2000 Simwonis SldStateIonics NickelCoarseningInAnnealedNi8YSZAnodeSubstratesforSOFC

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Solid State Ionics 132 (2000) 241–251

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Nickel coarsening in annealed Ni / 8YSZ anode substrates for solid

oxide fuel cells
In memoriam to Professor H. Tagawa

D. Simwonis, F. Tietz*, D. Stover

¨ Werkstoffe und Verfahren der Energietechnik 1 ( IWV-1), Forschungszentrum Julich
Institut f ur ¨ ¨
, D-52425 Julich, Germany
Received 24 December 1999; accepted 15 February 2000


In order to study the nickel coarsening in porous Ni / 8YSZ anode cermets of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), a series of
exposure tests was carried out with anode substrates used in SOFC development at the Research Centre Julich. ¨ The changes
in electrical conductivity as well as in the microstructure of the material were investigated. The microstructure of the cermets
was characterized by digital on-line image analysis and microstructural parameters were determined for the metallic and the
ceramic phase as well as for porosity. A decrease of 33% of the initial electrical conductivity was measured after exposing
the cermet in Ar / 4% H 2 / 3% H 2 O at 10008C for 4000 h, which is linked to the agglomeration of the metallic particles of this
material. The durability of anode cermets for operations of up to 40 000 h was estimated on the basis of the measured grain
coarsening and the decrease of conductivity. The microstructural parameters — like volume fraction, particle and pore size
— were used to model the electrical conductivity by theoretical microstructure–property relationships.  2000 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Nickel; Coarsening; Ni / 8YSZ anode cermets; Solid oxide fuel cells

1. Introduction operation have become more and more important.

With increasing cell, stack or power-plant operating
Besides the development of materials for solid times the degradation rates attract a high level of
oxide fuel cells with respect to higher electrochemi- interest and the understanding of the changes in the
cal performance, long-term stability and low oper- SOFC components is a major goal for improving
ating temperatures, the mechanisms of microstruc- service time.
tural changes in the electrodes as well as the Degradation problems in long-term operation of
chemical aging processes occurring during SOFC SOFCs are characterized by a steady decrease in
performance of the fuel cell system, usually in the
*Corresponding author. Tel.: 149-246-161-5007; fax: 149- range of several per cent per 1000 h of operation [1].
246-161-2455. The causes are multifarious and concern all the
E-mail address: f.tietz@fz-juelich.de (F. Tietz). components of the fuel cell: (i) formation of pyroch-

0167-2738 / 00 / $ – see front matter  2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0167-2738( 00 )00650-0
242 D. Simwonis et al. / Solid State Ionics 132 (2000) 241 – 251

