Investment Banker

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I am looking for details about what it is like being an investment banker, what the day-to-day looks like, the

challenges with being an

investment banker, and the positives of the job.
Investment bankers, financial analysts, career coaches, bankers,

what it is like being an investment banker

Investment banking is one of Wall Street's most coveted roles. It is also one of the hardest. It is no surprise that
the average day in an investment banker's life is long and stressful but those who manage to survive the
adjustment period often go on to have long and financially rewarding careers. Usually they may work up to 100
hours a week at some firms.

Investment bankers are hired by young companies planning to go public, big companies planning mergers and
acquisitions, and established companies that want to raise money for major expansions. In other words they act
as a go between the company and the investor.

Investment bankers meet with clients, prepare offers, run financial projections, and work on pitchbooks, that
help generate new clients. In other words the work is lucrative but the days are long and stressful

How the day to day of an investment banker looks like.

The investment banking lifestyle is fast paced and very demanding. On any given day, investment bankers
are busy from dusk till dawn with meetings, projects, and presentations. They usually eat all three meals at
work and don’t go home until late at night.

While the financial rewards are promising, the role of an investment banker consists of long work days and
high levels of stress. However, those who manage their time and work ethic wisely will see the returns of
their hard work tenfold. 

Mornings usually consist of team meetings and responding to emails from clients, senior bankers, or
coworkers. From the time an investment banker enters the office at around 9AM until they take their lunch
break, the morning hours are fairly smooth sailing and not hectic. 

When the lunch break is over, investment bankers are tasked with reviewing documents and amending
financial statements to create reports for senior bankers to present to clients. These tasks are time
consuming and usually puts a lot of stress on the bankers working on the deal.

As the sun sets, investment bankers start to review their work from the morning and early afternoon and
revise as necessary after reading comments from senior officers and analysts.

The challenges with being an investment banker

Some of the challenges investment bankers undergo may include;

 Higher capital charges

 Market electronification and digialisation
 Stuck cost base
 Inflexible and layered technology with increased complexity of regulation and reporting.

Positive of an investment banker

1.Higher earning potential

Working in the financial industry can be a potentially lucrative career choice, and the average national salary for
investment bankers is $66,493 per year. Successful investment bankers can earn both high base salaries and
significant commissions.
2.Valuable benefit packages

 As with salaries, investment bankers often earn generous benefits packages. Compensation such as
commission and bonus opportunities, insurance coverage and stock options may make this an appealing career

3.Powerfull networking

Investment bankers often interact with senior officials at organizations they're working with and performing
analysis on. This provides the opportunity to form personal and professional relationships with these high-ranking

4.Working with driven peers

The field of investment banking has many people who want to be highly successful, and your peers are likely to
work just as hard as you. The job requires intelligence and analytical capabilities, and colleagues and clients may
need to perform at a high level to maintain their competitiveness. Working with other driven people may help to
challenge you to continue learning and provide you with capable co-workers when you need help.

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