No of DAS Location Monitorin Total Priority
Number Latitude and Station Quality Step-
Station Degrees g Data Kagan Isohyet WMO
Longitude Control wise
1 Gunung Way 06.05.A3.1 -3.726617, 3°43'35.8"S Kelurahan Manual 1997 - 2019 2.25 3.24 3.00 3.00 2.00 13.49
Nona Batu 46.01 128.165000 128°09'54.0"E Benteng, and
Merah Kecamatan Automatics
Kota Ambon

2 Kayu Way 06.05.A3.1 -3.705022, 3°42'18.1"S Desa Negeri Manual 2011 - 2018 1.96 2.01 2.00 2.00 2.00 9.97
Tiga Batu 46.02 128.201700 128°12'06.1"E Soya, dan
Merah Kecamatan Otomatis
Kota Ambon

3 IAIN Way 06.05.A3.1 -3.681028, 3°40'51.7"S Desa Batu Manual 2015 -2019 2.66 1.94 3.00 3.00 2.00 12.61
Batu 46.10 128.227500 128°13'39.0"E Merah , dan
Merah Kecamatan Otomatis
Kota Ambon

4 Halong Way 06.05.A3.1 -3.670400, 3°40'13.4"S Desa Manual 2015 - 2019 2.54 2.82 3.00 3.00 2.00 13.36
Batu 46.08 128.229133 128°13'44.9"E Halong, dan
Merah Kecamatan Otomatis 1
Kota Ambon
5 Amaori Way 06.05.A3.1 -3.652967, 3°39'10.7"S Desa Negeri Manual 2015 - 2019 2.13 2.66 3.00 2.00 2.00 11.78
Yori 44.02 128.264367 128°15'51.7"E Passo, dan
Kecamatan Otomatis
Kota Ambon

Coordinate Value of 5 Methods
Name Resume
Register Type of
No of DAS Location Monitorin Total Priority
Number Latitude and Station Quality Step-
Station Degrees g Data Kagan Isohyet WMO
Longitude Control wise
6 Taeno Way 06.05.A3.1 -3.637222, 3°38'14.0"S Desa Negeri Manual 2014 - 2019 2.11 2.63 2.00 3.00 2.00 11.74
Lela 47.01 128.172150 128°10'19.7"E Rumahtiga, dan
Kecamatan Otomatis
Kota Ambon
1 UNPATTI Way 06.05.A3.1 -3.651453, 3°39'05.2"S Desa Negeri Manual 2014-2019 2.97 2.07 2.00 2.00 2.00 11.04
Lela 47.03 128.183972 128°11'02.3"E Rumahtiga, dan
Kecamatan Otomatis
Kota Ambon
8 Telaga Way 06.05.A3.1 -3.625861, 3°37'33.1"S Desa Telaga Manual 2008 - 2019 2.29 2.38 2.00 1.00 2.00 9.67
Kodok Lela 54.01 128.181889 128°10'54.8"E Kodok, dan
Kecamatan Otomatis
Leihitu , 3

Table 5.675.68 Summary of Value with Quality Control Methods for Water Level Recorder

Name of Register Type of Quality
No DAS Latitude and Location Monitoring Priority
Station Number Degrees Station Control
Longitude Data

1 Way Way 06.05.A3.146.05 -3.706944, 3°42'25.0"S Kelurahan Batu Manual 2009 - 2.38 1
Batu Batu 128.173333 128°10'24.0"E Gajah, Kecamatan dan 2019
Gajah Gajah Sirimau, Kota Otomatis
2 Way Way 06.05.A3.146.04 -3.710278, 3°42'37.0"S Kelurahan Manual 2010 - 2.19 2
Batu Batu 128.166667 128°10'00.0"E Kudamati, 2019
Gantung Gantung Kecamatan
Sirimau, Kota
3 Way Way 06.05.A3.146.09 -3.696389, 3°41'47.0"S Kelurahan Batu Manual 2014 - 2.34 1
Tomo Tomo 128.199722 128°11'59.0"E Meja, Kecamatan dan 2019
Hulu Sirimau, Kota Otomatis
4 Way Way 06.05.A3.146.07 -3.695556, 3°41'44.0"S Kelurahan Batu Manual 2009 - 2.30 1
Tomo Tomo 128.180000 128°10'48.0"E Meja, Kecamatan 2019
Hilir Sirimau, Kota
5 Way Way 06.05.A3.146.03 -3.688611, 3°41'19.0"S Desa Negeri Batu Manual 2009 - 2.46 1
Batu Batu 128.190828 128°11'27.0"E Merah, 2019
Merah Merah Kecamatan
Sirimau, Kota

Name of Register Type of Quality
No DAS Latitude and Location Monitoring Priority
Station Number Degrees Station Control
Longitude Data

6 Way Way 06.05.A3.146.06 -3.672222, 3°40'20.0"S Kelurahan Hative Manual 2011 - 2.51 1
Ruhu Ruhu 128.205833 128°12'21.0"E Kecil, Kecamatan dan 2019
Sirimau, Kota Otomatis
7 Way Way 06.05.A3.144.01 -3.657333, 3°39'26.4"S Desa Negeri Manual 2014 - 2.07 3
Yori Yori 128.254600 128°15'16.6"E Passo, Kecamatan dan 2016
Baguala, Kota Otomatis
8 Way Way 06.05.A3.147.02 -3.652031, 3°39'07.3"S Desa Negeri Manual 2013 - 2.14 2
Lela Lela 128.180256 128°10'48.9"E Rumahtiga, dan 2019
Kecamatan Teluk Otomatis
Ambon, Kota

6 Proposed Ideal Location of Hydro-metric Station for
Support EWS (Early Warning System)

6.1 Rainfall Recorder

To support the Early Warning System, the consultant proposes that rainfall station density must
be considered, for this reason the consultant has analyzed the location of the existing rainfall
station, with the Google Earth, from the analysis, the consultant will propose the addition of
new rainfall station to new locations based on Isohyet's analysis and WMO density analysis.
The following is an explanation of the proposed addition of rainfall station locations in the
Ambon watershed.
Figure 6.1 is the location of the existing rainfall recorder in the Ambon watershed

Figure 6.33: Plotting Existing Rainfall Stations and Watersheds in Ambon

Source: CS01 Consultant Analysis

Using data from 2016 annual rainfall kriging interpolation is done. Selection of the rainfall data
for the year complete data is available at every existing station. Figure 6.2 shows the results of
interpolation in the form of annual rainfall distribution and the distribution of the value of KSE.
Seen in the picture are some areas have a value of more than 1.1 KSE. The greater the value of
KSE then show inaccuracy interpolating rain. So the value of KSE into consideration in putting
station new rainfall. Heading the new rainfall will be placed in areas with a large KSE value or
yellow and red zones. Furthermore, the priority installation of a new station of rainfall in the
river basin do this job. In Figure 6.2 and Figure 6.3 also seen heading rainfall proposal to reduce
the value of KSE.
Besides the addition of the new station of rainfall, should be considered to improve the existing
station equipment rainfall. Because the goal of this work is to build a flood early warning
system, in which the calibration data is needed in the form of hourly rainfall data as well as the
nature of telemetry.