lore compounds at the cathode / electrolyte interface and paste. Contacted samples were not used for
[2,3] or slow densification of the porous cathode further exposures.
structure [3], (ii) decrease in ionic conductivity of The microstructure of the cermets was examined
the solid electrolyte (8 mol% Y 2 O 3 -stabilized zir- on the basis of ceramographic cross-sections. To
conia, 8YSZ) due to phase instabilities [4,5], (iii) avoid damage during grinding and polishing, which
agglomeration or coarsening of Ni particles in the may lead to misinterpretations of the porosity, the
Ni / 8YSZ anode cermet [6], (iv) corrosion of the samples were infiltrated by an epoxy resin (Araldit,
metallic interconnect [7–9], and (v) chromium Ciba-Geigy). After hardening of the resin, the grind-
evaporation from Cr-containing interconnect or con- ing step was carried out with SiC paper and water for
tact layer materials [10,11]. The decrease in cell or cooling. For polishing, diamond pastes with 6, 3 and
cell stack performance can be regarded as the sum of 1 mm particles were used together with a lubricant
all aging processes, but the extend to which these ¨
(Mastermet, Buhler).
single processes contribute to this performance deg- Because of the extremely high back-scattering of
radation has not yet been definitely clarified. light of the Ni particles and the insufficient differ-
The predominant microstructural change in the ence in gray-scale value it has not been possible so
anode material — a porous cermet made of Ni and far to distinguish between porosity and 8YSZ
8YSZ — is the agglomeration and particle coarsen- [20,21]. For that reason the polished surface of the
ing of the metallic Ni. It is widely assumed [6,12– cermet cross-section was sputtered with an interfer-
18] that the agglomeration of Ni in SOFC anodes, ence film of Fe 2 O 3 , which decreases the high
because of its poor adhesion to the ceramic material, contrast of Ni and enables the discrimination of all
leads to reduced three-phase boundaries (TPB), phases. Fig. 1 shows the cross-section of a Ni / 8YSZ
which are the chemically active areas of fuel gas cermet with such an interference film (upper left),
oxidation, then to the reduction of electrical path- whereas the other three binary pictures show the
ways in the cermet and finally to increasing over- segmented phases of the cermet. Also, the gray-value
potentials and losses of power output. histogram (Fig. 2) of the sputtered cross-section
In this paper, the coarsening of Ni particles in indicates that a good separation of the cermet phases
porous anode substrates, developed at Research was achieved. The thickness of the interference layer
Centre Julich [19], is quantified to evaluate the is very important for getting high contrast between
lifetime of this component as a current collector and the various phases. If it is too thin the brightness of
to correlate the changes in electrical conductivity the Ni particles is too high and disturb the contrast
with the microstructural parameters. between YSZ and pores, if it is too thick the contrast
between Ni and YSZ is reduced and the the two
phases cannot be clearly separated due to the similar
2. Experimental brightness.
A microscope (Axiomat, Zeiss) equipped with a
2.1. Sample preparation and experimental setup high-resolution digital camera (Siemens K300) and
an imaging system (KS400, Kontron Electronics)
The anode substrates were produced by uniaxial was used to generate the digital images from the
pressing of a powder mixture composed of 56 wt% polished cross-sections. With this system an optical
NiO and 44 wt% 8YSZ prepared by the coat-mix resolution of 250 nm was achieved and the images
process [20]. The green samples were sintered in air were digitized into pixels with 255 different gray
at 14008C and finally reduced in an Ar / 4% H 2 values (0 for black and 255 for white pixels, see
atmosphere at 9008C to obtain the Ni / 8YSZ cermets. Fig. 2).
The samples were exposed in an Ar / 4% H 2 / 3%
H 2 O atmosphere at 10008C for 1000, 2000, 3000 and 2.2. Quantitative image analysis
4000 h. After each exposure time the effective
electrical conductivity of the cermets was measured Objects or phases can be detected and separated
between 20 and 9008C by the four-point DC tech- from their matrix on the basis of their gray-scale
nique. The specimens were connected with Pt wire values. After certain threshold values have been
D. Simwonis et al. / Solid State Ionics 132 (2000) 241 – 251 243

Fig. 1. Cross-section of a cermet (upper left, white: Ni, gray: YSZ, black: pores) and separation into the individual phases which appear
white in the binary pictures.

various sequences of functions and commands of the

KS400 software package, the so-called ‘macros’,
which can be individually generated for the specific
investigation. In this case the field- and object-spe-
cific parameters summarized in Table 1 were mea-
sured for each of the three phases in the cermet. The
determination of the particle and pore sizes is
especially important for the correlation between
microstructure and electrical conductivity. A special
problem arises here: whereas the particle sizes of the
Ni can be easily determined by the diameter of the
area-analogue circle (command DCIRCLE), the po-
rosity and the YSZ form a continuous network (Fig.
1) from which no reasonable data can be obtained
with the DCIRCLE command. To get a direct
comparison of all the phases, the intercept lengths
Fig. 2. Gray-value histogram of a Ni / YSZ cross-section. Ni, YSZ
and pores are properly separated and can be segmented (gray
were measured in the x and y direction (commands
value 05black, gray value 2555white). FERETX and FERETY). For these commands paral-
lel lines are superimposed on the binary images (Fig.
1) and the intercept lengths of the lines are mea-
defined — in this case the minimums in Fig. 2 — the sured.
resulting image is converted into a binary black and A typical sequence for the determination of the
white image and contains only the selected objects or particle size distribution by image analysis is shown
phases for further investigation. in Fig. 3. After segmentation of the gray values and
The segmented phases are now analyzed with discrimination of the other phases, a frame is defined
244 D. Simwonis et al. / Solid State Ionics 132 (2000) 241 – 251

