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WORKIN Conant, D.R. (2012). The power of idealistic-

G realism:how great leaders inspire
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb and transform. Retrieved ~
September 14, 2021, from

Fernandez, V.R. (2016). “Idealism and realism

Jennyca L. Mibulos Crestine Joy J. Muda Xyra Grace C. Neñaria
in international relations: an ontological
debate". JANUS.NET e-journal of
International Relations, Vol. 7, Nº. 2, November
2016-April 2017. Retrieved September 14,
2021, from
Jolibee C. Nerosa Aimie Marie L. Nortez 23548516002.pdf

an intense level of commitment is a result Slim, H. (2005). Idealism and realism in

of realistic-idealism humanitarian action. Retrieved

September 14, 2021, from
“An idealistic vision can lift
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Aristotle (384 BC–322 BC), the
Idealism is a
father of realism, was a student of
Plato, and adapted his philosophies
doctrine which
from that of his teacher. Considering
holds the view ARISTOTLE
that both Father of Realism
that ideas are the only reality. Hence for the idealists,
there is no external reality and that the world is were from the same small community, it is astonishing
consist of ideas. For this reason, the idealists argue that both Plato’s and Aristotle’s philosophies of
that material things do not really exist. In fact, for the education have endured for thousands of years.
idealists, material things are not real because they are Realism has probably had the greatest impact
mutable and destructible. This is because whatever on educational philosophy, because it is the foundation
that is mutable and destructible keeps on changing, of scientific reasoning. Realist educators are less likely
and whatever that keeps on changing cannot be to encourage their students to seek the truth in
considered real. literature and ideas, instead encouraging them to seek
the truth by testing learned principles on the world
around them (Lynch, 2016).
Only ideas, therefore, are real for
the idealists because ideas do not change-
they are immutable and indestructible
(Philo-Notes, 2020).

The ancient Greek Idealism is normally

philosopher Plato was the contrasted with realism, a
well-known figure in philosophical doctrine
Father of Idealism idealism. which holds
As is well known , Plato believed that the the view that material objects are independent of the human
physical world is not real. As we can see, because the mind, thus, they exist on their own.
physical world constantly changes, one cannot really
tell what it really is. Two of his most famous works Realism is a philosophy away from the world of
were “The Republic” and “The Dialogues”(Philo- ideas or spiritual things. The word “real’ denotes actual or
Notes, 2020). the existing and it opposes the thing or event which is
imaginary or fictitious. Realism holds the view that
knowledge acquired through senses is true and what we
Plato’s Idealism in Education seeks to create
observe and perceive through our own senses is real and the
schools as intellectual center of teaching and learning,
true entity of the world. It says that physical world is
and it encourages teachers and students to appreciate
objective and factual whereas personal feelings and desires
the finest and most enduring achievement of the
are subjective and secondary (Dutta, 2020).
culture (Beaudrie, 2015).

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