Figure 6.34: Map of annual rainfall distribution in Ambon Watersheds

Source: CS01 Consultant Analysis

Figure 6.35: KSE value for existing rainfall conditions and Proposed Rainfall Stations Plotted in Ambon

Isohyet 3

Isohyet 1
Isohyet 2

Source: CS01 Consultant Analysis

Table 6.696.70 Coordinates New Proposed Rainfall Stations

Name of Station latitude and Location

New Rainfall Recorder -3.773190, 3°46'23.5"S Desa latuhalat, Kecamatan
Isohyet 1 128.117000 128°07'01.2"E Nusaniwe, Kota Ambon
New Rainfall Recorder -3.756300, 3°45'22.7"S Desa Nusaniwe, Kecamatan
Isohyet 2 128.139000 128°08'20.4"E Nusaniwe, Kota Ambon
New Rainfall Recorder -3.705630, 3°42'20.3"S Desa Soya, Kecamatan
Isohyet 3 128.241000 128°14'27.6"E Sirimau, Kota Ambon

From the map above consultant can conclude there are some areas that are not covered by the
station precipitation, it is recommended to add new stations by standard WMO and Isohyet
Method, like the following picture:

Figure 6.36: Rainfall Station Radius Map Including New Proposed Stations

Source: CS01 Consultant Analysis

From the pictures above there on the addition of station precipitation basedprecipitation-
based methods density WMO and also added a station precipitation new recommendation
analysis methods isohyet before, along with the filing of station precipitation just near station
had expected new water recommended by the CO NRM BWS Maluku to conclude in the table
the following:

Table 6.716.72 Coordinates of New Proposed Rainfall Stations based Isohyet and WMO
NO Name of Station Type of Station latitude and Location
Desa latuhalat,
New Rainfall Recorder Rainfall -3.773190, 3°46'23.5"S
1 Kecamatan Nusaniwe,
Isohyet 1 Recorder 128.117000 128°07'01.2"E
Kota Ambon
Rainfall Desa Nusaniwe,
New Rainfall Recorder -3.756300, 3°45'22.7"S
2 Recorder Kecamatan Nusaniwe,
Isohyet 2 128.139000 128°08'20.4"E
Kota Ambon
New Rainfall Recorder Rainfall -3.705630, 3°42'20.3"S Desa Soya, Kecamatan
Isohyet 3 Recorder 128.241000 128°14'27.6"E Sirimau, Kota Ambon
Rainfall Desa Waiheru,
New Rainfall Recorder -3.623653, 3°37'25.2"S
4 Recorder Kecamatan Baguala,
WMO 1 128.223764 128°13'25.6"E
Kota Ambon
Rainfall Desa Passo,
New Rainfall Recorder -3.617158, 3°37'01.8"S
5 Recorder Kecamatan Baguala,
WMO 2 128.257611 128°15'27.4"E
Kota Ambon
Rainfall Desa Urimesing,
New Rainfall Recorder -3.715558, 3°42'56.0"S
6 Recorder Kecamatan Nusaniwe,
Batu Gajah 128.190267 128°11'25.0"E
Kota Ambon
Rainfall Desa Waihoka,
New Rainfall Recorder -3.692097, 3°41'31.6"S
7 Recorder Kecamatan Sirimau,
Batu Merah 128.204944 128°12'17.8"E
Kota Ambon

6.2 Water Level Stations

To support the Early Warning System, it is proposed that all rivers in the Ambon watershed
should have a discharge meter or a water level meter, with good conditions.
At the moment there are 8 water level recorder, installed at Ambon watershed, and there are
many rivers have not been installed with measuring equipment. Conditions of existing water
level recorder, un-function or damaged.
The condition of the water level recorder can be seen in the table below:

Table 6.736.74 Existing Water Lever Recorder (WLR) Conditions
Coordinate Resume Condition
Register Type of (information from
NO Name of WLR Sub- DAS WLR Location Data
Number Degrees latitude and Station Balai Ambon)
Way Batu Way Batu 06.05.A3. -3.706944, 3°42'25.0"S Kelurahan Batu Gajah, Manual 2009 - Manual: Needs
1 128°10'24.0" Kecamatan Sirimau, and Repair
Gajah Gajah 146.05 128.173333 2019
E Kota Ambon Automatic Automatic:
3°42'37.0"S Kelurahan Kudamati, Damaged
Manual: Needs
Way Batu Way Batu 06.05.A3. -3.710278, 2010 - Repair
2 128°10'00.0" Kecamatan Sirimau, Manual
Gantung Gantung 146.04 128.166667 2019
E Kota Ambon

Way Tomo 06.05.A3. -3.696389, 3°41'47.0"S Kelurahan Batu Meja, Manual 2014 - Automatic:
3 Way Tomo 128°11'59.0" Kecamatan Sirimau, and Damaged
Hulu 146.09 128.199722 2019
E Kota Ambon Automatic
Way Tomo 06.05.A3. -3.695556, 3°41'44.0"S Kelurahan Batu Meja, 2009 - Manual: Needs
4 Way Tomo 128°10'48.0" Kecamatan Sirimau, Manual Repair
Hilir 146.07 128.180000 2019
E Kota Ambon
3°41'19.0"S Desa Negeri Batu Automatic:
Way Batu Way Batu 06.05.A3. -3.688611, 2009 -
5 128°11'27.0" Merah, Kecamatan Manual Damaged
Merah Merah 146.03 128.190828 2019
E Sirimau, Kota Ambon

06.05.A3. -3.672222, 3°40'20.0"S Kelurahan Hative Kecil, Manual 2011 - Manual: Needs
6 Way Ruhu Way Ruhu Repair
146.06 128.205833 128°12'21.0" Kecamatan Sirimau, and 2019
E Kota Ambon Automatic
06.05.A3. -3.657333, 3°39'26.4"S Desa Negeri Passo, Manual 2014 - Automatic:
7 Way Yori Way Yori 128°15'16.6" Kecamatan Baguala, and Damaged
144.01 128.254600 2016
E Kota Ambon Automatic
06.05.A3. -3.652031, 3°39'07.3"S Desa Negeri Manual 2013 - Manual: Needs
8 Way Lela Way Lela 128°10'48.9" Rumahtiga, Kecamatan and Repair
147.02 128.180256 2019
E Teluk Ambon, Kota Automatic
Sumber : Balai Ambon Ambon

Based on the desk study, with the Google Earth, there are 8 (eight) rivers in the Ambon
watershed, there are no discharge or water level recorder.
So that it was proposed to add additional water level recorder at the new location, on
8 rivers in the Ambon watershed.
New water level recorder locations are proposed in straight river locations, non-
remote areas, access roads to water level recorder locations are easy. These locations
are tabulated, shown in table 6.4
Table 6.756.76: Proposal for Procurement of New WLR at New Location for AMBON

The Propose of Water Level Recorder (WLR) Stations

NO Coordinate Location
Propose Notes/Inflow Point
(desk study) (desk study)

Debit recorderWater
3°42'34.5"S Desa Soya, Kecamatan
1 New WLR A level recorder at
128°11'36.5"E Sirimau, Kota Ambon
river A
Kelurahan Sirimau, Debit recorderWater
2 New WLR B Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota level recorder at
Ambon river B
Kelurahan Wayame, Debit recorderWater
3 New WLR C Kecamatan Teluk Ambon, level recorder at
Kota Ambon river C
Debit recorderWater
3°37'47.4"S Desa Waiheru, Kecamatan
4 New WLR D level recorder at
128°12'46.0"E Baguala, Kota Ambon
river D
Debit recorderWater
3°37'42.5"S Desa Waiheru, Kecamatan
5 New WLR E level recorder at
128°13'14.4"E Baguala, Kota Ambon
river E
Debit recorderWater
3°37'30.6"S Desa Waiheru, Kecamatan
6 New WLR F level recorder at
128°13'38.9"E Baguala, Kota Ambon
river F
Debit recorderWater
3°37'25.5"S Desa Baguala, Kecamatan
7 New WLR G level recorder at
128°14'46.0"E Baguala, Kota Ambon
river G
Debit recorderWater
3°38'21.7"S Desa Passo, Kecamatan
8 New WLR H level recorder at
128°15'27.8"E Baguala, Kota Ambon
river H

There are 2 (two) large sub-watersheds in Ambon watershed are Batu Gajah and Batu
Merah it is necessary to add new WLR, namely in:

Name of Location

Degrees latitude and longitude
New WLR Batu -3.717111, 3°43'01.6"S Desa Urimesing, Kecamatan
Gajah Hulu 128.189003 128°11'20.4"E Nusaniwe, Kota Ambon
New WLR Batu -3.691539, 3°41'29.5"S Desa Waihoka, Kecamatan
Merah Hulu 128.206131 128°12'22.1"E Sirimau, Kota Ambon

The total new proposals for WLR are listed in table 6.5 and the location of the
proposed new WLR is shown in Figure 6.5.
Table 6.77Table : 6.78 Total Proposed New Water Level Recorder (WLR) in
Ambon watershedWatershed
Coordinate Location
NO Propose Notes
(desk study) (desk study)

I In New Location

3°42'34.5"S Desa Soya, Kecamatan Sirimau, recorderWater
1 New WLR A
128°11'36.5"E Kota Ambon level recorder at
river A

3°41'47.6"S Kelurahan Sirimau, Kecamatan recorderWater
2 New WLR B
128°11'12.8"E Sirimau, Kota Ambon level recorder at
river B

3°39'31.7"S Kelurahan Wayame, Kecamatan recorderWater
3 New WLR C
128°09'49.6"E Teluk Ambon, Kota Ambon level recorder at
river C