Table 1
Measured field and object specific parameters
Field specific parameters
FLDCOUNT Number of detected and measured objects
FLDAREA Area of all objects within the defined image area
FRAMEAREA Area of the defined image under investigation
FLDAREAP Total area of all objects related to the area of the defined image area
Object specific parameters

which always has the same area (80 3 100 mm) and derived in Ref. [22] for spherical particles and the
which is the investigated area of the actual image. intercept lengths of 8YSZ and pores (l i,YSZ , l i,p ) by
For statistical reasons the objects touched by the 1.13 for equiaxed but irregularly shaped grains
frame are filtered in such a way that on two edges according to the ASTM standards [23].
they are included in the investigation and on the
other two edges they are excluded. Therefore the
frame has to be somewhat smaller than the initial 3. Results
picture. The third step is the coloration of individual
particles and their counting. This procedure is ac- In Fig. 4, the effective electrical conductivity
ceptable for Ni, but for the other two networks the (seff ) of the anode substrate is plotted as a function
result would be too large particles and a corre- of temperature. The conductivity of the cermet
spondingly low number. Therefore an additional decreases with temperature due to the metallic
function, the introduction of parallel lines at a conductivity of the Ni. It is 4100 S cm 21 at 208C,
distance of about 10 nm, is introduced and the 3900 S cm 21 at 258C and about 3500 S cm 21 at
intercept lengths in the x and y directions are 508C. The decrease is steeper from 208C to about
measured instead. 4008C than from 400 to 9008C due to the ferromag-
For statistically reliable data more than 3000 netic–paramagnetic transition of the metallic phase
particles were counted and analyzed in the case of Ni [24,25]. At 9008C, the conductivity is 650 S cm 21 .
and the DCIRCLE command, whereas about 32 000 This corresponds to a decrease of 84% compared to
intercept lengths were collected and considered for the electrical conductivity measured at room tem-
determination with the FERETX,Y command. For the perature. The reproducibility in this measurement is
determination of the phase fractions, six to ten in the range of 2% between various samples.
different regions of each sample were analyzed. Only The decrease in electrical conductivity with expo-
particles larger than 0.35 mm were counted due to sure time at room temperature is shown in Table 2.
the optical resolution of the hardware system. To The percentage decrease amounts to 10.3% of the
obtain the real mean particle sizes from the image original value after 1000 h of exposure, 19.2% after
analysis data, the values for the intercept lengths of 2000 h, 25.6% after 3000 h, and 33.3% after 4000 h.
Ni (l i,Ni ) were multiplied by the factor 1.56 as The values for 1000 and 2000 h represent the mean
D. Simwonis et al. / Solid State Ionics 132 (2000) 241 – 251 245

Fig. 3. Scheme of how to determine the particle size distributions by image analysis. Top row: image of the cermet; second row: binary
images of each phase; third row: definition of a frame for analysis; fourth row: detection, counting and individualization by coloration of
single particles; fifth row: generation of intercepts by equi-distant parallel lines; sixth row: particle size distributions generated by intercept
lengths or by area-analogue circle diameters (for Ni only).
246 D. Simwonis et al. / Solid State Ionics 132 (2000) 241 – 251

Fig. 4. Effective electrical conductivity of the anode cermet as a function of temperature.