3°37'47.4"S Desa Waiheru, Kecamatan recorderWater
4 New WLR D
128°12'46.0"E Baguala, Kota Ambon level recorder at
river D

3°37'42.5"S Desa Waiheru, Kecamatan recorderWater
5 New WLR E
128°13'14.4"E Baguala, Kota Ambon level recorder at
river E

6 New WLR F 3°37'30.6"S Desa Waiheru, Kecamatan Debit

128°13'38.9"E Baguala, Kota Ambon recorderWater
level recorder at

Coordinate Location
NO Propose Notes
(desk study) (desk study)

river F

3°37'25.5"S Desa Baguala, Kecamatan recorderWater
7 New WLR G
128°14'46.0"E Baguala, Kota Ambon level recorder at
river G

3°38'21.7"S Desa Passo, Kecamatan Baguala, recorderWater
8 New WLR H
128°15'27.8"E Kota Ambon level recorder at
river H

9 New WLR Batu -3.717111, Desa Urimesing, Kecamatan
level recorder at
Gajah Hulu 128.189003 Nusaniwe, Kota Ambon
river Batu Gajah
bagian Hulu
10 New WLR Batu -3.691539, Desa Waihoka, Kecamatan
level recorder at
Merah Hulu 128.206131 Sirimau, Kota Ambon
river Batu Merah
bagian Hulu
II Beside Existing

Way Batu 3°42'25.0"S Kelurahan Batu Gajah, Kecamatan
11 level recorder at
Gajah 128°10'24.0"E Sirimau, Kota Ambon
river Way Batu

Way Batu 3°42'37.0"S Kelurahan Kudamati, Kecamatan
12 level recorder at
Gantung 128°10'00.0"E Sirimau, Kota Ambon
Way Batu

Way Tomo 3°41'47.0"S Kelurahan Batu Meja, Kecamatan recorderWater
Hulu 128°11'59.0"E Sirimau, Kota Ambon level recorder at
Way Tomo Hulu

Way Tomo 3°41'44.0"S Kelurahan Batu Meja, Kecamatan recorderWater
Hilir 128°10'48.0"E Sirimau, Kota Ambon level recorder at
Way Tomo Hilir

15 Way Batu 3°41'19.0"S Desa Negeri Batu Merah, Debit

Coordinate Location
NO Propose Notes
(desk study) (desk study)

Merah 128°11'27.0"E Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota Ambon level recorder at
Way Batu Merah

3°40'20.0"S Kelurahan Hative Kecil, Kecamatan recorderWater
16 Way Ruhu
128°12'21.0"E Sirimau, Kota Ambon level recorder at
Way Ruhu

3°39'26.4"S Desa Negeri Passo, Kecamatan recorderWater
17 Way Yori
128°15'16.6"E Baguala, Kota Ambon level recorder at
Way Yori

Desa Negeri Rumahtiga,
3°39'07.3"S recorderWater
18 Way Lela Kecamatan Teluk Ambon, Kota
128°10'48.9"E level recorder at
Way Lela

Total 18 WLR

Figure 6.37: Location of Total Proposed New Water Level Recorder in Ambon watershed

6.3 Early Flood Warning Station (Siren)

As the final goal in FEW, the availability of early warnings (sirens), for people affected
by flooding in downstream areas. Siren placement planning should be attention to
densely populated locations. From the results of a desk study using Google Earth, the
consultant proposed 2 (two) sirens with the siren coordinates, shown in the Table 6.6.

Table 6.796.80 Proposed Early Flood Warning Station in Ambon watershed

The Propose of Warning Stations

NO Coordinate Location
(desk study) (desk study)
1 Sirine 1 3°40'10.77"S 128°11'53.41"E Desa Hative Kecil, Kecamatan
Sirimau, Kota Ambon

2 Sirine 2 3°41'53.94"S 128°10'58.32"E Kelurahan Ahusen, Kecamatan

Sirimau, Kota Ambon

Figure 6.38: Location of Warning Stations in Ambon watershed

7 Initial Technical Specifications

The proposed hydrometric equipment must be able to support the flood and landside
early warning system establishment, which is part of the FMSRB program. In
accordance with ADB and PUSAIR recommendations, that hydrometric equipment
must be supported with high-performance IT equipment (servers and computers). For
this the consultant prepared initial hydrometric equipment specifications, as input for
an initial budget for the procurement of hydrometric equipment. All Rainfall Station
should be change to Automatic Weather Station, and All Water Level Recorder should
be automatically.

7.1 Automatic Weather Station (AWS)

An Automatic Weather Station (AWS) is an automated version of the
traditional weather station. An AWS will typically consist of a weather-proof enclosure
containing the data logger, rechargeable battery, telemetry (optional) and
meteorological sensors with an attached solar panel or wind turbine and mounted
upon a mast. The specific configuration may vary due to the purpose of the system. In
the past, automatic weather stations were often placed where electricity and
communication lines were available. Nowadays, the solar panel, wind
turbines and mobile phone technology have made it possible to have wireless stations
that are not connected to the electrical grid or hard line telecommunications network.
Initial Technical Specifications:

Automatic Weather Station (AWS)

Telemetric Data Logger
Rainfall Sensor Type Tipping Bucket 0.5 MM
Temperature and Humidity Sensor
Wind Speed and Direction Sensor
Solar Irradiance Sensor
Solar Cell 30 WP
12 Volt 10 Ampere Solar Charger
12 Volt 12 AH battery
40 x 30 x 25 Cm Panel Box
Pole Box Panels and Solar Cell Holder
Installation Materials
Location Survey Fee
Equipment Delivery

Telemetric Data Logger
Specification :
8-bit AVR RISC
LCD 2 x 16 Character + Backlight
External Memory Slot : Micro SD Up To 8 Gb
8 Chanel Analog
8 Chanel Digital
Real Time Clock
GSM GPRS Telemetry
Battery Operation Up To 2 Years
Easy On Site Calibration And Setting
Web Based Monitoring Application
HTTP Station / MQTT Protocol
IP 66 PVC ABS Enclosure
Pressure Type water Level Sensor
- Extremely accurate, excellent long-term stability, no pressure hysteresis
- Integrated overvoltage and polarity reversal protection
- Compact, robust housing made from stainless steel
Pressure Range 0-1m/0-50m/0-500m
Accuracy ± 0.25% FS
Signal Output 24VDC/12VDC/5VDC
Supply IP68
Protections Class IP68
Temp. Range '-20°C ~ 70°C (Max Range)
Material in Media Contact Stainless Steel AISI 316L
Solar Cell 30 WP
Rated Maximum Power (Pmax) 30W
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 21.8V
Short Circuit Current (Isc) 1.78A
Voltage at Pmax (Vpm) 18.0V
Current at Pmax (Imp) 1.67A

Telemetric Data Logger
Solar Charger 12 Volt 10 Ampere
- Beban Max : 10-A (120 Watt)
- Beban Max input : 42 V
- Float Charge: 13,8 V
- Rated Voltage : 12V
- Charge Disconnect : 11.2V
- Charge Reconnect : 13 V
- Equalization Voltage : 14.2 V (PWM)
- 5VDC USB port output at 3A
- Solar panel until 100 wp
- Battery capacity 100 Ampere
Battery 12 Volt 12 AH
Voltage 12 V
Current 12 Ampere
Dry Battery
Box Panel 40 x 30 x 25 Cm
Box Panel Outdoor IP 55
Powder coating
Plate thickness of 1.2 MM
Iron Hinges
Equipped with a key
Air Outlet Air Circulation
Size 40 x 30 x 25 cm
Pole Box Panels and Solar Cell Holder
Sensor Mount Head Made of Galvanized Iron. 3 inches, 0.4 meters. Located
parallel to the River Floor or based on direction from the field directors.

Figure 7.39: Example Automatic Weather Station (AWS)

Source: Consultant

7.2 Automatic Water Level Recorder (AWLR)

Initial Technical Specifications:

Automatic Water Level Recorder (AWLR) Equipment

Telemetric Data Logger
8-bit AVR RISC
LCD 2 x 16 Character + Backlight
External Memory Slot : Micro SD Up To 8 Gb

Automatic Water Level Recorder (AWLR) Equipment
8 Chanel Analog
8 Chanel Digital
Real Time Clock
GSM GPRS Telemetry
Battery Operation Up To 2 Years
Easy On Site Calibration And Setting
Web Based Monitoring Application
HTTP Station / MQTT Protocol
IP 66 PVC ABS Enclosure
Pressure Type Water Level Sensor
- Extremely accurate, excellent long-term stability, no pressure hysteresis
- Integrated overvoltage and polarity reversal protection
- Compact, robust housing made from stainless steel
Pressure Range 0-1m/0-50m/0-500m
Accuracy ± 0.25% FS
Signal Output 24VDC/12VDC/5VDC
Supply IP68
Protections Class IP68
Temp. Range '-20°C ~ 70°C (Max Range)
Material in Media Contact Stainless Steel AISI 316L
Solar Cell 30 WP
Rated Maximum Power (Pmax) 30W
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 21.8V
Short Circuit Current (Isc) 1.78A
Voltage at Pmax (Vpm) 18.0V
Current at Pmax (Imp) 1.67A
Solar Charger 12 Volt 10 Ampere
- Beban Max : 10-A (120 Watt)
- Beban Max input : 42 V
- Float Charge: 13,8 V
- Rated Voltage : 12V
- Charge Disconnect : 11.2V
- Charge Reconnect : 13 V
- Equalization Voltage: 14.2 V (PWM)

Automatic Water Level Recorder (AWLR) Equipment
- 5VDC USB port output at 3A
- Solar panel until 100 wp
- Battery Capacity 100 Ampere
Battery 12 Volt 12 AH
Voltage 12 V
Current 12 Ampere
Dry Battery
Box Panel 40 x 30 x 25 Cm
Box Panel Outdoor IP 55
Powder coating
Plate Thickness 1,2 MM
Iron Hinges
Equipped with a key
Air Circulation Air Holes
Size 40 x 30 x 25 cm
Pole Box Panels and Solar Cell Holder
Sensor Mount Head Made of Galvanized Iron. 3 inches, 0.4 meters. Located
parallel to the River Floor or based on direction from the field directors.

Figure 7.40: Example Automatic Water Level Recorder (AWLR)

Source: Consultant

7.3 Early Flood Warning Station

Initial Technical Specifications:

Water Level Post with Early Warning for Floods = Sirens

Data Logger Telemetry
Sensor water level Type Pressure
Solar Cell 30 WP
Solar Charger 12 Volt 10 Ampere
Batterie 12 Volt 12 AH
Box Panel Outdoor 40 x 30 x 25 Cm
Pillar Box Panel and Solar Cell holder
Power Amplifier
PA Horn Speaker
Box Panel Outdoor 50 x 50 x 35 Cm
Batterie 12 Volt 100 AH

Speaker holder and Solar Cell 100 WP

Figure 7.41: Photo Warning Station

Source : BBWS Citarum

7.4 Others

Measurement and stenting of BM stakes

Making Peilschaal Holder
Peilschaal Installation
Reducing Curve Rating
Making a Flood Alert Limit on Peilschaal
Station Signboard
Making Fence 3 x 3 Meters Height 1.5 M
Construction of Fence Climatology Station Size 10 x 6 M Height 1.5 M

Land-acquisition not included

8 Initial Cost Estimate

Based on the initial technical specifications, an initial budgeting for the procurement
of the equipment has been prepared:

Table 8.818.82 Total Initial Cost Estimate

1 Automatic Water Level Recorder 18 Location IDR 159,518,600 IDR 2,871,334,800

2 Automatic Weather Station 15 Location IDR 362,185,000 IDR 5,423,775,000
3 Warning Station 2 Location IDR 197,195,000 IDR 394.390,000
TOTAL IDR 8,698,499,800

9 Conclusions and Recommendations

9.1 Conclusions
The following can be concluded from the results of the rationalization analysis of
Hydrological Stations for the Ambon Watersheds:
Results of the analysis based on the circular of the Director General of Water
Resources, are presented in the table below:

Table 9.839.84 Conclusions of Results the Rationalization Analysis

A. Automatic Weather Station (AWS)

Coordinate Value of 5 Methods

Name of Type of
No DAS Location Total Priority
Station Latitude and Station Quality Step-
Degrees Kagan Isohyet WMO
Longitude Control wise

1 Gunung Way Batu -3.726617, 3°43'35.8"S Kelurahan Benteng, Manual and 2.25 3.24 3.00 3.00 2.00 13.49 1
Nona Merah 128.165000 128°09'54.0"E Kecamatan Nusaniwe, Automatics
Kota Ambon
2 Kayu Tiga Way Batu -3.705022, 3°42'18.1"S Desa Negeri Soya, Manual and 1.96 2.01 2.00 2.00 2.00 9.97 3
Merah 128.201700 128°12'06.1"E Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota Automatics
3 IAIN Way Batu -3.681028, 3°40'51.7"S Desa Batu Merah , Manual and 2.66 1.94 3.00 3.00 2.00 12.61 1
Merah 128.227500 128°13'39.0"E Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota Automatics
4 Halong Way Batu -3.670400, 3°40'13.4"S Desa Halong, Kecamatan Manual and 2.54 2.82 3.00 3.00 2.00 13.36 1
Merah 128.229133 128°13'44.9"E Baguala, Kota Ambon Automatics

5 Amaori Way Yori -3.652967, 3°39'10.7"S Desa Negeri Passo, Manual and 2.13 2.66 3.00 2.00 2.00 11.78 1
128.264367 128°15'51.7"E Kecamatan Baguala, Kota Automatics

6 Taeno Way Lela -3.637222, 3°38'14.0"S Desa Negeri Rumahtiga, Manual and 2.11 2.63 2.00 3.00 2.00 11.74 1
128.172150 128°10'19.7"E Kecamatan Teluk Ambon, Automatics
Kota Ambon

Coordinate Value of 5 Methods
Name of Type of
No DAS Location Total Priority
Station Latitude and Station Quality Step-
Degrees Kagan Isohyet WMO
Longitude Control wise

7 UNPATTI Way Lela -3.651453, 3°39'05.2"S Desa Negeri Rumahtiga, Manual and 2.97 2.07 2.00 2.00 2.00 11.04 2
128.183972 128°11'02.3"E Kecamatan Teluk Ambon, Automatics
Kota Ambon
8 Telaga Way Lela -3.625861, 3°37'33.1"S Desa Telaga Kodok, Manual and 2.29 2.38 2.00 1.00 2.00 9.67 3
Kodok 128.181889 128°10'54.8"E Kecamatan Leihitu , Automatics
Kabupaten Maluku

B. Automatic Water Level Stations
Name of Register Type of Quality
No DAS Latitude and Location Monitoring Priority
Station Number Degrees Station Control
Longitude Data

1 Way Way 06.05.A3.146.05 -3.706944, 3°42'25.0"S Kelurahan Batu Manual 2009 - 2.38 1
Batu Batu 128.173333 128°10'24.0"E Gajah, Kecamatan dan 2019
Gajah Gajah Sirimau, Kota Otomatis
2 Way Way 06.05.A3.146.04 -3.710278, 3°42'37.0"S Kelurahan Manual 2010 - 2.19 2
Batu Batu 128.166667 128°10'00.0"E Kudamati, 2019
Gantung Gantung Kecamatan
Sirimau, Kota
3 Way Way 06.05.A3.146.09 -3.696389, 3°41'47.0"S Kelurahan Batu Manual 2014 - 2.34 1
Tomo Tomo 128.199722 128°11'59.0"E Meja, Kecamatan dan 2019
Hulu Sirimau, Kota Otomatis
4 Way Way 06.05.A3.146.07 -3.695556, 3°41'44.0"S Kelurahan Batu Manual 2009 - 2.30 1
Tomo Tomo 128.180000 128°10'48.0"E Meja, Kecamatan 2019
Hilir Sirimau, Kota
5 Way Way 06.05.A3.146.03 -3.688611, 3°41'19.0"S Desa Negeri Batu Manual 2009 - 2.46 1
Batu Batu 128.190828 128°11'27.0"E Merah, 2019
Merah Merah Kecamatan
Sirimau, Kota
6 Way Way 06.05.A3.146.06 -3.672222, 3°40'20.0"S Kelurahan Hative Manual 2011 - 2.51 1
Ruhu Ruhu 128.205833 128°12'21.0"E Kecil, Kecamatan dan 2019
Sirimau, Kota Otomatis

Name of Register Type of Quality
No DAS Latitude and Location Monitoring Priority
Station Number Degrees Station Control
Longitude Data