Table 2
Effective electrical conductivity at room temperature (seff,RT ), measured intercept lengths (l Ni ) and corrected average Ni diameter (d Ni ),
measured standard deviation s(l Ni ) and number of measured particles for the anode cermet prior to and after exposure in Ar / 4% H 2 / 3% H 2 O
at 10008C
Exposure time seff,RT seff, l Ni s(l Ni ) d Ni d Ni Number of
(h) (S cm 21 ) decrease (%) (mm) (mm) (mm) increase (%) Ni particles
0 3900 – 1.31 0.84 2.04 – 3421
1000 3500 210.3 1.48 0.97 2.31 13.2 2850
2000 3150 219.2 1.55 1.02 2.42 18.6 2590
3000 2900 225.6 1.60 1.08 2.50 22.5 2267
4000 2600 233.3 1.65 1.19 2.57 26.0 2151

of two measurements. Two experiments were carried and 2151 after 4000 h. The form factor (see Table 1)
out for these annealing times. The spare samples of the Ni particles was also determined. It is 0.75
were exposed in the same furnace as the first samples prior to exposure and 0.79 after 4000 h (0: elongated
to check the reproducibility. The deviation of the objects, 1: circular objects).
percentage decrease is 1%. The 8YSZ particle size distribution did not show
In order to explain this decrease in electrical any changes with exposure time (Fig. 7). The 8YSZ
conductivity, the microstructure of the exposed cer- network is isotropic, composed of fine particles of
mets was investigated by means of ceramographic about 1.2 mm and remains stable for up to 4000 h of
cross-sections. Considering the samples exposed for exposure. Concerning the pores, slight coarsening
0 and 4000 h, it seems that only Ni becomes coarser takes place during the first 2000 h of exposure. The
(Fig. 5). The particle size distribution of Ni is shifted average pore diameter increases from 1.6 to 1.74 mm
towards larger Ni particles with increasing exposure and then remains constant up to 4000 h (Fig. 8). The
time (Fig. 6). The average Ni diameter increases pore network is coarser in comparison to the YSZ
from about 2 to 2.6 mm after 4000 h of annealing network.
(see Table 2). Another parameter which quantifies Finally, the area fractions of Ni, 8YSZ and pores
this statement is the number of Ni particles measured were measured by image analysis. Since the material
(see Table 2). Under the same measuring conditions is isotropic, which has been checked by image
3421 Ni particles were examined prior to exposure analysis on cross-sections in various directions and
D. Simwonis et al. / Solid State Ionics 132 (2000) 241 – 251 247

Fig. 5. Microstructure of anode cermet after reduction (left) and after an exposure for 4000 h in Ar / 4% H 2 / 3% H 2 O at 10008C (right).

Fig. 6. Ni-particle size distribution (FERETX) of anode cermet as

a function of exposure time. The symbols correspond to measured Fig. 8. Pore size distribution (FERETX) of anode cermet as a
values, the lines are curves through the measured data. function of exposure time. The symbols correspond to measured
values, the lines are curves through the measured data.

which is confirmed by similar FERETX and FERE-

TY values, it is expected that the area fraction of a
phase also corresponds to its volume fraction.
Figs. 1 and 3 show that each individual phase is
separated in white color by using the gray-scale
image (Fig. 2) from the other two phases, which can
be regarded as a black background. However, the
‘valleys’ between the three peaks in Fig. 2 are rather
broad and the setting of the boundaries is still
influenced by the personal impression of the operator
and the resolution of the system. Therefore the
Fig. 7. YSZ-particle size distribution (FERETX) of anode cermet sequential analysis of the three phases gives three
as a function of exposure time. The symbols correspond to area values which should sum up in the ideal case to
measured values, the lines are curves through the measured data. 100%, but due to the experimental uncertainties it
248 D. Simwonis et al. / Solid State Ionics 132 (2000) 241 – 251