7 Way Way 06.05.A3.144.01 -3.657333, 3°39'26.4"S Desa Negeri Manual 2014 - 2.07 3
Yori Yori 128.254600 128°15'16.6"E Passo, Kecamatan dan 2016
Baguala, Kota Otomatis
8 Way Way 06.05.A3.147.02 -3.652031, 3°39'07.3"S Desa Negeri Manual 2013 - 2.14 2
Lela Lela 128.180256 128°10'48.9"E Rumahtiga, dan 2019
Kecamatan Teluk Otomatis
Ambon, Kota

Results of the analysis based on support for Early Warning System, are presented in the table

Table 9.859.86 Conclusions to Support for Early Warning System

A. Automatic Weather Station (AWS)

Type of
NO Name of Station latitude and Location
Station Degrees

I New Location
Desa latuhalat,
-3.773190, 3°46'23.5"S
1 New AWS Isohyet 1 AWS Kecamatan Nusaniwe,
128.117000 128°07'01.2"E
Kota Ambon
AWS Desa Nusaniwe,
-3.756300, 3°45'22.7"S
2 New AWS Isohyet 2 Kecamatan Nusaniwe,
128.139000 128°08'20.4"E
Kota Ambon
AWS -3.705630, 3°42'20.3"S Desa Soya, Kecamatan
3 New AWS Isohyet 3
128.241000 128°14'27.6"E Sirimau, Kota Ambon
AWS -3.623653, 3°37'25.2"S
Desa Waiheru,
4 New AWS WMO 1 Kecamatan Baguala,
128.223764 128°13'25.6"E
Kota Ambon
AWS Desa Passo,
-3.617158, 3°37'01.8"S
5 New AWS WMO 2 Kecamatan Baguala,
128.257611 128°15'27.4"E
Kota Ambon
AWS -3.715558, 3°42'56.0"S
Desa Urimesing,
6 New AWS Batu Gajah Kecamatan Nusaniwe,
128.190267 128°11'25.0"E
Kota Ambon
AWS Desa Waihoka,
-3.692097, 3°41'31.6"S
7 New AWS Batu Merah Kecamatan Sirimau,
128.204944 128°12'17.8"E
Kota Ambon

II Beside Existing
8 Gunung Nona -3.706944, 3°42'25.0"S Kelurahan Batu Gajah,
AWS 128.173333 128°10'24.0"E Kecamatan Sirimau,
Kota Ambon
9 Kayu Tiga AWS -3.710278, 3°42'37.0"S Kelurahan Kudamati,
128.166667 128°10'00.0"E Kecamatan Sirimau,
Kota Ambon
10 IAIN AWS -3.696389, 3°41'47.0"S Kelurahan Batu Meja,
128.199722 128°11'59.0"E Kecamatan Sirimau,
Kota Ambon
11 Halong AWS -3.695556, 3°41'44.0"S Kelurahan Batu Meja,
128.180000 128°10'48.0"E Kecamatan Sirimau,
Kota Ambon
12 Amaori AWS -3.688611, 3°41'19.0"S Desa Negeri Batu
128.190828 128°11'27.0"E Merah, Kecamatan

Sirimau, Kota Ambon
13 Taeno AWS -3.672222, 3°40'20.0"S Kelurahan Hative
128.205833 128°12'21.0"E Kecil, Kecamatan
Sirimau, Kota Ambon
14 UNPATTI AWS -3.657333, 3°39'26.4"S Desa Negeri Passo,
128.254600 128°15'16.6"E Kecamatan Baguala,
Kota Ambon
15 Telaga Kodok AWS -3.652031, 3°39'07.3"S Desa Negeri
128.180256 128°10'48.9"E Rumahtiga,
Kecamatan Teluk
Ambon, Kota Ambon

Total 15 AWS

Figure 9.42: Location of Proposed Automatic Weather Station (AWS) for EWS

B. Automatic Water Level Recorder Weather (AWLR)
The Propose of Automatic Water Level Recorder Stations
Coordinate Location
Propose Notes
(desk study) (desk study)

I New Location

New 3°42'34.5"S Desa Soya, Kecamatan recorderWater
AWLR A 128°11'36.5"E Sirimau, Kota Ambon level recorder
at river A

New Kelurahan Sirimau, recorderWater
2 3°41'47.6"S
AWLR B Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota level recorder
Ambon at river B

New Kelurahan Wayame, recorderWater
3 3°39'31.7"S
AWLR C Kecamatan Teluk Ambon, level recorder
Kota Ambon at river C

New 3°37'47.4"S Desa Waiheru, Kecamatan recorderWater
AWLR D 128°12'46.0"E Baguala, Kota Ambon level recorder
at river D

New 3°37'42.5"S Desa Waiheru, Kecamatan recorderWater
AWLR E 128°13'14.4"E Baguala, Kota Ambon level recorder
at river E

New 3°37'30.6"S Desa Waiheru, Kecamatan recorderWater
AWLR F 128°13'38.9"E Baguala, Kota Ambon level recorder
at river F

New 3°37'25.5"S Desa Baguala, Kecamatan recorderWater
AWLR G 128°14'46.0"E Baguala, Kota Ambon level recorder
at river G

New 3°38'21.7"S Desa Passo, Kecamatan recorderWater
AWLR H 128°15'27.8"E Baguala, Kota Ambon level recorder
at river H

The Propose of Automatic Water Level Recorder Stations
Coordinate Location
Propose Notes
(desk study) (desk study)

9 -3.717111, Desa Urimesing, Kecamatan level recorder
128.189003 Nusaniwe, Kota Ambon at river Batu
Gajah bagian
10 -3.691539, Desa Waihoka, Kecamatan level recorder
128.206131 Sirimau, Kota Ambon at river Batu
Merah bagian
II Beside Existing

Kelurahan Batu Gajah, recorderWater
AWLR 3°42'25.0"S
11 Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota level recorder
Way Batu 128°10'24.0"E
Ambon at river Way
Batu Gajah

Kelurahan Kudamati, recorderWater
AWLR 3°42'37.0"S
12 Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota level recorder
Way Batu 128°10'00.0"E
Ambon at Way Batu

New Debit
AWLR Kelurahan Batu Meja, recorderWater
13 Way Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota level recorder
Tomo Ambon at Way Tomo
Hulu Hulu

Kelurahan Batu Meja, recorderWater
AWLR 3°41'44.0"S
14 Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota level recorder
Way 128°10'48.0"E
Ambon at Way Tomo
Tomo Hilir

15 New 3°41'19.0"S Desa Negeri Batu Merah, Debit

AWLR 128°11'27.0"E Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota recorderWater
Way Batu Ambon level recorder
Merah at Way Batu

The Propose of Automatic Water Level Recorder Stations
Coordinate Location
Propose Notes
(desk study) (desk study)


New Kelurahan Hative Kecil,
3°40'20.0"S recorderWater
16 AWLR Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota
128°12'21.0"E level recorder
Way Ruhu Ambon
at Way Ruhu

New Desa Negeri Passo,
3°39'26.4"S recorderWater
17 AWLR Kecamatan Baguala, Kota
128°15'16.6"E level recorder
Way Yori Ambon
at Way Yori

New Desa Negeri Rumahtiga,
3°39'07.3"S recorderWater
18 AWLR Kecamatan Teluk Ambon,
128°10'48.9"E level recorder
Way Lela Kota Ambon
at Way Lela

Total 18 AWLR

Figure 9.43: Location of Proposed Automatic Water Level Recorder (AWLR) for EWS

9.2 Recommendations
Recommendations are:

 Procurement of the total and the located of hydrometric equipment program

should be support of the Early Warning System in Ambon Water
SheetWatershed, total procure, totally 7 (seven) AWS and 18 (eighteen) AWLR
 Procurement of the hydrometric equipment program should be prepared
properly and in time, to support the early warning system program.
 Increase cooperation with BMKG, especially to collect rainfall data
 Land acquisition for all locations of AWS and AWLR can start early, before
procurement of the hydrometric equipment.

9.3 Result of discussion with Balai Ambon

TheAbove recommendation offrom the consultant was the result of a technical study,
based on the theory referred to in rationalization studies of the hydro-climatological
equipment and the Circular Letter of the Director General of Water Resources, PUPR
Ministry., however However, in the implementation of the rationalization of hydro-
climatological equipment, the discussion with Balai AmbonBWS Maluku must be
The proposed procurement of hydro-climatological equipment by BWS MalukuBalai
Ambon will still be reviewed in accordance with the rationalization theory references,
and matters related to input from ADB and from the Work Program Directors of this

In October 2020, tThe FMSRB consultant, has conducted a field visits to Ambon, to the
BWS Maluku Ambon Balai office and to locations of existing hydrology postsstations in
Ambon City.

Field visits to hydrology post locations, which were visited were the island of Ambon,
which is the working area of Balai Ambon. The results of the discussions with BWS
Maluku, BPBD Ambon and BMKG Ambon and the field visit to the location of the
hydrological post are listedis provided in the Attachment 3: Resume Field Survey
Hydro-met Equipment Ambon 12-16 October 2020
The visit to Ambon was carried out on 12 -16 October 2020, the departing personnel
were a Flood Risk Management FEW International Expert and 2 hydrology assistants.
After discussion and field visit with the consultant, the BWS Maluku sent two letters to
the ministry of Public Works and Human Settlements, the first letter requesting the
bidding documents to be completed including ‘shop drawings’, ‘ToR for the FEWS
Expert’ and ‘Budget Plan’, and the second letter containing the conclusions of the field
visit and discussion in the form of a ‘List of Proposed Hydrometric Network
Improvements’ (see Table 9 .87).

9.4 Consultant Analysis of the Proposed Hydro-met Procurement of BWS

Malukuin Balai Ambon


A comparison of the fter studying the Balai's BWSM proposal with the rationalization
study reveals, that the BWSM proposal proposes 2 upgrades of climate stations, re
were 107 new or upgrade of rainfall recorder stations and 7 upgrade or new water
level recording stationsers, while the proposals in the rationalization study proposes
were 15 new climate stationsAWS and 18 new water level recording stationsNew
AWLR. The BWSM proposal includes 1 climate station upgrade and 2 new rainfall
stations on Seram Islands, while the other stations If we look at the number of rainfall
recorder, 6 are on Ambon Island and 4 are on Seram Island, for water level recorder all
are on Ambon Island.

As a reminder, original requirements provided given by ADB input, there is included no

upgrade and rehab program, the consultant meaning s that all areonly new
procurement. In accordance with ADB and PUSAIR recommendations, that
hydrometric equipment must be supported with high-performance IT equipment
(servers and computers). For this the consultant prepared initial hydrometric
equipment specifications, as input for an initial budget for the procurement of
hydrometric equipment. Further on ADB proposed to have aAll Rainfall Stations to be

upgraded to should be change to Automatic Weather Stations, ‘since prices of
additional sensors were becoming very affordable’, and All Water Level Recorder
should be automatically.
During a coordination meeting on bidding documents for the FFEWS including
Hydromet equipment for 3-Cis and Ambon on 9 October 2020, BWS Maluku indicated
that they preferred upgrade of the existing Hydromet network equipment in Ambon
island rather than additional stations, and proposed to reduce the proposed climate
stations back to rainfall stations, because climate stations require much more space
(60 m² compared to 9 m²). ADB indicated that both requests of BWS Maluku could be
facilitated, and it was decided that the consultant would conduct a field visit to Ambon
to further discuss the proposed Hydromet network with BWS Maluku, and revise the
planned Hydromet network.
Of the list of proposed Hydrometric network improvements, as presented in Table
9 .87 and Figure 9 .44, from the total of 16 stations, 10 are located within the 5
target watersheds of the FFEWS, 3 are still located on Ambon island but outside the 5
target watersheds, and 3 are located on Seram Island. Proposed upgrades and new
installation of hydrometric stations on Ambon island are all considered reasonably
significant for implementation. The climate station and two rainfall stations on Seram
Island are however located too far away to be relevant for the FFEWS system, and are
therefore not included in the final list.

Hence the final list of proposed stations contains the following 13 stations:

1. Upgrade of Unpatty Climatology Station to Telemetric AWS Station

2. Rehabilitate Way Lela AWLR Station, including CCTV
3. Construction of new Way Ruhu AWLR Station, including CCTV
4. Construction of new Batu AWLR Station Merah, including CCTV
5. Rehabilitate Way Tomu Hulu AWLR Station, including CCTV
6. Install CCTV at Way Tomu Hilir Staff Gauge Station
7. Rehabilitate Batu Gajah AWLR Station, including CCTV
8. Install CCTV at Batu Gantung Staff Gauge Station
9. Upgrade of Hallong Rainfall Station
10. Upgrade of IAIN Rainfall Station
11. Construction of new Kayu Tiga Rainfall Station to replace the former one
12. Construction of new Batu Merah Rainfall Station
13. Construction of new Hila Rainfall Station

The results of the meeting with the PPK Balai Ambon, it was proposed for the
procurement of hydrological equipment, as shown in the Table 9.3 Proposed Area of
Maluku River Basin Balai Ambon, and the condition of status hydro-met shown in the
Table 9.4 Existing Condition of the Hydro-med Equipment Proposed by Balai Ambon.

In the table show the proposed of Hydro-met equipment from Balai Ambon needed,
to support EWS in Maluku River Basin, can be explained as follows:

1. Rainfall Station, upgrade and Construct new, total 8 stations
2. Weather Station, upgrade, rehab, total 2 stations
3. Water lever recorder, upgrade, rehab, total 7 stations
4. CCTV, new install, total 6 stations.

As mention in Figure1.2 : Flow Chart of Methodology for Rationalization, to support

EWS, and ADB program for FMSRB program, the hydro-met equipment should be
change to Automatic Weather Station, and All Water Level Recorder should be
From the data and field information and proposed from Balai Ambon, the consultant
can provide an overview or opinion, shown in the Table 9.6 Overview Consultants of
the Hydro-med Equipment Proposed by Balai Ambon

The consultant will present a photo from Google Earth, the location of the AWS and
AWLR proposed by Balai, shown in the Figure 9.3, 9.4, 9.5 and Figure 9.6.

Table 9.879.88 Proposed Hydrometric Network Improvements Area of Maluku River Basinby Balai AmbonBWS Maluku

No. Station Name Location Exiting Conditions Proposal Information
Latitude Longitude
Telemetry which
Telemetry climatology
Unpatty functions only for rainfall
Rumah Tiga Village equipment upgrade, addition of
1 Climatology for direct calibration   3°39'31.43"S 128°11'13.98"E
(Ambon Island) manual climatology tools, new
Station monitoring is still
station agency signage.
measured manually.
Upgrading Telemetry
The station building is
Equipment, Rehab of station
Water Level Rumah Tiga Village still standing. The
2 buildings, installing 450 VA   3°39'14.89"S 128°10'54.70"E
Station Way Lela (Ambon Island) telemetry tool is no
electricity, installing station
longer working
agency signage, CCTV camera
Constructing a water station
The land already
building along with new
Water Level exists but it needs
Hative Kecil Village Only manual staff gauge telemetry equipment, installing
3 Station Way to be confirmed 3°40'19.34"S 128°12'24.55"E
(Ambon Island) to measure water level 450 VA electricity, installing a
Ruhu with the owner of
signboard for stational
the land
agencies, CCTV camera.
Constructing a water station
The land already
building along with new
Water Level exists but it needs
Batu Merah Village Only manual staff gauge telemetry equipment, installing
4 Station Batu to be confirmed 3°41'10.61"S 128°11'36.05"E
(Ambon Island) to measure water level 450 VA electricity, installing a
Merah with the owner of
signboard for stational
the land
agencies, CCTV camera.
5 Water Level Kelurahan SKIP Air The station building is Upgrading Telemetry   3°41'47.03"S 128°11'59.55"E
Station Way Kaki Setan (Ambon still standing. The Equipment, Rehabilitation of
Tomu Hulu Island) telemetry tool is no station buildings, installing 450