might give slightly different sums of the total area is then 4.2 mm. Due to the few data points for the
fractions than 100%. particle size dependence of the electrical conduc-
The Ni area fraction was found to be 23%, the tivity it is not clear whether these data should be
8YSZ area fraction 35% and the pore area fraction extrapolated by a parabolic or linear fit. In any case,
37%. The theoretical volume fractions were calcu- the failure of the component, i.e. s 50 S cm 21 , is
lated from the composition (40 vol% Ni, 60 vol% reached somewhere between 3.0 and 3.35 mm.
8YSZ) and the sample density (fraction of porosity) Therefore, it can be estimated that the anode cermet
and amount to 24% for Ni, 36% for 8YSZ and 40% can only serve as a current collector for up to
for the porosity. The sum of the area fractions gave 12 000–19 000 h. However, it should be emphasized
only 95% due to the independent phase determi- that the data basis is rather poor, that all effects
nation. Comparing the expected and measured per- during operation (like a constant electrical field) are
centages, an experimental error of about 62% can be neglected and that these data hold only for exposure
estimated, which can be regarded as more reliable and service temperatures of 10008C. Since an oper-
results than previous microstructural investigations ating temperature in the range of 700–8008C is
of anode substrates [20,21]. The area fractions envisaged, the reliability of the component is con-
measured and the volume fractions calculated are siderably longer than 15 000 (64000) h. In fact, a
comparable, but the fractions determined by image preliminary result of an exposure at 8008C for 1000
analysis showed usually slightly smaller values than h did not result in any change in conductivity or in
the theoretical volume fractions, probably because, microstructure.
due to the resolution limit of the optical microscope, Nowadays various models are described in the
particles smaller than 0.35 mm cannot be determined literature to simulate the transport properties of
in these measurements. multi-phase materials, mainly two-phase materials
[27–32]. Most of them take into account only the
volume fractions and additional parameters for fitting
4. Discussion the experimental data are needed. An interesting
approach was reported by Mizusaki et al. [29], who
The results of the image analysis, i.e. the increase related conductivity data of specimens after different
of the particle size and the form factor as well as the heat treatments with the shape and the interconnec-
reduction of the counted particles, show that the Ni tion of the resulting grains [33]. Also in this case an
particles tend to circularity and minimization of their empirical fit parameter is needed to describe properly
surface energy with the exposure time. This tendency the microstructure–property relationships. In these
to agglomeration and grain coarsening leads to a models usually a homogeneous microstructure is
decrease in electrical conductivity. Although with assumed and no microstructural parameters like
2600 and 410 S cm 21 at room temperature and intercept lengths or grain anisotropies are considered.
9008C, respectively, the conductivity remains at a To prove the validity of a model without micro-
high and sufficient level even after 4000 h of structural parameters for the anode substrates, the
exposure at 10008C, it would be interesting to know electrical conductivity was calculated by the equa-
if the anode cermet can serve as a current collector tion:
after 40 000 h of operation. For such a rough
estimation, it is assumed that the grain growth o
scermet 5 s Ni 1 2 ]]] (2)
follows the equation: Viso,c
d 3 2 d 30 5 kt (1)
of the generalized effective media theory (GEM)
known as Ostwald ripening, in which d is the [29,35], in which s oNi is the conductivity of pure Ni
average grain size, d 0 the average grain size at time at 258C (137 600 S cm 21 [24]), Vp and VYSZ are the
t50 and k is a constant [26]. In fact, by plotting the volume fractions of pores and 8YSZ, respectively,
four particle size values a straight line is obtained. Viso,c is the critical volume fraction of isolating
The extrapolated particle size resulting for t540 000 phases, where the first percolation pathways are
D. Simwonis et al. / Solid State Ionics 132 (2000) 241 – 251 249