No. Station Name Location Exiting Conditions Proposal Information
Latitude Longitude
VA electricity, installing station
agency signage, ± 25 meters of
longer working
station building protection,
installing CCTV camera.
Water Level Kelurahan Skip station agency nameplate
Only manual staff gauge
6 Station Way Jembatan Putih installation, CCTV camera   3°41'50.15"S 128°11'23.92"E
to measure water level
Tomu Hilir (Ambon Island) installation.
The station building is
Upgrading telemetry
still standing. The
equipment, installation of
Water Level Village of Batu telemetry tool is still
station agency signage, 450 VA
7 Station Batu Gajah (Ambon functioning but must be   3°42'23.94"S 128°11'28.87"E
electricity installation, ± 25
Gajah Island) connected to the WAB
meter long station building
belonging to BWS
protective gutter.
Water Level Batu Gantung station agency nameplate
Only manual staff gauge
8 Station Batu Village (Ambon installation, CCTV camera   3°42'9.08"S 128°10'29.82"E
to measure water level
Gantung Island) installation.
The building is still
standing and the Upgrade telemetry equipment,
telemetry device is still if possible, change the rainfall
Hallong Rainfall Soya Village
9 functioning. However, it station to become a telemetry   3°40'12.04"S 128°13'45.32"E
Station (Ambon Island)
must be connected with climatology station. Installation
the WAB belonging to of station agency signage.
BWS Maluku
10 IAIN Rainfall Batu Merah Village The building is still Telemetry equipment upgrade.   3°40'52.99"S 128°13'46.70"E
Station (Ambon Island) standing and the
telemetry device is still

No. Station Name Location Exiting Conditions Proposal Information
Latitude Longitude
functioning. However, it
must be connected with
the WAB belonging to
BWS Maluku
Location already
Buildings and equipment identified but
Kayu Tiga Timber Soya Village Rehabilitation / Relocation,
11 are there but the needs to be 3°42'16.33"S 128°12'6.86"E
Rainfall Station (Ambon Island) equipment upgrade.
location is not feasible confirmed with the
owner of the land
Batu Merah Waihoka Village The land already
12 Not available Build a new station 3°41'34.05"S 128°12'22.03"E
Rainfall Station (Ambon Island) exists
Hila Rainfall Hila Village Location must still
13 Not available Build a new station 3°35'10.03"S 128°5'22.26"E
Station (Ambon Island) be surveyed
The building is still
standing and the
telemetry device is still
Bula Rainfall Fatolo Village
14 functioning. However, it Telemetry equipment upgrade.   3°6'38.46"S 130°30'55.29"E
Station (Seram Island)
must be connected with
the WAB belonging to
BWS Maluku
Tala Rainfall Tala Village (Seram Location must be
15 Not available Build a new station 3°20'36.62"S 128°41'32.19"E
Station Island) reviewed
Additional telemetry
Kobisonta The building and manual equipment and fences should
Kobisonta Village
16 Climatology climatology tools are still be replaced with new ones,   2°59'23.82"S 129°55'16.79"E
(Seram Island)
Station functioning installation of new agency

Equipment Coordinate INFORMATION
No. Station Name Station Status
status Latitude Longitude
1 Rainfall Station IAIN Already available Telemetry 3 ° 40'52.99 " 128 ° 13'46.70 " Upgrade
2 Rainfall Station Hallong Already available Telemetry 3 ° 40'12.04 " 128 ° 13'45.32 " Upgrade
3 Rainfall Station Batu Merah Plan (new) - 3 ° 41'34.05 " 128 ° 12'22.03 " Construct New
4 Rainfall Station Kayu Tiga Already available Telemetry 3 ° 42'16.33 " 128 ° 12'6.86 " Rehab / Relocation / Upgrade
5 Rainfall Station Hila Plan (new) - 3 ° 35'10.03 " 128 ° 5'22.26 " Construct New
6 Rainfall Station Bula Already available Telemetry 3 ° 6'38.46 " 130 ° 30'55.29 " Rehab / Upgrade
(P. Seram)
7 Rainfall Station Tala Plan (new) - 3 ° 20'36.62 " 128 ° 41'32.19 " Construct New
(P. Seram)
8 Rainfall Station Buano (P. Plan (new) - 3 ° 0'24.22 " 127 ° 57'0.67 " Construct New
9 Unpatty Climatology Station Already available Telemetry 3 ° 39'31.43 " 128 ° 11'13.98 " Climatology telemetry upgrade,
addition of manual climatology tools
10 Kobisonta Climatology Station Already available Telemetry 2 ° 59'23.82 " 129 ° 55'16.79 " Telemetry Climatology Rehab /
(P. Seram) Upgrade
11 AWLR Way Tomo Hulu Station Already available Telemetry 3 ° 41'47.03 " 128 ° 11'59.55 " Upgrade / Install Real Time CCTV
12 Way Batu Gajah AWLR Station Already available Telemetry 3 ° 42'23.94 " 128 ° 11'28.87 " Upgrade / Install Real Time CCTV
13 AWLR Way Lela Station Already available Telemetry 3 ° 39'14.89 " 128 ° 10'54.70 " Upgrade
14 Staff Gauge Batu Merah Already available Staff Gauge 3 ° 41'10.61 " 128 ° 11'36.05 " Install Real Time CCTV
15 Staff Gauge Batu Gantung Already available Staff Gauge 3 ° 42'9.08 " 128 ° 10'29.82 " Install Real Time CCTV
16 Staff Gauge Way Tomu Hilir Already available Staff Gauge 3 ° 41'50.15 " 128 ° 11'23.92 " Install Real Time CCTV
17 Staff Gauge Way Ruhu Already available Staff Gauge 3 ° 40'19.34 " 128 ° 12'24.55 " Post building / upgrading / installing
Real Time CCTV

Table 9.89 Existing Condition of the Hydro-med Equipment Proposed by Balai Ambon

No. Station Name Location Exiting Conditions Proposal Information
1 IAIN Rainfall Station Batu Merah Village The building is still standing and the Telemetry equipment upgrade.  
(Ambon Island) telemetry device is still functioning.
However, it must be connected with
the WAB belonging to BWS Maluku

2 Hallong Rainfall Soya Village (Ambon The building is still standing and the Upgrade telemetry equipment, if  
Station Island) telemetry device is still functioning. possible, change the rainfall
However, it must be connected with station to become a telemetry
the WAB belonging to BWS Maluku climatology station. Installation of
station agency signage.
3 Batu Merah Rainfall Waihoka Village Not available Build a new station The land already
Station (Ambon Island) exists
4 Kayu Tiga Timber Soya Village Buildings and equipment are there Rehabilitation / Relocation, The new land
Rainfall Station (Ambon Island) but the location is not feasible equipment upgrade. already exists but it
needs to be
confirmed with the
owner of the land
5 Hila Rainfall Station Hila Village Not available Build a new station Location must be
(Ambon Island) reviewed
6 Bula Rainfall Station Fatolo Village (Seram The building is still standing and the Telemetry equipment upgrade.  
Island) telemetry device is still functioning.
However, it must be connected with
the WAB belonging to BWS Maluku

7 Tala Rainfall Station Tala Village Not available Build a new station Location must be
(Seram Island) reviewed
8 Rainfall Station Buano      Build a new station  
(P. Seram)

No. Station Name Location Exiting Conditions Proposal Information
9 Unpatty Climatology Rumah Tiga Village Telemetry which functions only for Telemetry climatology equipment  
Station (Ambon Island) rainfall for direct calibration upgrade, addition of manual
monitoring is still measured climatology tools, new station
manually. agency signage.

10 Kobisonta Climatology Kobisonta Village The building and manual climatology Additional telemetry equipment  
Station (Seram Island) tools are still functioning and fences should be replaced
with new ones, installation of
new agency signage
11 Water Level Station Kelurahan SKIP Air The station building is still standing. Upgrading Telemetry Equipment,  
Way Tomu Hulu Kaki Setan (Ambon The telemetry tool is no longer Rehabilitation of station
Island) working buildings, installing 450 VA
electricity, installing station
agency signage, ± 25 meters of
station building protection,
installing CCTV camera.
12 Water Level Station Kelurahan Skip Only manual staff gauge to measure station agency nameplate  
Way Tomu Hilir Jembatan Putih water level installation, CCTV camera
(Ambon Island) installation.

13 Water Level Station Village of Batu Gajah The station building is still standing. Upgrading telemetry equipment,  
Batu Gajah (Ambon Island) The telemetry tool is still functioning installation of station agency
but must be connected to the WAB signage, 450 VA electricity
belonging to BWS Maluku installation, ± 25 meter long
station building protective gutter.

No. Station Name Location Exiting Conditions Proposal Information
14 Water Level Station Rumah Tiga Village The station building is still standing. Upgrading Telemetry Equipment,  
Way Lela (Ambon Island) The telemetry tool is no longer Rehab of station buildings,
working installing 450 VA electricity,
installing station agency signage,
CCTV camera
15 Water Level Station Batu Merah Village Only manual staff gauge to measure Constructing a water station The land already
Batu Merah (Ambon Island) water level building along with new exists but it needs
telemetry equipment, installing to be confirmed
450 VA electricity, installing a with the owner of
signboard for stational agencies, the land
CCTV camera.
16 Water Level Station Batu Gantung Village Only manual staff gauge to measure station agency nameplate  
Batu Gantung (Ambon Island) water level installation, CCTV camera
17 Water Level Station Hative Kecil Village Only manual staff gauge to measure Constructing a water station The land already
Way Ruhu (Ambon Island) water level building along with new exists but it needs
telemetry equipment, installing to be confirmed
450 VA electricity, installing a with the owner of
signboard for stational agencies, the land
CCTV camera.

Table 9.90 Overview Consultants of the Hydro-med Equipment Proposed by Balai Ambon

No Proposed Post Post Tool status Coordinate Informatio Exiting Proposal Overview
. Name by Balai Status n Conditions Consultants
Latitude Longitude
1 Rainfall Station Already Telemetry 3 ° 40'52.99 " 128 ° 13'46.70 " Upgrade The building is Telemetry equipment upgrade. New AWS 1,

No Proposed Post Post Tool status Coordinate Informatio Exiting Proposal Overview
. Name by Balai Status n Conditions Consultants
Latitude Longitude
IAIN available still standing and Location as
the telemetry proposed
device is still
However, it must
be connected
with the WAB
belonging to
BWS Maluku
2 Rainfall Station Already Telemetry 3 ° 40'12.04 " 128 ° 13'45.32 " Upgrade The building is Upgrade telemetry equipment, New AWS 2,
Hallong available still standing and if possible, change the rainfall Location as
the telemetry station to become a telemetry proposed
device is still climatology station. Installation
of station agency signage.
However, it must
be connected
with the WAB
belonging to
BWS Maluku
3 Rainfall Station Plan - 3 ° 41'34.05 " 128 ° 12'22.03 " Construct Not available Build a new station New AWS 3,
Batu Merah (not New Location as
there yet) proposed,
and /or Search
for the
location, not
remote area,
open access
4 Rainfall Station Already Telemetry 3 ° 42'16.33 " 128 ° 12'6.86 " Rehab / Buildings and Rehabilitation / Relocation, New AWS 4,
Kayu Tiga available Relocation equipment are equipment upgrade. Location as
/ Upgrade there but the proposed

No Proposed Post Post Tool status Coordinate Informatio Exiting Proposal Overview
. Name by Balai Status n Conditions Consultants
Latitude Longitude
location is not
5 Rainfall Station Plan - 3 ° 35'10.03 " 128 ° 5'22.26 " Construct Not available Build a new station New AWS 5,
Hila (not New Location as
there yet) Location proposed,
must be and /or Search
reviewed for the
location, not
remote area,
open access
6 Rainfall Station Already Telemetry 3 ° 6'38.46 " 130 ° 30'55.29 " Rehab / The building is Telemetry equipment upgrade. New AWS 6,
Bula available Upgrade still standing and Location as
(P. Seram) the telemetry proposed
device is still
However, it must
be connected
with the WAB
belonging to
BWS Maluku
7 Rainfall Station Plan - 3 ° 20'36.62 " 128 ° 41'32.19 " Construct Not available Build a new station New AWS 7,
Tala (not New, Location as
(P. Seram) there yet) Location proposed,
must be and /or Search
reviewed for the
location, not
remote area,
open access
8 Rainfall Station Plan - 3 ° 0'24.22 " 127 ° 57'0.67 " Construct    Build a new station New AWS 8,

No Proposed Post Post Tool status Coordinate Informatio Exiting Proposal Overview
. Name by Balai Status n Conditions Consultants
Latitude Longitude
Buano (not New Location as
(P. Seram) there yet) proposed,
and /or Search
for the
location, not
remote area,
open access
9 Unpatty Already Telemetry 3 ° 39'31.43 " 128 ° 11'13.98 " Climatology Telemetry which Telemetry climatology New AWS 9,
Climatology available telemetry functions only equipment upgrade, addition Location as
Station upgrade, for rainfall for of manual climatology tools, proposed
addition of direct calibration new station agency signage.
manual monitoring is still
climatology measured
tools manually.
10 Kobisonta Already Telemetry 2 ° 59'23.82 " 129 ° 55'16.79 " Telemetry The building and Additional telemetry New AWLR 10,
Climatology available Climatology manual equipment and fences should Location as
Station Rehab / climatology tools be replaced with new ones, proposed
(P.Seram) Upgrade are still installation of new agency
11 AWLR Way Already Telemetry 3 ° 41'47.03 " 128 ° 11'59.55 " Upgrade / The station Upgrading Telemetry New AWLR 1 &
Tomo Hulu available Install Real building is still Equipment, Rehabilitation of CCTV 1
Station Time CCTV standing. The station buildings, installing 450 Location as
telemetry tool is VA electricity, installing station proposed
no longer
agency signage, ± 25 meters of
station building protection,
installing CCTV camera.
12 Way Batu Already Telemetry 3 ° 42'23.94 " 128 ° 11'28.87 " Upgrade / Only manual station agency nameplate New AWLR 2 &
Gajah AWLR available Install Real staff gauge to installation, CCTV camera CCTV 2

No Proposed Post Post Tool status Coordinate Informatio Exiting Proposal Overview
. Name by Balai Status n Conditions Consultants
Latitude Longitude
Station Time CCTV measure water installation. Location as
level proposed
13 AWLR Way Already Telemetry 3 ° 39'14.89 " 128 ° 10'54.70 " Upgrade The station Upgrading telemetry New AWLR 3
Lela Station available building is still equipment, installation of Location as
standing. The station agency signage, 450 VA proposed
telemetry tool is electricity installation, ± 25
still functioning
meter long station building
but must be
connected to the protective gutter.
WAB belonging
to BWS Maluku
14 Staff Gauge Already Staff 3 ° 41'10.61 " 128 ° 11'36.05 " Install Real The station Upgrading Telemetry New AWLR 4 &
Batu Merah available Gauge Time CCTV building is still Equipment, Rehab of station CCTV 3
standing. The buildings, installing 450 VA
telemetry tool is electricity, installing station
no longer
agency signage, CCTV camera
15 Staff Gauge Already Staff 3 ° 42'9.08 " 128 ° 10'29.82 " Install Real Only manual Constructing a water station New AWLR 5 &
Batu Gantung available Gauge Time CCTV staff gauge to building along with new CCTV 4
measure water telemetry equipment,
level installing 450 VA electricity,
installing a signboard for
stational agencies, CCTV
16 Staff Gauge Already Staff 3 ° 41'50.15 " 128 ° 11'23.92 " Install Real Only manual station agency nameplate New AWLR 6 &
Way Tomu available Gauge Time CCTV staff gauge to installation, CCTV camera CCTV 5
Hilir measure water installation.
17 Staff Gauge Already Staff 3 ° 40'19.34 " 128 ° 12'24.55 " Post Only manual Constructing a water station New AWLR 7 &
Way Ruhu available Gauge building / staff gauge to building along with new CCTV 6

No Proposed Post Post Tool status Coordinate Informatio Exiting Proposal Overview
. Name by Balai Status n Conditions Consultants
Latitude Longitude
upgrading / measure water telemetry equipment,
installing level installing 450 VA electricity,
Real Time installing a signboard for
CCTV stational agencies, CCTV
Figure 9.44: Hydromet Stations Network Improvements on WS Ambon-Seram Proposed by BWS Maluku

Figure 9.45: AWS Location of Balai Ambon Proposed in Hydromet Stations Network Improvements on Ambon Island (a) Proposed by BWS

Figure 9.46: Hydromet Stations Network Improvements on Ambon Island Proposed by BWS Maluku AWS Location of Balai Ambon Proposed
in Ambon Island (b)

Figure 9.47: AWS Location of Balai Ambon Proposed in Seram Island

Figure 9.48: AWLR Location of Balai Ambon Proposed in Ambon Island


Appendix 1: Condition Form of Quality Control Evaluation Method forof Existing Rainfall
Appendix 2: Quality Control Evaluation of Existing Condition Form of Quality Control
Method for Water Level Recorders.
Appendix 3: Resume Field Survey Hydro-met Equipment Ambon 12-16 October 2020

Appendix 1-1

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