formed by Ni, and n is an empirical exponent

(Viso,c 50.97 and n52.13 [34]). For the anode cermet
O ]Vr 1 ]]]
with Vp ¯0.4 and VYSZ ¯0.36 (VNi ¯0.24) a conduc- i i im
21 i
tivity of 5286 S cm is calculated, which is of the
order of the measured value (3900680 S cm 21 ). where r are the resistivities of the pure phases, Vic
With this theory, however, the change in con- is the continuous volume fraction of phase i, FS is
ductivity as a function of the exposure time of the the degree of separation [32,35] and Vim is the
cermet cannot be calculated since the volume frac- volume of phase i in a phase-mixed environment
tions in Eq. (2) remain constant and the change in without direct contact between grains of the same
Ni, 8YSZ and pore size cannot be considered. For phase. Because the electrical conductivity of 8YSZ
this reason a second theory, the concept of contiguity and pores can be regarded as zero at low tempera-
(CC) [32,35], was used, where these microstructural tures, eliminating all terms of Eq. (7) apart from that
changes are contained in a so-called ‘contiguity’ of Ni, and the continuous volumes can be replaced
term (Ci ). To the authors knowledge it is the only by Vic 5 Vi Ci [35], the conductivity of the anode
available theory, which contains a direct relationship cermet can be written as:
between measured intercept lengths and transport o
scermet 5 s NiVNi CNi (8)
Ci is defined as the fraction of the contact areas Substituting Eq. (6) into Eq. (8) leads to:
(S Vi ) of phase i relative to the total inner surface [36]
and can be extended from the theoretical approach of o
V Ni l YSZ l p
a two-phase solid: scermet 5 s Ni ]]]]]]]]] (9)
VNi l YSZ l p 1VYSZ l Ni l p 1Vp l Ni l YSZ

Ci 5 S Vi /OS i
V (3) The electrical conductivity of the cermet calculated
according to Eq. (9) for the different exposure times
Assuming that the electrical conductivity of 8YSZ in Ar / 4% H 2 / 3% H 2 O at 10008C is shown in Fig. 9.
and pores equals zero, the only contact areas relevant The measured conductivity of these cermets is shown
for electrical conduction are the Ni–Ni contacts. for comparison. For the calculations the measured
Therefore Ci can be written explicitly for the cermet intercept lengths and the theoretically expected vol-
with the three phases — Ni, YSZ and pores — as: ume fractions of the phases were used. Although the

CNi 5 S Ni Ni YSZ
V /(S V 1 S V 1 S pV ) (4)

with i5Ni, YSZ and pores (p) considering the

simplifications outlined in Ref. [32]. Furthermore,
the volume / surface area ratio of phase i is related to
the intercept length l i by:
V l
]ii 5 ]i (5)
SV 4

Inserting Eq. (5) of each phase into Eq. (4) and

rearranging the terms gives:

VNi l YSZ l p
CNi 5 ]]]]]]]]] (6)
VNi l YSZ l p 1VYSZ l Ni l p 1Vp l Ni l YSZ
Fig. 9. Measured and calculated effective electrical conductivity
According to the concept of contiguity the resistivity at 258C as a function of the average intercept lengths of Ni
( r ) of a multi-phase material can be expressed as determined by image analysis prior to and after cermet exposure
[35]: in Ar / 4% H 2 / 3% H 2 O at 10008C.
250 D. Simwonis et al. / Solid State Ionics 132 (2000) 241 – 251

values obtained according to Eq. (9) are twice as The YSZ and pore size distributions did not show
high as the measured conductivity, the evolution as a any pronounced change with exposure time. The
function of exposure time is fairly well described by pore network is coarser in comparison to the YSZ
the contiguity concept. The values for CNi decrease network.
due to changing particle sizes, thus interrupting the The dependence of the electrical conductivity on
Ni continuity, i.e. the number of conduction path- the microstructure of the anode cermet was investi-
ways in the cermet is reduced. From the calculations gated using the GEM and the CC theories, which
it is deduced that 23% of the Ni fraction, i.e. 5.6% of consider the transport properties as a function of the
the total volume, contributes to the electronic con- microstructure. The GEM theory did not permit a
ductivity. These values are reduced after 4000 h at calculation of the change in conductivity as a
10008C to 20 and 4.8%, respectively. function of cermet exposure time. The CC theory
It is therefore worth mentioning that the per- described the evolution of electrical conductivity
centage loss of conductivity is higher than the fairly well as a function of exposure time but
increase of particle size (Table 2), which can be provided values about twice as high as the measured
regarded as an indication that the composition of the conductivity.
anode cermet is close to the percolation threshold
[37]. Exceeding this threshold would decrease the
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